HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010-08 Amending Section 850 ORDINANCE NO. 2010-08 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE TO ADD A BUILDING HEIGHT OVERLAY DISTRICT The City Of Edina Ordains: Section 1. Section 850.13, Subd. S.C. (PRD & PSR, Planned Residence Districts) is hereby amended as follows: Subd. 5. Requirements for Building Coverage, Setbacks, and Height. C. Maximum Building Height. PRD-3 3 stories nr 40 foo+ Whinheyer is less. See Section 850.22, Building Height Overlay District and Appendix A of the City's Official Zoning Map. PRD-4, 5 No rvmaxirrmum; height is dote mined by require bets See Section 850.22, Building Height Overlay District and Appendix A of the City's Official Zoning Map. PSR-3 3 6teriec gr 40 feet, whinheyer is less. See Section 850.22, Building Height Overlay District and Appendix A of the City's Official Zoning Map. PSR-4 Ne maximum; height is determined by required Ce+�.6: See Section 850.22, Building Height Overlay District and Appendix A of the City's Official Zoning Map. Section 2. Section 850.14, Subd. 6.13 (MDD, Mixed Development Districts) is hereby amended as follows: Subd. 6. Requirements for Building Coverage, Setbacks, and Height. C. Setbacks. Setbacks shall be measured from the boundary of the tract or from public street right-of-way. Interior Front Side Side Rear Street Street Yard Yard MDD-3 35' 35' 20' 35' MDD-4 35' 35' 20' 35' MDD-5 35' 35' 20' 35' MDD-6 35' 35' 20' 35' The minimum building setback shall be increased by '/2 foot for each foot the building height exceeds the minimum required setback. If the tract abuts land zoned and used for residential purposes, the required interior side yard setback shall not be less than 35 feet. D. Maximum Building Height. MDD-3 3 stories nr 40 feet whinhever is less See Section 850.22, Building Height Overlay District and Appendix A of the City's Official Zoning Map. MDD-4 ^ stories nr 50 feet whichever is less See Section 850.22, Building Height Overlay District and Appendix A of the City's Official Zoning Map. MDD-5 Ale maximi im• height is determined by regi firer! sets See Section 850.22, Building Height Overlay District and Appendix A of the City's Official Zoning Map. MDD-6 NG maximum; height is determined by regi sired setbacks- See Section 850.22, Building Height Overlay District and Appendix A of the City's Official Zoning Map. Buildings abutting a city park shall not exceed two stories. Building height shall be increased if the height of the building is equal to the setback from the park. Section 3. Section 850.15, Subd. 5.11) (POD, Planned Office Districts) is hereby amended as follows: l Subd. 6. Requirements for Building Coverage, Setbacks, and Height. D. Maximum Building Height. POD-1 ^ stgries or 50 feet whinhever is less. See Section 850.22, Building Height Overlay District and Appendix A of the City's Official Zoning Map. POD-2 Ne maximum; height is determined by regi fired setx�ks. See Section 850.22, Building Height Overlay District and Appendix A of the City's Official Zoning Map. Section 4. Section 850.16, Subd. 11.0 (PCD, Planned Commercial Districts) is hereby amended as follows: 2 Subd. 11. Requirements for Building Coverage, Setbacks, and Height. C. Maximum Building Height. PCD-1 Two steries. See Section 850.22, Building Height Overlay District and Appendix A of the City's Official Zoning Map. PCD-2 FEW G+Gries Or 50 feet Whinhevor is loss. See Section 850.22, Building Height Overlay District and Appendix A of the City's Official Zoning Map. PCD-3 Maximum height p is iJet�T aragFaph G and D Gf Subd. 12 f r"Sub6eGtiGR. See Section 850.22, Building Height Overlay District and Appendix A of the City's Official Zoning Map. PCD-4 One-stem See Section 850.22, Building Height Overlay District and Appendix A of the City's Official Zoning Map. Section 5. Section 850.16, Subd. 12.D (PCD, Planned Commercial Districts) is hereby amended as follows: Subd. 12. Special Requirements. A. Established Average Front Street Setback for PCD-1 and PCD-2. When more than 25 percent of the frontage on one side of the street between intersections is occupied by buildings having front street setbacks of greater or lesser distances than hereafter required, then the average setback of the existing buildings shall be maintained by all new or relocated buildings on the same side of that street and between the intersections. If a building is to be built or relocated where there is an established average setback, and there are existing buildings on only one side of the building or relocated building, the front street setback of the new or relocated building need be no greater than that of the nearest adjoining principal building. If a building is to be built or relocated where there is an established average setback and there are existing buildings on both sides of the new or relocated building, the front street setback need be no greater than that which would be established by connecting a line paFallel with the fFent line GenneGting between the most forward portion of the adjacent principal building on each side. B. Interior Side Yard and Rear Yard Setbacks. Interior side yard and rear yard setbacks including parking setbacks and loading facility setbacks apply only when the side or rear lot line is a Planned Commercial District boundary. 