HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005-15 Public Safety 800 MHz Building Coverage EDINA ORDINANCE NO. 2005 -15
An Ordinance Adding New Section 485 - Public Safety 00 MHz Radio Building Coverage
Section 1. The following new Section 485 is added to the City Code:
485.01 Adequate Radio Coverage. Except as provided in Subsection 485.02, no person
shall construct any building, construct an addition to any building that increases the gross floor
area of the building by more than 20%, change the occupancy classification of more than 50% of
the floor area of any building or cause the same to be done to a building, if such building fails to
support adequate radio coverage for the Minnesota Regional Radio Communications System,
including but not limited to firefighters and police officers. For the purposes of this Section 485,
parking garages, parking ramps, stair shafts, elevators and stairwells are included in the definition
of "building". For purposes of this Section 485, adequate radio coverage shall be an average
received field strength of no less than -93 dBm, or 1% BER, measured at 30 to 36 inches above
the floor over 90% of the area of each floor including the basement in the building and other
critical areas determined by the Fire Chief or the Fire Chief's designee such as fire command
centers, stairwells, elevators, high hazard areas, basements, and parking garages and ramps.
Without an in-building radio system, only the received signal level standard must be achieved, as
the talk-out path is equivalent to the talk-in path in this regional radio system.
485.02 Exempt Buildings. The requirements of Subsection 485.01 shall not apply to:
A. Any dwelling unit or accessory building in the R-1 District or R-2 District.
B. Any building of less than 25,000 square feet in gross floor area.
C. Any building constructed of wood frame; provided that such building does
not contain any metal construction or any below grade levels or below grade parking areas.
485.03 Amplification Systems Allowed. Buildings required by Subsection 485.01 to
support adequate radio coverage which cannot support the required level of radio coverage
required by Subsection 485.01 shall be equipped with approved bi-directional 800 MHz signal
enhancement system(s) as needed. If amplification is used in the system, all required FCC
authorizations must be obtained by the building owner prior to the use of the system. If any part of
the installed system or systems contains an electrically powered component, the system shall be
capable of operating on an independent battery and/or generator system for a continuous period of
at least 12 hours without external power input. The battery system shall automatically charge in
the presence of an external power input.
485.04 Testing Procedures. The following testing procedures shall apply to each building
or structure required by Subsection 485.01 to support adequate radio coverage:
Subd. 1 Acceptance Test Procedure. Prior to the issuance of a certificate of
occupancy, the owner of the building shall arrange for testing conducted by individuals acceptable
Ordinance No. 2005-15
Page Two
to the Fire Chief to ensure the building conforms with the requirements of Subsection 485.01.
Testing procedures shall conform to practices adopted and on-file with the Building Official.
Subd. 2 Annual Tests. When an in-building radio system is required to support the
required level of radio coverage, the owner of the building shall arrange for testing conducted by
individuals acceptable to the Fire Chief of all active components of the system, including but not
limited to amplifiers, power supplies and backup batteries, a minimum of once every 12 months.
Amplifiers shall be tested to ensure that the gain is the same as it was upon initial installation and
acceptance. Backup batteries and power supplies shall be tested under load for a period of one
hour to verify that they will properly operate during an actual power outage. If within the one-
hour test period, in the opinion of the testing technician, the battery exhibits symptoms of failure,
the test shall be extended for additional one-hour periods until the testing technician confirms the
integrity of the battery. All other active components shall be checked to determine that they are
operating within the manufacturer's specifications for the intended purpose. All deficiencies found
shall be corrected and testing repeated. All test results shall be submitted to the Fire Chief within
30 days of the test date.
Subd. 3 Five-Year Tests. When an in-building radio system is required to support
the required level of radio coverage, then in addition to the annual test, the building owner shall
arrange for testing conducted by individuals acceptable to the Fire Chief to perform a radio
coverage test a minimum of once every five years to ensure that the radio system continues to meet
the requirements of the original acceptance test. A radio test shall also be performed whenever
there is a change in or to the building that may have an impact on coverage. Examples of the types
of changes that may change radio coverage are interior remodeling that adds and/or changes
partitions, removal of windows, and the addition of metalized treatment to window surfaces. The
procedure described by practices adopted by the City shall be used for these tests. All test results
shall be submitted to the Fire Chief within 30 days of the test date.
Subd. 4 Field Testing. Fire and police personnel, after providing reasonable notice
to the owner or the owner's representative, shall have the right to enter onto the property to
conduct testing to be certain that the required level of radio coverage is present.
Section 2. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon passage and publication.
First Reading: December 20, 2005
Second Reading: January 3, 2006
Publication: January 12, 2006
Attest -
Debra A. Mangen, City rk James B Hovland,Mayor
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nancial Officer of the newspaper known as Sun-Current
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City of Edina Subd:4 Field Testing. Fire and police persoi
after providing reasonable notice to the owner or the c
(Official Publication) er's representative,shall have the right to enter ontc
EDINA ORDINANCE NO.2005-15 property to conduct testing to be certain that the reqs
An Ordinance Adding Now Section 485-Public levet of radio coverage is present.
