HomeMy WebLinkAbout19450108_REGULAR22 \ (Continued from Page 211 t TkXZS PAY3 SIB cmcx 1942 1943 1944 TOTAS; TOTAH; EO. No Canc el lati on --- Lot 14; Bl. 6 No Ctancellation Lot 15, B1o 6 28 28 28.28 Lot 17y B1. 6 56.55 56 . 55 Lot 19, Ble 6 32.05 32. 05$10135.86 2623 fiat 16, BI.. 6 28.28 28.28 ZO~; 18, 33.0 6 28.28 28.28 Eation that the sum of $9,950.16 from funds of Semz District No. 8 be transferred $0 the FirrJt; Satianal Bank of Lilinneaq!olis for *pen* of intesest and principal on Sener District No. 8 uwran%s due 3 January 1, 1945, =as made by Utley, seconded by Villson and carried, as follons: Firs% Nait'l Balk of IQlS. #2625 ided By Vya4i;E end carried. hmuTES OF TRE REGULAR EEETIhfG OF THE EDINA VILLAGE COupTcllfl*L I-IELD IH VIIZAGE HXLL AT 8 PoXe J.ARP 8, 1945, All members of the corancil were present. Eirmutes of the regular council mee€ing held Decaber 11, 1944, and the special council meeting held December 2lS 1944, were read and appr ove d . EQZion to approve and allori the fallomi.r,g bills was made by Vyatt, seeooded by Villson and carried: GENERAL FW Einneapolis City Treasurer Einneapolis Gas Light Go. Artihu: Petersen Phi1 Po Smith Cy. Club Disfi. Service Coo Side Jervia Ea. E. Ziegler Ca. Geo. Harsh Glacler Sand & Gravel Coo Dahlberg B~OS.~ Be, Toto lag. eo. Biller -Davi s Go Thompsan Lwlbep Co. John V. -on Amerf can Einen Co Edina Hardmre Samuel Binghm's Son €?€go 00. Linde- Air Products 00 Auto Electric Supply Co. Eofor Parts Sekvice Coo Hennepin Edve. Go. E. I?. Harris S'ervice Stn, Bud Brooks Pure Oil Stn. Borthnestern Bell Telephone Coo Phillips Petroleum Co. Geo. T. Shilson Northern States Porrer Coo CLAIE xo. 2634 263 5 2636 2637 2638 2639 2640 264 1 2642 2643 2644 2645 2646 2647 2648 2649 26 50 2651 2652 2653 26 54 2655 26 56 265'7 2658 26 59 26 60 2661 79.60 35.94 486 e15 50 .OO 16.16 21.00 47089 21.00 6.22 Il.49 5.72 63-05 23e78 10.00 5.25 14.13 4.51, 14 80 3 .QO .85*03 12.58 132.2'7 81056 30.73 20 010 117.50 643.50 $2,091.56 c 25 1-2 Elections Salaries trages Supplies and expense Total ElactioYra 1-3 Treasurer ' . Salary Premium on bond Supplies and expense Total Treasurer 1-3A Assessor Salaries aYld wages Supplies and expense Total Assessor 1-4 Village Attorney Salarg Expense Total Village Attorney 1-5 Village Clerk Salarg Travel ' Office Expense ' Premium on deptxty bond Total Clerk 1-6 Euniclpal Court * c -.p.au Salary- Judge Sal ar y-Sp ec ial Judge Salapy-Co urt Olerka Supp lie s Tot a1 Nmicipal Court 1-7 Planning 1-8 Oompensa-b-fan Insurance 1-9 Administrati on ' Salary-xanager Salary41 erks Salary- Jani t or Zighfi and Wa€ees sue 1 Telephone Stationery and postage Supplies . Insrarance Car Allowance Audito Travel &hint enance ' Eisaellaneous I Total Adinti;siL&strati an -v LP -2 1-10 Public Associati'on Dues ?League of Biinnesota Emicip?alitie= Rural Henn. Cy. League of Eunicipalities Total Public Associatiort Dues Salaries Supplies Insurance 1-11 Police Departmenti , Operation of police cms Total Police Department 1-12 Fire Department Salari ea &eration of equipment Payments ta other units 'Insurmce Tot a1 Fir e Department I # 250.00 8 360.00 75.00 40 . 00 $ 475.00 $1,750.00 50 . 00 $-, $I 900.00 100.00 I$- @ 600.00 17. 60 $$ 617.50 $- 900,oo 100.00 240 000 $3,000.00 ~ 3,240 . 00 200.00 200.00 175.00 310.00 200.00 125.00 25.00 600.00 500.00 1OO.QO 50 . OQ $ 70.00 5.00 $ 75.00 $9,600 .OO - 1,200.00 100.00 35.00 $10,395.00 9 1,000.ou 100.00 I, 800 . 