HomeMy WebLinkAbout19450514_REGULAR51 Fresfdcu% Todd appainted Vyatt, clairrnan, and Villson and Eawthorne %a Rerve on 8 special cornrrlittee to determine necessity far permanent VO~BEEI' reE;ia%ra%ian and redistricting af voting diskricts in the village * Le-k%er YELS received from Federated Hardware Nut ualsy offering CB- insurance of $l,OOO on village snow fence, aith refund a9 $3 on premim previously paid. arid the refund of $3 was rzzade by tT;riIlsonS seconded by 3yatt and carried. Eofian %a accept the offer of eo-insurance Bngineer Smith ppesented 8ppLicetion of Arthur 0. Edvmds, 3815 Inglewood avenue, Si. Louis Park, for pemnlt t o construct a ware- house building on Bden avenue nezr Tfinneapolis, Xorthfield ana Southern pai*aad tracks. It was decided Edwards should be asked to appeas before the caunci1,- Engineer Suith presented application af Harold Burton for con- struction of a stub sexer line in Sunnyslope addition. the Zngineer Smith be authorized to dram plans and specifications for.csonstruction of a lateral sever stub Xine and P;o add engineering coartn, ai'ch all cos%t?a af canatruc%iaii arid engineering Eo be paid- by benefited propeP%y owners TIas made by Ukley, -seconded by 17yatt and oar i od EEcrkiorn 'hat I J'lo.l-ion to grane clgsrette license fop Hoyt's cafe,, 3907 I'd. 50e-h Stseet, f5~ 'che year ending I!ktPch 31, 1946, mas =de by &mthorrre, seconded by Vyaft and carried. - -&&iter was received from VilZi8m S. Andemon, 4120 Sunnyside road, requesting tihat the village reiove a tPee in front of. his property because roots aEe g~ovilag int-o his semer line, request mas made by Hawthorne, seconded by Utley and carried. ISation to adjourn was made by Vyatt9 seconded by Villson and carried. Ibtion to deny 4 \ 1. 3.067 61.50 Qret5hen- Schussler 3068 67.50 $ 297.50, paypa 11s aas 9.10 . $ 30.70 made by 58.40 8 266.80 Po lia e Depzrtmenk Hildiw Dah1 3069 102 . 50 8.20 94e3.0 'Ea.. S. Heydf 30 70 9'3.50 11.10 86.48 C1avton Ericksoa a 3071 87 50 4.90 82.60 80 e 00 3.60 76 040 367.50 C; 27.80 1- StEcoeZ; Department (segular men) Re Je Johnson 30 73 112 058 14.48 98.10 P. II, Dablgren 30 74 95.00 10 7'0 84 .5 0 S. 5; Roberta 30 75 95. OQ 6.50 88.58 John Tracy 30 76 85.00 1.70 83 030 H;rrx!y JO~R 30 77 . 85.869 . 4.50 80.50 'srita,oo $ 44.80 $$ 525.20 C~EJ. Johnson 30 99 95.63 6.56 89.13 3083. 165 QQ 21 030 145.70 E. C. Pfeiffet 30 82 122 40 8. 00 114 040 p472,28 $ 45,250 $3 426.08 TOTAL PAMOShE; $1 YO?'. 28 $148.68 $1,558068 8. Eerfeld 30 18 97.59 7.00 90.50 S%ree€ Department (hourly men} Ben 'Joehler sm EcCready 3680 89.25' 9.50 79 . 75 52 L'ation La approve zmd allou the falloning bills wss =&e by Utley, seconded by \?illson and carried: 3031 Coun't;ry Club, Inc, 3032 Geo e Jens en 3033 Country Club Dist, Serv. 00. 3034 - 7. E. Lahr Coripany Jay 7. Craig Company Harry Bu%P;s Juhn Lindberry Linde Ak Products Co. Lyruihwst Xwsery Bennepin County Revieu Fhil V, Smiiih EZorell 8 EJichoIs, Inc. Zao E. ZiegleP krawican Printing Coo Phillips Petroleum Co Staee of €5m0Depto of Tax, L~ders-l~orblom-Christensan Young 2uel Co. Bhlberg Bros., Inc. Bud Brooks Pure Oil $%ne Glacier Sand & Gravel Cos EdoEarris Service Stn, X.7, Bell Telephone Coo Berg & 3arrih.m H.A. Rogers Coo Borey's Shell Service Stria Don PIcClellan l:orkLc?e"n S'cetes Foxel- Ca. VoSo Dalw & Coo 3035 3036 303 7 3038 3039 3040 3041 3042 30 44 3045 3047 3048 304 9 3050 30 51 3052 3053 3054 30 55 3061 3065 3084 30 85 3086 3087 5088 Subnrban Henno Cy, Relief Bd. 3083 He Ge Dkks Arne T. Lee C. 5. SvaLen Perry Brouard Olive A. Smith Park Eachine Coo Bud% Sales & Service COO &mie%ti & Lamettf N.Vo Bell Telephane Ba0 Xorthern Stakes Pomer Coo TOTAL BILLS PAID p,LAY 14s 3056 305 7 3058 3059 30 60 3062 30 63 3064 3061 3088 458 025 100000 7*8Q l8,01 6.15 26.00 2.50 7.50 4e5L 30.55 12.08 50 ,OO 536.25 2 9 28 ?' 