HomeMy WebLinkAbout19450521_ADJOURNED3 5- ApplicaQion af George 8. Howard for permit tu build a chicken house was held in abeyance, rrith Todd and Tillson to inspect %he property. Petition of Borman E. Stames for a permit to remodel his house %ass grant ed. Applicstian of Joseph A. Bass far a pernit to xrenaodel ET, porch was held in abeyance. %he meeting was adjourned until 8 p.m. Eay 21. Clerk Pro-Tem Ben Parks and Carl Hansen appeared fo discuss assessvents for Benes Bidxict No. 9. Charles Howrard appearred as consultant to %he COUKtCilt - Utley repaPted he had studied assessments far Seaer Diskrict 170. 9 and hould recommend reduction of assessments from a; taka1 QT $45,0130 to actual cast of approxima.tely $34:,OQO, reduction of interest tis the amount paid on varranfis, recompute assessments and payments made and refund to property ow-iers entitled to such refunds the excessive principal and in4erest already paid and to reduce mm.aj.niag assessments as sbove. Fioszrard stated Hansen-Parks ~aorald be entitled to recover at some point any assessmen-ks paid in excess of actual cost of the project. He said the village wi-khauti waiting eould agree to adjust assessments to correspond with ac%u&l CQS~ and could reduce interest. He said the council has na authority %a reasses the project. In the course of discussions, Hansen said some properties in. the dist-rict. are nat aorth.the taxes and special assesments levied against them. He proposed reassessmen% of the project mith payments fib start from 1945, Utley offered the foll,ovz,.ling resolutian and moved its adoptiaru . duly passed a resolugion on 5he 27th dqy of Octaber; 1941 and duly sen% to the Coun&y Auditor a2 Hennepin Cauney on ITovember 10, 1941 an assessment roll, both of nhich instrumen-ks authwized &n assess- men% on the real property in EdiEta for the purpose of canstructi-xg a sewage system in said village, and designated said sewage systm as Sever District 1Ta. 8 and otrfilet charges; for Trunk Sener ITo~ It and. provided for lateral semers for said District Ea. 8, and \7€iER3AS, said resolu'cian and asseasinen% roll grovided for assessnene against the F? ilroad right-of-vay of the Enneapolis and St-. Paul Suburban Raf1r:Rpadl Company described its: A strip af land 100 feet mide extending across the 1ToEthwes-k 1/4 of Section 189 Toanship 28, A sBrip of land IQO fee* wide through Lo-E-s I add 2 of Section 28, 'icmnsbip 117, Range rmge 249 and a1s09 56 I Q€EX3AS9 instsllments of special. assessnents payzble in the years 1942, lQ43% avld 1944 for Seqer District Eo, 8 ad crutLet chrges "Go Trunk SeKer District Eoo I on property of The Einnea3aI.i~ eC Sta Przul Suburbzn Bailraod Company in said Sear District ITao 89 ia the Village of' Ediri9 are delinquent, and penalties and interest have accrued thereon, and JIERZAS the said The Uimeapolis E St. Paul Suburban Railrocd Company has infarmed the Village af Edina that ft intends to l"ari?eit title to said property for said instalhents of special assessments and penelties and interest thereons unless said taxeso penalties and interest can be compromised as hereinafter a.uthorized and approved, m& Council of the Village of Edina passed a resolution specifically finding and de-teruining, "tht said railmy proper€y son2d not IE beneiited by my lateral ser;iers constructed uithin %he bouudries of said Se'rrer District lToo 89ft and further, Itdeclared to be the policy of the Village af CcEna that such Railray Conpany property be no* imltaded fn any lateral seuer district in the Cutme, by .reason af such lael; of benefitstk, and JIiXZEAS, on the 11th day of October, 1944 the Village ,7EERZ&S9 ft is necessary and in the best interests of the Village of EZLina that said taxes, penalties and interest be so coqromised avld settled, and JEZRZAS, said property is subject only to the gross emnings tzx and no governmental agency or subdivisian thereof, other thaiz the Village of Ediaa, is interested in said taes, Fenalties and interest, iTO'2, T€Xml?Qm9 BE IT RE30LVXD: 1. Tm% the Village 02 Edina authorizes and approvesthe scceptancie of, and agrees to accept, the sm of Tslo !i!homand Seven Eundred Tnenty and 80/108 Dollars f$2,72P .80) from The Cinnmpolis & St* Paul Suburban Railroad Company in full payment of all special assessments and penalties and interest accrued. thereon ad heretofore levied qainst %he Broperty of acid Wailroad Coxpany in said Semr District Eoo 8 of the Village of Bdi~ end pyaale respectively in the yews 1.942, 1943, and 1944, on &e paynent by the said The PUYrueapolis lk St, Faux Suburban Bzilrsad Company Porthvith of the sttlil of Tim Thousand Seven Hundred Tnenty and 80/100 Dollars ($2,720eSO) for such delinquent taxeso pemlties and interest, and the payment of the add-itional swil af rive Thotlswd Seven HuilZuled Seventy-Eine aird 20/100 Dollars (j5,?79020) in i't.C!.L payr;lerz% of the principal of all instc1bien-k~~ of special assessments in Sever District Eoo 8, including outlet charges there-iio of True Semr District Eo. lS ta becone due in %he future for the 27ea-s 1944 2-0 1950, inclusive, ~nd psp'ule in the yeclrs 1845 to 3.951, inclv.sive, ctgcinst tbe progerty in scid SeneE 3Zis-I;ric'"c ike 8, and Trunk Se~es District lfoo 1, ol nzid Baillraah Coqany, Thonsand Five Eundred Dollars ($8,500 .OO) , as lrer einbefore speci- fied, GQ the Village af Xdimz by The LZirmueapolis G S-ko Paul Subur- b~?? BaiLraod Caiseny, said Railroad Coqany nilZ be axti is hereby released from miy and all liabilities for all specid assessnients, including penalties an& interes't; in said Seaer Dis%rict Co. 8 an& outlet chaPges CSr Truak Sew2 DisBrici; Iio, 1, zrd all assessmeats agai.mG said railmod praperty hereinbefor e described, including penalties and interest fop Sencr Dis2ricts ap any pat thereof, is hereby cancelled and annulledo Eennepin County we hereby authorized and direcked to cancel and anxul ~11 essesauentsz penalties and interesG againsk all of the railroad praperty hereinbefore, a& in %he resolu'cicm af ssseosmene dated October 27, 1941 ttrd %he essessnerrt ~011 of 3Tove;lfber 193 1941 descr-i$ed* 2* WG this a uthorizatian and zpprovrel is conditioned - That upon the psynentof the t-atnl sum 09 Eight 4. Tbt the Coun%y Auditor and Colairrtg Treasurer 03