00 125. 00 5 3,025.00 1-13 'Protective Inspeation Inspection semi ces - s 50.00 26. 1-14 Street and Sidexalk Xaintenance Salaries and wages Equipment ren&al E8terials and supplies Con-bract payments Other Tot a1 Kainfi enance 1-15 Snori and Ice Removal and Sanding Salaries and nages Ifaterials and supplies Other Total Snaw Removal 1-18 Urtallocated Street Expenditures Salary-Streef Comissiones Equipment expense - Insurance Toolhouse Expense Eiscellaneous Total Unallocated Expo 1-17 Streef Lighting 1-18 Storm Seuers 1-19 Refuse Collection 1-26 Feed Eradicat ian 1-22 Skating Rinks 1-23 Parks . 1-21 Health Officer -a. '.. *pa& . ala-gs .; fla terials and supplies Other ex-p endi tur es Total Parks Administrat ion Police ,Department Fire Department Street and Sidemlk Corxstructirrm Stroeet mqend2tures Total Capital Outlay I 1-24 Capital Outlay PDOR X'UXD 2-41 POOP Relief-Direct 2-42 Poor Relief-Pqments to other unit s Poor Pam Payment a TOTAL POOR FKND SPECIaZ ASSCSSrntES Delilzquenk Principal and Inter est $8,500000 $2,300.00 ~2,700000 3,500.00 2,500.00 400.00 $1,000000 8 550000 1,000000 1,000.00 13 * 000.00 6; 500 . 00 Q22,05Q 0% d (1. 25.00 8 3,000,OO $ 6,500.00 $105,750,00 I- Vyatt offered the folloming resolution and moved %ts adoption8 %E IT RESOL'FIED, That the contract submitted by the Suburban Hennepin County Relief Board of the County of Hennepin for the administration and supervision of ppor relief in the Village of Edina be accepted and approved; and "BE IT E'URTHER RESOLVED, That the proper officers of said ViilPage- of Edim be directed to execute said contract in duplicate and when executed to return one of said contracts to the Suburban Hennepivl County Relief Boardetl EIfotion eo adopt the resolution was 8e catian to the committee of the trhole cas made by Eanthorne, seconded by Dyitth and carried. Bills Paifh January 8, 1945 (Continued) NfiB SuBurban Henn. Cy. Relief Bd. Einneapolis Equipment Co cmm EO. mom TOTAL 2662 , $12'7.62 $127.62 2663 J.S.Dr #l EfTND 20 25 20.25 S. D. #S l?UKD Dorsey, Colman, Barker, Scott & BaEber 2664 125.00 B. T..Smisek 2665 15.00 Ers. E. G. Dirks 2 666 8.00 1450 OO Northern Sates Power Coo I 2661 TOT& DISBI&?SBllBNTS - fKC IjTJIlDS Eotion to approve and Etllo~% the folloming payroll for €he period from Becember 24, 1944, to January 6, 1945, and the carpected payroll far the period from Decembep 10 to 23, 1944, was made by Willson, .seconded by UtLeg alzd carried: $2,385. 60 ?;- PAYROLL PAID JAmUARP 8, 1945 Nm s.:-.Jf. 1 aAIK poss PITHHOLD- HOSPIT.ALI- mET moo ABIOUNT IXG TAX ZATI om AT!lOuM) - Adminis trst i ve Phil V. Smith 2667 $162.50 $20.40 -0 - $142.10 Evelyn Kjos 2668 , 6?. 50 1.20 -0 - 66.3 0 $297,50 30 0 70 -0- $265 . 80 Police Beparfment Frank kchamba 2691 10205Q 2.20 -0- 100.30 Wm. S. Heydt 2672 97.5Q 11 . 10 -0- 86.40 Clayton E.Erickson 2673 80 . OQ 3.60 ?a- 76.40 StreeE Department (Regular] Re 3, JO~~SOIZ 267'4 112056 14 o4Cl -0- 98.1Q S. J. Roberts 26 76 95.00 6.50 -0- 88.50 0. X. Sparzde 2677 85eOQ 1.70 -0- 83.30 John Tracy 2678 85 .oo 1.70 -a- 83.30 Gretchen Schus sler 2669 67.50 9.10 -0- 58 040 Hilding Dah1 2670 lO245Q 8.20 -0- 94.30 tjm3zm 25.10 ' -0- '$@EKm P. E. Dahlgren 26 '75 .95.00 18 78 , -0- 84.3Q I Harry Jonas 2679 85.00 4.50 -0- 80.50 E. J. Merfeld 2680 97.50 7.00 -0- 90.50 655 . 8Q 46. 