HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010-05 Amending Section 850 ORDINANCE NO. 2010-05
The City Of Edina Ordains:
Section 1. Sub Section 850.03. Subd. 3 Definitions is hereby amended to add the
Street Intersection. Where two or more streets meet.
Section 2. Sub Section 850.11, Subdivision 6.13 is hereby amended as follows:
B. Minimum Setbacks (subject to the requirements of paragraph A. of Subd. 7 of
this Subsection 850.11).
Front Side Interior Side Rear
Street Street Yard Yard
1. Single dwelling unit buildings on 30'** 15' 10' 25'
Lots 75 feet or more in width.
2. Single dwelling unit buildings on lots 30'** 15' The required 25'
more than 60 feet in width, but less interior yard
than 75 feet in width. setback of 5
feet shall
increase by 1/3
foot (4 inches)
for each foot
that the lot
width exceeds
60 feet.'
3. Single dwelling unit buildings on 60 30'** 15' 5' 25'
feet or less in width.
4. Buildings and structures accessory to single dwelling unit buildings:
a. detached garages, tool sheds, -- 15' 3' 3'
greenhouses and garden houses
entirely within the rear yard,
including the eaves.
b. attached garages, tool sheds, 30' 15' 5' 25'
greenhouses and garden houses.
c. detached garages, tool sheds, -- 15' 5' 5'
greenhouses and garden houses
not entirely within the rear yard.
d. unenclosed decks and patios. 30' 15' 5' 5'
e. swimming pools, including 30' 15' 10' 10'
appurtenant equipment and
required decking.
f. tennis courts, basketball courts, 30' 15' 5' 5'
sports courts, hockey and skating
rinks, and other similar
Ordinance No. 2010-05
Page 2
recreational accessory uses
including appurtenant fencing and
g. all other accessory buildings and 30' 15' 5' 5'
5. Other Uses:
a. All conditional use buildings or 50' 50' 50' 50'
structures including accessory
buildings less than 1,000 square
feet; except parking lots, day care
facilities, pre-schools and nursery
b. All conditional use accessory 95' 95' 95' 95'
buildings 1,000 square feet or
c. Driving ranges, tennis courts, 50' 50' 50 50'
maintenance buildings and
swimming pools accessory to a
golf course.
d. Day care facilities, pre-schools 30' 35' 35' 35'
and nursery schools.
See Subd. TA.1. below for required setback when more than 25 percent of the lots on one side
of a street between street intersections, on one street of a street that ends in a cul-de-sac, or
on one side of a dead end street are occupied by dwelling units
Section 3. Sub Section 850.11, Subdivision 7 is hereby amended as follows:
Subd. 7 Special Requirements. In addition to the general requirements described in
Subsection 850.07, the following special requirements shall apply.
A. Special Setback Requirements for Single Dwelling Unit Lots.
1 Cstabliched Average SethaGk When mare than 25 nerr•ent of the frontage nn
one side of a stiestreet between iota rcentinns is agnU pied by buildings ha\ring
front stree etban s ttrhTa feet t��Y sethaGk of
�rvrrrrcrtict-S ccuuo�c6r-9 9�e-6f�e$ cam}
said If a building OF StFUGtUFe 9F addition thereto is to be built er
to Inti ire or additien thereto neer) he na greater than that of the nearest
he built or r Gated wheFe theie is is an established aveFage s aah and
there are evicting buildings nn both sides of the Reel or relegated building or
stn Unto ire or additian thereto the front setbaGk need he nn greater than that
ean�civn side
Ordinance No. 2010-05
Page 3
1. Established Front Street Setback. When more than 25 percent of the lots on
one side of a street between street intersections, on one street of a street
that ends in a cul-de-sac, or on one side of a dead end street, are occupied
by dwelling units, the front street setback for any lot shall be determined as
a. If there is an existing dwelling unit on an abutting lot on only one side of
the lot, the front street setback requirement shall be the same as the
front street setback of the dwelling unit on the abutting lot.
b. If there are existing dwelling units on abutting lots on both sides of the
lot, the front street setback shall be the average of the front street
setbacks of the dwelling units on the two abutting lots.
C. In all other cases, the front street setback shall be the average front
street setback of all dwelling units on the same side of that street.
Section 4. Effective Date. This ordinance shall be in full force and in effect after its
First Reading: March 16, 2010
Second Reading: April 6, 2010
Published: April 15, 2010
Debra A. Mangen, 6ity Mirk James B. Hovland, Mayor
Please publish in the Edina Sun Current, Thursday, April 15, 2010
Send two affidavits of publication
Bill to Edina City Clerk
City of Edina
(Official Publication)
newspapers The City Of Edina Ordains:
AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION Section 1. Sub Section 850.03.Subd.3 Definitions is hereby amended to add the following:
Street Intersection. Where two or more streets meet.
