HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-06 Amending Section 460 ORDINANCE NO. 2009-6
Section 1. Sub Section 460.02 (Definitions) is hereby amended as follows:
Address Sign. Postal identification numbers only, whether written or in numeric
form. having a sign area of six square feet or lose
Building Identification Sign. A freestanding sign or wall sign bearing the name of
a building or occupant in a residential building or the name of a tenant or business
in a non-residential building. Addresssignsexseed+ng-six square feet are deemed
building identifirotion signs
Section 2. Sub Section 460.03, (General Provisions Applicable to all Zoning Districts) is
hereby amended as follows:
Subd. 14. Address Signs. Address signage shall be required on all buildings in all
districts, and must be clearly visioie from the street. Address signs on the first level of all
buildings shall not exceed six square feet. For buildings two to four stories in height in
nonresidential zoningdistricts, and nonresidential buildings in the Mixed Development
District districts, address signs shall not exceed 20 square feet. For buildings greater than
four stories in nonresidential zoning districts and nonresidential buildings in the Mixed
Development District districts, address signs shall not exceed 40 square feet. Address
signs in all other districts shall not exceed six square feet. Address signs shall not be
counted for the purpose of determining the maximum allowed sign area for a building. The
Building Official shall assign address numbers to buildings. A ,permit shall be required for
address signs in excess of six square feet.
Section 3. Sub Section 460.05. (District Regulations.) is herby amended as follows:
Subd. 5 Regional Medical and Planned Office District.
116e AFea flAnvirn m Height
1ryne puildiRq
less 6'gR pe 36 sq. ft. f9F eaGh additional 699R
hl lll/'�ing
1d�ic vuildi �g 80 sg ft for first signs
td�it irlcntifisntinn r
GTste roe6 sign no40 sq. ft. f9F eaGh additiGRal sign
Maximum Number of Maximum Area for Building
Use Building Identification Signs Maximum Height
Identification Signs
Buildings four stories One wall sign per 86 sq. ft. total between the two
or less building per frontage signs, with no individual sign 8 ft.
and one freestanding
sign per frontage being greater than 50 sq. ft.
One wall sign per 120 sq. ft. total between the two
Buildings more than building per frontage signs, with no individual sign 8 ft.
four stories and one freestanding
sign per frontage bung greater than 80 sq. ft.
Section 4. This ordinance is in full force and effect upon passage and publication.
First Reading: April 7, 2009
Second Reading: April 21. 2009
Published: April 30, 2009
Attest _
Debra A. Mangen, City CIE& James B. Hovlan ayor
Please publish in the Edina Sun Current on Thursday, April 30, 2009
Send two affidavits of publication
Bill to Edina City Clerk
City of Edina
(Official Publication)
newspapers Section 1.Sub Section 460.02(Definitions)is hereby amended as follows:
Address Sign. Postal identification numbers only,whether written or in numeric form.
Building Identification Sign. A freestanding sign or wall sign bearing the name of a building or occupant in a resi-
STATE OF MINNESOTA ) dential building or the name of a tenant or business in a non-residential building.
SS. Section 2.Sub Section 460.03,(General Provisions Applicable to all Zoning Districts)is hereby amended as follows:
COUNTY OF H ENNEPIN ) Subd.14. Address Signs. Address signage shall be required on all buildings in all districts,and must be clearly vis-
ible being duly from the street.Address signs on the first level of all buildings shall not exceed six square feet.For buildings two to
g y four stories in height in nonresidential zoning districts,and nonresidential buildings in the Mixed Development District dis-
an oath,states or affirms that he is the Chief tricts,address signs shall not exceed 20 square feet.For buildings greater than four stories in nonresidential zoning dis-
tricts and nonresidential buildings in the Mixed Development District districts,address signs shall not exceed 40 square
Financial Officer Of the newspaper(s)
feet.Address signs in all other districts shall not exceed six square feet.Address signs shall not be counted for the pur-
as pose of determining the maximum allowed sign area for a building.The Building Official shall assign address numbers to
Edina Sun-Current buildings.A permit shall be required for address signs in excess of six square feet.
Section 3.Sub Section 460.05.(District Regulations.)is herby amended as follows:
Subd.5 Regional Medical and Planned Office District.
and has full knowledge of the facts stated W68 MaNiFRUR 14161FRI38F
below: tiGRal �-
(A)The newspaper has complied with all of FGl s -
the requirements constituting qualifica
tion as a qualified newspaper as provid- 99 89.4. 94-
ed by Minn. Stat. §331A.02, §331A.07,
and other applicable laws as amended. use Maximum Number of Building Maximum Area for Building Maximum Height
(B)The printed public notice that is attached Identification Signs Identification Signs
Buildings four stories or less One wall sign per building per 86 sq.ft. total between the two 8 ft.
was published in said newspaper(s) frontage and one freestanding signs, with no individual sign
once each week,for One successive sign per frontage being greater than 50 sq.ft.
week(s); It Was first published On Thurs- Buildings more than four stories One wall sign per building per 120 sq.ft.total between the two 8 ft.
day,the 30 da of April frontage and one freestanding signs, with no individual sign
y y sign per frontage being greater than 80 sq.ft.
2009, and Was thereafter printed and Section 4. This ordinance is in full force and effect upon passage and publication.
published on every Thursday to and in- First Reading: April 7,2009 Second Reading: April 30.2009 Published: April 30,2009
cluding Thursday, the day Of Attest Debra A.Mangen.City Clerk James B.Hovland.May
,2009;and printed
below is a copy of the lower case alpha- (Apr.30,2009)d1-ORD 2009-6
bet from A to Z, both inclusive, which is
hereby acknowledged as being the size
and kind of type used in the composition
and publication of the notice:
Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed
before me on this 30 day of
April 2009.
Notary Public