HomeMy WebLinkAbout19441127_REGULARPour members of the council ere presenk: l?illson, Tp+i%, Banthorile and Todd. Police Deparlimeu’c Hilding Dah1 2371 105.12 9,oo %bo S.-Heydt 23 72 99.99 Y.60 -0 = -0- 920 39 Fra& Archambo 2373 116046 3080 4,50 l050 10B066 Clayt-on Erickson 2374 90926 5 000 -0- -0- 85 o 26 4ii0a3 25.40 4e50 3.00 378-93 Street DepaPtment - Regubr R. J. Johnson 2315 Po E.. Bahlgrerm 2376 $. Jo Boberts 2371 0. E‘, Spande 23 78 J~hn Tracy 2379 Barry Jonas 2380 L J. Kerfeld 2381 Street Departamti - Hourly Cha s Johns oyi 2382 Sibs Eerrett 2385 Sa EcCfready 2384 Ben Toehler 2385 6. To Cmdarelle 2386 112 .5Q 95.00 95, ao 85,OQ 85.00 85000 9705Q 655000 57.38 41 0 65 29 . 75 110000 22040 %lo 18 11060 YO6O 70 60 1090 1090 s0o0 5000 40 .GO 090 60 -0 -. 9000 -0- 1Oo8O -0- -0- -a - -a - -0 -0 - -0 - -0 - - -0- -0 - -0- -0- -0- -0 - - - 1.50 le50 1.50 1. EQ’ 1, EO 2.50 10 EO IO o 50 1050 -0- -0- 1050 -0 = 3.00 91,oo 603090 22 .e 0 247.88 Lation to approve and allov the folloving bills vas made by V’ra-k%$ secgfnded- by Tillson and carried: Evelyn Kjos, zisst . Treaswer Zvelgn Kjos , Asst. Treasurer It 11 2387 n.so D, j)l e 24 /i \IJ 1 e. Fsopaasd agreemen& suhraitted by %he City of XTinneapolis for polfee radio service TEZS discussedo Action vas postponed peiiding conferences by Todd mith L‘innezpolis palice officialse Pice Chief Philip Bailey appeared to present EZ report of activiGies af ‘We voluiiteer fire departnent 2nd fire pratectticm costs vere di cussed-^ Kotion to set a public Lotion to set a public hearing far 8 PX, ilondey, December 11, 1944, on propoml. to cons%ruct lLateral sepers in 3ecer Dais-krict i:oe 3-1 aid to send att ten natiice of the hearing t~ all affeckeeb property OiirLers nas ncde by HavWiorne, seconded by TQiat% znd- carried, IretLe,r vas Teceived frau Ben E“. Parks, sepresentiq Hansokz-Parks Coo pra*kes-i;inL; claimed aser-cssessment of prapertr far eo~sf@uciiion OS Leviers in Sener DistrZct W0 9, KotL-ian %a refer; the letter La the -ii~lublic utili$ies cornittee ~~3,s made by Hamthorne, seconded by ‘Jyatt znd aarri ed e I uriutes of the regula? council meeking held October 23, 1944; roguIGr council meting held Ho-rrember 13, 1944; special ccluncil meeting Sleld Asoveiiiber 15, 1944, nere read and appm~ed.~ ’,7HEXlAS construction tacrrk in Sewec Dist-riet ITo. 8 BBS suspended iP Augmt, 1942$ because of aar canditior,s and certain lateral seaers in the distric-ii rrere mcon~ple.l;ed, and estate taxes and special a;ssesmeats agcinst certcin -properties %n the district becane de1inqym-E; after August, 1942, beesuse a% the suspension OB coiistracti on af lateral sel;rers‘, r JXZiXGkS it is ’&e belief of the Village CouizciL of %dim that recll GOSs T€mZOPa, EE IT RESOLW, that €he Vilfage Oouneil of 33di.m Commissions aad the Einuesotn State Tar; Conmissianer that all penciollks cslzd in-berest be waived OH ”ces and gpecistl assessments Qgzii?s’c properties in said Sevter District 110, 8 in the Village of Zdina vhich becane delinquent because of iaabilf’cy of the ~i21zge %a mmple’ce ssid lateral sewers, except that interest a2 five per cent per annm OM tbT1cawlled special assessmen-ks in said Semer BistriQii KO. 8 slx21l. no% be nqived. ‘ recomxnds to the Eennepiiz County Audit-ar, %he Board of Hennepira Coun’cy BE IT RES6Zm rmRTHEir, that the Vrillage Council af Bdina recomeds that such r!ariveP of penalties and iniierest shall be granted only in casea v2here delinquency of taxes and special assessments cameurced- after Au@sk, 1842, end %bo,% pet-iticzns far maiver of penalties and interest as Specffied abve shall be filed Rith the Henvrepin hmky Araditar on or before Larch 31, 1945, hgether wi-kh full payment of all %(zXes ,Imd asaesmenta then due and parable.