HomeMy WebLinkAbout19450122_REGULARfJ 27 AppIieation af Hay eC Stenson Go. fop renemal of an off-sde liquoE license at 31922 IT. Fif€ieCh street for the year star€ing April 1, 1945, accompanied by check in %he amount of $150.00 in paymen€ of cation was made by Villaon, seconded by Utley md Carriedr Application of 0. Vestvig for a cigmef; license at Edina Grocery, 1945, was received. Potion to grant said license applicafiion W~S made by Willson, seconded by Wyatt and carried. President Todd reported several members of the councils af Edim and St. Louis Park held a joint meeting at St. Louis Park village half on January 10, having a three-hoar discussion af mutual proplems. The president recommends such meetings should 'be held regularly. Ashley Brooks, owner of Ldina Auto Livery, appeared a~ld requested permission ta increase his €ayicab rates from 25 cenEs to 30 cents far the first mile or fraction thereof on any trip, explaining such increase would put his rates in line ni€h Einneapolis taxfca,b rates and would be justified by increased operating cos€s. Embers of the council requested Brooks to submit to the council a firmancia1 state- ment of his tabicab operatigns for the year 1944. Xotion ta adjourn wfas made by Hawthorne, seconded by PTyatt and carried. %he license fee, ms received. Notion to granf; said license $iftie-&ih sfireet and Brookside avenue, for the periad ending B;iIRmS OF THE EEGUI;A;R 'jIlEETING OF THE EDIEk VILLAGE COU3K!IL HEIB IN VILLAGB HJZ& AT 8 P.X. NOI3lUY, JANUARY 22, 1945. All members of the council %ere present. Xo%ion to approve and allov the follavisg payrolls was made by Villson, seconded by Utley and carpied: Go unci 1 Bomr H&sPthomte 2693 50.08 10 -0 - 49.90 I GROSS %'X'ICHEEOm- HOSPITAEI- NET xm - cum EO. m. ING TAX ZATIoX AEOUNT 9 To Le Todd 2692 8 50.60 8 010 -0 - $ 49.90 llfr. A. S. Vyatt 2695 35. 00 -0- -0- 35 000 Geo. A;. 'Z7ilXSQn 2694 35. OQ -0- -0- 35eOO Harold C. Utley 2696 35.00 -0- -0 - 35.00 J; 5. DNgm 2697 30 000 -0 - -0 0 30 .OO Dr. 3t.K. Campbell 2698 3Q 000 -0- -0 - 30 ,OO Karl He Cove11 2699 75.00 . 70 -0- 74.30 AdminiatratiQCi Phil h5. mith 2701 Evelyn Kjos 2702' Gretchen Schussler 2103 TOTKL ADEINISTRATITJE Police Depsrtmerrt HiXdi'ng Del 2704 Wm. S. Heydt 2705 I P. E. Dahlgren-2708 & 2715 S. J. Roberts-2109 & 2716 John Tracy-2711 & 271'2 .Eaxry Jonas-2712 & 2718 E. J. Xerfeld-2713 & 2719 0. E. Spande- 27 10 TOTAL REGULAR Mi!" 162y5Q 77 . 50 77.50 $$zmmT 102.50 97.50 $0 . OQ gszso,oa 163 93 128.58 123 06 36 0 13 150 e88 127 93 3.84 e 63 $9 15 . 14 20.40 1.50 2.80 1.50 11 010 e 75 $34.30 $3.75 8.20 1.50 11.10 -0- 3.6Q 1-50 $22090 $3. 00 25.00 1.50 18.00 1.50 12.10 1.50 ' 13.09 le50 25.80 le50 $103.90 9 9.00 65 065 -gzTKG-/ 92.80 86 . 4Q 74.90 ?EEKilT 131.43 .109.08 109 046 35.73 139 78 113 043 157.33 B-4- (Continued on next page) (Payroll paid Januz'ry 22, 1945) 28- GROSS VITHHOZD- HOSPITALI- EfET 2T.m Wrn NO, =e€ Bept. (hourly men) Chs. JoEuzson 27 20 Sam EcCready 2i21 John Person 27 22 E. C. Pfeiffer 27 23 B. T7. CardaPelle 2724 John EcEellis 2725 Gene Garpison 2726 Jack Irgens 2727 Jack Olson 2728 $as. Schnartz 2729 Bruce BaUece 2730 Vayne Tracy 2731 0.. Porslin 2732 Jac? Merness 2733 TOT& HOfsRLp FEE Eiscellaneons Blanch Uerfeld 2734 BeE Voehlet 2736 John Balich 2736 TOTAL EISCEXL.&?XOUS m. 88.83 65.80 68.00 26.80 75.60 340 00 6.30 14 70 6.30 6.30 8.40 14. TO 750 60 8040 $499,33 40 50 120000 40 a00 $164050 nm TAX 8 5.30 6.60 4c 50 1.20 . 10 6.60 -0- 1.13 20 65 1013 1013 1.51 20 65 10 51 $j 36.01 . 81 12.10 30 70 '16,61 ZhTIUX ALI0m 8 1.50 8 82.03 -0- 69.00 -0- 66,80 . -0- 61.3Q -0 - 26.30 -0 - 69.00 -0 - 34.00 -0 - 50 17 -0 - 12 *05 -0- 5.17 -0- -0- -0- 12.05 -0- 6.89 $ 1.50 $!e61 82 28197 I -0- 3069 - 1.50 106.40 g-, 1.50 $146039 -0- 36.30 TOTAL PAYROXiL $2,591047 $21503.2 $18075 $2,357.40 Overtime RS follorrs: (Included in above checks) 1944 This Period T0EaP R. J. Zohnson $ m3 gzz.io $ 51.43 C&S 0 Johns 011. 