HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010-10 Amending Code Concerning Swimming Pools, Food Establishments, Food Vending Mcahines and Hotels and Lodging and Boarding Homes ORDINANCE NO. 2010-10 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CITY CODE CONCERNING SWIMMING POOLS; FOOD ESTABLISHMENTS AND FOOD VENDING MACHINES; AND HOTELS, LODGING AND BOARDING HOUSES THE CITY OF EDINA ORDAINS: Section 1. Section 450.01 of the Edina City Code is amended by deleting or amending, as indicated, the following definitions: , eXGept when IGGated WithiR 9F adjoining a single family resideRGe, and available enly to the onnU pants of the residennc and private g e ts . Swimming Pool. Any basin for holding water, designed for human use, with a water depth greater than 24 inches. Swimming pools include peels, residential swimming pools, residential special purpose pools and temporary above ground swimming pools. Section 2. The caption of Section 450.28 of the Edina City Code is amended to provide as follows: 450.28 Public Pool, Special Purpose Pool and Spa Pool. Section 3. Section 450.28 Subd. 1 of the Edina City Code is amended to provide as follows: Subd. 1 Construction and Operation. Any public or semi-public swimming pool or special purpose pool shall be constructed and operated in accordance with Minnesota Statutes Section 144.1222 and the public and semi-public provisions contained in the Minnesota Department of Health Rules 4717.0100 n— 4789094717.0150 through 4717.3975. Plans to construct a new swimming pool or remodel an existing swimming pool must be submitted to the Minnesota Department of Health for formal plan review and approval prior to any work being done. No person shall construct, alter, remodel, improve or repair a swimming pool without first obtaining required permits from the Building Official. Section 4. Section 721.03 Subd. 1 of the Edina City Code is amended to provide as follows: Subd. 1 License Required. No person shall operate a food establishment or operate any of the following types of enterprises within the City without first obtaining a license of the applicable type described in this Section, pursuant to this Section: Ordinance No.2010-10 Page 2 Low Risk Food Establishment Medium Risk Food Establishment High Risk Food Establishment Supervised Group Home ddotional Facility 1 inence Food Vehicle Food Vending Machine Itinerant Food Establishment Pushcart Food Establishment An additional fee will be required for the following food establishments: Beer or Wine Table Service Alcohol Service from a Bar Additional Facility Section 5. Section 721.05 of the Edina City Code is deleted:' 721.05 Safety. GaFbGR dioxide and bottled gas GylindeFs must be seGUred by Ghainc or other types of restraint Section 6. Section 721.06 Subd. 1 of the Edina City Code is amended to provide as follows: Subd. 1. Minnesota Food Code. Minnesota Statute Chapter 157.20 and Minnesota Rules Chapter 4626, except 4626.00401755 through 4626.4S7-01780, the 4C1oTine6eta Feed Gede in effect on the a tiye Ante of this Sen+ien and all future vccrr�cr-v vac—irr �rr�c revisions thereof, are hereby adopted by reference and made a part of this ordinance except where they are specifically amended by this Section. Section 7. Section 721.06 Subd 2 of the Edina City Code is amended by amending the following definitions to provide as follows: Additional Facility L+sense is a food service or operation which is separate, distinct or unique from the central or main food establishment, as determined by the Health Authority. Low Risk, Medium Risk and High Risk Food Establishments are food establishments as defined in M.S. 157. Ordinance No.2010-10 Page 3 Section 8. Section 721.06 Subd. 3 of the Edina City Code is amended by deleting the following provisions: A. "n—."�sefa Rides 46626.0410-TIME AS-P-UBICHEA1� CONTR�_e�T TTCI-C �VTTr- II under this part Wrier to implementing the previsions of this part' B. Minnesota Rules 4626.0925 MEGHANIGAL WASHING 'A. &Gept as speG4-- f iR it'emr, :;ens ishp#be meshpni..pn„ wash� 4626.07-50-.-" Section 9. Section 735.01 of the Edina City Code is amended by amending the following definitions: Commissioner. As used in Minnesota Rules 44&1-,- Chapter 4625, "Commissioner" shall mean the City. Hotel, Lodging House, and Boarding House. Whenever used in this Section, the terms for hotel, lodging house and boarding house shall be as defined in M.S. Section 10. Section 735.04 of the Edina City Code is amended to provide as follows: 735.04 Standards Monneo eta Rules, 1994-- Adopted. Minnesota Statute Section 157.20 and Minnesota Rules, Chapter 4625, except 4625.2300, and all future revisions thereof, T#efe are hereby adopted and incorporated by reference as a section of this Code. MiRResota Rules, 1991, SeGtians 4625.0100 thFough 4625.2355 Requffiremento fpr Lodging Establiohmen One copy marked "Official Copy" is on file in the office of the Clerk and shall remain on file for use and examination by the public. Section 11. This ordinance is effective immediately upon its paiBHovI:and, cation. First Reading: July 6, 2010 Second Reading: Waived Published: July 15, 2010 Attest: ` Y, " J)lj�u� Debra A. Mangen, Ci y CI k amyor Please publish in the Edina Sun Current on: Thursday, July 15, 2010 Send two affidavits of publication. Bill to Edina City Clerk City of Edina (Official Publication) 1eeAL ORDINANCE NO.2010-10 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CITY CODE