HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001-08 Ameding Section 900 EDINA ORDINANCE NO.2001 -8
Section 1. Paragraph I of Subsection 900.04 License Types is deleted
Section 2. Subsection 900.05 is amended to read as follows:
"900.05 License Application; Renewal. An application for any license required by this Section or the
renewal of an existing license shall be made on forms provided by the Clerk. The provisions of Section 160 of
this Code, shall apply to all licenses required by this Section, and to the holders of such licenses, except that
licenses and renewals shall be granted or denied in accordance with Subsection 900.06. All applications shall
be accompanied by the fees set forth in Subsection 900.07. Every license issued under this Section shall expire
at 12:01 A.M. on April 1 following its date of issuance. Renewal applications shall be submitted at least 60
days but not more than 150 days before expiration of the license. If, in the judgment of the Council as to off-
sale and on-sale licenses, good and sufficient cause for the applicant's failure to apply for a renewal within the
time provided is shown, the Council, may, if the other provisions of this Section are complied with, grant the
license. In addition to the application requirements provided in Section 160 of this Code, applicants shall also
provide the following:"
Section 3. Paragraph H of Subsection 900.05 is amended to read as follows:
"H. In the case of an application for a Wine License, or On-Sale Intoxicating Liquor License, the applicant
shall provide evidence satisfactory to the Clerk as to compliance with the requirements of Subd. 2 of Subsection
900.12 as to the completion of an alcohol awareness program;"
Section 4. Paragraph I of Subsection 900.05 is amended to read as follows:
'T In the case of an application for a Wine License or On-Sale Intoxicating Liquor License, the applicant shall
provide evidence satisfactory to the Clerk as to compliance with the requirements of Subd. 3 of Subsection
900.12 as to the percentage of food sold on the licensed premises. This requirement shall be established by an
affidavit of the licensee on a form provided by the Clerk. The affidavit shall be given with each application for
issuance or renewal on a Wine License or an On-Sale Intoxicating Liquor License, or at other times as the Clerk
may request. If the application is for the renewal of a Wine License or an On-Sale Intoxicating Liquor License,
the affidavit shall also include the actual percentage of gross receipts attributable to the sale of food during the
immediately preceding 12 month period. The Clerk shall require that any such affidavit be verified and
confirmed, on a form provided by the Clerk,by a Certified Public Accountant. Failure or refusal of a licensee to
give such affidavit with such application, or on request of the Clerk, or any false statement in any such
affidavit, shall be grounds for denial, suspension or revocation of all licenses held by such licensee."
Section 5. Subsection 900.06 is amended to read as follows:
"900.06 Consideration of Application; Public Hearing. The provisions of Section 160 of this Code shall
apply to all licenses required by Subsection 900.04 and to the holders of such licenses, provided that all
licenses, shall be granted or denied by the City Council and the Commissioner, if required by State law. The
City Council shall conduct a public hearing on the application for a new On-Sale Intoxicating Liquor License
within a reasonable period following receipt of a complete application and completion of the investigation
required by Subsection 900.05. A notice of the date, time, place and purpose of the hearing shall be published
once in the official newspaper not less than ten days before the date of the hearing. After hearing the oral and
written views of all interested persons, the Council shall make its decision at the same meeting or at a specified
future meeting. No hearing shall be required for the renewal or the transfer of an On-Sale Intoxicating Liquor
Section 6. Subdivision 4 of Subsection 900.07 is amended to read as follows:
"Subd. 4 Investigation Fees.Upon application for a new or the transfer of an existing Wine License, On-Sale
Intoxicating Liquor License, On-Sale 3.2 Liquor License or Off-Sale 3.2 Liquor License, the applicant shall
deposit $500.00 with the City for the investigation fee. If the investigation requires an out-of-state
investigation, an additional $2,000.00 shall be deposited before further processing of the application by the
City. The Clerk may from time to time require the deposit of additional investigation fees up to the limits
provided herein before further processing of the application if the cost of investigation exceeds the amounts
previously deposited. The cost of the investigation shall be based on the expense involved,but in no event shall
it exceed $500.00 if the investigation is limited to the State or $10,000.00 if outside the State. All deposited
monies not expended on the investigation shall be refunded to the applicant. All investigative expenses
incurred in excess of the deposit shall be paid prior to consideration of the license application by the Council.
