HomeMy WebLinkAboutJune 26, 2018 Meeting PacketDraft Minutes☒ Approved Minutes☐ Approved Date: Minutes City Of Edina, Minnesota Human Rights and Relations Commission Edina City Hall, Community Room May 22, 2018 7:00pm I. Call To Order Chair Nelson called the May 22, 2018, meeting of the Human Rights and Relations Commission to order at 7:04pm. II. Roll Call Answering Roll Call: Chair Nelson and Commissioners Arseneault, Edwards, Epstein, Kennedy, Meek, Moore Stringer, and Student Commissioner Sinha. Staff Present: Staff Liaison, MJ Lamon and City Management Fellow, Chante Mitchell. Absent: Commissioners Beringer, Edelson, and Student Commissioner Mangalick. III. Approval Of Meeting Agenda Motion by Commissioner Arseneault to approve the meeting agenda for May 22, 2018. Seconded by Commissioner Kennedy. Motion carried. IV. Approval Of Meeting Minutes Motion by Commissioner Kennedy to approve the April 24, 2018, Human Rights and Relations Commission meeting minutes. Seconded by Commissioner Arseneault. Motion carried. V. Community Comment None. VI. Reports and Recommendations A. 2018 Work Plan Updates Tom Oye: The 2018 Tom Oye Award Committee will be Chair Nelson and Commissioners Arseneault, Epstein, and Moore Stringer. Bias Offense Plan: Bias Offense Plan Committee will be Commissioners Epstein, Kennedy, Meek and Moore Stringer. Sharing Values, Sharing Communities: Sharing Values Committee members for this year’s topic on mental health are Commissioners Beringer, Edelson, Meek, Moore Stringer and Student Commissioner Sinha. No updates. Draft Minutes☒ Approved Minutes☐ Approved Date: Days of Remembrance: Event report presented along with Days of Remembrance participant survey responses. There were about 138 attendees for the event (excluding HRRC members). The group discussed what marketing and advertising methods worked well to promote the event. Feedback from participants indicated that we should continue with guest speakers who are Holocaust survivors and family members of survivors, and include speakers on current / other genocides. Comprehensive Plan Check In: Commission Arseneault attended May 3 Comprehensive Plan Check In. It was noteworthy that the Community Health and the Energy and Environment Commissions had a human rights lens within their recommendations, and there is a clear intersection their work has with human rights. Commissioners discussed ways to possibly partner with different Commissions to encourage working together and promoting the values of all the different Commission work. HRRC will consider different ways to promote and partner with other Commissions within their work plan. B. Race and Equity Task Force Report Report update from Commissioner Meek: The report is now with City Staff to work on recommendations for implementation; City Staff will report back to Council in September. On June 18, the Race and Equity Taskforce and working group members will have a final wrap up meeting with City Staff and City Council to discuss the work that has been done and next steps. C. Advisory Communication: Work Plan Change Request 2018 Work Plan Additions - Partnership with school district on Race/ Equity issues o Commissioners discussed what can the city and the school district do to work together better, to collaborate and share best practices. o Commissioners Moore Stringer and Meek will work on gathering the appropriate information and insight on what the school district has been doing before the commission moves forward with a proposal. - Creation of Edina HRRC Vision Statement o Group discussed incorporating language from the Edina GARE team and from the Comprehensive Plan Human Rights Chapter to create a vision statement. - Discussion on proposed changes to the work plan will be revisited at the next meeting. Draft Minutes☒ Approved Minutes☐ Approved Date: VII. Correspondence None. VIII. Chair and Member Comments Chair Nelson: Expressed well wishes to City Management Fellow, Chante Mitchell; she has accepted a job in San Antonio, Texas. Chair Nelson will be absent for June 26 meeting. Moore Stringer: Advised commissioners about the Minneapolis Parks and Recreation Board Women’s Golf Day event on Tuesday, June 5, 5-8pm. Epstein: Could not attend Days of Remembrance event but reported he heard great community feedback. Kennedy: Informed commissioners of an incident she learned about from a Vietnamese woman who experienced difficulty returning an item at Southdale Center. Advised about two upcoming events - Tuesday, June 26 State Human Rights Commission Summit, daylong event; and Thursday, June 21 “Beyond #MeToo” panel discussion at The Women’s Club of Minneapolis. IX. Staff Comments None. X. Adjournment Motion by Commissioner Kennedy to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Commissioner Arseneault. