HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-16 Amending Section 850 ORDINANCE NO. 2007-16
The City Of Edina Ordains:
Section 1. Sub Section 850.03, Subdivision 3, is hereby amended as follows:
Building Height or Structure Height. The distance measured from the average existing ground
elevation adjoining the building at the front building line to the top of the cornice of a flat roof, to
the deck line of a mansard roof, to a point on the roof directly above the highest wall of a shed roof,
to the uppermost point on a round or other arch-type roof, or to the average distance of the highest
gable on a pitched or hip roof. References in this Section to building height shall include and mean
structure height, and if the structure is other than a building, the height shall be measured from said
average existing ground elevation to the highest point of the structure. "Existing ground elevation"
means the lowest of the following elevations: (1) the grade approved at the time of the subdivision
creating the lot, (2) the grade at the time the last demolition permit was issued for a principal
structure that was on the lot, (3) the grade at the time the building permit for a principal structure on
the lot is applied for.
Split Level Dwelling. A Split Level Dwelling has two or three short sets of stairs, and two to four
levels. The front entry is on a middle floor between two floors. The front door opens in a foyer or
entry area located in a wing off the main house. From the front entry, a short flight of stairs leads up
to the top floor and another short flight leads down.
Section 2. Sub Section 850.11, Subdivision 7, is hereby amended to read as follows:
H. Additions to or rebuilt single-family dwellings and buildings containing two dwelling
units. For additions, alterations and changes to, or rebuilds of existing single-family
dwellings and buildings containing two dwellings, the first floor elevation may not be
more than one foot above the existing first floor elevation. If a split level dwelling is torn
down and a new home is built, the new first floor or entry level elevation may not be
more than one foot above the front entry elevation of the home that was torn down. The
provisions of this paragraph shall apply to all single-family homes and buildings
containing two dwelling units including units in the flood plain zoning district. Any
deviation from the requirements of this paragraph shall require a variance.
Section 3. Effective Date. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect after it adoption and
publication according to law.
Passed and adopted this 4th day of December, 2007.
First Reading: November 20, 2007
Second Reading: December 4, 2007
Published: December 13, 2007
OW L 4,�;,�
Debra A. Mangen, Cit Jerk James Hovland, Mayor
City of Edina
(Official Publication)
ne-U'Spapers The City Of Edina Ordains:
Section 1.Sub Section 850.03,Subdivision 3,is hereby
amended as follows:
AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION Building Height or Structure Height.The distance mea-
sured from the average existing ground elevation adjoin-
STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ing the building at the front building line to the top of the
SS. cornice of a flat roof,to the deck line of a mansard roof,to
a point on the roof directly above the highest wall of a shed
COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) roof,to the uppermost point on a round or other arch-type
roof,or to the average distance of the highest gable on a
Richard Hendrickson, being duly sworn on pitched or hip roof.References in this Section to building
an oath,states or affirms that he is the Chief height shall include and mean structure height,and if the
structure is other than a building,the height shall be mea-
Financial Officer of the newspaper known as sured from said average existing ground elevation to the
Edina Sun-Current highest point of the structure."Existing ground elevation"
means the lowest of the following elevations:(1)the grade
and has full knowledge of the facts stated approved at the time of the subdivision creating the lot,(2)
below: the grade at the time the last demolition permit was issued
for a principal structure that was on the lot,(3)the grade
(A)The newspaper has complied with all of at the time the building permit for a principal structure on
the requirements constituting qualifica- the lot is applied for.
tion as a qualified newspaper as provid- Split Level Dwelling.A Split Level Dwelling has two or
three short sets of stairs,and two to four levels.The front
ed by Minn. Stat. §331A.02, §331A.07, entry is on a middle floor between two floors.The front
and Other applicable laws as amended. door opens in a foyer or entry area located in a wing off
the main house.From the front entry,a short flight of stairs
(B)The printed public notice that is attached leads up to the top floor and another short flight leads
was published in the newspaper once down.
each week, for —one — successive Section 2.Sub Section 850.11,Subdivision 7,is hereby
week(s); it was first published on Thurs- amended to read as follows:
day,the 13 day of December H. Additions to or rebuilt single-family dwellings and
buildings containing two dwelling units.For additions,
s thereafter printed and
2007, and was alterations and changes to,or rebuilds of existing sin-
published on every Thursday to and in- gle-family dwellings and buildings containing two
dwellings, the first floor elevation may not be more
cluding Thursday, the day of than one foot above the existing first floor elevation.If
2007;and printed a split level dwelling is torn down and a new home is
built,the new first floor or entry level elevation may not
below IS a copy of the(Ower case alpha- be more than one foot above the front entry elevation
bet from A to Z, both Inclusive, which Is of the home that was torn down.The provisions of this
hereby acknowledged as being the size paragraph shall apply to all single-family homes and
Y 9 g buildings containing two dwelling units including units
and kind of type used in the composition in the flood plain zoning district.Any deviation from the
requirements of this paragraph shall require a vari-
and publication of the notice: ance.
abcdefghijklmnopgrstuvwxyz Section 3. Effective Date.This ordinance shall be in full
force and effect after it adoption and publication accord-
ing to law.
Passed and adopted this 4th day of December,2007.
First Reading: November 20,2007
Second Reading: December 4,2007
BY: Published: December 13,2007
Debra A.Mangen,City Clerk James Hovland,Mayor
(Dec.13,2007)d1-Ord 2007-16
Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed
before me on this 13 day of
December 2007.
Notary ublic
(1) Lowest classified rate paid by
commercial users $ 2.85 per line
for comparable space
(2)Maximum rate allowed by law
$ 6.20 per line
(3) Rate actually charged
$ 1.30 per line