HomeMy WebLinkAbout19450312_REGULARf ITilZson offered the falloming resolution and moved its adoption: uRESOLVEB, %Imt after havjng given full considera$ian on the merits af the application of Lucille lfolan for apf 'Off Sale? license fae the sale of intoxicating liquor, the safd application is hereby denied.'" Eo-kion ta adopt %be resolution vas se rollcall there vere five ayes and nu Tillson, aye; VyaZfi, we; Ham'cho resalution vas zdopted. , Lekter vas received from Ernest J. Boyd declining a posi€ian as police patrolman because he vas unable to find a residence in Edina. ESotion to direct the village attorney to invesfigate use of properCg by J. A. Banens and Son and Don EcClellan was made by Villson, seconded by VyaEt and carried. Uizley preseneed a seqer rental 'budget for 1945, shoving estimated sever sental revenue of $6,438 and estimated semer operation and mair,- temnce costs of $536990060 The village manager vas directed to investigate possible changes in me-kbod of handlirrg fire department eelephone calls to relieve ELrs. Blanche Eerfeld of the inconvenience of ansvering other than fire calls a% nfghtib - Havthorne: offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: I lWKG~S, Hilding D&19 Constable of %he Tillage of Edina, has fwnished bond Lo -he Village of Edina, as such constable, commencing January I, 1945, $0 the end of his term as such constable, c t%OV, THEREFORE:, BE IT RESOLVED that %he bond of HildinEf D&IS as Coastable, furnished on or about January 25, 1944 'by Standard Accident Insurance @oqmy, a Corporation af Betr0l€9 Ezichigan, as surety thereon, is hereby declared. to be terni- neted on January Is 1945, Eotion ta adopt the resolutian vas s there vere fSve ayes and no nays3 as Vyatt, aye; Eam%horne, aye; Tod TsotC;on to adjourn aas mde by Hav%h seconded by Villsor, and carried. All members of the council nere presento Dotian to renen automobile fleet bodily injury and property dmage insurance on village vehicles for the gear ending Eairch 8, 1946, with Fked La Gray Ca. at premium af $271.84 was made by Villson, seconded by Ha-kPrhorne and carried. Eot-ian to renew atraz5craerrts compensafiian insurance far Tillage employea for the year endin Earch 8, 1946% with Hardware Hutuual Casualty Co. Villson, seconded by Utley and carried. at pfi premium of ~800.91~ 8 srabjec2 .i;o audf% adjuswent;, was made by Eotion Go renevz comprehensive Snsurartce for pol5ce cars land fire, Lightking and Tnindstam insurance far fleet of vilfage vehicles far the year ending Xarch 8, 1946$ with Eardmare Kukza?. Casualty 00. 8% premium af $72.84 =as made by Vyatf;, seconded by Villson and carried. Eo%ion Lo approve and- wl3.0~ the follovzing bills mas made by Vyatt, seconded by Utleg and czzrried: I BI5B PAID XURCH 12$ 1945 General Fund Erne Claim Xo. Amount Ti?. E. L& Company 29aa $ Hennepin Caan%y Revie= 28'71 7.43 &iller-Davis Company 2872 39.75 Statie af Einnesota 28 73 32.00 Phil IF* Smith . 28 78 BEE@IBO Int emati ion81 Emvest er Cu . 2871 92.55 Ed. Earris Std. Service Stns 2878. 98697 Epls. Gas Light Cfa. 2% 79 '78.89 Burroughs Adding Xachine 00 . 28 81 4.51 Federatied Eardwme Eiatuals 2880 122.94 Bhilligs Petroleum Go. 28 83 15.05 Einneapolls Blue Printing Ca. 28 85 4.50 Firestone Stares 2886 105.30 General Truck 8c Equipment Co. 2887 8.40 Gamble Store {#1Q3 28 88 14.3.r Edim Eardware fl 28 89 28.39 2390 237.40 28 91 '43.47 LZinPreapolis City Treasurer Borey Shell Sta-Eian Dahlberg Bros., Znc. 2892 52.76 Rorthuestern Bell Telephone Coo 2893 34.80 'IrJm. He Ziegler Co. 28 94 46.32 - Worthern States Fomer 60mpny 2895 655.20 Evelyn Ejos, Asst. Treasurer 2909 14.26 3.00 - Young Brzel Gompany r 2874 38e80 krthm Petersen 28 75 488 0 25 Reinhard Brothers Company 2882 38.43 Bud Brooks Pw~ Oil Stn. 2884 32.04 Fred- Lo G~ay CODP~F 2899 75.08 Total Gener a1 Fund $2,377.58 Subuztbiwr Hem. Cy. Relief Ed. Borey Shell Statian Dahlberg Bros. fnc. 1Sosthviestem Bell Telephone 00 Euda Sales & Service 00. Lametti & Lametti Evelyn Kjosl Ass%. Treas. I). Jo V011 Total J.S.D, #. Pand %no H, Xiegler COO ljks. H. G. Dirks Total S. D. #8 2898 2891 2892 2893 28 96- 2891 2900 2909 2894 29 01 2895 Poor PU& ?$ 123.82 5.00 $ 14.60 Sewes Reat;. 1.00 1.00 $4 20 9 . 10 E~tion -%o appruve Tirillson, seconded Evelyn K,ios and allcn.2 the! following payrolls vas made by by Tly%.f;t and carried: L PAPROLL PAID I!I&RCH 12, 3.945 mEth ITo. Gross Amount TTithh. Tax 2902 ~ 29 03 Police Department Hilding Dahl 29 85 Via. S.-Eeydt 29 06 Cla;y.f;orm Erickson 2907 Stre& Department (regulars) E. J. J-ohson 2910 P. E. Dahlgpen 2911, So J. Roberts 2912 John Tracy . 