50 -0- 602.50 St met Department f Ho urly 1 Cbas. Johnson 2681 51.00 0 8Q -Om 50 0 20 Sam. EcCreadg 2682 75.60 60 6Q -0- 69.00 John Person 2683 75.60 6.6Q -0- 69.00 E. C. Pfeiffer 26390 9948'7 3.20 -0- 96.6'7 John EcXgllis 2684 50.40 1.6Q -0- 48.80 De HouC~ 2685 9.80 1.76 -0- 8.04 Ben Voehfer 2686 10OoOO 7080 -0- 92.20 -0- 62.90 C. V. Casdarelle 2687 64.00 1.10 526, 2'2' 29 46 - 0- 496 0 81 Eis c ellaneoms Payro 11 Bl2nch Eerf eld 2688 9 000 1.62. . -0- 7 e38 John D. ?!Telson 26 89 10.00 1.80 -0- 8.20 19oOO 3.42 -0- 15.58 TOTAL 1,880.27 135.18 -0- 1,745 -09 Letter mas"received from 3. &inn Emh, publisher of the Spectator, offering to publieh official publicafians 0% the village at legal rates. ?Sash appeared in suppo~t af the bid. Eotion to refer the matt-er to the committee af the whole xts made by 'GTyatt, seconded by tfeley and carried. Preside& Todd recommended appoirrtrnermt of the follorting eommitGees rand officers for the yeaP 1945: ORDIN.ARCEX 8c Z;EGISLBTION COJ!,TKITTEE -0 Wyatt chairman; Todd, Haz%fho_rne, Utiley , Willson. Utley, chairman; Todd, Bavtharne, "fillson, Wyatt. . PUBLIC UTILITIES GOIKEIT~ -0 24 ‘b, \ PUBLIC Sm COE!XITTEE -- Hmthorne chairman; O€ley, Tyatt , PUBLIC YJORJKS COEXITTEET -- VilJison, chairman; Utley, ’F7yatt. PwLrc: ~FARX COEE~TEE =- Todd, chairman; Havthome, 17illson, VILLAGE ATTORmEP -- Karl H. Covell, at salary of $75 -per month. HEALTH OFFICER -- Br. Zoaell H. Capbell, 8% salary of $30 per month, EXECUTITIE OYFICER ATID WITAGE?, EXGI?XEZR, BUILDIXG I.RSPECTOR, PLUEl3IEG IlE3?ECTOK, DEPUTY CLF’RR -- Phi1 V, Smith, at salary of $3,900 per year plus $50 monthly cas allovanee. DEPUTY BUILDIEG IXS?ECTOR &ID PLUHBIhT INSPECTOR =- Berm Voehler, on ho mly basi s CHIEF OF VOLTXTI%XR PIRE DEPARTIIENT -- Philip Bailey. I Eotion to approve and accept tihe appointments of committees and officers recommenaed by President Todd vas made by Harrthorne, seconded by \Tillson and carried, Eation to appoint Dr. Alvin S. “Jyatt as president pro %em of the council, to assume the responsibilities of president at such times as the president may be absent from the village, nas made by Havzthorrce, seconded by Tillson,, and earried. VyatG offered the folloszing resolution and moved its adoption: 333 ET lXESOLVZDs that Ifidland National Bank &- Trust eo, of Einne- apolis be designated as official depository for funds of the Village of Edina for the calendar year of 1945. by Utley and on r ley, aye; 17illson BE IT RESOLVED, that the persons holding office as presiden€, president pro tern, treasurer or clerk of this village be, and they hereby are, authorized to act for this village in the . transactian of any banking business with Eidland Eational Bank & Trust Co. of Einneapolis (Hereinafter referrEd to as the bank), such authoriw including authority on behalf of or in the name of this village, from time to time and until written notice to the contrary to the bank, to sign checks against said account, vhich checks shall be signed by the president of the council or president pro tem, village clerk and village treasurer, The bank is hereby authorized and directed to honor and pay any check against such account vhich is signed as above authorized whether or not said check is payahle to the order of, or deposited to the credit of, arty officer or officersfthis village, including the signer l 3r signers OF the check. notion to adopt the resolution was second he salary of the village by