HomeMy WebLinkAbout19450212_REGULAR/ 33 L Eation to adjourn was, made .by Haxtharne, seconded by Vi11soaZ and camied. ZmS OF THE REGULAR 3Bm3TG 03' THE: BDINA VfmGX COUITCZL EEGD IT$ %fUXGE HAIX AT 8 PoIE";. FEBRUStY 12, 1945 Bow membep.s of the ca-rancil were present: Utley, Villson, Vyatt Etnd &&home Vystfi presided. HEnu%es af €he regular" cssuncil meeking held Sanuary 8, 1945, and the regular council rneekine; held January 22% 2945, mere read and approved, I Bids =ere received on a tractor and Loader in accordance with published advertisements. Bidders were VilLiem ZjEegler Coo, offerdng equipment at cos% of $2,250, and Thorman I?. Rosholt Co., offering equipment at COB% of $2,373.77, vtTLE%h aptianal equipment at cas6 of $95.45, Eofiion to refer %he bids tcr th? village manager for tabulafiiorz. was made by Villson, seconded by UtLey and earried, . Kation €a approve. and alloa the fallonring bills was made by Villson, seconded by Utleg and carried': General Fund - Rame Claim No. AmOMnt Young Fuel Company 2766 8 69.90 Uthur Pet ersen 2767 488 25 Xi1 ler-Daui s Company 2769 21.09 Eirine sota Fir e Equipment Co a 2720 5.20 Snap-On Tools Gorp oratian - 2771 SP.00 Orfei and Eariani 27 72 10.00 Joyce Insurance, Inc. 2773. 75. 00 Phil fl, Smith 27 74 50 000 Blackburn, Xickels & Smith, Ine. 2775 17.50 Chaill Grocery 2776 2.00 Einnezpolis Gas Eight Company 21'27 112.00 Dahlbepg Bras Inc. 2768 46.86 Borey's Shell Station 27 78 66.25 Xorthwest ern Terminal eorrrpany 27 8Q 14.52 Firestone Service Stores 2781 3.15 I Einneapolis Blueprinking Go . 27 79 8.07 Hilding I>&l I 2782 J 10.00 D-ki Lubri cants Company 2783 42.66 Linde-Air Producks Company 2784 16-69 Phillips 'Petrolem Co. 21 85 15.05 A. VI Tisde1 2786 5.85 Edi na Eardwwe Company 2'288 4061 Gardlmdl s 2789 7-88 Northtxest ern Bell Telephone Coo ' 2'690 38.95 V~I. He Zisgler Company, Incr 2995 3.69 Ed. Harx5.s Servfce Staeion 27 96 83.25 No~.€hern States Power Company 2298 677.80 StaZe of Xiinnesota, 2800 3.4 . 00 * Bud Brooks Fare Oil Statim 280 3 97.57 General True% & Equipmen% Go. 2804 3,098.00 Don J. XcCleZlan 2833 12.00 Geo. T. Shilsan 28 34 8075 $5,157.54 I Subarban Hennepin Coanty Relief Bd. I 2197 Poor Fun5 $129 20 ,129 020 J.S.B. #i puna Park Xaohine Company 2787 8 13.52 Edina mdmmi 2788 . 50 Galand' ~t 2789 12.62 PTorthwesterri Bell Telephone Coo * 2790 50 CraYre Company 27 92 25. 11 (Continued 0x1 Page 34) Bills Paid February 12 (Conkinued) J.SeD. 81 Fund - Erne Claim No, MOUIlt $ 4010 m National Bushing and Parts Company 2793 RokerP; c-Hmi 1% on Company 27 94 132.63 I7h.t. H. Ziegler Conpmy, Into 27 95 52.24 hme-ktf and Lamefit& 2801 5,903.42 $6, 148.67 S*De#8 Fund Kinueapolis XorthTie2.d & Southern Ry. 2744 $1,323.86 A. E. mer8 2746 78.23 Richard C. Sonnenberg 2745 45.24 Emmett 0. Shuli;z 2747 91.06 Bo A. Soderberg 274& 166 10 Prank Hu&chins on 2749 127.60 Arthtzr J. Jbhns~m 27 50 22 70 E$z%le Jensvo Id 2751 28.27 Euripi des J. Karalis 2752 31.53 E&md 0. G~&ZLEI 27 53 30 e45 bid E, STEZ~SOZI 2754 28.27 Eiqkels and Smith 2755 18 85 Iir& C. Hughes 2756 90.25 Pede? Eickels en 2757 110 rn 71 Paul E?. %eger 2758 90 e25 Leo E. Omem 2760 119 rn 60 E. Go Thompson 2761 20.30 Eep3.e 0. Anderson 2763 28e28 John &0 Thill 27 62 155 e 24 Eks. Einnie EaZp 2764 28,2? Thorpe Bras. Inca 27 65 22.62 Ed Harris SePvice Station 2796 5.55 Em. H. G. Dirks 2802 5eOO Peder Uickelsen and mil Pe Fro& 2759 60 rn 90 Total Refunds , $2,718*58 Total S.D.