HomeMy WebLinkAbout19441211_REGULAR63 104 23 1 - 21 31 13 2 1 76 2Ql 25 1 - 61 127 104 .- 64 43 69 69 12 14 - - - - 48 5 34 11 58 113 246 443 74 3. 1 135 20 3 407 1 Ko-iiion to .approve the reports of election judges for the zumual village elec'cion held December 5, 1944, and i;o authorize the clerk to issue certificate of election to the person receiving the largest number of votes for each office in accordaace with Xam was rmde by Tillson, aecoiided by i7y~t-k an6 cwried. E'otiour ko adjourn nzs =de by Vnt-E-, seconded by llillson ~xad carried. EtIIMnFES OF THE REGULAR NEETImG All members of the council were present. 'I Xinutes of the regular council meeting held October 23, 1944; regular council meeting held November 13, 1944; special cauncil meeting held 3Tovlember 15, 1944; regular council neeting held Rovember 27, 1944; special council meeting held November 30, 1944; special council rnee€ing held December 7, 1944; canvassing board meeting held December 7, 1944, wre read and approved. Publie hearing vias held on the matter of considering bfds for construction of lateral sexers in Sewer Disfiri'ct KO. 11. tabulation of bids received and opened December 7, 1944, shoxing the follorring totals: Phelps-Drake Oo., $29,950.13; Orfef and Xariani, $33,013.95; Zametti and LameWii, $33,824.76 and Dan Borre, $42,237.00 on a correspondiag basis according ta specifications. The clerk read a letter received from the war production board, disallowing application for permissio'qk to undertake construction of said sexers at the present time, Several property owners in the district were present. Thoae expressing themselves as willing to be assessed for the pro feet on the brzsfs of low bid received 'h~ere Essrs. Reeves, Copley, Vebber, Anderson; (as to the lot on which his home is built) and Burton. assessmentg on the basis of bids received =ere 'Esssrs. Ford, Anderson (as to two vacant lots), Simpson, Clark and Bfiss Dennis. Eoticm to refer the project back to the village engineer for conference xEkh war pPoductian board officials and lath instructions %o report back to the council set the earliest possible date vas made by Vyatt, seconded by Utley and carried. President Todd explained to persons appearing for the public hearing that no action mould be taken by the council regarding Sev2er District Eo. 11 \yithon.t; further public hearing. Engineer SmiZih presented Opposed to I Eation Bo approve and allox the follomtng election payroll mas made by Wyatt, seconded by Tillson and carried; ELECTIOX PAYR0Z;I; PAID DECEBBR 11, 1944 Rlberfi 0. Farmer Elizabeth Tooti Eehr Lee VilItims Sigrid Vesterberg Ear jorfe Vood Agnes Im menson Virginia Beard H-lillian E. Lundquist Aha Duus Alice Branrm Eellie Skrate Laura Dirks Eouise Westerberg Hilda Holter 3Yarrces Sonnenberg Ethel EcCready Dorathea S. Obermeyer Rose Lee Ed. Part Orline Christophex John Bo HmQnd 243.4 2415 2416 2417 2418 24 19 24 20 2421 24 22 24 23 24 24 24 25 2426 2427 2428 243 0 2431 2452 2433 2434 2435 $6 85 6.85 6.85 60 85 6-85 7.10 T.10 ?. 10 7.10 7.10 6.85 6.85 6.85 6.85 6.85 6.60 6.60 6.60 6.60 10.00 6.60 I TOTAS 8 147.00 Eotion to approve and alhm the fallouing village payralls was made bs Vyatt, secanded by Pillson and carciedt cum GROSS VITHHOLD HOSPITALI- NET Ern x'o b N!JOuNT IITG TAX 9?;ATIOIS AE1EOBlY!T Admini strah ion Phi1 B. Smith 2436 $162.50 S21,oo -0- $141.50 - ,. Evelyn Kjos 2437 770 50 1.30 -0- . 76.20 Gretchen Schussler 2438 77. 50 8.80 -0- 68 . 