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Ut;fey offered €he follarring resolution and moved its adoption:
uTiHEXE.&S, 5% is desirable to ptarchase that pet of the water snpply system, and pLwE no-n used and - usefulp ovned by the Country Club District Semfee
Gompany 3
ttEEl IT RESOLVED9 by the Council of the Village of Edina, that the clerk be, and he hereby is, directed to gine to the Country ClubBisfiricP; Service Compavry
Khirty (30) days' witten notice of the desire of the
Village to purchase that part of the rzater supply system
and plant, non used md useful, anned by and belonging
to the cfoun-l;ry Club DistricZ Service Campmy."
E~ti~n to adopt the resolutian vas seconde
rollcall $here vere five ayes and no
Tillson, aye; Vyat-ks aye; Hamthar resolution vas adoptedo
rne and on
Xotiarm Eo mite $L,OOQ of co-insurance coverage for snav fence
~th Hardriare Kutual Insurance Go,: for %he year ending April I49 1946 at a premium gl.50 per @.OS mas made by \7i11son, Seconded by
Vyatt and carried.
All members of the eouncil mere present,
Adnini s trat ire
Phil Vo SmiBh
29 20
29 22
29 24
29 26
Q 5oooo
35.00 35.00
30 o OCP
30 e00
75 00
350 OO
-0 -
0 7Q
162 050 20040 1.50 Etrelsm f;.ios 2929 20 80
Gret-khen-Schussler 293Q
Folice Department Sub -to tal
29 31 1.50
82. 80
zfa.yrall of Lhrcli 26. 3945 (Continued)
Sam KcCresdy 294 2 4843Q
E. C. Pfeiffer 2% 5 21 e 25
Ben TloehJee 2944 123 . 75
Sa&. BaLich 2945 5Q 00
Geoe Gi'bson 294 6 8.00
Hilda Eaag 294 7 5. OQ
$320 . 80 Sub -.1- o ti a1
1 e44 -Q-
-0 -
79 .QO
TOTAL FAmOLSr $2 9 023 13 $3.38 t 24 $18 ?E $1 9 866 0 24
Andmm Po EcQlpm, 4T48 LaJceviex drive, appesred +a com-plairm abcrrafi
dead fish in Lake Harvey.
Ko"c;on .It0 direct the village public vo&s crew fo remave dead. fish f~cm Xake Harvey and %a natify Hannen-Parks kht.t; they will be hela
responsible for any recmrenw a2 the conditian was made by U-bley, second-ed by Villsan and carifed.
B. 0. Schmarz, 4611 &den aveyLuep appeared to discuss drainage a@ storm svate~s Prom %he staee-k in f~on% of his %ome,
Eelvia Petri., 45QO Brookside Avenue, appeared to dfscajlss repais or replmernent af sidemalk 0x1 BEaakei.de Avenue .
Ashley BEoQks9 licensee af Edim Auto Livery, and Elrs. Ruth S. Braun,
5948 Ashcrd'E Avenue, agpeaEed to discuss applicatian for transfer of
Edirta AK%O Livery licenses to W.S. Braw4
E:crs%iian to grant applfcz~-kf~n af Eks. Ruth SI Braun, as ownep OB l!&%ina
Auta Livery, fo~t eighG %isxicab license&J9 subject- eo Eiling 02 IZ
proper certific&e or" public liahili,ky and -property darilage iasarsnce9
VELS made by Hmthome seconded bx U.1-b~. and carfed.
Letter WE~B received from %he Einzresata 32ivision af Eo&ef Xnwpectian,
reporting on Qrders issued to N01an3s Gulf Terrace cafe ayrd Bros3-n
Dezby cafe for correctiala af iLzsmftaEy oanditions. Eatian to refer
%he letter %a the village health ~ff2.c-e~ viCh instrnctfona %Q recheck
conditions in the fix0 cafes ~tas made by Hzlm%hsrne, seconded Vi12som?