3 C. Setbacks for PCD-3. The minimum building setback required by Paragraph B of Subd. 11 of this subsection shall be increased as follows: 1. In the area bounded by France Avenue on the west, York Avenue on the east and West 70th Street on the south, the minimum building setback shall be increased by 1/3 foot for each foot that the building exceeds 50 feet in building height. For purposes hereof, only those portions of buildings which exceed 50 feet in building height need provide the additional setbacks required by this paragraph. 2. In all other areas, the minimum building setback shall be equal to the building height for buildings taller than 50 feet. Notwithstanding the requirement of this subsection, the City encourages i) ground level retail and service uses that create an active pedestrian and streetscape environment and ii) pedestrian connections by way of skyways and tunnels. The City Council will consider exceptions to setback requirements for these purposes. D Maximum Building Height in PGD Q Maximum building height in the PGD 3 subdffistFoGt shall be as fellews� 1 In the area bounded by Gra e Avenue on the west, Vert Avenue on the eaetan��# 70th Sire t en the seg nth the rzv ccrr —rvr zrce'c-vrrZrr�.�vum�-�-rc m avimIran building height shall he 18 6teries er 225 feet ��ihinheyer is lose 1 `^ 7 In the area lerated west of I-ranGe venue ansa the area IGGated east of York AveRue, the maximum building heigh hall he few stories er 50 feet, whinhcPeF is less. 3 In all ether Gases, the maximum building height shall he equal to the required 6ethaGk6 Section 6. Section 850.17, Subd. 3.G (PID, Planned Industrial District) is hereby amended as follows: Subd. 3 Requirements for Building Coverage, Setbacks, and Height. G. Maximum Building Height. Four eteries er 50 feet whinheyer is lees See Section 850.22, Building Height Overlay District and Appendix A of the City's Official Zoning Map. 4 Section 7. Section 850.18, Subd. 3.0 (RMD, Regional Medical District) is hereby amended as follows: Subd. 3 Requirements for Building Coverage, Setbacks, and Height. C. Maximum Building Height. No maximum; height determined by required retbaGk . See Section 850.22, Building Height Overlay District and Appendix A of the City's Official Zoning Map. Section 8. Section 850 is hereby amended to add the follows: 850.22. Building Height Overlay District (HOD). Subd. 1. Purpose. The purpose of this chapter is to establish maximum building height regulations in order to minimize the visual impact of tall buildings built within established neighborhoods in and around commercial and industrial neighborhoods. Subd. 2. Boundaries. The official boundaries for each Height Overlay District are established on Appendix A of the City's Official Zoning Map. Subd. 3. Maximum Building Heights. The following maximum building heights are required within each of the following Height Overlay Districts: HOD-1 Building height shall be determined by required setbacks, but shall not exceed 1 story or 20 feet, whichever is less. HOD-2 Building height shall be determined by required setbacks, but shall not exceed 2 stories or 24 feet, whichever is less. HOD-3 Building height shall be determined by required setbacks, but shall not exceed 3 stories or 36 feet, whichever is less. HOD-4 Building height shall be determined by required setbacks, but shall not exceed 4 stories or 48 feet, whichever is less. HOD-8 Building height shall be determined by required setbacks, but shall not exceed 8 stories or 96 feet, whichever is less. HOD-9 Building height shall be determined by required setbacks, but shall not exceed 9 stories or 108 feet, whichever is less. HOD-10 Building height shall be determined by required setbacks, but shall not exceed 10 stories or 120 feet, whichever is less. 5 HOD-12 Building height shall be determined by required setbacks, but shall not exceed 12 stories or 144 feet, whichever is less. First Reading: July 6, 2010 Second Reading: Waived I Published: October 21, 2010 Attest: Debra A. ange ity 9erk aures . Hovland, Mayor Summary Approved July 20, 2010 Please publish in the Edina Sun Current on: Thursday, October 21, 2010 Send two affidavits of publication. Bill to Edina City Clerk 6 City of Edina attach clipping (Official Publication) (Oct 21,2010)D1 Ord.