Investigation fees for license renewal shall not exceed $200.00 unless there is a change of ownership of more
than 10% cumulatively over the then existing license period."
Section 7. Subdivision 2 of Subsection 900.12 is deleted and Subdivision 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10 and
renumbered as Subdivision 2, 3,4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9.
Section 8. Paragraph C of Subdivision 2 of Subsection 900.12 is deleted
Section 9. Section 185 Schedule A is hereby amended by deleting the fee for "Manager's License, Per
Person Per Year of$82.00".
Section 10. Effective Date: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon adoption and publication
according to law.
Passed and adopted this 5"'day of November, 2001.
First Reading: November 5, 2001
Second Reading: November 20,2001
Published in Edina Sun Current: November 28,2001
City Clerk Mayor
City of Edina
(Oficial Publication)
v �
newspapers DAINS:
Section 1.Paragraph I of Subsection 900.04 License Type:
Section 2.Subsection 900.05 is amended to read as follows
STATE OF MINNESOTA) "900.05 License Application;Renewal.An application fm
any license required by this Section or the renewal of ar
existing license shall be made on forms provided by the
SS. Clerk.The provisions of Section 160 of this Code,shal
apply to all licenses required by this Section,and to thf
COUNTY OF H E N N E P I N) holders of such licenses,except that licenses and renewal:
shall be granted or denied in accordance with Subsectior
Gene Carr,beingdui sworn on an oath states or affirms,that he is the interim publisher of the 900.06.All applications shall be accompanied by the fee:
y set forth in Subsection 900.07.Every license issued under
this Section shall expire at 12:01 A.M.on April l following
newspaper known as Sun-Current or the president's designated agent, its date of issuance.Renewal applications shall be sub
mitted at least 60 days but not more than 150 days before
expiration of the license.If,in the judgment of the Coun
and has full knowledge Of the facts stated below:
cil as to off-sale and on-sale licenses,good and sufficient
cause for the applicant's failure to apply for a renewer
(A)The newspaper has complied with all of the requirements constituting qualification as a within the time providedis shown,the Council,may,if the
I other provisions of this Section are complied with,grant
qualified newspaper, as provided by Minn. Stat. §331A.02, §331A.07, and other applicable the license. Inaddition to the application requirement
provided in Seecc tion 160 of this Code,applicants shall also
provide the following:"
laws, as amended. Section 3.Paragraph H of Subsection 900.05 is amendec
(B)The printed public notice that is attached was published in the newspaper once each week, to read as follows:
j "H.In the case of an application for a Wine License,or On
for one successive weeks; it was first published on Wednesday, the 28 day of j Sale Intoxicating Liquor License,the applicant shall pro
vide evidence satisfactory to the Clerk as to compliance
November 2001, and was thereafter printed and published on eve Wednesday to and with the requirements of Subd.2 of Subsection 900.12 w
P P every y to the completion of an alcohol awareness program;"
including Wednesday, the day of 2001;and printed below is a copy of Section 4.Paragraph I of Subsection 900.05 is amended t
read as follows:
the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, which is hereby acknowledged as being 'T In the case of an application for a Wine License or On.
