HomeMy WebLinkAbout19450625_REGULAR65 ." ) All members of the board mere pres,ent. a1 Chaiman Tadd Eeported €he Village Assessop's records vere not Geady for examination by the Jxmrd and E;h€ %he assessor had requested the meeting be adjourned until July 19, 1945. ITotiorr to adjourn until 8 p.m. Juiy 19, 1945, and %hat hhe clerk be directed to post notices of such adjournment was made by Hawthorne, seconded by Vptt and cwried. CleEk KIPJUTES OF THZ REGULAR EjEEPIXG OF TaE XDIIU VILUGE CO'UNCIL EELD IN VELTAGB HA1;'s; AT 8 Po Em JUIa 25, 1945 All members 02 the council ueze present. E. E. Pe-kerson, 3801 V. Fullee street, appeared to discuss location of a garage on his property and wits told the canncil muld approve a location conforming Kith the building code. The Rev. Dyskrud, pastor of Edfm Covenan6 chinchJ appeared f;o discuss issuance of permits for canstructian of a chmch at Fiftie-kh street arrrd Indianola avenue. Todd presented aA sketch of the roposed church site and adjacent parking area and a statement from A J rthur Richols that he found the propased plan acceptable. go on record as favorable to issuaPlce of per&-& for constructian af ' Edim 0ovenan-k ch.tarch at Ffftieth streek and Indianrola avenue, subject to confarmame Qith the building code and all peasonable requfrements of the council as ta parking, location of church and access to the church was made by Hawtharne, seconded by Villsou and carried. EotZan %ha€ the council Kotion to approve and allow the following bill was made by Vyatt, neconded by 3illson and carpied- First ITatl.. Bank of Epls. *#3216 (SOD. #8) $l8,OOO.QO- - Wd Dm EcCle llan nu5214 (General Fund '&2!o*oo Semer District $8 #3215 rt u 15,00O0OG Ea-iiian to approve and allan %he folloving payroll waE made by :Ellaan, seconded by Qatt and carried: -- Adrainistrat ion Phil 3. Smith 3191 162.5Q 20.40 1.50 Evelyn Kjos 3192 7705Q 2.80 1.510 Gretchen Schusslet 3193 Palice Depa.rtmerif; Bilding Dah1 3294 1Q2.50 8. 20 1.50 3196 87.50 4.90 1.50 Tin. S. Heydfi 3195 97.58 11.10 -0- 80 00 3.60 1.5@ $367.58 'b- 8 4.5Q IBT ALII. $ 49.90 49 090 35.Q8 35.00 35.00 30 . 09 30.00 74.30 8 413.48 140 6.0 73.20 65.65 7405Q $; 279.45 92,843 86 .4Q 81010 74.90 $ 335.28 (Conti me d an Xext- Page 66 < .. Payroll Paid June 26, 1345 (Continued) Po Ho Dahlgren 3199 95008 35hn Tracy 3201 85 o 08 Earw Jonas 320 2 85000 S. J. Roberts 3204 102.18 Y Stltreet- Departmen$ (hourly) Chas. Zohnsan 3206 63075 Sa LIcCtready 3201 59 0 553 E. C. Pfeiffer 3208 115 060 James Rorning 3209 51.80 James Cogvin 3210 28 00 Ben Voehier 3211 1lLOoQO 5 426.65 EO SF fTAL mT mo 96.60 82,88 91088 81 8Q 19 OQ 521008 89 0 00 61015 56 0 2Q 107 0 542 26e80 98.60 $ 396025 46000 A deLegation or" residents of "a7. Fuller street, including Yssrs. fialleen, Zipoy,and Peterson ad Dudek, appeared to present petiBions for construcfion of sex7er and improvemnent of Fuller stree-ko Ilotian to refer the sever petition to the village engineer for consideration sf possibJlZty of undertaking the project this year and fu~ draaing of specifications uas mde by Utleg., seconded by Havhharne and carried. Eotfon to direct the village attorney to proceed vith negofiatians for acqufsitian of property at- Fuller street and France avenue necessary for uidenizg a po~tf~n of Fuller street nas made by .t?khc~rne, seconded by TIyat4; and carriedo Dr, Love11 E. Capbell, health officer, sppeared to reporti'a house 8% 4424 Wtrkledge avenue, is untenableo Dr. Capbell rms author5zed .P;o call stz'i'e inspectors %GO examine the premisesa Carl €€ansen appezred to subnit a proposed plat of EEhi of LV& of See. 19, Tunn 28, Rage 24. Hansen said he proposed to start con- struction of 18 houses in the area vithin 30 days but did mi; propose to file the plat hmediatelg, that roads vould be graded and sever and mter installed according to specifications of the village ergiaeemr. rotion that it is the sense ~f the council %ha% the pea- pased plat submi'cted by Carl Hasen mould be acceptable, subject tu filing of a Lefiter by Hansen describing his proposed use of the property mas made by Han-khopne, secofided by Utley 2nd carried, The cle& and engineer vere authorized to advertise for bids for constraction of sidewalk on Era okside and 'Jooddale Etvenues 9. with bids 'co be opened July 23, 1945@ -. . I - notian to pay annual dues of $2 each for four members of the pKtice depmEmen% as members of Suburrbarr Peace and Police Officers associa- tian tian vas made by Tyatt, seconded by Hai?thorne and carried, s%a-king the cmpany nould attempt to comply nith $he order -Io re- ~CIV~ its tract office at PiE'cieth stree'c and Vooddale avenue and offering to sell property at "%hat location $0 the village for park nas recebed from So So Tharpe, Jr. of Thome Broso, Inc., urposes a% price of QY3000. Setters were received fmm Senators Joseph He Ball and Henrik Shipshead, reporting they had requested %he postoffice departmeDti to cansider eskablishmenh of an Edina branch af the E5meapolis post offfce. TZo%Zon %ha% the building inspector be authorized to issue building permits in accardance 175th the buiZding code znd zoning ordinance as interpreted by the village attorney, nith Ghe exceptian that aPP permits imo2ving moving of buildings must be referred %a the cowcil and that any applicatiions for pernits may be referred t-o the council uas nzde by Hawtharne, secanded by T!yat.l; and carrieda .