Villson, seconded by Utley and carrie Eotion to fix the salary of the village treasurer at $30 per month vas made by Btley, seconded by 17illson and carried. Zo€ion to appoint Evelyn Kjos as deputy village clerk and deputy village treasmer for the year 1945 T?BS made by Hawkhorrme, seconded by Tillson and carried, Eotiorr to approve and accept the following budgee for various village purposes for the calendar year 1945 nas made by Vyafit, seconded by Utley and carried: ‘I f vmxm OF EDI~A BUDGET FOR Zq4r 1-1 Vi-llage Council Salaries $1,860 , 00 Travel, Publishing Total Village Council 100 000 $1 960 ,-00 fJ 27 AppIieation af Hay eC Stenson Go. fop renemal of an off-sde liquoE license at 31922 IT. Fif€ieCh street for the year star€ing April 1, 1945, accompanied by check in %he amount of $150.00 in paymen€ of cation was made by Villaon, seconded by Utley md Carriedr Application of 0. Vestvig for a cigmef; license at Edina Grocery, 1945, was received. Potion to grant said license applicafiion W~S made by Willson, seconded by Wyatt and carried. President Todd reported several members of the councils af Edim and St. Louis Park held a joint meeting at St. Louis Park village half on January 10, having a three-hoar discussion af mutual proplems. The president recommends such meetings should 'be held regularly. Ashley Brooks, owner of Ldina Auto Livery, appeared a~ld requested permission ta increase his €ayicab rates from 25 cenEs to 30 cents far the first mile or fraction thereof on any trip, explaining such increase would put his rates in line ni€h Einneapolis taxfca,b rates and would be justified by increased operating cos€s. Embers of the council requested Brooks to submit to the council a firmancia1 state- ment of his tabicab operatigns for the year 1944. Xotion ta adjourn wfas made by Hawthorne, seconded by PTyatt and carried. %he license fee, ms received. Notion to granf; said license $iftie-&ih sfireet and Brookside avenue, for the periad ending B;iIRmS OF THE EEGUI;A;R 'jIlEETING OF THE EDIEk VILLAGE COIBK!IL HEIB IN VILLAGB HJZ& AT 8 P.X. NOI3lUY, JANUARY 22, 1945. All members of the council %ere present. Xo%ion to approve and allov the follavisg payrolls was made by Villson, seconded by Utley and carpied: Go unci 1 Bomr H&sPthomte 2693 50.08 10 -0 - 49.90 I GROSS %'X'ICHEEOm- HOSPITAEI- NET xm - cum EO. m. ING TAX ZATIoX AEOUNT 9 To Le Todd 2692 8 50.60 8 010 -0 - $ 49.90 llfr. A. S. Vyatt 2695 35. 00 -0- -0- 35 000 Geo. A;. 'Z7ilXSQn 2694 35. OQ -0- -0- 35eOO Harold C. Utley 2696 35.00 -0- -0 - 35.00 J; 5. DNgm 2697 30 000 -0 - -0 0 30 .OO Dr. 3t.K. Campbell 2698 3Q 000 -0- -0 - 30 ,OO Karl He Cove11 2699 75.00 . 70 -0- 74.30 AdminiatratiQCi Phil h5. mith 2701 Evelyn Kjos 2702' Gretchen Schussler 2103 TOTKL ADEINISTRATITJE Police Depsrtmerrt HiXdi'ng Del 2704 Wm. S. Heydt 2705 I P. E. Dahlgren-2708 & 2715 S. J. Roberts-2109 & 2716 John Tracy-2711 & 271'2 .Eaxry Jonas-2712 & 2718 E. J. Xerfeld-2713 & 2719 0. E. Spande- 27 10 TOTAL REGULAR Mi!" 162y5Q 77 . 50 77.50 $$zmmT 102.50 97.50 $0 . OQ gszso,oa 163 93 128.58 123 06 36 0 13 150 e88 127 93 3.84 e 63 $9 15 . 14 20.40 1.50 2.80 1.50 11 010 e 75 $34.30 $3.75 8.20 1.50 11.10 -0- 3.6Q 1-50 $22090 $3. 00 25.00 1.50 18.00 1.50 12.10 1.50 ' 13.09 le50 25.80 le50 $103.90 9 9.00 65 065 -gzTKG-/ 92.80 86 . 4Q 74.90 ?EEKilT 131.43 .109.08 109 046 35.73 139 78 113 043 157.33 B-4- (Continued on next page)