$8 Fund 23729.13 Earthern States €over Company 3.hd C. Stevenson TOTAL BILLS €'AID 2798 Sever-RentziL Fund 1.17 I 27 99 3.00 4.17 $14,168.71 Eo-kian #io approve seconded by UUey lTme Administrative Phil V. Smith Evelyn Kjos 2nd allou the folloning payrolls nas made by \7illsomr, and carried: 2805 $162.50 520.40 $142010 2806 67.50 1.20 66.30 GreP,chen-S&usslerr 280 7 67.50 $297 e50 Paliee Department Hilding Dah1 2808 $13.&, 90 The S. Heydt 2809 116 640 Clayton Erickson 28 10 106e27 $361.57 Street Department- (regular men) R. J* Jo~IIsoU~ . 2811 $131.41 Po H. Da,hlgren 2812 107*36 S. J. Roberts 2813 102.21 John T~acy 2814 107008 2815 91.44 S-kreet Department Cbs. Johnson Sam EcCready John Person John E-TcTTellis Vayne Tracy Jack Ipgens Harald Oyer Jo Oyer 2816 120 96 $zmZz [hourly men) 2817 $106.13 9.10 $30 -70 $15040 9.00 $39 7Q $18,00 13. 20 8.20 2.30 5e70 15 30 12.10 $59 50 $ 9000 21318 113.4Q . 14*4Q 2819 930 ia 10 030 2820 105mOO 12 a80 2821. 7oOO . 1.26 28 22 40 90 088 28 23 2.80 e 50 2824 20 80 e 50 (Continued an XeEt Page) 58.40 $266 s80 $125 50 101.10 97.27 $321 87 $113 n 41, 940 16 940 OX 104 78 850 74 loge86 3600.96 $ 97.13 99.00 82 8Q 920 20 5.74 4.02 2.30 2.30 35 (Payroll Paid February 12, 1945 -- Con.i;inued) Sfa.?eet Department (Eourly Xen) [Continued) Richard 'jdit€s 2825 8 2.80 . 9 050 # 2.30 Em e Claim No. Gross An%. ViGhh, Tax. Het &.i; . H. Linberrzy 28 26 4.90 088 4. a2 $489 058 --8 $433 . 20* 0. Fosslin 2827 29.75 5.36 24.39 Gene Garr isorr 2828 17.00 -0- 17.00 EiBcellaneous Ben Boehler 2829 $165.00 $21.30 $143 70 George Gibson 2a3 1 ' 6.40 1.15 5.25 John Balich 285 Q 115.00 19,OQ 96.00 Blanch aerfeld 2832 2.25 040 1.85 $246 e80 Q $n= #41 85 TOTAL PA;yROLL $2,097.76 $228 13 $1,869 63 J. Tracy 22.08 S. Roberta 7.21 Po Dahlgren 12.36 H. Merfeld 23.46 H. JOYELS 6.44 $10Qe96 C. Johnson 10 50 E. Bellis, 5484 Xerxes Avenue, apEje86red ta request a pexm5t 2or oon- dxuction of a garage on a 10% adjoining his residence. was directed to inspec2 the premises. Affidavit -of circulatian of The Qectator a-nd a letter describing circuktipn of Hennepin Connty Review tue2e received in conneotian vT%h previous applications for designation of official publicatian. Kotion to iefer the matter of official publication to the village attorney was made by Utley, seconded by '?;Jillson and carried. Ernest J. Boyd, Or??, Xinn., appeared and mas intervieved concerning his ap$licationt Ear a position as police patrolman. Willson pmsemked a proposed road' oiling program for 1945. XoLion %G-O authorize and direct the clerk ta advertise for bids on cutback asphalt and rqad tar %o be opened a% 8 p.m. Ifarch 12, 1945, waa 'made by 'PTillson, seconded by Havthorrme and carried. Botion that salary of Patlzolmw Claylion Erickson be set at $175 per by \Tillson and carried. I Eotion ta offer Ernest J. Boyd ix poxi%ion as polhe pakolrnan a% salary of $175 per month EP~S made by Hat&horne, seconded by Villsorr and carried. Eotion to adjourn was made by Utley, The Zngineer I . month, effectire February 16, 1945, made by &vthome9 seconded ' and carrEed. Ems 03i' TED3 SPBCWL rnS:TING OF TIlE EDINA VIXLAGE COUNCIL * HELD IN VIUAGS HAI;[; AT 7' PoXo FEBRUARY 16, 1945 Four members of %he council were presbnt: Utley, Willson, Vyat€ md Todd, Todd was designated as clerk pro %em. EoZiion to mard contract far purchase af a Oractor and loader to %.He Ziegles Co. at price 02 $2,250 in a;ccardance wiGh bid Peceived February 12, 1945, IY~S nade by Villson, seconded by Tlydit and carried. IXotion ta adjomn was made by Utley, I de8 by Eavthorne and carried.