9 035 150 73 25 08 P. H. Dahlgren 15.73 170 85 35*58 26078 1.28 28.06 S. J. Roberts 00 Eo Spmde 36013 -0 - 36.13 Jolm Tpacy 420 08 23 0 80 65.88 E. 3. Eierfeld 65.88 21.25 87 0 13 Harry Jonas 250 08 17.85 42.93 !POT& OTIERTm $25*0036 $119 e86 $370022 BSoP;ian to approve and allon the folloming bills uas made by Utley, seconded .by Vyatt and carried: l2ISmmOUS BILLS PAID 1/22/45 General Fund Evelyn Hjos-Asst. Treasurer 273 7 $14 0 78 PostmaateP-Linden Hills Stn, 2739 15.00 Bon J. LScClellan - 2742 19.50 Geo. T. Shilson 2743 30.00 $79.28 Evelyn Kjos-Asst . TreasGer 2?37 First Ha%l. Bank af Epla. 273.8 , 9063 J.S.D. #l* Fund 9063 TOT= IXS-mOm J3II;GS $232 0 43. Everett Peterson, 3801 V. Fuller Street, appeared to request rwoval of snov for a rrider roadmy an Fuller Street, improved gltzading of the street and installation aS a streetlfght. The matZer vas referred to €he Village Eamger cith porter to ac%. I HaQthorne moved that the council approve -the folloning pay schedule for members of the eolunteer fire department, effective January 1, 1945: Chief, $1.50 per hour; Assistant Ch'ief, $1.25 per hoar; Firemen, $1.00 T~J? hoar at fires and 50 cents per hour at drills; probationary fire- neo, 50 cents per hour at fires and 50 cents per hour at drills, and that an ordinance amendmen% he drafted to incurparate the nea pay scheduLe. The motion ms seconded by t7illson and carried. Eotian to compensate employees of the village public works depar%mmE far overtime servilces at regular rates of pay was made by \7illson, seconded by Tftley and carried. 29 EawXmrne offered %he folloming r-esolution and moved its adoptfont *'€$E IT RESOXYBDs that fhe President and Clerk are hereby aut;horized and directed $0 mke application €a €he Bomd of @onn€y Commissioner of Taxation of the State of Einnesota fm conveyance of the following fax-forfeffed PaYrds €0 the Village of Edirma for use as parks and playgrounds, all of said lands beiEg sitna€ed mithin €he Village of Edina: CZEVEC;AmDiS SUBDIVISION OF IBQM ABBf3TT PARK: E'AI€DAX ADDITIOH: Commissioners of Henrmepin County and €he Lots 3, 5, 6,83,9,10, 11, 12, 13-3locE 14 Lots 5, 1ls 12-Black 13, Sots 1% 23 3, 22, 23, 24-BlOck 6 kOB- 3-BlOc-k I Lots 1s 2, 3, 19, 20, 23.9 22, 23, 24-El0Ck 8 Lots 79 8, 9, 10, 11, 12-Block 10 Lots 3, 4, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12-1310~k 1 Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, Lots 19-21 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 12, 16, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20-Glock 16 22-BXack 15 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24-Bl0ek lY Lots 1, 2, 3, 49 5, 6s '79 18, 19, 20, 21, 22- Lots 7,.8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, Block 18 Lots Is 2, 5, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8-Block 2. SOLS 1s 2, 3, 43 5, 6, 7, 24-Bl0~k 24. GODXIEElTH S ADDIT@BX: 2fm ~.&'dLZ~ETS ADDBt _Mo~A~, SECOmPP ADi:kION: Lots 14, 15, 16, ' ZZb 23, 24, 2503Block 3.. Lots 13, 14% 15% 16, 17, 18, 19-BlOCk 19. Wokion to adopt the resolutio rollcall there were five ayes aye; Millson, aye; 'Fbyatt, ay the resolueiarm wits t;r;iboptedet& A. 3. Bryngelson, attorney, appeared in hehalf of the application of Eucille €2. Nolan far a liqiaop Ziceilse. .It was agreed and stipulated that if Ers. Nolan mere called as a witness in hearing an application far the license she muld testify that seateaents in the applicatian and supplemental statement &,re true and correct the villzge ordinance limitatian af one off-sale liquor license wits uncionstitutional and without effect because it conflicted rzith atate lam. He stated it is the duty of the council to fix the number of licerrses currently to be issued; that the viUw&e should not pemnit one dealer to hold a monopoly on liqaor business in the village, and tha.1: his clieat mould have no opposition to establishment of 8 municipal lfqnor store. Kokion to refer the application to %he committee of the ahole was made by Wyatt, seconded by Eaathorne, and carried, Bryngelson contended Lekter received from George Gorg8s1 5156 E%ance Avenue, commend- ing members of the police department fop courteoas service. Letter was' received from Hennepirt County Bevietv, offering to pabll& legal natices of the village E& statrrtary rates. Eotian to request %hat publishers of the Mennepin Cornn.t;y Revie% and The Specfator Tpresent proof of their respective total circulations and circula,tians in Edina was made by Utley, seconded Ey Vat% and carried. Xotion tcl authorize and &Pee% the clerk and engineer to advertise for bids an a tractor mith sidewalk snowplow and loader equipmerit was made by Tillson, seconded by Utley and carriedr Eotion to adjourn 98s made by Clerk