#2010-08 newspapers City of Edina AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION (Official Publication) ORDINANCE NO.2010-08 STATE OF MINNESOTA AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE TO ADD A BUILDING HEIGHT OVERLAY DISTRICT )SS. The City Of Edina Ordains: COUNTY OF H EN N EP I N mon 1. Sectio'850.13,Subd.S.C.(PRD&PSR,Planned Residence Districts)is hereby amended as follows: Subd.S.Requirements for Building Coverage,Setbacks,and Height. Richard Hendrickson, being duly sworn on I C. Maximum Building Height. an oath,states or affirms that he is the Chief PRD See Section 850.22,Building Height Overlay District and Appendix A of the City's Official Zoning Map. Financial Officer of the newspaper(s)known PRD-4,5of see section as 850.22,Building Height Overlay District and Appendix A the City's Offi- Edina Sun-Current 0191 Zoning Map. PSR See Section 850.22,Building Height Overlay District and Appendix A of the City's Official Zoning Map. PSR-4 See Section 850.22,Building Height Overlay District and Appendix A of the City's Offi- and has full knowledge of the facts stated tial Zoning Map. g Section 2. Section 850.14,Subd.6.D(MDD,Mixed Development Districts)Is hereby amended as follows: below: (A)The newspaper has complied with all of Subd.6.Requirements for Building Coverage,Setbacks,and Height. the requirements constituting qualifica- C. Setbacks.Setbacks shall be measured from the boundary of the tract or from public street right-of-way. tion as a qualified newspaper as provid- Front street Side Street Interior Side Yard Rear Yard ed by Minn. Stat. §331A.02, §331A.07, MDD-3 35' 35' 20' 35' MDD-4 35' 35' 20' 35' and other applicable laws as amended. MDD-5 35' 35' 20' 35' (B)The printed public notice that is attached MDD-6 35' 35' 20' 35' was published in said newspaper(s) The minimum building setback shall be increased by?foot for each foot the building height exceeds the minimum required once each week,for one successive setback. If the tract abuts land zoned and used for residential purposes,the required interior side yard setback shall not be less than 35 feet. week(s);it was first published on Thurs- D. Maximum Building Height. day,the 21 day of October 2010, and was thereafter printed and MDD-3 See Section 850. Building Height p Overlay District and Appendix A of the City's Official Zoning Map. published on every Thursday to and in- MDD-4 See section 850.22,Building Height cludin Thursday, the _ _ da of Overlay District and Appendix A of the City's Official Zoning Map. g Y+ Y MDD-5 .See Section 2010;and printed 850.22,Building Height Overlay District and Appendix A of the City's Offi- cialbelow is a copy of the lower case alpha- MDD-6 Zoning Map. .See Section bet from A to Z, both inclusive, which Is 850.22,Building Height Overlay District and Appendix A of the City's Offi- cialhereb acknowledged as being the size Zoning Map. Y 9 9 Buildings abutting a city park shall not exceed two stories.Building height and kind of type used in the composition shall be increased if the height of the building is equal to the setback from the park. and publication Of the notice: section 3. section 850.15,Subd.5.1)(POD,Planned Office Districts)is hereby amended as follows: Subd.6.Requirements for Building Coverage,Setbacks,and Height. abcdef hi'klmnopgrstuvwxyz D. Maximum Building Height. i POD-14See Section 850.22,Building Height Overlay District and Appendix A of the City's Official Zoning Map. POD-2 .See Section 850.22,Building Height Overlay District and Appendix A of the City's Offi- cial Zoning Map. BY: Section 4. Section 850.16,Subd.11.0(PCD,Planned Commercial Districts)Is hereby amended as follows: Subd.11.Requirements for Building Coverage,Setbacks,and Height. FO C. Maximum Building Height. PCD-1 TWO eteriee,See Section 850.22,Building Height Overlay District and Ap- pendix A of the City's Official Zoning Map. PCD-2 Few Makes 8F 60 1884 Wh 814840OF is IBOB-.See Section 850.22,Building Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed Height Overlay District and Appendix A of the City's Official Zoning Map. before me on this 21 day of PCD-3 OctoberSadsse487 See Section 850.22,Building Height Overlay District and Ap- ,2010• pendix A of the City's Official Zoning Map. PCD-4 AAS stecy,See Section 850.22,Building Height Overlay District and Ap- pendix A of the City's Official Zoning Map. Section 5. Section 850.16,Subd.12.D(PCD,Planned Commercial Districts)is hereby amended as follows: Subd.12.Special Requirements. A.Established Average Front Street Setback for PCD-1 and PCD-2.When more than 25 percent of the frontage on one side of the street between intersections is occupied by buildings having front street