STATE OF MINNESOTA ) Section 2. Sub Section 850.11,Subdivision 63 is hereby amended as follows:
)Ss. B Minimum Setbacks(subject to the requirements of paragraph A.of Subd.7 of this Subsection 850.11).
COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) acFront side Interior Side Rear
Richard Hendrickson, being duly sworn on 1.Single dwelling unit buildings on Street Street Yard Yard
an oath,states or affirms that he is the Chief Lots 75 feet or more in width. 30"' 15' 10' 25'
Financial Officer of the newspaper(s)known 2.Single dwelling unit buildings on lots more
as than 60 feet in width,but less than 75 feet in width. 30'** 15' The required in 25'
Edina Sun-Current terior yard setback
of 5 feet shall increase
by 1/3 foot(4 inches)
for each foot that the
lot width exceeds 60 feet:
and has full knowledge of the facts stated 3.Single dwelling unit buildings on 60 feet or
below: less in width. 30"' 15' 5' 25'
(A)The newspaper has complied with all of 4.Buildings and structures accessory to single dwelling unit buildings:
the re uirements constitutin UalifiCa- a.detached garages,tool sheds,greenhouses
q g q and garden houses entirely within the rear
tion as a qualified newspaper as provid- yard,including the eaves. — 15' 3' 3'
ed by Minn. Stat. §331A.02, §331A.07, b.attached garages,tool sheds,greenhouses
and other applicable laws as amended. and garden houses. 30' 15' 5' 25'
(B)The printed public notice that is attached c.detached garages,tool sheds,greenhouses and
was published in said newspaper(s) garden houses not entirely within the rear yard. — 15' 5' 5'
once each week,for one successive d.unenclosed decks and patios. 30' 15' 5' 5'
week(s);it was first published on Thurs-
day,the 15 day of April e.swimming pools,including appurtenant
equipment and required decking. 30' 15' 10' 10'
2010, and was thereafter printed and
published on every Thursday to and in- f. tennis courts,basketball courts,sports courts,
hockey and skating rinks,and other similar
cluding Thursday, the day of recreational accessory uses including
2010;and printed appurtenant fencing and lighting. 30' 15' 5' 5'
below is a copy of the lower case alpha- g. all other accessory buildings and structures. 30' 15' 5' 5'
bet from A to Z, both inclusive,which is
sOther Uses:hereb acknowledged as being the size
a.All conditional use buildings or structures
and kind of type used in the composition including accessory buildings less than 1,000
and ublication of the notice: square feet;except parking lots,day care facilities,
p pre-schools and nursery schools 50' 50' 50' 50'
n pqrstuvwxyz b.All conditional use accessory buildings 1,000
square feet or larger. 95' 95' 95' 95'
c.Driving ranges,tennis courts,maintenance
buildings and swimming pools accessory
to a golf course. 50' 50' 50' 50'
d.Day care facilities,pre-schools and
BY: nursery schools. 30' 35' 35' 35'
O " See Subd.7.A.1.below for required setback when more than 25 percent of the lots on one side of a street between
street intersections,on one street of a street that ends in a cul-de-sac,or on one side of a dead end street are occupied by
dwelling units
Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed Section 3.Sub Section 850.11,Subdivision 7 is hereby amended as follows:
before me on this 15 day of Subd.7 Special Requirements.In addition to the general requirements described in Subsection 850.07,the following special
April 2010, requirements shall apply.
A. Special Setback Requirements for Single Dwelling Unit Lots.
� Q
Notary Public
NOTA10- my Co1.Established Front Street Setback. When more than 25 percent of the lots on one side of a street between street intersec-
tions,on one street of a street that ends in a cul-de-sac,or on one side of a dead end street,are occupied by dwelling units,
the front street setback for any lot shall be determined as follows:
a.If there is an existing dwelling unit on an abutting lot on only one side of the lot,the front street setback requirement shall
be the same as the front street setback of the dwelling unit on the abutting lot.
b.If there are existing dwelling units on abutting lots on both sides of the lot,the front street setback shall be the average of
the front street setbacks of the dwelling units on the two abutting lots.
c.In all other cases,the front street setback shall be the average front street setback of all dwelling units on the same side
of that street.
Section 4.Effective Date. This ordinance shall be in full force and in effect after its adoption.
First Reading:March 16,2010;Second Reading:April 6,2010
Attest:Debra A.Mangen,City Clerk;James B.Hovland,Mayor
(April 15,2010)D1 Ord 2010-05