HomeMy WebLinkAbout19441207_CANVASSING_BOARD1 Katiort tu ado>% the foreEoing resolutian nits seconded by Vyatt and on rQ1lczU "cere Fere fire ayes and no Villson, eye; qya-k-k, aye; Hawthorne vas adopi;ed, / Four menbers Todd e 02 the council nere 1preseul-b: Willson, 'J3~2t-h~ Eavthorae and Bids for construction of 1aterEt1 severs in Seser District LOO 11 vert? received arad read, "cere being four b5dderso KodGion to refer cll bids far construction of seTters in Sewer District Eo, 11 to the villzge ergineer for tabulrtian ad conparison TZ~S made . by Vyatt, seconded by Villson and carriedo Cotion t-o adjomn oas mde by - Bow nazbers or" the bawd were present: Villson, Vyatt9 Hal-rbliorne and Todd+ VD'Cersf registry records znd tally sheets of the znnual village election held Tuesday, 3eceuher 5, 1944, mere cmmined md the foXl~i~Zng tabulatian on" vates vas found. to be true aiid correct: Harold eo Utley 2ranklin Roosevelt Bevr1T. Eoore Fhillip Bailey D. D. Ryerse. Chmles Hay JUDGE OF 23 54 48 1 126 16 5 240 95 130 630 169 261 130 111 G?f 63 51 36 128 252 111 165 259 124 .c 1 1 I 1 - - I 55 77 105 I 20 5 568 r e53 1 1 1 63 104 23 1 - 21 31 13 2 1 76 2Ql 25 1 - 61 127 104 .- 64 43 69 69 12 14 - - - - 48 5 34 11 58 113 246 443 74 3. 1 135 20 3 407 1 Ko-iiion to .approve the reports of election judges for the zumual village elec'cion held December 5, 1944, and i;o authorize the clerk to issue certificate of election to the person receiving the largest number of votes for each office in accordaace with Xam was rmde by Tillson, aecoiided by i7y~t-k an6 cwried. E'otiour ko adjourn nzs =de by Vnt-E-, seconded by llillson ~xad carried. EtIIMnFES OF THE REGULAR NEETImG All members of the council were present. 'I Xinutes of the regular council meeting held October 23, 1944; regular council meeting held November 13, 1944; special cauncil meeting held 3Tovlember 15, 1944; regular council neeting held Rovember 27, 1944; special council meeting held November 30, 1944; special council rneeā‚¬ing held December 7, 1944; canvassing board meeting held December 7, 1944, wre read and approved. Publie hearing vias held on the matter of considering bfds for construction of lateral sexers in Sewer Disfiri'ct KO. 11. tabulation of bids received and opened December 7, 1944, shoxing the follorring totals: Phelps-Drake Oo., $29,950.13; Orfef and Xariani, $33,013.95; Zametti and LameWii, $33,824.76 and Dan Borre, $42,237.00 on a correspondiag basis according ta specifications. The clerk read a letter received from the war production board, disallowing application for permissio'qk to undertake construction of said sexers at the present time, Several property owners in the district were present. Thoae expressing themselves as willing to be assessed for the pro feet on the brzsfs of low bid received 'h~ere Essrs. Reeves, Copley, Vebber, Anderson; (as to the lot on which his home is built) and Burton. assessmentg on the basis of bids received =ere 'Esssrs. Ford, Anderson (as to two vacant lots), Simpson, Clark and Bfiss Dennis. Eoticm to refer the project back to the village engineer for conference xEkh war pPoductian board officials and lath instructions %o report back to the council set the earliest possible date vas made by Vyatt, seconded by Utley and carried. President Todd explained to persons appearing for the public hearing that no action mould be taken by the council regarding Sev2er District Eo. 11 \yithon.t; further public hearing. Engineer SmiZih presented Opposed to I Eation Bo approve and allox the follomtng election payroll mas made by Wyatt, seconded by Tillson and carried;