77 26-*35 30 010 14 71 16.00 268.32 2.85 , 92917 . 77.70 "71055 150 88 8e78 66079 60.00 16 m35 642.07 28.67 73.77 5.08 24.51 64*96 53.72 22.53 6040 3.23 965 0 84 065 e $5,158051 Poor Fun& $3 73.77 S,D. #8 Semea ReuEo 8 1005 $6 9371 9'7 Louis, 3%. Clark and Era Steinke,'park bospd members, appeared and presented proposals for planting af annual znd perennhl florrzrs on street islands in %e Cotmtry Club district and village hall grounds. $250 for such planting vas nade by Tfyatt, secmded by Villsan arrd carriedo EoP;ion 2;o authorize the park board to spend not to excesd A. 0. Edaads, 3815 IngleToad avenue, St, Louis Park, appeared $0 d5scuss his. applicatian for permit to construct a one-story ware- house building on Eden avenue ad joining PIZYrrreapolis $ northfield and Southern railraad tracks. Edwards explained a portion of the building vould be used far storage of building materials and the remainder for a plant for applying imitation brick and stone Tacing ta Insulatian board. He said he proposed to use gzbs for heating tar used in the process ;an& that there would be no objectionable odors. Ed17ards at&s requested to furnish names of communities in vhich similar plants me loca'fiedo 5 3' J. Ip. Everefit, attorney for Byron E. Kell and Valter J. Oxbcrroragh appeared vith sketches af proposed remodeling of Kell and Oxborough houses in connection with application for permits to move the houses from 391G and 3920 V. 50th street to Gorgas avenue nezr 52nd street. C. D, Shipm, 5129 Indianola avenue; G. F. Hupp, 5100 Halifax avenue; 33. F. Eattson, 5201 Halifax; E. D. TTariffhee, 5137 Halifax; Llss. ?,Tax EcCalI, 5133 Halifax; Hzrs. E. A. Bros, 5120 Halifax; L. E. Therpien, 5104 Ealifax; H. T. Nxberg, 5119 Balifax, and E. E. Ihxon, 5115 Halifax, appeared to discuss €he pmposed moving. Eembeps of the delegation expressed concern thaG VEl3 pernits for rermdeling of the houses might not be obtainable for same time and L!o%ion Bo grant moving and building pemnits Eo Valter Je Oxbarcrugh and Byron 33. Kell far moving of their resBdences from 3916 and 3920 V, 50th street ta lots on Gorgas avenue north of Fifty-second street an conditio= that each post $1,000 bond as snrety €or agreefienth complete alteratians in conformity Eith the village building code aithin ab raontha after priorities me available and on condition plans and specificiatians for alferafions are acceptsble lfio the village council was made by Utley, seconded by Fillson scnd carried, nith Bavrthorne Toting no. * that noving should not be permitted mithorxt; remodeling. A delegation of persons residing in the vicinity of Forty-seventh street and Pr8nce avenue appeared to complain tat Villfan A. Ol~on, 4650 France avenue, is operating 8 commercial dog kennel at hTs residence, having as %any as 20 dogs on the prem&ses a% one time. LIotian to natify Villian Am Olson that keeping in excess of two dogs an his premises at 4650 France avenue is in vialation of a village ordinance and to order p9r. Olson ta discontinue use of his property as a kennel was made by \?illson, seconded by Tfy2t'c and carried. Hawthorne mas excused and left the meeting. I7yat.t; acted as clerk. E. 8. Petepson appeared to request a permit to buildfa porch and move a garage. VilXiasn IT. Olson, 4638 I?rqace avenue, appeared to report' he paid taxea no0 properly assessed against his property. He was informed the Village Uanager was investigating the mtter. J. V. Thomas, 4916 Bruce avenue, ownex- of properw at 4556 Brook- side avenue, appeared to state objection ko payment of assessments for Seser District Ha. 8e village atiiorney. The complaint was referred eo the Gene Cooper appeared to request improvement of Benton road and aomple'kion €12 Grove street. G. R. Fonde appeared to present a petition far oilfng af '17. 