HomeMy WebLinkAbout19450611_REGULAR6 '1. Laring presented his inteqreea-kian af %he regulatians gO-Ftemfl.rg tax assessmen-ks and di seusaed several Xinnesota Supreme Court decisions. Cfmightan that i€ had na objection %-a his reclassifying the property .t;o agrPcul..tural. me cornittee wm informed Bat tke classificafSon of real eskte, or its)~eclaasiffc~Efan, has neve~ been discussed by the village asses so,^ with the cauncil and th& =e had neiZherr the facts nor %he exper;ie%xe, mlp the ara.E;horfty, to eqress one way or the other. 6ji1lson moved that Y,Ullage Counefl neither disapproves nar approves any Etpp1ical;ions for reclassification of real estate for the reason khat the detemninqtiicrn of classification is nat within %he jurisdic%im of %he Vilkge Council brat is wholly mi-i;hin the jwisdicfion of 'cbe Village Assessor.1k Todd Peported 'th&i the Odfm Aa%o Zivem had furnished a, certificate Prom its liability cartrier showing tEl& its respansiblity fop personal injuries had been increased to $25s0Q8 and $50,000 and properfiy +saage to $$~",oQ. Todd gresented gas ~tpp~~~al a propasal*'of mtificatian Lo *Ere people of Xdfm concerning a change a2 $e_lepkione nmber for fire calls in the Village. The aat%er as discussed and Todd wts aufihorszed md directed to send the pmpoaed netice* 3yatt; moved for adjournmen%, secondledby iTX&on arrdAca.mied. The committee requested that the Co1;LIcEcil notify UP. opinion Vya.l;G seconded t-he mation and ft was czwried. I Y Clerk Pro-Tera I- ,, - A Evelyn Kjos 5162 67.58 1*2Q 58.48 ,$zzKm 67 . 58 $297 50 $102.6Q Police Bepaxtmerrt Hilding Dah1 3.164 $ 94.30 86.40 82.68 @ 8.20 11.10 4m9Q 3, BO $27 80 '&al S. Keydt 3165 - 99.59 Clarence Enutaorr 3162 a0 . 00 Clayton Erickson 32.66 87 50 $14 . 4Q 3.0 70 $ 98,163 84 038 88.50 83.30 80 50 6.50 1.70. 4.58 E, J, Xerfeld 3173 97.50 957(l,as 90.50 $ 525.20 31T4 3 1.7 5 $ 63*15 59 050 $ 1.10 3 .Ti0 5.20 9.90 Em c. Pfeiffer 33- 76 99 043 Ben Woehle~ 3117 llQ.00 3179 2.14 '$mzz 11.90 $344 058 . 9.76 $ 324.94 $122 94 $1,456 . 64 D"i;an eo approve and allcm the following bllJlrs IYZS made by Vyatt9 seconded by t%leg and- carried: BILLS €.AID JUlB 31, 1945 ami; 0 Genenzl Fund - Cbim Do, 3120 $491.70 6 PhZI Za mith 1Tinaapoli.s Gas Light Coo Utility Supply Conpany DWberg Bras., Inco Linde Air €roducP;s Coo Ed. HarrLs Stadad Service Station Eo A, Rogers Comgarmg EilIer-DaFis Compy Eimesota Fire Equipenfi Co Jay TT, Craig Company To E. LdLF Comgallly Jo V, Gleason Glacfer Sad azzd Gravel Co. Young Fuel Comgany Richfield Yard, Inc, Eirmeapolis Blueppinfiing Coo Corno of TaxaGian, Petroleum Diva BoreyPs Shell Service Phillips Petro lea Company 1Soraemz Stalies Poner Company Edim Hardmre Tan. Eo Ziegler Company Berg and Farllha Compmy Tnompson Lumber Goo PiSa-krmster Don LeClellan 2. Jasperson Vi~o Em Ol~ort B8P'ZlkZJ2 StZty 8 school SKPPU COO Hemepin County Suburbavl Bennepia County Relief Bd, Vm0 He Ziegler Cao Do Bo Chalmers ILrs. E. b. Dirks E'irst PTatl. mnl; of Xpls. Tbrtherrt States Poner eo. TOTAL BECJX! 3121 3122 3123 3124 3125 3126 3127 3x28 3129 3150 3131 3132 3133 3 134 3137 313 8 3139 3148 3141 3142 3143 3144 3 145 3146 3142 314 8 3178 3180 3181 1. 