HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010-11 Amending Various Sections Regarding Students Serving on Boards and Commissions ORDINANCE NO. 2010-11 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CITY CODE CONCERNING APPOINTMENT OF STUDENTS TO BOARDS, COMMISSIONS AND COMMITTEES THE CITY OF EDINA ORDAINS: Section 1. Section 140.04 of the Edina City Code is amended to read as follows: 140.04 Membership. The Commission shall consist of eight regular members, and two student members, appointed by the Mayor with the consent of a majority of the Council. The student members of the Commission shall be non-voting members and shall serve for one-year terms. Members of the Commission shall be residents of the City, be appointed for a term of three years and serve until a successor shall have been appointed. Upon termination of a member's term, that member's successor shall be appointed for the remainder of such term. Members of the Commission shall serve without compensation and may resign voluntarily or be removed by majority vote of the Council or pursuant to Subsection 180 of this Code. Commission members who discontinue legal residency in the City shall be deemed to have resigned from office effective as of the date of such discontinuance. Section 2. Section 146.03 of the Edina City Code is amended to read as follows: 146.03 Membership. The Commission shall consist of ten regular members and two student members appointed by the Mayor with the consent of the majority of the Council. . The student members of the Commission shall be non-voting members. All members of the Commission shall be residents of the City and shall be appointed for a term of three years, except that student members shall be appointed for a term of one year. Of the ten regular members, one member shall also be a member of the Planning Commission. Members shall serve until a successor has been appointed. Upon termination of a member's term, that member's successor shall be appointed for the remainder of such term. Members of the Commission shall serve without compensation and may resign voluntarily or be removed by a majority vote of the Council or pursuant to Section 180 of this Code. Section 3. Section 700.03 of the Edina City Code is amended to read as follows: 700.03 Community Health Committee. The Community Health Board may establish a community health committee to advise, consult with and make recommendations on matters related to the development, maintenance and funding of community health services. The Community Health Committee shall consist of at least seven (7) regular members, and two student members. The student members of the Committee shall be non-voting members. Members shall include, if possible, providers and consumers of health care services. All members shall be residents of the City. Members shall be appointed by the Mayor with the consent of the Council. No member shall serve more than two consecutive three-year terms, except the student members shall be appointed for one-year terms. The Community Health Committee shall study and advise the Community Health Board regularly on community health activities designed to protect and promote the health of the population by emphasizing the prevention of disease, injury, disability, and preventable death through the promotion of effective coordination and use of community resources and by extending health services into the community. Members of the Board may resign voluntarily or be removed by a majority vote of the City Council or pursuant to Section 180 of this Code. Section 4. Section 801.05 Subd.1 of the Edina City Code is amended to read as follows: 15266202 ] RNK:r07/28/2010 Subd. 1. Members. The Board shall consist of eight (8) regular members and two student members, who shall be legal residents of the City.. Regular members shall be appointed by the Council to three (3) year terms of office and student members shall be appointed to a one (1) year term of office. Members shall have a demonstrated interest, knowledge, ability or expertise in heritage preservation. If available, at least one (1) member shall be a qualified professional historian, architect, architectural historian, archeologist, planner, or the owner of a heritage landmark property. One (1) regular member of the Board shall be appointed annually from the Planning Commission. . The student members of the Board shall be non-voting members. Members of the Board shall serve without compensation and may resign voluntarily or be removed by majority vote of the Council or pursuant to Section 180 of this Code. Members who discontinue legal residency in the City shall be automatically considered to have resigned from office effective as of the date of such discontinuance. Upon termination of a voting member's term, that member's successor shall be appointed for the remainder of such term. Section 5. Section 805.04 of the Edina City Code is amended to read as follows: 805.04 Membership. The Commission shall consist of nine regular members and two student members, all residents of the City appointed by the Mayor with the consent of a majority of the members of the Council. . The student members of the Commission shall be non-voting members. Commission members shall be appointed with due regard to their fitness for the efficient dispatch of the functions, duties, and responsibilities vested in and imposed upon the Commission. Members shall be appointed for terms of three years except that student members shall be appointed for a term of one year, commencing on a date determined by the Mayor with the consent of the Council. A Commission member, following expiration of that member's term, may be reappointed by the Mayor with the consent of a majority of the