CONCERNING _ SWIMMING POOLS;FOOD ESTABLISHMENTS AND FOOD VENDING MACHINES; newspapers AND HOTELS,LODGING AND BOARDING HOUSES THE CITY OF EDINA ORDAINS: AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION Section 1. Section 450.01 of the Edina City Code is STATE OF MINNESOTA amended by deleting or amending,as indicated,the follow- Section 9. Section 735.01 of the Edina City Code is ing definitions: amended by amending the following definitions: )ss. Commissioner. As used in Minnesota Rules 4994,Chapter COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) was4625,"Commissioner"shall mean the City. Richard Hendrickson, being duly sworn on Hotel, Lodging House, and Boarding House. Whenever an oath,states or affirms that he is the Chief used in this Section,the terms for hotel,lodging house and Financial Officer of the newspaper(s)known "'Is gueata• boarding house shall be as defined in M.S.4i-,94,157.15. as Section 10.Section 735.04 of the Edina City Code is Edina Sun-Current amended to provide as follows: Swimming Pool. Any basin for holding water,designed for 735.04 Standards N4 RRessia Awlea, 4 Adopted. Min- human use, with a water depth greater than 24 inches. nesota Statute Section 157.20 and Minnesota Rules Swimming pools pools includeresidenter 4625 except 4625 2300 and all future revisions thereof. and has full knowledge of the facts stated O - T-kers are hereby adopted and incorporated by reference as below: tial swimming pools,residential special purpose pools and a section of this Code. temporary above ground swimming pools. (A)The newspaper has complied with all of FstaWshmeater One copy marked"Official Copy"is on file the requirements constituting ualifica Section . The caption of Section 450.28 of the Edina in the office of the Clerk and shall remain on file for use and q g q City Code is amended to provide as follows: examination by the public. tion as a qualified newspaper as provid- ed by Minn. Stat. §331 A.02, §331 A.07, cial Pu Public Pool. Spe- Section This ordinance is effective immediately upon cial Purpose Pool and Spa Pool• its passage and publication. and other applicable laws as amended. (B)The printed public notice that is attached Section a. Section provide Subd.1 of the Edina City First Reading:July 6,W2010 aived Code is amended to provide as follows: Second Reading:Waived was published in said newspaper(s) Published:July 15,2010 once each week,for One SUCC2SSIVe Subd.1 Construction and Operation. Any public or semi- Attest:Debra A.Mangen,City Clerk public swimming pool or special purpose pool shall be con- James B.Hovland,Mayor week(s);it was first published on Thurs- structed and operated in accordance with Minnesota (July 15,2010)of Ord.#2010-10 day,the 15 day of July Statutes Section 144.1222 and the public and semi-public provisions contained in the Minnesota Department of Health 2010, and was thereafter printed and Rules 4717,e1eeX4717 0150 through published on every Thursday to and in- 4717.3975. Plans to construct a new swimming pool or re- model an existing swimming pool must be submitted to the cluding Thursday, the ____ day of Minnesota Department of Health for formal plan review and 2010;and printed ap royal prior to any work being done No person shall con- struct. alter, remodel, improve or repair a swimming pool below is a copy of the lower case alpha- without first obtainingrhe aired permits from the Building Of- bet from A to Z, both inclusive, which is ficial. hereby acknowledged as being the size Section 4. Section 721.03 Subd.1 of the Edina City Code and kind of type used in the composition is amended to provide as follows: and UbIlCatlOn Of the n011Ce: Subd.1 License Required.No person shall operate a p food establishment or operate any of the following types of enterprises within the City without first obtaining a license r e g Imnopgrstuvwxyz of the applicable type described in this Section,pursuant to this Section: (f/ Low Risk Food Establishment Medium Risk Food Establishment High Risk Food Establishment ,, /\ Supervised Group Home BY: !✓f/ Food Vehicle Food Vending Machine FO Itinerant Food Establishment Pushcart Food Establishment An additional fee will be required for the following food es- tablishments: Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed Beer or Wine Table Service Alcohol Service from a Bar before me on this 15 day of Additional Facility July 2010. Section 5. Section 721.05 of the Edina City Code is deleted: C� a Section 6. Section 721.06 Subd.1 of the Edina City Code is is amended to provide as follows: Notary Public Subd.1. Minnesota Food Code. Minnesota Statute Chapter 157.20 and Minnesota Rules Chapter 4626 except 4626.99491755 through 4626.48781780, the MiRReseia Feed=NOTARY ASON reference all future revisions thereof,are hereby adopted by referenceNNeSOTaand made a part of this ordinance except where they are specifically amended by this Section. n.ZI.2015 Section 7. Section 721.06 Subd 2 of the Edina City Code is amended by amending the following definitions to pro- vide as follows: Additional Facility Lieewse is a food service or operation which is separate,distinct or unique from the central or main food establishment,as determined by the Health Authority. Low Risk,Medium Risk and High Risk Food Establish- ments are food establishments as defined in M.S.157. Section 8. Section 721.06 Subd.3 of the Edina City Code is amended by deleting the following provisions: @.,e 9• AA P G Lire" r;;