48th atreet frorn Brookside avenue to Rutledge avenue and of Rutledge from 48th to Division street, Ben Parks appeared to request improvement of streets in Golf Terrace. I7illson said no road ~mrk should be done in Golf Terrace, Second Additian, until taxes are paid. Re (2. Sonnenberg, 5002 Eoore avenues appeared b,o request that v31LJage remove scrap lmber piles near his home. Setter YELS received from A. E. Rolfness, announcing his resignation as a member of the school board and planning commission. Lstter was received from H. J. Arrmatt, 4609 kden avenue, urging action by the village to relieve storm sewer prablemns in the vicinity of Bridge skreet auld Arden avenue. President Todd said he would acknoaledge the letter I Po%itiion of E. P. Xgelsrud for pemft to enlarge a garage an6 construct it picket fence on village property mas denled. Applic&iion af Betty Carson for a building pemih nas denied by vote of 5 to lo Utley, Villson and Todd voted to deny and FTJfaZt voted in favor. 54 I?etI%ion mas presented by Eelvin Petri for construction of a ner: siderralk an Brookside avenue from Lot 15 to Lot 24 inc., Brookside Terrace, Trimtee Villson offered the following resolution and moved its adopt i an : BE IT RESOLVED, by the Village Council of %he Village of EdiEa thai; it is necessary and expedient to rebuild it sideawlk on the Vest side of Brookside Avenue,, from the Eorth Pine of Lot 15, Brookside Terrace to the South line of Ldi 24, Brookside Terrace; such Q sidemlk to be five (5) feet in aidth and rebuilt in accordance with standard village sidevalk specificat ions adopted October 7, 1940 and non on file nith the Village Clerk; the Viflaxe Engiaeep is hereby directed to set stakes designating %he exact loca%ion of said nalk, BB IT FURTHBR FBSOLVEDs that said aiderralk shall be completed by August 6, 19450 BE IT FUFtTHER RXSOLVED, %bat the names of the ovners: af all lots, parts of lots, and parcels of ground abutting the street 17here said valk is to Xme of Onner Elizabeth E. Anderson S.J. Donohue mvey So Reeves Chaple s N,H.Dickover Charles A. Vebbep Raymond C.Torr?mce John Rudesill Lel-irin Fetrie John Bo Carlstrom Hush Lo Gibson be rebuilI are-as follons: La% and Block: Lot 159 Inc.adj.3' Fain Ave. v&cP Lot 16 (That part lying E. of Vo16r,,inc.adj.3r Eain Ave. Vac. Lot 17,incosdj 03T Birr Avee Vac. Lot 18 (~~~~70~3') inc, adj.3T Eain liveo Taco Lot 22,incoadj.3t Ikin Ave. Vac. La* 23,(33.1/2) inc. adj. 3* min &e. vaco Lot 24,[Eo180*) imo adj, 3f &in he. Vacl Lot 44: 11.66' of 32.173.6' - Lot 44: E.50* of SolOO* of Ee1'73.6' Itat 44: Se50' of Eo173.6', Addieion Brookside Terrace Brooksi de Terrzce Brookside Terrace Brooksi de Terrace Br o oks ide Term ce Bro okside Terrzce Brookside Terrace AD&, Subd efI.76 AUd *Strbd*#l76 Bud, Subda$I76 BE IT TURTHjER RESOEVBDs that if saidaalks shall nat be fulzy pebuilt in the manner arid mithin the tine herein prescribed, the Village Council may order same to be done by the Streee Comissiper or by eontract The motion 4io adopt vas seconded by Trustee Utley and the vote nits upon the questian of the adoption o rein tbre ere fau ayes and no nays, an Passed lsay 14% 1945. Pe'ci%;ian of John Borey for permit %o move a chicken house fmmSjfEl7' Efalifax avenue to his property on Grave street cas granted, Petition of Fred Sapson to move and remodel a garage nas grantee-. Peter Vo Eklund mas granted a permit to construct B temporary chicken house nithaut payment a% ?;he regular fee because he is a nar veteran. Vi11 Gordon, Highuw 100 and 49th Street, vas granted a permit 'in build a screened shelter porch 48 feet from his house and 80 feet from HighTlq 180,