HomeMy WebLinkAbout19450409_REGULAR46 Licenses issued &rch 26 [Continued) Geo. Te Shilson, Prap. Village Inn Geo. TO Shilson, Propo Village Inn Geo. To Shilsorm, Prop Village fwl Geo. To Shilsan, Propo Village Inn Winq A. Olson, Prop, JBrovyL Derby Vin. A* OlsonJ Frop. Bonn Derby Vmm A. Olson, Prop. Bro7sn Derby m0 AQ Olson, PPOpO Brmn Der'br Tedman Vooddale Grace- Bma Te&m Vooddale Woceq Gregg * s Phamacy Edina Village Sovliw Cen'l;eF9 Inc, Edim Village Borrling Center, Inco Edina Village Bo-nling Center, Inc Gigare+'; e Beer - Off sdLe Beer - On SaXe PiDball matchine Cigarette Pinball machine Beer - Oy1 sale Beer - Off sale Beer - Off sale CigareGte Cigare'cte Pinball machine ETigaPeQ te Bonling Am&-* Eation ta deny applica%ion of Counby Club, Inc.. 8. for a license fora golf hall vending machine on grounds said machine is a gabling device was made by UtZey, seconded by ";zillson and carriedo Zdiion to refer %he matter of purchase of a filing cabineC for maps and plats to the village engineer aith poircer to act aits mde by Vill- son, seconded by Havkhorne and carriedo Eotian to adjaurn nas made by gill I All memhers of the cauncfl mere presqneo * Eation to approve and allon the follorzfng payrolls rtas =de by Tlillsart, seconded That& and carried : PnT NTO Administration Phil Ve mith 29 84 $ 162.50 $ 20.40 Evelyn Kios 2985 67 0 50 Gx etchen -Schuss ler 2986 Police Department Eildirtg Dah1 2987 8.20 '&.I. S . -Hey dt 29 88 100.98 11o9Q ClaTtTton Eriekson 29 89 100 '16 7080 80.00 $384 e 24 Seree-6 Depat..P;menli (regular men) .. R. 3. Johnson 2991 1120 50 3060 31050 14 e40 Po €I0 Dahlgren 2992 950 00 10 070 So Jo Roberts 29 93 95.00 6058 Bar- Jonas 2995 85000 4050 John Tracy 2994 88068 1.80 2996 Y Sfr~et Depmtuent (hourly men) Chase JO~SOH 2997 63075 1010 Bea Voehler 3000 110 0 00 $250 *Y2 9090 15 020 8 1420x0 58,40 $ 266.816 94e319 89,08 92.96 76.40 352074 66030 98 01~6 88,59 84030 860 88 80 o 50 90.50 528 0 18 62065 56 020 118.27 100 010 237.12 $1,485 0 54 Eotian %a approve and all017 the folloving bills =as made by '17yatt, seconded by Ut-ley and carried: BILLS PAID KPREL 9, 1945 EIinneapoiis G~S Light Company Hmdwre Euhaal Casualty Go 6 Federated Hardvare Kutuals Fred Lo Gray Company Dzhlberg Brot hers Inc . Elepubl5c Creosoting (Tmpany Gile Lettie2 ServZce J. v. Gleason K2di.ea-k Cfw XFg. Ca. Chan Olson & Sons, Inc. Tillage of Eopkins Phil W, Smith Ed. EEmrIs Service Station Aierican Linen (30mpany Hennepin ~otdndi&r Eenien Glacier Sand & Gmxe1 Company IElle&=-Davi s Company Thompson Lumber Corapaa?~r Farlzham Statianery & School Supply XI; inchfield ,Xaekall Grounse &- Koare Arthm Petersen Young Fuel Company Borey's She11 Semice Oscar Roberts Company Edina Hardware P. T. Smisek Kinneapolis Elue Printing Company Iqortherrr States Poqer Companr 2.951- 2952 29 53 2954 2955 2956 2957 2958 2959 2960 2961 2962 29 63 2964 2965 2966 2967 29 68 2969 2970 29 71 29 72 29 73 29 74 2976 2978 29 81 29 83 Suburban Hennepin County Relief Bd. 2975 Zdina €€a.rdxare Urs. €I, B. Dirks Frank Garrison Louis 3, Hagmann 3Zinneapalis Blue Crane Company af 4 29 76 2977 2979 29 80 Printing Company 2981 Einneso-ka 2982 Uorthem Stakes Povert Company 29 83 TOTAL BIT;CS 69 065 891.95 277 . 84 15 84 70 031 2.00 31.50 3.00 248.15 45 * of3 50 e00 86.95 5.25 67 . r3 19 82 5.95 11.68 3.00 599 71 488 25 14.27 76 92 14.01 9.73 15.86 11. 