HomeMy WebLinkAbout19450423_REGULARLicenses issued- April 9, 1945 (continued] 5, E. Senson S. 33. Stenson I2cCtlellan~s Gro cery Trlsler's GEocerg Trisler's Grocery South Harriet Dairy 49 Beer - Off Cigarette Cigar et %e Cigarette Beer - Off sale Cigaret %e Eation that the village council make no grant of funds frsr the 1945 Hennepin County Fair was made by Utley, seconded by Hamthome and ceriedc Trustee Utley moved %hat the follawing resolution be adopted: AS^ %he Village Council of the Tillage af Edina t7as advised in letter of Earth 14, 1945, from the Office of the County Auditor of Hennepin County that the delinquent semer %axes and axrued interest and penalties to Earch f9, 1945, on lots appearing in %he application of "horpe Bros. under dake of Bommber 29, 1944, me as follavcrs: I 1945 485.20 2590.110 3075.30 307.53 3382.82 $1242.22 $6476.37 $j71.80 $7r9O,39 $1031.09 $29000 $8850.48 ' AJCD ~JHEREcTS, the Village Cooncil s%ipuLates and agrees %a iz Peduction in. the grand total of delinquent sever taxes, penalties, intepese and cost from $8,850.48 to $8,606.81 fop a net reduction of $243 . 67 . BB IT RBSOEm, $ha& the VilXage Council hereby consents, aurtherizea clnd directa %hat ehe sum af $8,606.81 be accepted in full papeak of said delinquent seaer taxes, and accrued in-berest and penalfiiea thereon $0 921s mation ~ias put and carried and VyzLt. PTays, none. April 19, 1345. I2otion to adjourn vas made by 17ilZ$on, I EIlSm.ES OF 'THE €UZGULLU? €ZZTING OF '!TI33 EDINA VILWGE COTDTCIL, KELD 1945 AT 8 Po3L'ie ASRIL 23, Taut members of the council mere present: Utley, Villson, 'Jyatt, Todd. Uyatt acted as Glerk. Deleg&ions favarirg and opposing issuance of moving and building permii;s to Valter 2. Oxborough and Byron E. KeU for moving houses $ram 3916 and 3980 17. 50th sZr&et to Fifty-second streetad Gorgas iZVeYtue, vdth J. R. merefit appearing as attorney for Oxborough and Appearing in oppositioa to %he pemnits were representatives af properties at 5117, 5137, 52010 5114, 5128, 5129, 5133, 5115 avld 5100 Halifax avenue and 5113' Indiartola avenuec were Xk. and Ers. Oxbarough5 I&. and Ers. flePlS E@. Gorgas, 5132 Prance avenue, Er. and ns. Criman and TE. Sargenli. I&. Eontgamery 'Ke11 and E. T. Eon&gomerg appearing as attorney far the opposifiian. Appearing in favor sad %hat; those opposing %he pernits felt that plans and 50 specifications for remodeling the houses should be submitted to %he council before issuance of permits. "he matter rras referred to the committee of the vhoZe far consideration, Hanthorne arrived and acted as clerko l.2. and ZIrs. A. Ho Score, awners of property at Division street and Tulton avenue, appeared to discuss dumping af refuse on their property. !The miners agreed to clean up the property and to cooperate rrith the council in effort-s to stop dumping, Lo E. Sargent, 5201 Gorgas avenue, appeared to report confusion aborrf; proper name of Gorgas avenue andk request erection of a nev street sign at 52nd street and Qorgaso Ilotian to approve ad allon the following payrolls \vas made by Villson, secoaded by Utley and carriedo Council, To Lo Todd Boner Hamthome Geoo A, Villson Earold Co Utley J. J. Duggan Dr. &.E. Campbell Larl Cosrell Vad B. Legis John D, Relsonr Dr. Ai So 17yatk Ahinisfrative Phil Tl* Snieh Evelyn Kjas Gretchen Schussler Police 9)epartmerc.t; hilding Dah1 S. I3eyd.f; Clcg-kon Erickson Clarence mu*son 3001 3002 3003 3004 3005 30 06 3001 3008 30 09 3010 30l.l. 3012 3015 3014 3015 SOX6 3017 $ 50000 50.00 35.00 35.00 35oOQ 30eOO 30eOO 75oOQ 75 . 00 20000 $435 o 00 I62 050 77050 770 5Q 9317 0 50 102.5Q 97050 87.50 80 o OQ <j36 7 o 50 Si;reei; Department (regular men) R. J, Johnson 30 18 112 0 50 Po H. Dahlgren 3019 95.00 S. 3. Roberts 3020 95.00 John Tracy 3021 85. OQ Earrs Jonas 3022 85 .OQ 3023 97.50 lz7mxm Street Depmt;ment (hourly men) Chas . Johnson S& UcCreae E. C. PfeiQfer Ben Vmhler TOTAL P&YROI;& lifo.lcri~-n i;o direct "&e 30 24 630 75 30 26 60 032 a025 53,55 30 27 11BQOQ $287062 $199 7 7 o 62 attorney to dra? a e10 010 -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- Y 70 s 70 -0- v1 0 60 20 a40 2.80 11al.o 8020 13, .10 4*90 3,60 $27 0 85). 