2913 Bar= Jonas 29 14 E. J. Eerfeld 2915 Street Department (hourly nen) E~s* JO~SO~ , 29 16 Sam ETcCready 2917 Ben Toehler 2918 $162.56 67.50 $112 o 50 95. OQ 95.00 85.00 85000 9% 5a $5 70 0 00 $ 51.38 53 55 120.00 $230 093 $20.40 'gmm 1.20 9 .lo 8.20 12e40 12.19 $32.70 $14 040 X0*76 6.50 4.50 $44 80 WQ 7.00 090 2.00 12.10 $15.06 $ 98+10 84 030 88 50 83 030 80 50 90.50 $525.26 8 56.48 $215 . 93 51 55 107.90 $1,427.12 $123.20 $1,303092 Bids vere called on cutback asphalt and road tar in accordance rrifih published aa'cice and three bids mere ceceived and opened, as follovs: George D, Alexander, L:C lo 2 or 3 cutback asphalt at 8.095 per gaL1ar-i snd 2;rc 1, 2 or 3 cu-kbacli asphalt a% $00925 per gallon and RT 5 or G at Q.1075 6er @&arm; Republic Creasoting Gooy RT 3 to RT 10 road tap at $.1.;015 per gallon. nsbmreger for tabulaEion vas made by Hawtharne, seconded by VZZlson zad carried, I 3 to RT LO road tm at 8.11 per gallon; 3837 77. Craig Co, , Eotian to refer the bids to %he village Letter vas received from Eugene Garrison requesBlqg pemission Ea laain€zxin a stable for horses at 4539 Bo 56%h Street. 4620 Toner street, appeared and said he would hawe no abjec%ion Go a stable at that 5cication ff it 17e1e kepC clean. Ben t'ioehler, 4552 Pes* 56€h S€zeet appeared and stated he objected to a stable in that neighborhaad. by Tillson, seconded by Utley and carpied. B. P. Feeks, 4637 V. 56%h Street, zppeared €0 discuss means of eliminakhg accumulaeion ~f r-tater in a lot near hZs residence and €0 request re-grading of a portion of 'Jm 56th s%reet %o provide drainage. The village engineer vas directed to investigate the ma;f;t;er. Roy Anderson, Eotion 'I;o lay the matter over until April 9 va8 mde , Ben Parks and Carl Hensen appeared to discuss correction of an alleged over-assessrgerrt in Se~ier District Horn 9. Etpibers of the council, expsessed agreement %bat adjustment of the assessment rrould be equitable and jet mas decided to inquire vhether holders of Sew- Distric€ Eo, 9 marrants aould consent to reassessment. G. R. Berlin, Er. Andersonp Er. Spande and l2. Ykeks appeared ta request oonstructian of a useable roadrray on Tosrer Street. I Dtleg offered the fallorring resolutian and moved its adoptian: t%J3SOSVED, that the following rJmrants issued by *he Tillage of ldina for Sever H)is";;rict No, 8, to ai%: 130s. 27 to 52, inclusive, all of which are held and oqrred by the viUage9 be and hereby axe cancelled. Eotion to adopfi the resolution vas seconded by HaGkhorne, and-on rollcall there mere five &yes and no nays, as follons: Utley, vet 43 l'?illson, aye; Vyatt, aye; &wth resolutian was adap2ed. Eotian eo grant the fallswing licenses for the sear errding ITarcE.1 3X9. 1946, was mad6 by Hawthorne, seconded by Utley and carried: ChaPles Bay for Hay & Stenson Co., 3922 V. 50th SCreet -- Int erlachen Country Club, In6erlachen road -- 3.2 beer (off-sale); cigeret e SiquoP (on-sale); 3.2 beer (on-sale); cigaret, I %Totion to gmn% pemif;s to Eopthem StaEes Pomer Go. for erection of one power pole OH IT, Fuller Street and me poaer pole on Golf Terpace 'was made by t"Jillsorr, seconded by Utley and cierrZed. Eation to e~~3.o~ Clarence E;nt;ztson as a police patrolman at %c salary of $X60 per mon%h on a month-to-mon%h 'basis mas made by Hamtiharne, seconded by Gillson and cmEied. Jahn Thill appeared to coqfain about erection of advertising bill- boaEds alcrng Highway 100, m ordinance regulating billbomds. The village manager reported signers of petition requesting install- ation af sanitary seaer ora %. Puller Skreet from Beard to Franee Avenues represented only 25 per cent of affeGted property. Eotion €0 refer €he peE;itian back to the s9gnex.s tvith instmcticms ta secure signatures representing a€ least 75 per cent of affected proper2;y wits made by ft%ley, &couldled by Haxtiharne a;nd earxied. Gtley offered the f ollowring resoluticr-n and rnaved 2%~ adoption: The village attorney weis directed $0 draft tiEESOLWD, that the Village Council of Ldina approves the assigmnerrt by Kidland NaEirPYzal Bank & 3i'ruse Company of $15,~00.00 U. S. Tzeasury 2 1/2 per cent bomb due December 15, 1953L49, in lieu of $15,000.00 Home Onriers Loan Gorp. 3. 112 per cent bonds due June 1, 1947, as collateral Village af %dim funds deposited in the bank IL I Eiiioxl ea adapt the resolutianr vas seconded by fdgittt and on rollcall there =ere five ayes and no nays, aye; Vyatt, aye; Hawthcrrne, aye; adopGed. 1f:ation to adjourn was made by Haehmmes seconded by Villsorr and carried. All memkem af the council mere present;.