3Q 650 56 41.85 97.21 1.16 5.00 96.28 .60.18 5.99 6. ?5 1.05 .i General Fund 435830.64 POOP Fund $ 97.2% $ 162.56 J.S.D. #l 8 12,74 Sext er Ren t a1 1.05 $4 104.20 E. B. VaxiRhee, 5137 Halifax avenue; E. P. Eattsan, 5201 EaliTap;, and Roy Anderson, 5129 E&f-fzx3 appeared to abject to mapirig of house of By~on E. Kell from 3916 a. 50th Street and of \%%Iter J, Oxborough From 3928 B1 50th Street to 2at;s on Gorgas Avenue north of Fif€y-Second Street Arnold Chester, manager aP Country Club, he., appeared. to request issuance of a, license for a golf ball vending mchiyze. He was informed the council. taould not license said machine because it is a g&bl.ing devi 638 @. E,' Tanderhomt, 4505 Fultan avenue, and Ealver Larsons 5417 Dirisian street, appeared to complain about dumping of tin cans and other refuse in .the vieiniey of Division and Fulton. owner of the properky 'chat dumping of PeFnse must not be allowed, %o direct poxice to ares% vialators arrd to direct the engineer to post Itno dvmpfmgtt signs on the properky vas made by Emtharne, seconded by 'i'iyatt and carried* Eotiialz to notify Xation %a revoke pernits issued by the vil3age engineer ts Byron E. Kell and ValteJ? 3. Oxlzaroagh fczr moving houses frm 3916 aad 3920 V. 50th street to laGs on Gorrgas avenue north af Fifty-sBcand street on grounds sdd permits mre issued improvidently and .that erection of the buildings in the proposed new loca;.tiar?s aould lzot be in the be& interests of the village mas made bg Haxthorrze, seconded by Vptt and carried, aith Villson voting no. 48 ( rofiarm. $Eta% the clerk be directed to nrite a letter to Eansen-Parks advising them that dead fish had been removed from Lake Harvey by the Village and that orrners of property surrounding the lake hence- forth mill be held responsible for such expense nas made by VpP;t9 secanded by Eavthorrre and carried. Attorney Cove11 advised the cauncil that The Spectator has a rfgbt Eo print in a place other than St. Louis Park or Edina and reEairm status as a legzl necspaper, if i-l; is otheraise qualified. Eation to designa-ke the Hennepin County Reviev as official publicFntioE for the village cauncil for the year 1945 vas made by Utley, seconded by Vyatt and carried. Erotion to deny applicaticrn of Gene Garrison for permit to mairrtain a stable nP; 56kh atreet and Tower avmue and to order Garrison to discontinue maintenance af a stable at said location mithin 15 days vas made by Tillson, seconded by Vyatt and carried. . I Engineer Smith reported that Valtet Eo Carlson, 7 Edina Court, had inquired *at action had been taken by €he council to enforce a demand far removal af the tract office and billboards maintained by 'i2lorpe Brose, Incog at 50t;h Street and Vooddale avenue. Baticm t0 notify Tharpe Bros. , lnc. that %hey must remove their tract office and advertising signs at 50th and \7ooddale nithin 6Q days from receipt of notice was made by ffarJthorne, seconded by Ty&t and carried. Eoizion that the superintendent af the public aorks crerr be authorized to plant florrers in street; islands in the Country Club district and on %he village hall grounds was made by Utleg, seconded by Villsoo, and carried. Eotion to authorize the superintendent of the public sarks cren lo plan% tmes on tihe village hall grounds was made by Utley, seconded by Tillson ad carried. The matter of constructing sidewalk on the east side of Zooddalte avenue narth of 50th street was discussed and referred to %he village attorney for study. Setter vas received from E. J. Eckdell, Eimea-polfs, inquiring about it possible permit to aperate a carnival in Edins. Zotion Go natify Er. PZcArdell thafi'itknerent carnivals are not permi"ied fn . Edirm vas made by ZXLson, seconded by 17yaff and carried. . Letter F~S received from B.O. Schmrz, 4Gll Arden avenue, reporting that he had conferred rrith ITk. Houston of the Einneapolis city engineering department and that 3k. Houston suggested a survey be made of storm seukrs in the vicinity af Bridge street and Arden avenue. Uofiian that Engineer Smith be autharized to assist in mak- ing such a survey vaa made by Utfeg, seconded by Vyatt and carried. The matter of re-employing Sibs Herre%% as a member af the public. works cren vas discussed and mferred to the village health officero Xotion %ha% men Year's day, \7ashington*s Birthday, Eenarial day, Independence day, abor dag., Thanksgiving and Christmas be obaerved by the villzge as legal holidays and that observance of ArmisfSce day be discontinued uas made by UtXeg, seconded by Ea-athorne and carried* Eation to grant renewal of the folloning licenses for the year end- ing Elarch 31, 19469 mas made by Vyatt;, seconded by Villson and carrledt issued April. 9, 1945, - Cigarette Cigar&€ e Beer - Off Sale Bzer - 00 Sale The atr e Cig arete e Edna Auto Livery-Ruth S. Braun, Oxme2 Taxicab (8) Edina Theatre Corporation Carl Olsocs Prop. car1 O~SOH Grocery Beer - Off Sale (Continued- oo next page) Licenses issued- April 9, 1945 (continued] 5, E. Senson S. 33. Stenson I2cCtlellan~s Gro cery Trlsler's GEocerg Trisler's Grocery South Harriet Dairy 49 Beer - Off Cigarette Cigar et %e Cigarette Beer - Off sale Cigaret %e Eation that the village council make no grant of funds frsr the 1945 Hennepin County Fair was made by Utley, seconded by Hamthome and ceriedc Trustee Utley moved %hat the follawing resolution be adopted: AS^ %he Village Council of the Tillage af Edina t7as advised in letter of Earth 14, 1945, from the Office of the County Auditor of Hennepin County that the delinquent semer %axes and axrued interest and penalties to Earch f9, 1945, on lots appearing in %he application of "horpe Bros. under dake of Bommber 29, 1944, me as follavcrs: I 1945 485.20 2590.110 3075.30 307.53 3382.82 $1242.22 $6476.37 $j71.80 $7r9O,39 $1031.09 $29000 $8850.48 ' AJCD ~JHEREcTS, the Village Cooncil s%ipuLates and agrees %a iz Peduction in. the grand total of delinquent sever taxes, penalties, intepese and cost from $8,850.48 to $8,606.81 fop a net reduction of $243 . 67 . BB IT RBSOEm, $ha& the VilXage Council hereby consents, aurtherizea clnd directa %hat ehe sum af $8,606.81 be accepted in full papeak of said delinquent seaer taxes, and accrued in-berest and penalfiiea thereon $0 921s mation ~ias put and carried and VyzLt. PTays, none. April 19, 1345. I2otion to adjourn vas made by 17ilZ$on, I EIlSm.ES OF 'THE €UZGULLU? €ZZTING OF '!TI33 EDINA VILWGE COTDTCIL, KELD 1945 AT 8 Po3L'ie ASRIL 23, Taut members of the council mere present: Utley, Villson, 'Jyatt, Todd. Uyatt acted as Glerk. Deleg&ions favarirg and opposing issuance of moving and building permii;s to Valter 2. Oxborough and Byron E. KeU for moving houses $ram 3916 and 3980 17. 50th sZr&et to Fifty-second streetad Gorgas iZVeYtue, vdth J. R. merefit appearing as attorney for Oxborough and Appearing in oppositioa to %he pemnits were representatives af properties at 5117, 5137, 52010 5114, 5128, 5129, 5133, 5115 avld 5100 Halifax avenue and 5113' Indiartola avenuec were Xk. and Ers. Oxbarough5 I&. and Ers. flePlS E@. Gorgas, 5132 Prance avenue, Er. and ns. Criman and TE. Sargenli. I&. Eontgamery 'Ke11 and E. T. Eon&gomerg appearing as attorney far the opposifiian. Appearing in favor