70 317.50 31.10 -0- 286.40. Police Department Hilding Dah1 2439 102.50 Fre Arebbo 2440 102.50 ta31. S. Hesdt 2441 97.50 Clay%on Zkickson 2442 80.00 382.50 P. E. Dahlgren 2444 95.00' S. J. Roberts 2445 95.00 0, Em Spande 2446 85.00 John Traey 24 47 85.00 Harm Jonas 2448 85.00 Eat% Xerfeld 244 9 97. 50 655.00 _L Street Depaizrtment (Hourly): c1.ra s I Joiulso n 2450 63.75 9.00 3.80 7.60 5.00 25.40 11.60 7.60 7.60 1.90 1.90 5.00 5.00 BQ . 60 1.30 -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0. -0- - -0- -93.50 98.70 89 . 90 357.10 75.00 100.90 87.40 87.40 83.10 83.10 92.50 80.00 614.40 62045 Silas Rerrett Sam EcCreaQ Ben Voehler C. Z. Cardarefle Blanch ~ Eerf eld TOTAL PRYROZL 12/1J44=12Jl5/4 4 co unci 1 To Lo Todd Bow er Hmztharne Geo. A. Villscn Drm A. S. Vptt Harold C. Utley 24 51 59 . 50 . 90 -0 - 58.60 2452 29 25 -0- -0- . 29.75 2453 110.00 9 .00 -0- 101.00 2454 70.40 1.30 -0- 69010 . 2455 4.50 -0- - 0- 4.50 -I - PAYROLL-DECXPBXR 15 50 31, 1944 2515 50.00 -0- -0- $50 . 00 2516 50.00 -0- -0- 5Q 000 2517 35.00 -0 - - 0- 35.00 2518 35.00 -0- -0- 35.00 2519 35-00 = 0- -0- 35.00 (Continued on Page 15) I I I (%yroll Of Derzem'lier 15 to 31, 3944)[Continued from Page EQ. 14) f5 EO JXKOuNT 2520 30.00 30.00 KarI H. Cove11 2522 75. OB 25 23 75.00 415.00 AdministratZve Phil E. 5i€h 2524 16205Q EtrelYn Kjoa 2525 77.5Q Grethen-Schus slep 2526 77.5Q 317.50 Po li ce Dep itr hi en€ HiIding Dah1 2522' 102.50 Fr2rml:: hchambb 2528 102.50 URn. 5. Heydt 2529 97. 50 Clayton Ekickson * 2530 80 00 582.5Q StreeE Departme& (Regular) R. Jo Johnson 2531 112.50 P. H. DAlgren 2532 95. OQ S. J. Roberts 2533 95.00 2534 85.00 2535 85.00 0. XI. Spande 2536 85.00 John Tracy Harrg Jonas 2537 97.50 655.00 Streee Department [~our~y) Chas . Johns on 254 7 63 0 75 Silas Eerrefit 2548 58.50 Sam EcCready 254 9 ' & 2626 70.70 Ben Voehler 2550 1POoOO C. 8, CWdaelle 2551 70.4Q E. C. Pfeiffes 2627 : 108.80 John' Person 26 28> 58.80 541 e95 TOTAL PAYROLL 12/15/44-12/3 1/44 $2,311.95 KCTHHOLD Il!@ TAX -0- -0- 70 1.40 21 000 1.30 8.80 31.10 9.00 -70 - 3.80 70 60 5.08 2504Q I 11.60 7.60 7.60 1.90 1.90 5.00 5.00 I 40 60 - -0- 00- -0 - -Q= - 1.m 1.50 . ?5 3.75 - 1.50 1.50 -0- 1.50 4.50 1.50 . 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 ' 1.50 ' 1.543 10.50 1.30 1.50 ' 0 80 -0- 3.60 -0- 9.00 1.50 1.3Q -0- 6.40 -0- -0- - .90 - 23 40 3.00 NET AN0 UmT 30 .OO 30 .GO 74.30 413 . 60 140.00 67.95 740 30N 74.70 282 0 65 92.00 97.20 89.90 73.5Q 352.60 99.40 85.90 85.90 81.60 81.60 78.50 91.00 603. 90 60.95 58 60 67.10 99 . 50 69.10 102.40 515 55 57 . 92 $2,168.30 Eatian to approve and allow the- follorring volunteer fire dezartment payroll for' 1944 was made by Vyatt, seconded by FSillaon and oarpiedr - NA1IE cum NO. AMOUNT Harry Br5gk-k 2393 16 . 50 FIFBUXlPS PAPROLI; 11/30/45 €0 11/c30/44 PAID DECXm lL, 1944 Albert Anderson 2391 18.00 Philip Bacon 2392 18.00 C.V.R0 Carlson 2394 25.50 E. tT. Hansen 2695 14 000 Earq CT. Hansen 2396 26.50 E. B. Holter 2397 14 000 A1ber.t; Huber - 2398 13.50 Don Jens en 2399 23.50 Alfred Bo Johnson 2400 29.00 Stanley See 240 1 50 Kbrl &ova 2402 11.50 James EcXellis 240 3 r.00 Eat€ Eerfeld 2404 36 50 Christ Ki.f,zel 240 5 22.50 Ronald 'Port 240 6 24.00 Jae Rush 2402 * 24.50 R. Sonnenbepg 2408 19.00 Clarence Switzer 240 9 17 008 Hemarr Dirks 24 10 7.00 LV. %iller, Ass%. Chief 24 11 46.50 83.00 1.00 498.50 Phi1Lip Bailey, 'Chief 2412 Ers. S. J. FaQfsch 243.3 TOTAL - FI-IT'S PAYROZL ll/3QJ43-11/30/44 Eafion to approve and allan the fallauing bills was =de by Tyatt, seconded by Villsorr md carried: 2G56 Arthtw Peterson 2457 24 58 2459 Oscar Roberts Coe Hinnebkha Grange #398 Phil, de Smith 246Q