HomeMy WebLinkAbout19441221_SPECIAL17 (Bills Paid Decembez 11, 1944 - Continued from Page 16) A1. R. Peterson S.D.p#4 BUND 2540 ql. , 877.87 $1,877.81 2507 ~-5 $1,109.95 251 -7 $' 272.27 Mrs. H. G. Dirks 2505 5.00 Gile Letter Serwice 2506 ,6.2Q $ 86.20 Xorthern States Pouter Co. Einlzeapolfs Ci€y Treasnrer C. B. Gnadinger 250 c-2 $2,244.42 WeN.1. #2 3m.m 2511 $ 555.12 $ 555.12 sEp;IER P(ENT& $UED 24 94 3.36 2499 1,925, 12 2500 5.30 $1,931.77 * $ 26,509058 Eotion to transfer from the general fund to gate2 %in kprovement Eo. 2 Fund the.8t.m of $176094, representing the deffcfency in Water Main hpmvemen.1= Xo. 2 fund its of December 21, 1944, was made bs Utleg, seconded by VLjrqdifi an& carried. Eation Zo %rmmfer $lp502.Q4 from the general fund to Semp Disittriet Eo. 9 fund, reppesentfrag the deficiency in SewerDistlriat Eo. 9 fund as of December 11, 1944, mas =&e by UEleg, seconded by Wmtt and carried. xotion to autrhoriae the proper viiiage kicials to execuie a contraat rPiZh €he @it3 of Eimeapolis fm police,Padio service masmade bs Hawthorne, seconded by Utlex and carried. ETotion tbt the planning czommission be requested to establish an aviaCiorr committee to s€ady adtrisabildty of establishment. of an airport far private flyhg in Edirra was made by Eaxthorne, seconded by Willsan aad carried, Xotion to adjourn subject to call of the Bxesid Plillson, seconded bv .Wyatt and carri s , Vialage Cleik I All members af .the canncil mere present. Eotion to pay the fallowing refunds to property Qmers in,Se=er Distriet Eo. 8 far assessments previauslg paid far uncompleted lateral sewers, totaling $8,411.59, 798s made by UtXey, seconded by Wyatt and carried: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 IQ 11 12 13 14 15 16 l? 18 19 58 59 21. E~~33.25~ after 1943 50.46 38.55' 89.03 2556 R. L. Lindqzaist Lo89 AUd*Subd.#lLr6 7'0.33 2557 Tract.19 & 20, CyoClub Dist.Rrn. Sec. [See. Af f.#34-@. CZ. Campbell Gaatav A. Johnson 26.39 29.44 28042 84.25 2558 26.39 29.44 28.42 84,25 2559 .I 58.87' 56084 125,?1 29.44 28.42 ,5To86)173.57 2560 24.89 27.75 26.80 79.44 2561 23.38: 26.07 25.17 74062 23k518 26.07 25e17 '24.62 168.50 2564 12w06 33046 12.99 38.51. 6 -1 3637 40.18 39.38 116.73 115.24 2565 " 30.54 34006 32.88 9'7048 31.29 34.90 330'10 99089 197.37 2566 38083 43031 4Ie82 123.96 2567 31.29 34.90 33.70 99.89 2568 20.73 23.13 22.33 66.19 2569 21011 23e55 22.14 67.40 2570 60.52 67.28 64.96 192056 2571 32048 32048 2572 30.16 33.64 32048 96.28 2573 28.73 20 '73 20.73 20 73 20036 20.36 18.85 21003 39 088 18085 21.05 39 . 88 25.23 24,36 49.59 29.44 28.42 57-86 39.32 288.35 2574 Fr;act.L 25 ,Bracrkside TePr. 23.13 22.33 45.46' 2575 E. Bo Copleg F!Ct.L.25 &: 26, Broaksi de Terr, 23.13 22.33 45046 2576 UlU Uli ---I_*- - 1942 1943 3.944 TOTAS' TOTAIL NO. Bfo&,Brr~~~~&le Pk* 24.89 - 24.89 53.59 2578 24 Zohrr WO monas Facz%.E.25&26 ' 25 Trman Do Allen Brooksfde Terraee 48,26 53.82 51.97 154f05 2579 I 6 72.23. 