Sale Intoxicating Liquor License,the applicant shall pro-
the size and kind of type used in the composition and publicati n Of the notice: vide evidence satisfactory to the Clerk as o compliance
with the requirements of Subd.3 of Subsection 900.12 a:
abcdefghijklmnopgrstuvwxyz to the percentage of food sold on the licensed premises
This requirement shall be established by an affidavit of the
licensee on a form provided by the Clerk. The affidavit
shall be given with each application for issuance or re-
BY: newal on a Wine License or an On-Sale Intoxicating Liquor
License,or at other times as the Clerk may request. If the
President and Publisher application is for the renewal of a Wine License or an On-
Sale Intoxicating Liquor License,the affidavit shall alsc
include the actual percentage of gross receipts attributable
to the sale of food during the immediately preceding 12
I month period. The Clerk shall require that any such affi-
Subseribed and sworn!�Zirmed be re me davit be verified and confirmed,on a form provided by the
Subscribed and sworn be re me
Clerk,by a Certified Public Accountant.Failure or refusal
�J rJ of a licensee to give such affidavit with such application.
on this day of Q. ,2 01. or on request of the Clerk,or any false statement in any
such affidavit,shall be grounds for denial,suspension of
revocation of all licenses held by such licensee."
\\ Section 5.Subsection 900.06 is amended to read as follows:
w � we Application;
Thprovisions ofSection 60 othisCade hall apply to all
MERIDPL M.HEDBLOM licenses required by Subsection 900.04 and to the holder.
e;. of such licenses,provided that all licenses,shall be grant-
���vP; NOTARY PUBLIC-MINNESOTA ed or denied by the City Council and the Commissioner,il
MY COMMI,,SIQN EXPIRES 1-37.2005 required by State law. The City Council shall conduct a
^w�tar� public hearing on the application for a new On-Sale In-
KAoxicating Liquor License within a reasonable period fol-
lowing receipt of a complete application and completion of
the investigation required by Subsection 900.05. A notice
RATE INFORMATION of the date,time,place and purpose of the hearing shall be
published once in the official newspaper not less than ten
days before the date of the hearing.After hearing the oral
(1) Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users $ 2.85 per line and written views of all interested persons,the Council
shall make its decision at the same meeting or at a speci-
for comparable Space fied future meeting. No hearing shall be required for the
renewal or the transfer of an On-Sale Intoxicating Liquor
(2) Maximum rate allowed by law $ 6.20 per line
Section 6.Subdivision 4 of Subsection 900.07 is amended
to read as follows: -
(3) Rate actually charged $ 1.40 per line
"Subd.4 Investigation Fees.Upon application for a new oz
the transfer of an existing Wine License,On-Sale Intoxi-
cating Liquor License,On-Sale 3.2 Liquor License or Off-
Sale 3.2 Lgu ,License, the applicant shall deposit
$500.00 with the City for the investigation fee. If the in-
vestigation requires an out-of-state investigation,an ad-
ditional$2,000.00 shall be deposited before further pro-
cessing of the application by the City.The Clerk may fron:
time to time require the deposit of additional investigatior
fees up to the limits provided herein before further pro-
cessing of the application if the cost of investigation ex
ceeds the amounts previously deposited.The cost of the in
vestigation shall be based on the expense involved,but it
no event shall it exceed$500.00 if the investigation is lim
ited to the State or$10,000.00 if outside the State. All de
posited monies not expended on the investigation shall be
refunded to the applicant. All investigative expenses in
,..,.......1...,.o..........0 A,_.7......x:4 V-11 1—..e:.7.....n..+n rn
$200.00 unless there is a change of ownership of more than
10%cumulatively over the then existing license period."
Section 7.Subdivision 2 of Subsection 900.12 is deleted
and Subdivision 3,4;5,6,8,9,10 and renumbered as Sub- I
division 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,and 9.
Section'8.Paragraph C of Subdivision 2 of Subsection
900.12 is deleted
Section 9.Section 185 Schedule A is hereby amended by
deleting the fee for"Manager's License,Per Person Per
Year of$82.00".
Section 10.Effective Date:This ordinance shall be in full
force and effect upon adoption and publication according
to law.
Passed and adopted this 20th day of November,2001.
First Reading: November 5,20;01
Second Reading. _ November 20,2001
Published in Edina Sun Current: November 281-2001
Dennis F.Maetzold
Debra A.Mangen
City Clerk
(November 28,2001)D1/Ord 2001-8