Safety 00 MHz.Radio Building Coverage SectionThis Ordinance shall be in full force and e
Section 1. The following new Section 485 is added to the First Reading:; December 20,2005
City Code: Second Reading: January 3,2006
485.01 Adequate Radio Coverage. Except as pro-
January 12,2006
vided in Subsection 485.02,no person shall construct any Attest
building, construct an addition to any building that in-
creases the gross floor area of the building by more than Debra A.Mangen,City Clerk -James B Hovland,'Ma
20%,change the occupancy classification of more than
50%of the floor area of any,building or cause the same to (Jan.12,2006)dl/Ord 2005-15 In Bldg Coverage
be done to a'butlding;'if such building"falls to supportad-
equate radio coverage for the Minnesota Regional Radio
Communications System,including but not limited to fire-
fighters and police officers. For the purposes of this Sec-
tion 485,parking garages,parking ramps,stair shafts,el-
evators and,-stairwells-are included in the definition of
building" Fgr;purposes of:this Section 485,adequate
redro coverage sfraltbg an avera§eTeceiSed fWd strength
Of no less than X93 dBm,•or-1%,BER,measured at 30 to
36 inches above the,floor over 90%of the area of each
floor including the basementin the building and other crit-
kcal areas.determinefhby the Fire Chief or the Fire Chief's
designee such-as command centers,stairwells,ele-
vAlbrs,'high MA rd areas, basements, and parking
gitrages and ramps'Without an in-building radio system,
only the-received-s!gnat level standard must be achieved,
as the talk otit pa9 is equivalent to the talk-in path in this
regioriat rad`ibb'systerrr:
485.02 Exempt Buildings. The requirements of
Subsection 485.01,shall not apply to: .
A. Any,dwelling Unit oraccessory building in the R-1 Dis
trict or H-2 District:
B. -Any building Ofless'than 25,000.squarefeet in gross
floor area.
C Anybuilding constructed of wood frame;provided that
suclibuilding:does not contain4nymetalconstruction
or any below:grade levels or-below grade parking
areas. _
485.03 Amplification Systems,Allowed. Buildings
required bVSubsection 485:04 to supportadequate,radio
coverage which cannot support the required level of radio
coverage required by Subsection 485.01 shall be
equipped with approved b!-directiorial>800 MHz signal en-
hancement system(s)as needed. If amplification is used
in the system,all required FCC authorizations must be ob-
tained by the building owner prior to the Use of the system.
If any part'of the installed system or systems contains an
electrically powered component,the,system shall be ca-
pable of operating on an independent'battery and/or gen-
eratoraystem fora continuous period of at least 12 hours
without external.power input.The battery system shall au-
tomatically charge in the presence of an external power
465.04 Testing Procedures. The following testing
procedures shall,apply to each building or structure re-
quired by Subsection 485.01 to support adequate radio
Subd.1 Acceptance'TestProcedure. Prior to the
issuance of a certificate of occupancy,the owner of the
building shall arrange for testing conducted by individuals
acceptable to the Fire Chief to ensure the building con-
forms with the requirements of Subsection 485.01.Test
Ing procedures shall conform to practices adopted and on-
file with the Building Official
Subd.2 Annual Tests. When an in-building radio
system is required to support the required level of radio
coverage,the owner of the building shalt arrange for test-
Ing conducted by individuals acceptable to the Fire Chief
of all active components of the•system,including'but not
limited to'amplifiers;power supplies and backup batteries,
a minimum of once everyT2 months.'.Amplifiers shall be
tested t6-ensure that the gain!s the same as it was upon
initial r installation and acceptance_�Backup batteries and
power supplies shall be tested under load for a period of
one hour to verify that they wilt properly operate during an
actual power outage. if within-the orke-hour test period,in
the opinion of the'testing tectinician,-thp,batteryexhibits
symptoms of failure the test shall be,extended for addi-
tional one-hour periods until the testing technician con-
firms the integrity of thebattery All other active.compo-
nents shall be checked 616.termine that they are operat-
ing within the'manufacturer's'specifications forthe"intend-
ed purpose. All deficiencies found shall be corrected and
testing repeated.All test results shall be submitted to the
Fire Chief within 30 days of the test date:
Subd.3 Five-Year Tests. When an in-building
radio system is required to support the required level of
radio coverage,then in addition to the annual test, the
=building owner shall arrange for testing conducted by in-
dividuals acceptable to the Fire Chief to perform a radio
coverage test a minimum of once every-five years to en-
sure that the radio system continues to meet the require-
ments of the original acceptance test. A radio test shall
also be performed whenever there is a change in or to the
building that may have an impact on coverage. Examples
of the types of changes that may chapge radio coverage
are interior remodeling that adds and/or.changes;part!
bons,removal of windows,and the addition of metalized
treatment to window surfaces. The procedure described
W practices adopted by the City shall be used.for these
tests. All test results shall be suhrnatpd t,;tha;:,—r•.hiot