314 9 3150 3151 3151 3152 3153 3153 3145 3154 315 5 3156 315 7 3158 3159 3160 3 143 50 000 27060 4045 2.10 20 54 227 . 55 77.44 6014 26,OO SO 042 10 a '15 13.050 15.35 15.34 26045 17020 7000 83 039 280 3.3 43 025 629 091 19033 14098 3089 7v35 78007 20 025 40 000 156.60 334.50 16902'1 680 75 21 25 18v72 138*50 17050 480'70 33,49 5.00 19 759.39 22G. 8Q 49012 97.24 496 024 1005 I 1,846,,58 So Do $9 8 226080 Einutea of the regular cauncilmeeti% held Fay 28, 19459 and the adjourned council seeking held June 7:, 1945, nere read and approved. Eotisn to grant a perni'c ta Ernest Hanson iio move a building vas made by QTa%t, seconded by Villson and carried, I I c TLssra. Ijlod'c Roberts and Berglund, Eepresenting Bclina Covenant church, appeered to repopt the church had been unsuccessful in efforts -to pmchase property af CmS. Olson Brmediateely south sf the propased ohurch site ai; Fiftieth street ayld Indiarzob avenue but %ba.I; the church had secured an op%ion to parchase a lot 6Q by 130 feet south- wsi; of the church property fo~ use as a parking lot. Zeteer of Arthur Eichols to the vi1la;ge p3.annix.g commission, dated April 3.8, 1945, was read. Eat-iorm €0 reques€ Nichols to study the nevz proposal of the church fop provfdirg parking facilisies was made by Haathome, seconded by U%ley and carried-. - Uotion %a granlr permits .l;o E. E. Igelsmd, 5501 Kellogg avenue, to build a detached ckub1.e garage at the pear of his lot, construct a porch on his house and to make interior alterations of the house was made by Vyatt, seconded by Wllson and carried. 6 fufelvin BeE2ie eppemed to djisotass advertisemeaes for bids far con- s-t;raction of ae'17 slridemalk an Brookside avenue and to complain that cam speed on Division streef;. the matter of pasting 20 mp!h speed 1Limi-k signs and patraling to the public safety co&ni-bteeo Hox~md' @lark, park board menber, appeared to report on planting a?? flower B Fillson offered a, motion to ref@ Elizabeth Doeken appeared for discucssian of her application for. permit to remodel it building. It was agpeed iz survey ~f the property &auld be made. kL. A. Brunlijen, 125 Valley Viex road, appeared Go discuss the matter of keeping a CUE on platling property near Sixty-sixth stre& and Normandale road. Xotion %a refer %he mat$er ta the village health officeP.zas made by Vya.[;P,, seconded by Zillsom, and camied. Todd spoke on the srnbject of appointing nem members to the planning eomissiorm became of several resignations. Eotion %o appoint Gerald Pntsey.and Burch Bell as members of the plaming comission for terns exphing Jan. 10, 1941, mas made by Fillson, seoomrded by UtleJr and carried. Temposary pemiit fop ~onstrnction of a: tract office in Rolling Greeyfs subject to removal at request af the councilp vas grmted to Eerrill Hut ehinson. 