HomeMy WebLinkAbout19450806_SPECIAL71' I VHBREAS, said papmxtis %ere made far the purp~se of paying all special assessnents Ehich are past due or carrent, or which me to become due: in the %ut;ure again& said property; XO'TB, THEBXEDm, BE: IT RSSOLVXD %ha€ €he County Audi€at af' Hennepin County, Xinnesuta-, is hereby authorfzed and directed €0 cancel and amul all. special assessments past , present and futurel agains% the property hereinbefore described, levied by the Village of Xdina and to m?move the same fmn the revolving books in the office of said @oan€y Auditor ai Hennepirr County. Eokionz %cr adopt the reso1rrf;ion nas seconded by Willson aid' an rollcall %here mere fiv y a$ folluvs: UtZey, aye; Vilfson, are; axe, cad %he resolution w i (, Eotian to advertise far bids an a gasoline shave1 boa and bucket, 8s specified by %he village engineer, was made by Willson, seconded by Vfyatt rznd carried. Motion to &ran% a permit to Harw Patterson to move a house from 2iftieth street and EZnnehaha parkmay, IUlinneapalis, to Loa 18, 3lock 2, South mite Oaks, mas made by vYat;t, seconded by Hawthorne and carried. Motion &a adjourn vas made by Eavthorne, secoladed by Syatt .ad carried. Bourr mmbers of the conncfl were present; Willson, Wyatt, Hawkhome c md Todd. Charles Jahnson appeared to disouss the meat€er of catting nolrisrrs needs 5n the village. B lettet from E. E. Lovelett, Eennepin County Veed Inspector, opdering that leafy spurge on various properties ia Ed%= be cut, was readr . Philip BranchatlI Edmund J. Proladainski and Winons Heafer appeared to d5scnss a proposal of Hiss Heseep to kufld a nursery school on Carl Eanserz appeared to apply far pemnits to build %Wee houses on unp3,taf;ted propesty west of Vooddde Avenue and soa.Eh of Fif ty-Fif %h Street, OR tract to be dersignated as Lot 1, Block 5; Lat 4, Block 5, and Lot 9, Block 1. Kotiorr ta authotizie %he bailding inapec%or €0 granfi the permits subject to $he follaxving provisions, tnhich shall be made a part of each building pernit was made seconded by Willson and carrried: "P agPee *ha€ this applicatian shall be a part of the buildirig permi.&, llrrherr issued. this applic&tian 5s made is EE part of a project shich incllrdas the construction and installatian af a seser and xates main system an property of which this progertg is a park. agree eo ebmplly with all state and looal. laws, rules c* md requirenen€s, regula€ions arrd ardinarmces and the specfficatians pmxrcrfbed by sa& author itfes; further agree that in ease of the violsetion of any of such laws, rules, requirements, regulations, ordinances, Normaadale Road adjaceng to the Grange Hall. . Emthorne, The structure far which In such constmction arzd installation Z I