HomeMy WebLinkAbout19450315_SPECIAL43 l'?illson, aye; Vyatt, aye; &wth resolutian was adap2ed. Eotian eo grant the fallswing licenses for the sear errding ITarcE.1 3X9. 1946, was mad6 by Hawthorne, seconded by Utley and carried: ChaPles Bay for Hay & Stenson Co., 3922 V. 50th SCreet -- Int erlachen Country Club, In6erlachen road -- 3.2 beer (off-sale); cigeret e SiquoP (on-sale); 3.2 beer (on-sale); cigaret, I %Totion to gmn% pemif;s to Eopthem StaEes Pomer Go. for erection of one power pole OH IT, Fuller Street and me poaer pole on Golf Terpace 'was made by t"Jillsorr, seconded by Utley and cierrZed. Eation to e~~3.o~ Clarence E;nt;ztson as a police patrolman at %c salary of $X60 per mon%h on a month-to-mon%h 'basis mas made by Hamtiharne, seconded by Gillson and cmEied. Jahn Thill appeared to coqfain about erection of advertising bill- boaEds alcrng Highway 100, m ordinance regulating billbomds. The village manager reported signers of petition requesting install- ation af sanitary seaer ora %. Puller Skreet from Beard to Franee Avenues represented only 25 per cent of affeGted property. Eotion €0 refer €he peE;itian back to the s9gnex.s tvith instmcticms ta secure signatures representing a€ least 75 per cent of affected proper2;y wits made by ft%ley, &couldled by Haxtiharne a;nd earxied. Gtley offered the f ollowring resoluticr-n and rnaved 2%~ adoption: The village attorney weis directed $0 draft tiEESOLWD, that the Village Council of Ldina approves the assigmnerrt by Kidland NaEirPYzal Bank & 3i'ruse Company of $15,~00.00 U. S. Tzeasury 2 1/2 per cent bomb due December 15, 1953L49, in lieu of $15,000.00 Home Onriers Loan Gorp. 3. 112 per cent bonds due June 1, 1947, as collateral Village af %dim funds deposited in the bank IL I Eiiioxl ea adapt the resolutianr vas seconded by fdgittt and on rollcall there =ere five ayes and no nays, aye; Vyatt, aye; Hawthcrrne, aye; adopGed. 1f:ation to adjourn was made by Haehmmes seconded by Villsorr and carried. All memkem af the council mere present;. 44 Ut;fey offered €he follarring resolution and moved its adoption: uTiHEXE.&S, 5% is desirable to ptarchase that pet of the water snpply system, and pLwE no-n used and - usefulp ovned by the Country Club District Semfee Gompany 3 ttEEl IT RESOLVED9 by the Council of the Village of Edina, that the clerk be, and he hereby is, directed to gine to the Country ClubBisfiricP; Service Compavry Khirty (30) days' witten notice of the desire of the Village to purchase that part of the rzater supply system and plant, non used md useful, anned by and belonging to the cfoun-l;ry Club DistricZ Service Campmy." E~ti~n to adopt the resolutian vas seconde rollcall $here vere five ayes and no Tillson, aye; Vyat-ks aye; Hamthar resolution vas adoptedo rne and on Xotiarm Eo mite $L,OOQ of co-insurance coverage for snav fence ~th Hardriare Kutual Insurance Go,: for %he year ending April I49 1946 at a premium gl.50 per @.OS mas made by \7i11son, Seconded by Vyatt and carried. All members of the eouncil mere present, Adnini s trat ire Phil Vo SmiBh 2919 29 20 2921 29 22 2923 29 24 2925 29 26 2927 2928 Q 5oooo 35.00 35.00 30 o OCP 30 e00 75 00 59008 350 OO 010 .10 -0- -0- -0 - -0- -0- 0 7Q -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- 162 050 20040 1.50 Etrelsm f;.ios 2929 20 80 Gret-khen-Schussler 293Q Folice Department Sub -to tal 29 31 1.50 96060 82. 80