1 Permi$ =ais graneed to E, F. Eflattson fa2 construc%ion of 8 garageat 5201 HaLiPax &venae. Peti.E;ioYr by Thorpe Bros. i peceived. Three affected propeety ovners had not signed the petition. Uanager Smith was directed to na.Cify those praperty owners of inten- %ion Go ail the street and to infarm them a heming aould be cond-acted by the corrvzail if they so requested. Letter mas received from Boy %cor& Troop $7 acknowledging use 3f Village equigment for callection af vzaske paper, Inc., for oiling ~f Hilltop Lane =as Et %as decided %ha% Lester E. Schroeder, 5105 We 49th S-E;reet, mho had appeared at the VilXage €€a= daring -f;be xeek to request a~tiori in bmiag cesspool filBed in and rubbish clearred up on property he is renting, shauld be notified tp see Judge Lenls aboa-ii swearing out a complain& again& bia landlady, Eiss Salberg, He. 1735. Utlex moved to retire outstanding ~onc-is,SEt~er-~ist IC% N in the amounts and the matmities lfsted b%laao ,108-117 fnc. fpj87 *' 5173,174,175 ;183,184 0 T/l/49 193;194;20l'+304 Inc. '209-212 Lnce. 1/1 216,225226 Plnc, 233 - 1/1/51 247,248,261,262 -1/1/52 &E-,COQ. and the ncaesrsay funds be deposited with the parZng agent, First National Bazk of X'inneapolis, and the bondELoZders or their repreaen- tat-ivea be notiffed accordingly. Tpctt seconded %he motion, and 2% 17as camied, with Utley, FJyaWi, Tillson, RaT&harne, Todd all voting &ye 0 64 u k%EREAS3 the Village Council of the Village of Xdina adopted .a; res ,lution on ray 21, 1945, nherein the Village of Edim aut-hor- of the sum of Eigheyrfive Hundred Dollars G: Sto Paul Suburban Raiaoad Company of all apecial &sseswents9 past, present or future9 interest thereon, in Sever Diskict lJoo 89 and District ITo. 19 in said Village af described property situated in the mnnesotn, to-rri2-t extending across the ITorthvzest X[4 04 Section 18, Tavmship 28, Range 28, \ and also A strip,af land 100 fee% aide through Idis I, and 2 of Section 28, Tomkship 917, Range 219 ', XfiB€U3AS, the Enmapolis ZC Sto Paul Suburban Railroad Comgsny, pursuzzati to said Resolutfan dated Eay 21, 1945, has paid to the Village of Edina %he said sum of Eishty-five Hundred Dollars $8500) far the purposes expressed in said Resolution and the Village OB Edim acknowledges receipt of the paynent af said sa of E)igh.E;y- five Hundred Bollzrs ($8500), pursua& thereto; ZOX9 Tl3EXEFO~, BE IT RESOLVED9 'c, ?- lL ThaP; the said sum of EighLy-five Hundred Dollms ($8500) ;L is heseby accepted in full payment lpf all special assesonents vhich have he2e'toi'ore becone due tagether nith all penalties and izxterest thereon and all special assessments nax due and vhich nil1 hereafter become due in Sever District Tb0 8 and autlet charges af Trunk Serter District IbP f in the Village af Edinao. !\ 2. That by vir"cue of said papeat a19 Bpecial assessments due in the past, present or future against said property in the Village of Edina me hereby cancelled and annulled, \ I I1 3, !That %he Corxn-ky Auditor and Courriiy Treasurer are hereby notif ied thti said payment hf Eighlqr-fivo Bun&ed Dollars ($8500) has been mceived* 40 The County Auditor Ad County Treasurer of Hennepen County are hereby authorized and.dfrebted to cancel and annul all wecia2 assessments9 past, presei?'t; and fu%v_re, asr.Znc'L- tihe poperty herein- befose described, ', Kotion to adopt the resolution mas, seconded by 'i7yatt and on rollcall there vere five ayes and na nays, &s iol~o~7st Utley, aye; Villson9 aye; VyafP;, sye; Hawbhorne, aye, and the resolution qs adoptedo 1- , .- PEesident of the Council ion fia adjourn rras made by Utley,