President Todd reported he had? fastrmted J..A. Danens on Yarch 24 to clean his psemises on Brookside avenue and -that Danens has agreed
%a co operate
and csrrfedr
LIotioYr 'to accept the bid af 2. W. Craig Co.. to fwnish cutback asphalt
for road nork at pr%ee a2 $.Q925 per gallon mas mde by Tillson, aecouded by Ulihey and carried.
Eotion to refund assesmen-ks paid by property ovmers for oiling of
side stiree2-s and mads during 1944 EELS mde by t;7illsoa, seconded by
Vyat-1; and emried.
E;o?;ion %ct rescind the pzevious urotian and to GoYfSGinue to i: olXot~ the
policy of' assessing omzers of mrner lotis and plaiks for a5ling xtme-ks
or' raads both at the fronts and sides of thei~ property was made by
Tillson, seconded by Hav$€homxe and carried, nith Vyatt vo-kiirrg; no. I
Licenses issued Earch 26
Lars I~aut s on for. Edina Grocery C igatrette
Zipoy * s Grocery Cigeette
Coun%ry Clubs 9nc. Eiquar - on sale
CQUYL%m Club, IE2C* 3.2 Beer - am? sa&
Comt~j CTlnb, Inc. Cigarette
country Club, fvlcr Pinball machine
(Continned an next page)
Licenses issued &rch 26 [Continued)
Geo. Te Shilson, Prap. Village Inn
Geo. TO Shilson, Propo Village Inn
Geo. To Shilsorm, Prop Village fwl
Geo. To Shilsan, Propo Village Inn
Winq A. Olson, Prop, JBrovyL Derby
Vin. A* OlsonJ Frop. Bonn Derby Vmm A. Olson, Prop. Bro7sn Derby m0 AQ Olson, PPOpO Brmn Der'br
Tedman Vooddale Grace-
Bma Te&m Vooddale Woceq Gregg * s Phamacy
Edina Village Sovliw Cen'l;eF9 Inc,
Edim Village Borrling Center, Inco
Edina Village Bo-nling Center, Inc
Gigare+'; e
Beer - Off sdLe
Beer - On SaXe
PiDball matchine
Cigarette Pinball machine
Beer - Oy1 sale
Beer - Off sale
Beer - Off sale
CigareGte Cigare'cte
Pinball machine
ETigaPeQ te
Bonling Am&-*
Eation ta deny applica%ion of Counby Club, Inc.. 8. for a license fora
golf hall vending machine on grounds said machine is a gabling device
was made by UtZey, seconded by ";zillson and carriedo
Zdiion to refer %he matter of purchase of a filing cabineC for maps
and plats to the village engineer aith poircer to act aits mde by Vill- son, seconded by Havkhorne and carriedo
Eotian to adjaurn nas made by gill
All memhers of the cauncfl mere presqneo
* Eation to approve and allon the follorzfng payrolls rtas =de by Tlillsart,
seconded That& and carried :
Phil Ve mith 29 84 $ 162.50 $ 20.40 Evelyn Kios 2985 67 0 50
Gx etchen -Schuss ler 2986
Police Department
Eildirtg Dah1 2987 8.20 '&.I. S . -Hey dt 29 88 100.98 11o9Q
ClaTtTton Eriekson 29 89 100 '16 7080
$384 e 24
Seree-6 Depat..P;menli (regular men) .. R. 3. Johnson 2991 1120 50
14 e40
Po €I0 Dahlgren 2992 950 00 10 070
So Jo Roberts 29 93 95.00 6058
Bar- Jonas 2995 85000 4050 John Tracy 2994 88068 1.80
Y Sfr~et Depmtuent (hourly men)
Chase JO~SOH 2997 63075 1010
Bea Voehler 3000 110 0 00
$250 *Y2
15 020
8 1420x0
$ 266.816
94e319 89,08
98 01~6
860 88
80 o 50
528 0 18
56 020
100 010
$1,485 0 54
Eotian %a approve and all017 the folloving bills =as made by '17yatt,
seconded by Ut-ley and carried: