HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010-06 Amending Section 150.15 ORDINANCE NO. 2010-06 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 150.15 OF THE CITY CODE CONCERNING REST PERIODS AND HOLIDAYS THE CITY OF EDINA ORDAINS: Section 1. Subsection 150.15 of the Edina City Code is amended to provide as follows: Subd. 2 Holidays. The following calendar days and such other days as designated by the Council are paid holidays New Year's Day — January 1; Martin Luther King Jr. Day —the third Monday in January; President's Day — the third Monday in February; Memorial Day — the last Monday in May; Independence Day — July 4; Labor Day — the first Monday in September; Veteran's Day — November 11; Thanksgiving Day — the fourth Thursday in November; the Friday after Thanksgiving Day; and Christmas Day — December 25. Also one-half day on Christmas Eve — December 24, and one-half day on New Year's Eve — December 31, shall be paid holidays whenever they fall on one of the days Monday through Friday. When New Year's Day, Independence Day, Veteran's Day or Christmas Day fall on Saturday, the preceding Friday is the holiday, and should these days fall on Sunday, the following Monday shall be the holiday. All regular full-time employees entitled to time off with full pay on holidays. City Hall shall be closed for business on each such holiday, but employees may be required to work on paid holidays when the nature of their duties or other conditions require. An employee required to work on a holiday shall receive another day off within 30 days as the department head determines unless consideration is given to this factor in determining work schedules. Each holiday commences at the beginning of the first shift on the on which the holiday occurs and continues for 24 hours. Eligible employees shall receive pay for official holidays at their normal rate of pay if they are at work or are on leave of absence with pay the last regular day or shift to which they were or would have been assigned prior to the holiday and the first regular day or shift to which they were or would have been assigned following the holiday. In addition to meeting the foregoing criteria, regular part-time employees, are entitled to pay on a holiday only if they would normally be scheduled to work on the day if e tie-day of the week designated as the holiday and they shall be paid only for the number of hours they would have worked. The Manager, in the Manager's discretion, may grant paid holiday to individuals for the celebration of certain religious holy days observed by their particular faith. Section 2. This ordinance is effective immediately upon its passage and publication. First Reading: March 16, 2010 Second Reading: Waived Published: April 1, 2010 Attest: tj �)IMA1,14 gprJA Debra A. Man§e6, aity Clr James B.'Hovland, Mayor City of Edina (Official Publication) ORDINANCE NO.2010-06 Aw AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 150.15 OF THE CITY CODE CONCERNING REST PERIODS AND HOLIDAYS apersne�rspTHE CITY OF EDINA ORDAINS: AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION Section 1. Subsection 150.15 of the Edina City Code is amended to provide as follows: STATE OF MINNESOTA ) Subd.2 Holidays.The following calendar days and such )Ss. other days as designated by the Council are paid holidays COUNTY OF HENNEPIN New Year's Day—January 1;Martin Luther King Jr.Day the third Monday in January;President's Day—the third Monday in February;Memorial Day—the last Monday in Richard Hendrickson, being duly sworn on May;Independence Day—July 4;Labor Day—the first an oath,states or affirms that he is the Chief Monday in September;Veteran's Day—November 11; Thanksgiving Day—the fourth Thursday in November;the Financial Officer of the newspaper(s)known Friday after Thanksgiving Day;and Christmas Day—De- aS cember 25. Also one-half day on Christmas Eve—De- Edina Sun-Current cember 24,and one-half day on New Year's Eve—De- cember 31,shall be paid holidays whenever they fall on one of the days Monday through Friday.When New Year's Day,Independence Day,Veteran's Day or Christmas Day fall on Saturday,the preceding Friday is the holiday,and and has full knowledge of the facts stated should these days fall on Sunday,the following Monday belOW: shall be the holiday. All regular full-time employees enti- tled to time off with full pay on holidays.City Hall shall be (A)The newspaper has complied with all of closed for business on each such holiday,but employees the requirements constituting uallfica- may be required to work on paid holidays when the nature 4 9 q of their duties or other conditions require.An employee re- tion as a qualified newspaper as provld- quired to work on a holiday shall receive another day off ed by Minn. Stat. §331A.02, §331A.07, within 30 days as the department head determines unless consideration is given to this factor in determining work and Other applicable laws as amended. schedules.Each holiday commences at the beginning of (B)The printed public notice that is attached the first shift on the on which the holiday occurs and con- tinues for 24 hours.Eligible employees shall receive pay was published in said newspaper(s) for official holidays at their normal rate of pay if they are at once each week,for one successive work or are on leave of absence with pay the last regular day or shift to which they were or would have been as- week(s);it was first published on ThurS- signed prior to the holiday and the first regular day or shift day,the 1 day of April to which they were or would have been assigned follow- ing the holiday.In addition to meeting the foregoing crite- 2010, and was thereafter printed and ria,regular part-time employees,are entitled to pay on a published on every Thursday to and In- holiday only if they would normally be scheduled to work on the day if they would normally be scheduled to work on cluding Thursday, the day of the day of the week designated as the holiday and they ,2010;and printed shall be paid only for the number of hours they would have below is a co Of the lower Case alpha- worked.The Manager,in the Manager's discretion, may copy p grant paid holiday to individuals for the celebration of cer- bet from A to Z, both inclusive,which is tain religious holy days observed by their particular faith. hereby acknowledged as being the size Section 2. This ordinance is effective immediately upon and kind of type used in the composition its passage and publication. and publication of the notice: First Reading:March 16,2010 Second Reading:Waived abc mnopgrstuvwxyz Published:April 1,2010 Attest: Debra A.Mangen,City Clerk / James B.Hovland,Mayor (April 1,2010)D1-Ord 2010-06 BY: CFO Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed before me on this 1 day of April 2010. Notary Public DIANE L ELIASON W NOTARY PU13LIC-1A1NNESOTA '�� >1y Comm•E"'ros J+m.31-2015