57i86 .I ' 84.25 60.18 ' 90.25 Rromdale Park 2580 2583 2582 2583 2584 2585 2586 258 7 2588 2589 2590 2591 2592 2593 25 94 2595 2596 259 7 20 I 42 43 46 44 45 47 48 49 50 70 51 52 54 55 56 57 59 60 61 TmS PAlD SUB CHECK 1942 1943 1944 TOTAL TOTHA 3JQ --- 32.05 35.74 34.51 102q30 28.27 31.53 30.45 90e25 192.55 2601 28.27 31.53 30.45 90.25 Lo 113B1 4 s Ole~s. Subd 0 20 3Q 20.30 2611 L.3 ,Bl 3.3, Cle~e . S~bd 18 0 85 21 0 03 20 30 6Om18 2612 Imogene I?. Scl?mpp Alice Provencis> Bar%ara Bell La4,B1.13,Cleve.Srxbd. 18485 21.09 20 030 800X8 2613 L08,B1.13,Clene.Subd. 38.85 a.03 20.30 600x8 t 63 64 67 71 PAYEE Beo. B. Eite3 1942 - 1943 - 1944 - TOT& TOTAX, NO - Lo 3, B1.3, Sarrnysl ope Sec, Cy. Clrxh. 79.92 89.14 86.07' 162-44 2618 103067 2619 123.98 2620 P27.60 2621 175.72 2622 2. clz 22.62 34.02 19061 22. 38 35.06 26.96 20 74 20 1.74 23.51 32.05- 31 0 11 21-68 21.68 56.55 38.08 22.62 23.57 16.97 ' 26.39 26.39 26 . 39 23.57 20 074 ' 20.74 19 0 8Q 19 0 80 . 19080 19 0 80 1707Z 170 72 17.78 17 72 250 44 25.44 25.44 25.44 22. 62 22 \ (Continued from Page 211 t TkXZS PAY3 SIB cmcx 1942 1943 1944 TOTAS; TOTAH; EO. No Canc el lati on --- Lot 14; Bl. 6 No Ctancellation Lot 15, B1o 6 28 28 28.28 Lot 17y B1. 6 56.55 56 . 55 Lot 19, Ble 6 32.05 32. 05$10135.86 2623 fiat 16, BI.. 6 28.28 28.28 ZO~; 18, 33.0 6 28.28 28.28 Eation that the sum of $9,950.16 from funds of Semz District No. 8 be transferred $0 the FirrJt; Satianal Bank of Lilinneaq!olis for *pen* of intesest and principal on Sener District No. 8 uwran%s due 3 January 1, 1945, =as made by Utley, seconded by Villson and carried, as follons: Firs% Nait'l Balk of IQlS. #2625 ided By Vya4i;E end carried. hmuTES OF TRE REGULAR EEETIhfG OF THE EDINA VILLAGE COupTcllfl*L I-IELD IH VIIZAGE HXLL AT 8 PoXe J.ARP 8, 1945, All members of the corancil were present. Eirmutes of the regular council mee€ing held Decaber 11, 1944, and the special council meeting held December 2lS 1944, were read and appr ove d . EQZion to approve and allori the fallomi.r,g bills was made by Vyatt, seeooded by Villson and carried: GENERAL FW Einneapolis City Treasurer Einneapolis Gas Light Go. Artihu: Petersen Phi1 Po Smith Cy. Club Disfi. Service Coo Side Jervia Ea. E. Ziegler Ca. Geo. Harsh Glacler Sand & Gravel Coo Dahlberg B~OS.~ Be, Toto lag. eo. Biller -Davi s Go Thompsan Lwlbep Co. John V. -on Amerf can Einen Co Edina Hardmre Samuel Binghm's Son €?€go 00. Linde- Air Products 00 Auto Electric Supply Co. Eofor Parts Sekvice Coo Hennepin Edve. Go. E. I?. Harris S'ervice Stn, Bud Brooks Pure Oil Stn. Borthnestern Bell Telephone Coo Phillips Petroleum Co. Geo. T. Shilson Northern States Porrer Coo CLAIE xo. 2634 263 5 2636 2637 2638 2639 2640 264 1 2642 2643 2644 2645 2646 2647 2648 2649 26 50 2651 2652 2653 26 54 2655 26 56 265'7 2658 26 59 26 60 2661 79.60 35.94 486 e15 50 .OO 16.16 21.00 47089 21.00 6.22 Il.49 5.72 63-05 23e78 10.00 5.25 14.13 4.51, 14 80 3 .QO .85*03 12.58 132.2'7 81056 30.73 20 010 117.50 643.50 $2,091.56