HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018-05-01 City Council Regular Meeting Minutes MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL HELD AT CITY HALL MAY 1, 2018 7:00 P.M. 1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Hovland called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m. Il. ROLLCALL Answering rollcall were Members Brindle, Staunton, Stewart and Mayor Hovland. Member Fischer was absent. 111. MEETING AGENDA APPROVED AS AMENDED Member Brindle made a motion, seconded by Member Staunton, amending the agenda to add Item VI.D., Proclamation for Palmer Rockswold Day. Ayes: Brindle. Staunton, Stewart, Hovland Motion carried. IV. COMMUNITY COMMENT IV.A. MANOR HOMES OF EDINA COMPLAINT PETITION—RECEIVED Bruce Botten, 6940 Langford Drive, shared a petition from property owners affected by Loden Apartments and commented on decreased resale value, increased taxes, harsh lighting, speed concerns, noise from the amenity area, and impacts from dog park location. Fredrick Allen Constantini, 6942 Langford Drive, shared his disappointment regarding the dog park location that would result in odor and noise concerns. The Council stated they would meet with the developer to review the neighbor's concerns. IV.B. CREEK KNOLL NEIGHBORHOOD PETITION FOR PERMANENT STREET SURFACING WITH CURB AND GUTTER —RECEIVED Tim O'Neil, 3537 W. Fuller Street, presented a petition requesting new streets, curb, and gutter. He shared that work was originally scheduled for 2019 and noted St. Peter's Church was planning a campaign for their new parking area and would like to do it in conjunction with street improvements to correct water flow and erosion issues. Danny Rohloff, 3525 W. Fuller Street, shared concerns about resident safety, washouts, property damage, and environmental impact to Minnehaha Creek and requested the Council consider the street surfacing project. V. CONSENT AGENDA ADOPTED Member Brindle a motion, seconded by Member Staunton, approving the consent agenda as follows: V.A. Approve minutes of April 17, 2018, Work Session meeting and April 17, 2018, Regular Council meeting, and April 21, 2018, Town Hall Meeting V.B. Receive payment of the following claims as shown in detail on pre-list dated April 12, 2018, and consisting of 35 pages: General Fund $160,546.28, Conservation & Sustainability $17,297.05, Working Capital Fund $49,083.92, Equipment Replacement Fund $5,797.08,Art Center Fund $5,090.74, Golf Dome Fund $2,399.27,Aquatic Center Fund $848.77, Golf Course Fund $14,876.81, Ice Arena Fund $24,442.42, Sports Dome Fund $30,023.74, Edinborough Park Fund $17,415.41, Centennial Lakes Park Fund $5,555.41, Liquor Fund $135,45 1.70, Utility Fund $549,650.44, Storm Sewer Fund Page 1 Minutes/Edina City Council/May I, 2018 $12,610.67, Recycling Fund $39,321.72, PSTF Agency Fund $3,984.06, HRA Administration $1,600.00, Centennial TIF District $30,505.77: Total $1,106,501.26; and per pre-list dated April 19, 2018, consisting of 30 pages: General Fund $221,780.60, Police Special Revenue $12,571.49, Conservation & Sustainability $1,723.38, Working Capital Fund $5,153.49, Equipment Replacement Fund $37,758.00, Art Center Fund $973.78, Golf Dome Fund $632.68, Aquatic Center Fund $259.09, Golf Course Fund $13,293.33, Ice Arena Fund $9,411.40, Sports Dome Fund $50.95, Edinborough Park Fund $15,666.11, Centennial Lakes Park Fund $5,774.29, Liquor Fund $171,948.34, Utility Fund $133,530.96, Storm Sewer Fund $786.45, Risk Mgmt ISF $4,759.55, PSTF Agency Fund $7,486.81, Centennial TIF District $52,059.22, Payroll Fund $11,832.76, Total $707,452,68; and credit card transactions dated January 26, 2018-February 26, 2018, and consisting of 15 pages: General Fund $27,406.83, Police Special Revenue $139.00, Arts and Culture Fund $38.22, PIR Construction Fund $800.00, Equipment Replacement Fund $290.00, Art Center Fund $765.85, Golf Dome Fund $132.69, Golf Course Fund $5,569.90, Ice Arena Fund $1,160.49, Sports Dome Fund $358.06-, Park Fund $87.83, Centennial Lakes Park Fund $1,694.12, Liquor Fund $717.27, Utility Fund $709.00, PSTF Agency Fund $1,424.18, Mn Task Force I Fund $440.14, Centennial TIF District $50.00: Total $41,067.46 V.C. Approve Request for Purchase, awarding the bid to the recommended low bidder, Avolve Software Corporation, ProjectDox Upgrade, $31,747.00 V.D. Approve Request for Purchase, awarding the bid to the recommended low bidders, CS McCrossan, Bituminous Roadways, Cemstone, DPC, Hawkins and ESS as outlined in the 2018 Commodities Tabulation V.E. Approve Pilot Dockless Bike Sharing Program V.F. Approve Extension of Final Site Plan Approval for the Millennium Project at 3250 66th Street West and 6550 Xerxes Avenue V.G. Adopt Resolution No. 2018-45 Providing for the Sale of$5,780,000 General Obligation Bonds Series 2018A Rollcall: Ayes: Brindle, Staunton, Stewart, Hovland Motion carried. VI. SPECIAL RECOGNITIONS AND PRESENTATIONS VI.A. EDINA CRIME PREVENTION FUND MIKE SIITARI OFFICER OF THE YEAR: BRIAN HUBBARD —RECOGNIZED Police Chief Nelson presented the Edina Crime Prevention Fund Mike Siitari Officer of the Year Award to Officer Brian Hubbard. He shared Officer Hubbard's background and said he built many positive relationships through Beyond the Badge, Citizens Academy, School Liaison Officer, DARE, Special Olympics, Neighborhood Officer Engagement Program, Night to Unite, and Law Enforcement Memorial. Chief Nelson shared a clip featuring Officer Hubbard that raised awareness for the Minnesota Law Enforcement Council and recognized members of the Crime Prevention Board. Officer Hubbard thanked his wife, children, family, friends, Chief Nelson, City administration, Police staff, Fire Department, and the community for their support and said it was an honor to serve the residents and his fellow officers. A round of applause was offered by the audience and the Council thanked Officer Hubbard. VI.B. THREE RIVERS PARK DISTRICT UPDATE: /OHN GUNYOU—PRESENTED Three Rivers Park District Board Chair lohn Gunyou shared the mission of the Three Rivers Park District, noted they served I I million visitors each year and protected quality of life through environmental education. He explained the Mississippi Gateway Regional Park was a joint development with Brooklyn Park and would be a gateway as an environmental education center and outlined other park partnerships with Sochacki Park, Taft, MAC Nature Center, Centennial Park, and Schaper Park that provided access and programs to first Page 2 Minutes/Edina City Council/May 1. 2018 tier suburbs and expanded trail connections. He explained community engagement efforts that engaged populations and geographic areas that have not used the parks through programs such as Parks on the Go, Explorer Camps, and others. The Council offered assistance with north/south trail connections, said the scope of the Three Rivers Park District was impressive, and encouraged the community to explore and take advantage of this amazing resource. Chair Gunyou commented on the Crosstown Bridge cost of $25 million and said half was funded through Federal funds and half through District funds. The Council inquired about maintenance costs to fulfil usage and Mr. Gunyou said costs were based on classification and a joint project with surrounding cities. The Council commended staff on their problem solving and how they balanced the concerns of the neighbors and shared comments regarding the trail project, noting it was a good learning experience. VI.C. KIDS TO PARKS DAY MAY 19, 2018— PROCLAIMED Member Brindle made a motion, seconded by Member Stewart, to declare May 19, 2018, as Kids to Parks Day. Ayes: Brindle, Staunton, Stewart, Hovland Motion carried. VI.D. PALMER ROCKSWOLD DAY APRIL 30, 2018 — PROCLAIMED The Council shared a photo and history of Mr. Rockswold and his family and congratulated him on his 102nd birthday on April 30. Member Brindle made a motion, seconded by Member Stewart, to declare April 30, 2018 as Palmer Rockswold Day. Ayes: Brindle, Staunton, Stewart, Hovland Motion carried. VII. REPORTS/RECOMMENDATIONS— (Favorable vote of majority of Council Members present to approve except where noted). VII.A. MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING—APPROVED Economic Development Manager Neuendorf said for the past several months, City representatives had been meeting with MnDOT staff to discuss how the two agencies could work together on local improvements to the Highway 100 interchanges at Vernon Avenue / 50th Street and Eden Avenue and explored the potential construction of a "freeway lid" over a portion of the highway. He said MnDOT officials were open to exploring this concept further and recommended entering into the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to clarify the working relationship and mutually agreed-upon intentions. Mr. Neuendorf noted the MOU had been co-written by MnDOT and City representatives, reviewed by the City Attorney, and would serve as a non-binding document that solidified the preliminary partnership. The Council asked questions regarding shared goals and suggested the combination of Items 3.9 and 3.10 as they both related to increased economic productivity of City and State land. Mr. Neuendorf explained MnDOT would retain ownership of the land, while the City was interested in air rights. The project would not be constructed on the highway but above it. He noted City Hall parking lot was included as a City parcel. The Council shared how they would build on the community comments and planned public input and noted while this was a non-binding MOU, it reflected the City's goals and purposes. Member Staunton made a motion, seconded by Member Brindle, to approve the Minnesota Department of Transportation Memorandum of Understanding to continue the planning, Page 3 Minutes/Edina City Council/May 1, 2018 construction, maintenance and usage of a highway cover over Highway 100, and utilization of state public lands in Edina. Ayes: Brindle, Staunton, Stewart, Hovland Motion carried. VII.B. RESOLUTION 2018-42 ADOPTED —ACCEPTING VARIOUS GRANTS AND DONATIONS— ADOPTED Mayor Hovland explained that in order to comply with State Statutes; all donations to the City must be adopted by Resolution and approved by four favorable votes of the Council accepting the donations. Member Brindle introduced and moved adoption of Resolution No. 2018-42 accepting various grants and donations. Member Staunton seconded the motion. Rollcall: Ayes: Brindle, Staunton, Stewart, Hovland Motion carried. Vlll. CORRESPONDENCE AND PETITIONS VIII.A. CORRESPONDENCE Mayor Hovland acknowledged the Council's receipt of various correspondence. VIII.B. MINUTES I. ENERGRY AND ENVIRONMENT COMMISSION, MARCH 8, 2018 2. HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION, MARCH 13, 2018 3. HUMAN RIGHTS AND RELATIONS COMMISSION, FEBRUARY 27, 2018 4. PLANNING COMMISSION MARCH 28, 2018 Informational; no action required. IX. AVIATION NOISE UPDATE— Received X. MAYOR AND COUNCIL COMMENTS—Received XI. MANAGER'S COMMENTS — Received XI.A. HRA STANDING MEETING SCHEDULE Mr. Neal shared input on the current HRA meeting schedule. After discussion, Council consensus was to continue the meeting schedule as proposed. X11. SCHEDULE OF MEETINGS, EVENTS AND DATES AS OF MAY 1, 2018 — Received XIII. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business on the Council Agenda, Mayor Hovland declared the meeting adjourned at 9:04 p.m. Respectfully submitted, > Deb angen, City C erk Minutes approved by Edina City Council, May 15, 2018. James B. Hovland, Mayor Video Copy of the May I, 2018, meeting available. Page 4