Zanders-Rorblon-Chri sE enson 2461 Gable Store #lo3 2462 PJ. a. Brake Shoe Service 2463 Dshlberg Bras., InCe 2464 Eim. Pltrmbing 25 Heating CO, 246 5 Eifinneapolis Blwe Printing; COe 2466 Bud Brooks Pure Oil Sene 2467 Ed-fW HWdUatrE COe 2468 Eilkr-Davi s Coo 2469 Glacfer Sand & Gravel CO, 24 70 VoehleP Brosc 24 71 Fillmore & Bradbury 2472 Glehal Eeating @Om 24 73 Gardnet Hdue. Co. 24 74 Einneapolis Ci€y Treasnrer 24 75 2476 24 71 Ity3.e Signs, Inem Emtan Salt Coe Hearne Bras. 24 78 Yomg Fnel Company 2479 D-A Er;rlwicant; Company, Inc, 2480 Hermepin County Revfem 2481 The Crane Company 2482 En. Hi Ziegler Co, 2485 In€ ernatiovlaf Earvester COe 2484 Eagoetcs Sexvice Coe 2485 Ew-kato Wgo OOe 24 86 Repablic @reos;otirg Company 2487 Einnesots Tree Service 2488 Alex Creight on 2488 Ed. HarrZs Service Sta€ian 2491 Eimesota Fire Equipment .Coo 2492 He A* Rogezs Co, 2493 Borthern States Poner Ooe 2494 Lampert Pards, Inc. 2502 Hemy €keg 2503 Gib Letter Serxiee 2586 Be Je V01l 2514 Geae Te Shflson 2541 Esnrphy Eotor Preight; Lines 2542 Sf;. Peter's Lutheran Church 2543 Iad5.eF Aid Society of St.Peter's Lutheran Church 2544 Ek~e Gust Olson 2545 Eo~ton 8 Peel 2552 The Bnyravement Bulletfn 2490 BoerX*s Shell Station 2504 Ed. Hrrrris Service Station Einnesota Fire Equipment Go. E. A. Rogers Go. Fonler Electric Co. Eimeqpolis City Treasnrer H. TT, ,Eat'l RsxLk of Epls. First Rat*l.Bank af Qls. Sika Chemical CaPpoPati an Stadd Unit Pats COe De J. Toll 2495 2496 2491 2492 2493 2497 2498 2499 2512 25133 2514 2546 18.12 48 6e15 40 88 1QeOO 50 .oa '?5oOQ 16.92 6e8Q 14e54 2. 00 4.32 73.77 8.98 33 e 98 132.36 24.00 18,525 17.25 19.52 143.70 80.50 166eSQ 22b50 14e14 83e24 38 0 2Q 14.75 20 88 le92 25.34 i50moa 12. oa 81.40 511eQO 20.40 59 019 3e5Q 16e25 626e00 71 40 150 00 80e31 56e95 5e40 5eQO 3e08 150 OO POOR FUMB 214 038 3eOO 3e96 6e46 4e84 15478.15 2,621 e 68 6,593.96 15 e a0 73.00 $cE0,804.68 (Continued on Page 17) 17 (Bills Paid Decembez 11, 1944 - Continued from Page 16) A1. R. Peterson S.D.p#4 BUND 2540 ql. , 877.87 $1,877.81 2507 ~-5 $1,109.95 251 -7 $' 272.27 Mrs. H. G. Dirks 2505 5.00 Gile Letter Serwice 2506 ,6.2Q $ 86.20 Xorthern States Pouter Co. Einlzeapolfs Ci€y Treasnrer C. B. Gnadinger 250 c-2 $2,244.42 WeN.1. #2 3m.m 2511 $ 555.12 $ 555.12 sEp;IER P(ENT& $UED 24 94 3.36 2499 1,925, 12 2500 5.30 $1,931.77 * $ 26,509058 Eotion to transfer from the general fund to gate2 %in kprovement Eo. 2 Fund the.8t.m of $176094, representing the deffcfency in Water Main hpmvemen.1= Xo. 2 fund its of December 21, 1944, was made bs Utleg, seconded by VLjrqdifi an& carried. Eation Zo %rmmfer $lp502.Q4 from the general fund to Semp Disittriet Eo. 9 fund, reppesentfrag the deficiency in SewerDistlriat Eo. 9 fund as of December 11, 1944, mas =&e by UEleg, seconded by Wmtt and carried. xotion to autrhoriae the proper viiiage kicials to execuie a contraat rPiZh €he @it3 of Eimeapolis fm police,Padio service masmade bs Hawthorne, seconded by Utlex and carried. ETotion tbt the planning czommission be requested to establish an aviaCiorr committee to s€ady adtrisabildty of establishment. of an airport far private flyhg in Edirra was made by Eaxthorne, seconded by Willsan aad carried, Xotion to adjourn subject to call of the Bxesid Plillson, seconded bv .Wyatt and carri s , Vialage Cleik I All members af .the canncil mere present. Eotion to pay the fallowing refunds to property Qmers in,Se=er Distriet Eo. 8 far assessments previauslg paid far uncompleted lateral sewers, totaling $8,411.59, 798s made by UtXey, seconded by Wyatt and carried: