HomeMy WebLinkAbout19450709_REGULARUotion to adjourn was made kg Rawthorne, xeco~ded by Willson end cam ied e lllEUTXS OF TEE REGULAR ETSTIPG OF T€E EDIEA VITLAGE COUl?CIL HELD Ili: VILLAGE HALL AT 8 P. ETo JULY 9, lQ4-5 Pour members of the council were present: Utley, dillson, LTyatt and Todd. Vyatt acted as clerk. 41'otion to aprrove and allow the following payrolls was made by 'jlillson seconded by Utley and carrxed. GROSS AFXJUBT ' $ 162,50 67. 50 Po TAXES $ 20.40 1.20 Evelyn Kjos 3218 Gr et chen Schus sl er 3 21 9 9.10 $ 30,70 58.40 @ 266e80 t F o li c e Depar hie nt Hildina Dah1 3220 $3 102.50 97.50 87.50 *$ 8.20 21.10 4.90 3.60 2; 27-80 3 94.30 82-60 339.70 86 . 40 76.40 $ c:6.10 84.3b 88.50 80.50 63.30 50.50 +; 525.20 $ 62.65 104 . 80 28.55 43.05 56020 'Jfi . S .-Heydt 3221 . Clarence l3iu'cson 3223 Clayton %rickson 3222 80.00 $j 367.50 Street ljepartnient (regulars) R. J. J2hnsm ,3224 $ limo . 95.00 95.00 85.00 85.00 $ 14.40 6.50 4.50 1. 70 10.70 . . F. H. Dahlgren 3225 S. Jo Rober.ts 3226 harry Jonas 3227 Jolm Tracy 3228 1 . 5. f'erfeld 3229 I 97.50 8 570.00 Street ljepar %men% (hourly men 1 Ghas Johnson . 3230 Sari ITcCreaay 3231 3232 6. C. Ffeiffer Jams horliing 3233 Jw es Cogwin 3 234 -77 Yayn e l'r a cy 3235 $ 63.75 59.50 110.50 29.75 47.95 $ 1.10 3-30 1.20 4.90 -0- $ 1G.20 50 70 23.80 $$ 335.25 23.30 8 31cJoo5 1: is c e llane 3us Ben -do ehler $ 110*00 8 9.90 8 110.10 3236 TOTAL FAYROLL $1 680 . 25 $129 . 4 0 $1,6 5 0 85 I'otion to approve and- allow the follomii?,g bills was made By Utley, secclnded by :.f~illsor, and carried. CLAIE NO. 3237 KOTDT 431.40 Linde Air Prod. Coo Eenjartiin Brush Co. Gile Letter Service D. J. Jo11 Chris Lamen FIiller-Davis Coo Jay J. Craig Cue 23ertelson Bros. Eardimre BluLval Casualty aeriean Linen CO. Thoiqsori Lwaber Coo Brirroughs Adding P:ach. Co . Ai. 3. Dick Corpany 1:ortliwes-b Teruinal Co e hi. No Ziegler Co., Inc. 2. ii. ldarris Serv. Stn. Don J'. TIcClellan 3238 3239 3240 3241 3242 3243 . 3244 3245 3246 3247 3248 3249 3250 3251 3252 3253 3254 31.26 8.25 31.59 36 00 43.00 9.40 26.00 3.60 6.30 5.25 13.62 9.80 3.00 188 . 38 162.21 144 . 30 45.63 6.8 t 3ills paid July 5', 12-45 (Continued) I'm 23 GIJAIIr 1m. I- Glacier Sand & Gravel Co. 3255 €hi1 \I. Smith 3256 Country Club Dist. Serv. Coo 3257 Dale Green 3258 EuQ Brooks Pure Oil Station 3259 John Lindberry 3260 ljahlberg 3ros. TYIC. 3261 Lynrhurst A ursery 3262 E"erri 11 Ent chinson 3263 'desley 3rum 3264 Boreyf s Shell Service 326 5 i:. 'ti. Bell Teleyhoiie Coo 3266 Sub. Police E; Folice rissn. 3268 Gamble Stores :;lo3 3269 Hemepin County Reviea 3270 Lortinern States Fever Co. 3271 Reinharci QrosO9 Coo 3272 I:idwest Cap f"fg. Coo 3267 TOTAL BILLS 50.00 7.70 IG. QO 12.94 2.75 97.31 92.50 13.75 102.41 103 . 42 3.00 8.00 11.50 40 89 9.90 648.45 24.58 - GEEERAL I?UT;D Sub. Her,n. Coe Relief Bd. 3275 L Hennepin Co unty Revien 3270 Reinhard Br~s. Co. 3272 A. J. Strate 3273 Fercy :IcGonan 3274 153 97 10 00 4.95 74,62 '15600 Eorthern States Toner Co . 3271 1.85 First Uational Bai& of k?pls. 3276 22143050 $ 2,484.30 S. Do #8 T. 1". I. n"1 :i 2,1425.50 TOTAL BILLS PAID JULY 9, 1945 $ 4,909.19 i(3- Zelvin Petrie, 4500 Brookside Avenue appeared to request oil on Division Street, a thru street9 at the expense of the ?illage. This =as agreed upon at a previous meeting. A petition from residentis on d. 55th Street, for a sever t:, be laid before black top is a:pSied to the street, vas presented. I'fillson secDnaeci %he notion thst Zngineer Smith set up a. 6.istrict and get speciTications, take bias collectively and. separately for each of the three petition~~presented. Jensen and several others spoke for the severr Utley moved Trustee Xillson imveci t~ lay a dust coat on i-ialir"as kvezue frm 52nd to 54th Street. Seconde~ by ;Jyatt and carrie6. A resident livhg on Xerxes Avenue rezueoted lights to be put on 58tii9 59th aiio 60th Streetso !"oved by Trustee -!illson and seconded by Jyatt, Ziigineer Smith uas instructed to check on these corners. Engineer &ith uas instructeeci to survey the villace for signs on I1Stree'cs" and iiAvenuesli for the vhole village. ?re ,I. 4i:. Yilett , Hillaale suggested the nideniiig, gradingf, re- movfiig hill fron an6 oiling of Eivisior, Street. Zr. Toua agreed to mite IY. A. 0. Edwards, 3815 Inglewood Avenue St. Louis €ark, in behalf of Y%. Illaw%horr,e, benyir,e a gelition fDr eDnstructinc a tar bath plni t near the Village t:,:,ll-i:!use. flotion fimde by Trustee Jillson ana secDnaed bl Lltley for iF. Todd to as;; aizci aplc~int 10 or 15 peol>le in tile TIillage fw a . Jar ileriiorial Couiittee. 12. Francis on illis is xi Aveiiue ovrns a police QOC;, wsrhich is cav.sing trouble. Atleiition has been called to the dog by I%. Eiehl and ?Ye Steele. It has been referred to the Folice Dep.rtment.