HomeMy WebLinkAbout19450528_REGULAR8, Said Cotanty Audi%or and Cotm-l;y Treasurer me fmthep authorized and directed tar cancel 2nd imlzul my and all sales (II
attenpfied- sales far taxes of any part or all of said proper%gr herein-
befare described and referred to. "@
kdninfstrat ion
Phil V, Smith 3099 162.50.
Evelm 230s 71.50
Police Deparrtaedi
HildinE: Dah1 3182 102.50 Y
cjh. S. Heydt. 3103) 97.50
3104 87.563
Street Department (regular men)
Re J. JO~~SOV~ 3106 112.50 P, He Dahlgren 31Q 8 95.Q8
55. OQ S. J. Roberrts 3101 John Tfacy 31Q9
Iiixry Jaws 5110 85.00
lir J* EerfeXd 3111. 97050
590 e00 I
5112 63.75
20 040
34 e 30
13-e 3.Q
44 80
1.50 . 7.5
' 73*20
86 040
82 la
81. 80
79 . 06
89 a OS
516 20
ism IIeC'Pearlg 3 1x3 59.50 3.30 8 -0- 56 020
114.40 E. C. Pfeiffer 5114 122.40 8.00 I-0-
Ben Voehler 3115 110 d 00 9.98 1.50 98*60
355065 22.30 3 000 330 035
Llkstion to approve and allow the folhnirg bills vas made by Utleg,
seconded by Uillson and carried: S Ban EcClellan (truck hire) XQ. 3116 $$0000
Eotfan t~ grant a permit to Ernest Peterson fcvs moving a garage was
made bx Villsan, seconded by Utiley and carried,
Villiafn Schul-ke, 4949 Bryant avenue S. ITinneapolis, appeared to present a sketch of propased building on Lot 420 Block 2, South
Harriet Park .Second addition. It =as decided members of the COK~C~~
should inspect the lot.
Permit vas granted to 3. Re Bss, 7 Circle East, to enlapge a dens
Zred Trettin appeamred to coriiplafn about shoa-t;ing af a .22 caliber ~ifle by Hartley fzart&.
Hawthorne arriaed di the meeting and acted as clerk.
Bra Igelsrud, 5501 Bellogg avenue, appewed to request permit- to
bmifdlq to his lot 3.5~3~ in constructing il. nem double garrage. Permit nas deniedp
Letter vas received from Tborpe Bros., Inc.,, requesting oiling of
Lane in *he 1845 oiling program vas made by Tillson, seconded by
. Hill%ap Lane in Sunnyslope addltian, Xotian.,to faelude Hilltop
V'Wi and carriedo v
The matter of establishing policy regarding oiling of streets in nerr additions vas discussed. Kotian that TTyatt be appointed as a
commfttee of one -ko dekemine policy af other municipalities in Eennepin County nas made by Ha-sthorne, seconded by Utlley ad
EoQian do approve znd adopt' the following ailing program for 1945
mas -de by U-kley, seconded by Vyatt and carried:
Rev Eotk: /
55th Sbr from Prance to Beard Averme
Dren Ave,, from 54th St. ta 55th S%.
Beard Ave., from Fuller St, $0 55%h Stb
Fuller S-keS from France Ave. to Beard Ave. Divisfan St., Pram Brookside he. to Spttt: Road VO 48kh Ste from 3rooksLde to Rutledge
Biaf;Padge Bre9 from Uc48tih St. to Division St,
Hrzlifzx Axe., from 52nd St, %o 54th St,
Hil1'I;op Lane
Eat t
60kh Ste from Xerxes to France Eellog live., fron 52nd Sti. to 5-d St,
Ur-iti Aveo? from Vind Road to South Vien Lane
2* blocks in Rolling Green
Tmstee Utley offered the folloning resolutiarr. and moved its
adapt; ion:
VB'EREAS the' Village Council of the Village of Edina desires
Ve 55th St., from France ta Beisrd Avenue Den Avenue, from rt. 54th Sh. to Ve 55th St,
Beard Avenue, from Fuller S-b. to V. 55th St.
Puller Sk.9 from Prance Ave. €0 Beard Am. Bivision St., from Brookside Aveo ZQ Spur Road
B. 48th SGa, from Brookside AveB to Rutledge Ave. Rutledge &e., from V. 48th St. to Divisian St,
Ealifax liveo from TI. 52nd St, 170 V. 54th St.
on its om motian to ail the foZlorzing streets:
as authorized by Chapfi, 382p &tm 19~, nom tllerefare,
BE, IT RESOLTZD by %he Village Council of the Village of Edina
*t it 5s deeaed necessary =ad expedient to oil the aforementioned streets, and that an the 9th dqy of Julyz 1945, at 8 giclock PZos
th5s carrrmcil uill meet at %he Vil1,age Ball in said Vi19zge and nil1
at said time and plece hear the parties interested therein in
rteference to such imprawmen%, and rrill decide whether or no% to
undertake such impPtafPeTiledi, in whole or in part.
fi and the vdie tms
vere five ayes and no nqs,
Uotion to grmt if; building permit to George Hossard far construction of a chicken house was made by Villson, seconded by Vyaet and cm~i ed 4
4mzgeP Smith presented a letter from Elizabeth Dockens requesting
mconsideratfcm of her application for building permit to remodel a stare building into a nruZtiple dvselling. Smith mas instructed to
invike SKiss Dodcen fa appear before the council.
Eation ta grant building pemit i;o Ka~l Do Lave for canstruction of
a garage, subjeet to inspection by the building ~IIS~~G~OP, mas made
by 'flyatt, seconded by Villsaur and carried.
Eotian to correct the descriptian of property in a resolution relat-
Lata 15 to 3.8, inclusive; Late 22 to 24, inclusive, and Lot 44 of
Auditarts SubdivisiQn 3.76". rJas made by Utley, seconded bx Vyatt md
Carrie d
Petition oi 'Peder Kickelsen for installation of seuer and matep mains and impravement a€ streets in a proposed ne% subdivfsionnere - referred to the village engizxeer and village aktarney for study.
Latter ma6 received from Edina Bu%o Liver$, transmitting insurance p.olicy proyidirg $5,000 and $25,000 limits on personal injury ad
(1;1,000 propeptg d-ge covering taxicabs operated bg the caqany.
Eotian %a require personal injury insurance of $XO,OO49 for each
person and $5Q,006 for each accident and $2,000 property damge insurance for taxicab9 was made by Hawthorne, seconded by Utley and carried.
Plans and specifications for recomtruetion: af hauses of Byron E,
Eel1 and Valter 3. Oxborongh at Fifty-secand street and Gorgas avenue were peseived, tagether with letters pledging eo pay $31,000 indemnity
%a the village in event af failare to comply aP%h terns of bailding - permitse Eoliian to refer the matter back to the village engineesr for checking af plans and specifications and for filing of proper
swety bonds %vas nzade by VyatG, seconded by Eillson and cmried.
Villson offered the folloviing resolutian and moved its adoption:
I fng to construction of sidemalk along Brooksi.de avenue lo read:
BE IT lBSOEVBIl, that &e! village engineer and village attorney be directed to pmaeed iurunediatelr a5th all necessary requirements
for installing sidemtalk on the east side of laooddale avenue from
Fiftieth street mrartkt to connect iqith nidevalk an Country Club
Elation ea adopf the xesolu%io
there were five ayes and no n
Hawthorne, and Todd, all aye,