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:22pm. Approved by City Council 2017.12.05 Commission: Human Rights and Relations Commission 2018 Annual Work Plan Proposal Initiative # 1 Council Charge (Proposed Charge Completed by CM) ☐☐☐☐ 1 (Study & Report) ☐☐☐☐ 2 (Review & Comment) ☐☐☐☐ 3 (Review & Recommend) ☒☒☒☒ 4 (Review & Decide) Target Completion Date Budget Required (Staff Liaison) Staff Support Required (Staff Liaison) Initiative Type ☐ New Initiative ☐ Continued Initiative ☒ Ongoing Responsibility April 2018 ☒ Funds available Funds are available for this project. ☒ Staff Liaison: Hrs__10 ☒ CTS (including Video) ☐ Other Staff: Hrs_____________ Tom Oye Award (Martin) ($75 for plaque + possible cost for new printed materials) • Coordinate recognition • Track nominations • Update website ☐ Funds not available There are not funds available for this project (explain impact of Council approving initiative in liaison comments). Progress Report: Scheduled to be awarded at the City Council’s December meeting. Committee has been formed. Initiative # 2 Council Charge (Proposed Charge Completed by CM) ☐☐☐☐ 1 (Study & Report) ☐☐☐☐ 2 (Review & Comment) ☒☒☒☒ 3 (Review & Recommend) ☐☐☐☐ 4 (Review & Decide) Target Completion Date Budget Required (Staff Liaison) Staff Support Required (Staff Liaison) Initiative Type ☐ New Initiative ☐ Continued Initiative ☒ Ongoing Responsibility August 2018 ☐ Funds available Funds are available for this project. ☒ Staff Liaison: Hrs__8 ☐ CTS (including Video) ☐ Other Staff: Hrs_____________ Bias Offense Response Plan • Review and update, if needed, annually ☒ Funds not available There are not funds available for this project (explain impact of Council approving initiative in liaison comments). Progress Report: Typically this is done over the summer months, and a committee has been formed. We have had only one communication meeting with the Edina police department over a potential bias offense this year, so no substantive experience to justify major changes in the plan. Approved by City Council 2017.12.05 Initiative # 3 Council Charge (Proposed Charge Completed by CM) ☐☐☐☐ 1 (Study & Report) ☐☐☐☐ 2 (Review & Comment) ☐☐☐☐ 3 (Review & Recommend) ☒☒☒☒ 4 (Review & Decide) Target Completion Date Budget Required (Staff Liaison) Staff Support Required (Staff Liaison) Initiative Type ☐ New Initiative ☒ Continued Initiative ☐ Ongoing Responsibility October 2018 ☒ Funds available Funds are available for this project. ☒ Staff Liaison: Hrs__10 ☒ CTS (including Video) ☐ Other Staff: Hrs_____________ Sharing Values, Sharing Communities (Edelson/Meek): Commission will coordinate 1 or 2 annual community events. ($300 for marketing materials and refreshments, depending on event) • Topic to be determine by commission • Event Coordination • Communications/Marketing ☐ Funds not available There are not funds available for this project (explain impact of Council approving initiative in liaison comments). Progress Report: Committee is putting together a program on mental health issues. Initiative # 4 Council Charge (Proposed Charge Completed by CM) ☐☐☐☐ 1 (Study & Report) ☐☐☐☐ 2 (Review & Comment) ☐☐☐☐ 3 (Review & Recommend) ☒☒☒☒ 4 (Review & Decide) Target Completion Date Budget Required (Staff Liaison) Staff Support Required (Staff Liaison) Initiative Type ☐ New Initiative ☐ Continued Initiative ☒ Ongoing Responsibility April 2018 ☒ Funds available Funds are available for this project. ☒ Staff Liaison: Hrs__15 ☒ CTS (including Video) ☐ Other Staff: Hrs_____________ Days of Remembrance ($75 for printed materials, $100 for refreshments) • Speakers and focus to be determined by commission • Event coordination • Communications/Marketing ☐ Funds not available There are not funds available for this project (explain impact of Council approving initiative in liaison comments). Progress Report: Very successful – estimated about 140 attendees. Survey results – we need to keep doing this – and kids need to know about the history. Approved by City Council 2017.12.05 Initiative # 5 Council Charge (Proposed Charge Completed by CM) ☐☐☐☐ 1 (Study & Report) ☒☒☒☒ 2 (Review & Comment) ☐☐☐☐ 3 (Review & Recommend) ☐☐☐☐ 4 (Review & Decide) Target Completion Date Budget Required (Staff Liaison) Staff Support Required (Staff Liaison) Initiative Type ☐ New Initiative ☒ Continued Initiative ☐ Ongoing Responsibility December 2018 ☐ Funds available Funds are available for this project. ☒ Staff Liaison: Hrs__10 ☐ CTS (including Video) ☐ Other Staff: Hrs_____________ Comprehensive Plan • Assist with reviewing and updating of the 2018 Comprehensive Plan ☒ Funds not available There are not funds available for this project (explain impact of Council approving initiative in liaison comments). Progress Report: We submitted comments on all of the sections of the comp plan and also suggested a separate section dealing specifically with human rights. We await further review of draft plan when it is prepared. Parking Lot: (These items have been considered by the BC, but not proposed as part of this year’s work plan. If the BC decides they would like to work on them in the current year, it would need to be approved by Council.) 1. Partnership with School District 2. Affirmation of Edina, as a Human Rights City, as a Welcoming Community for all residents, including immigrants and refugees. Proposed Month for Joint Work Session (one time per year, up to 60 minutes): ☐ Mar ☐ April ☐ May ☒ June ☐ July ☐ Aug ☐ Sept ☐ Oct ☐ Nov Council Comments: 1 MEMORANDUM TO: Edina HRRC FROM: Jim Nelson RE: City Council working session DATE: June 21, 2018 Since I will not be able to attend the June meeting of the HRRC, I would like to summarize our commission’s working session with the city council held on Tuesday, June 19. Other commissioners in attendance can add their comments at our meeting. Commissioners in attendance were Pat Arseneault, Cindy Edwards, Jasmine Moore Stringer, Ellen Kennedy and me. The council was present except for Councilmember Fischer. Also attending was City Clerk Deb Mangen, and of course MJ (along with Casey Casella, intern, who I assume is taking Chante’s position – sorry I didn’t get a chance to introduce myself.) We went through each of our working plan initiatives, adding only a few comments in most cases to the “progress report” we had supplied to the council prior to the meeting (on your work plan now). Initiative #1 – Tom Oye. The only question is why we did not do this in connection with the annual community awards program. We explained that we were not given time due to the scheduling of the program, and we scheduled the award for the December council meeting. Initiative #2 – Bias offense plan. Nothing to add to the progress report. Initiative #3 – Sharing values, sharing communities. The council suggested that we communicate with the Community Health Commission on this subject, since our topic is mental health. There may be an opportunity for a joint presentation. Initiative #4 – Days of remembrance. We discussed the program (well received) as well as possible alternative venues to accommodate larger audiences. Initiative #5 – 2018 Comprehensive Plan. Ellen led the discussion of our thinking on the comprehensive plan, with special emphasis on the proposed separate chapter on human rights. It is obvious the council had not yet seen the draft as it remains in the hands of the planning commission. 2 We discussed the “parking lot” issue of school partnerships, and the council seemed open to the suggestion of developing a relationship with the schools. Councilmember Brindle raised the possibility of Edina looking into the AARP program for cities, as part of its commitment as a human rights city. We advised that this had been something we suggested a couple of years ago, but it got put in the parking lot because the council felt it was too big of a project. (Actually although it was discussed previously, this topic may not even have made it to the “parking lot” level; I’m not sure about that.) It seems that this may be ripe for our commission to suggest as a project for next year’s work plan. My overall impression: the council is very supportive of the work we are doing.