14.40 10e70 6058 1.70 4a5Q 7oQO $44 80 10143 2,oo 1.00 9.90 914* 00 $34 030 $122058 -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- 1.50 1,519 o 75 g5a 75 -0- le58 -0- 10 50 33 . 89 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1,5Q 1.50 $9OQO 11 50 -0- -0- 1.50 $18 a 15 $ 49,90 49.90 35.00 35,OO 35.00 30 eo0 300033 74,30 20000 $433.40 3.40 e60 73*20 65.65 @2?9 m45 92e80 . 8Ga40. SX.18 76 e40 $336 70' . 96,60 14030 82080 87.00 81.86 ' 89.00 790W $516 e 20 61.15 51.55 59.32 98,GO $270 o 62 $19836a37 resolution far conserncSfon of neu sidemlk on the nest kide of Brookside avenue froa Eator sfireee to Seventh street mas made by Willson, seconded by Havrkhame and carriedr " notion fzcr dfrect the village engineer to inspect sidemlks in the -, villase and to report necessary repairs vas rnade by Gtley, seconded by l :"lillson and carriedo - rotion ta deny application for a permi% to remodel the Docken store at 43GO Brookside avenue into residential apartrents on groundssuck construction mould not comply with the zoning ordinance and buildin,% code was made by EavthoPne, seconded by Tillson and carriedo - 51 Fresfdcu% Todd appainted Vyatt, clairrnan, and Villson and Eawthorne %a Rerve on 8 special cornrrlittee to determine necessity far permanent VO~BEEI' reE;ia%ra%ian and redistricting af voting diskricts in the village * Le-k%er YELS received from Federated Hardware Nut ualsy offering CB- insurance of $l,OOO on village snow fence, aith refund a9 $3 on premim previously paid. arid the refund of $3 was rzzade by tT;riIlsonS seconded by 3yatt and carried. Eofian %a accept the offer of eo-insurance Bngineer Smith ppesented 8ppLicetion of Arthur 0. Edvmds, 3815 Inglewood avenue, Si. Louis Park, for pemnlt t o construct a ware- house building on Bden avenue nezr Tfinneapolis, Xorthfield ana Southern pai*aad tracks. It was decided Edwards should be asked to appeas before the caunci1,- Engineer Suith presented application af Harold Burton for con- struction of a stub sexer line in Sunnyslope addition. the Zngineer Smith be authorized to dram plans and specifications for.csonstruction of a lateral sever stub Xine and P;o add engineering coartn, ai'ch all cos%t?a af canatruc%iaii arid engineering Eo be paid- by benefited propeP%y owners TIas made by Ukley, -seconded by 17yatt and oar i od EEcrkiorn 'hat I J'lo.l-ion to grane clgsrette license fop Hoyt's cafe,, 3907 I'd. 50e-h Stseet, f5~ 'che year ending I!ktPch 31, 1946, mas =de by &mthorrre, seconded by Vyaft and carried. - -&&iter was received from VilZi8m S. Andemon, 4120 Sunnyside road, requesting tihat the village reiove a tPee in front of. his property because roots aEe g~ovilag int-o his semer line, request mas made by Hawthorne, seconded by Utley and carried. ISation to adjourn was made by Vyatt9 seconded by Villson and carried. Ibtion to deny 4 \ 1. 3.067 61.50 Qret5hen- Schussler 3068 67.50 $ 297.50, paypa 11s aas 9.10 . $ 30.70 made by 58.40 8 266.80 Po lia e Depzrtmenk Hildiw Dah1 3069 102 . 50 8.20 94e3.0 'Ea.. S. Heydf 30 70 9'3.50 11.10 86.48 C1avton Ericksoa a 3071 87 50 4.90 82.60 80 e 00 3.60 76 040 367.50 C; 27.80 1- StEcoeZ; Department (segular men) Re Je Johnson 30 73 112 058 14.48 98.10 P. II, Dablgren 30 74 95.00 10 7'0 84 .5 0 S. 5; Roberta 30 75 95. OQ 6.50 88.58 John Tracy 30 76 85.00 1.70 83 030 H;rrx!y JO~R 30 77 . 85.869 . 4.50 80.50 'srita,oo $ 44.80 $$ 525.20 C~EJ. Johnson 30 99 95.63 6.56 89.13 3083. 165 QQ 21 030 145.70 E. C. Pfeiffet 30 82 122 40 8. 00 114 040 p472,28 $ 45,250 $3 426.08 TOTAL PAMOShE; $1 YO?'. 28 $148.68 $1,558068 8. Eerfeld 30 18 97.59 7.00 90.50 S%ree€ Department (hourly men} Ben 'Joehler sm EcCready 3680 89.25' 9.50 79 . 75