setbacks of greater or lesser distances than Notary Public hereafter required,then the average setback of the existing buildings shall be maintained by all new or relocated buildings on the same side of that street and between the intersections.If a building is to be built or relocated where there is an estab- lished average setback,and there are existing buildings on only one side of the building or relocated building,the front street setback of the new or relocated building need be no greater than that of the nearest adjoining principal building.If a building is to be built or relocated where there is an established average setback and there are existing buildings on both sides of the DIANE L E L I A S O N new or relocated building,the front street setback need be no greater than that which would be established by connecting a rub NOTARY PURLIC-r:lirir�ESOTA line between the most forward portion of the adjacent principal building on each side. �i B.Interior Side Yard and Rear Yard Setbacks.Interior side yard and rear yard setbacks including parking setbacks and load- ` � ray comm.r_x i,rc s Jan,s i.2015 ing facility setbacks apply only when the side or rear lot line is a Planned Commercial District boundary. C.Setbacks for PCD-3.The minimum building setback required by Paragraph B of Subd.11,of this subsection shall be in- creased as follows: 1. In the area bounded by France Avenue on the west,York Avenue on the east and West 70th Street on the south,the min- imum building setback shall be increased by 1/3 foot for each foot that the building exceeds 50 feet in building height.For purposes hereof,only those portions of buildings which exceed 50 feet in building height need provide the additional setbacks required by this paragraph. 2.In all other areas,the minimum building setback shall be equal to the building height for buildings taller than 50 feet. Notwithstanding the requirement of this subsection,the City encourages i)ground level retail and service uses that create an active pedestrian and streetscape environment and ii)pedestrian connections by way of skyways and tunnels.The City Council will consider exceptions to setback requirements for these purposes. Wom in P1 4 !A the open il%ewsinsll by FF"R 2, IN&11 911148F 80688 018 MaJOPAWR IlMildiAll 14MYNI 914611 116 SqWQ'19#49 FGRU4F@d SellwAke, Section 6. Section 850.17,Subd.3.01(PID,Planned Industrial District)is hereby amended as follows: Subd.3 Requirements for Building Coverage,Setbacks,and Height. G.Maximum Building Height. See Section 850.22,Building Height Overlay District and Appendix A of the City's Official Zoning Map. Section 7. Section 850.18,Subd.3.0(RMO,Regional Medical District)is hereby amended as follows: Subd.3 Requirements for Building Coverage,Setbacks,and Height. C.Maximum Building Height. See Section 850.22,Build- ing Height Overlay District and Appendix A of the City's Official Zoning Map. Section 8. Section 850 is hereby amended to add the follows: 850.22. Building Height Overlay District(HOD). Subd.1.Purpose.The purpose of this chapter is to establish maximum building height regulations in order to mini- mize the visual impact of tall buildings built within established neighborhoods in and around commercial and industrial neighborhoods. Subd.2.Boundaries.The official boundaries for each Height Overlay District are established on Appendix A of the City's Official Zoning Map. Subd.3.Maximum Building Heights.The following maximum building heights are required within each of the follow- ing Height Overlay Districts: HOD-1 Building height shall be determined by required setbacks,but shall not exceed 1 story or 20 feet, whichever is less. HOD-2 Building height shall be determined by required setbacks,but shall not exceed 2 stories or 24 feet, whichever is less. HOD-3 Building height shall be determined by required setbacks,but shall not exceed 3 stories or 36 feet, whichever is less. HOD-4 Building height shall be determined by required setbacks,but shall not exceed 4 stories or 48 feet, whichever is less. HOD-8 Building height shall be determined by required setbacks,but shall not exceed 8 stories or 96 feet, j whichever is less. HOD-9 Building height shall be determined by required setbacks,but shall not exceed 9 stories or 108 feet, whichever is less. HOD-10 Building height shall be determined by required setbacks,but shall not exceed 10 stories or 120 feet,whichever is less. HOD-12 Building height shall be determined by required setbacks,but shall not exceed 12 stories or 144 feet,whichever is less. First Reading: July 6,2010 I Second Reading: Waived Published: October 21,2010 Attest: Debra A.Mangen,City Clerk James B.Hovland,Mayor Summary Approved July 20,2010 (Oct 21,2010)D1 Ord.#2010-08 (Oct 21,2010)D1 Ord.#2010-11 I