members of the Council. Upon expiration of a term, a member shall continue to serve until that individual's successor is appointed. Any individual appointed to fill a vacancy occurring prior to the expiration of the term for which that individual's predecessor was appointed shall be appointed for the remainder of such term. Members of the Commission shall serve without compensation and may resign voluntarily or be removed by majority vote of the Council or pursuant to Section 180 of this Code. Commission members who discontinue legal residency in the City shall be deemed to have resigned from office effective as of the date of such discontinuance. One member of the Commission shall also be a member of the Energy and Environment Commission. Section 6. Section 1220.03 of the Edina City Code is amended to read as follows: 1220.03 Membership. The Park Board shall consist of ten regular members and two student members, all residents of the City. One regular member shall also be a member of the Board of Education of Independent School District No. 273.. The student members of the Board shall be non-voting members. Members shall be appointed by the Mayor with the consent of a majority of the Council; provided, however, that the member from the Board of Education shall be appointed by the Board of Education with the consent of the majority of the Council. Terms shall be three years except the Board of Education member and the student members shall serve one-year terms. Members shall serve until a successor has been appointed. Upon termination of a member's term, that member's successor shall be appointed for the remainder of such term. Members of the Park Board shall serve without compensation and may resign voluntarily or be removed by a majority vote of the Council or pursuant to Section 180 of this Code. Section 7. Section- 1221.03 of the Edina City Code is amended to read as follows: 15266202 2 RNK:r07/28/2010 1221.03 Membership. The Board shall consist of ten regular members and two student members appointed by the Mayor with the consent of the majority of the Council. . The student members of the Board shall be non-voting members. All members of the Board shall be residents of the City except that not more than three members may be non-residents. Members shall be appointed for a term of three years except the student members shall be appointed for one year terms. Members shall serve until a successor has been appointed. Upon termination of a member's term, that member's successor shall be appointed for the remainder of such term. Members of the Board shall serve without compensation and may resign voluntarily or be removed by a majority vote of the Council or pursuant to Section 180 of this Code. Board members who discontinue legal residency in the City shall be deemed to have resigned from office effective as of the date of such discontinuance. Section 8. Section 1225.03 of the Edina City Code is amended to read as follows: 1225.03 Membership. The Commission shall consist of nine regular members and two student members appointed by the Council. The Council shall endeavor to appoint members such that the Commission is reflective of the different geographic areas of the City. One regular member of the Commission shall also be a member of the Planning Commission. One regular member of the Commission shall also be a member of the Bike Edina Task Force or any existing similar organization, or shall otherwise have an expertise or interest in bicycling as a mode of transportation. The student members of the Commission shall be non-voting members. All members of the Commission shall be residents of the City and shall be appointed for a term of three years except any student member shall be appointed for a term of one year, commencing on a date determined by the Council. Members shall serve until a successor has been appointed. Upon termination of a member's term, that member's successor shall be appointed for the remainder of such term. Members of the Commission shall serve without compensation and may resign voluntarily or be removed by a majority vote of the Council or pursuant to Section 180 of this Code. Commission members who discontinue legal residency in the City shall be deemed to have resigned from office effective as of the date of such discontinuance. Section 9. This ordinance is effective immediately upon its passage and publication. First Reading: August 8, 2010 Second Reading: Waived Published: October 21, 2010 Attest ET—e A.Vang n, . i y CI k James B. Hovland, ayor Please publish in the Edina Sun Current on: Thursday, October 21, 2010 Send two affidavits of publication. Bill to Edina City Clerk 15266202 3 RNK:r07/28/2010 Cit of Edina terms of three years except that student members shall Y be appointed for a term of one year,commencing on a (Official Publication) date determined by the Mayor with the consent of the Council. A Commission member,following expiration of ORDINANCE NO.2010-11 that member's term, may be reappointed by the Mayor _ AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CITY CODE with the consent of a majority of the members of the Coun- CONCERNING APPOINTMENT OF STUDENTS cil. Upon expiration of a term,a member shall continue to TO BOARDS,COMMISSIONS AND COMMITTEES serve until that individual's successor is appointed. Any newspapers Section CITY OF EDINA ORDAINS: individual appointed to fill a vacancy occurring prior to the Section 1. Section 140.04 of the Edina City Code is expiration of the term for which that individual's prede- amended to read as follows: cessor was appointed shall be appointed for the remain- AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION 140.04 Membership. The Commission shall consist of der of such term.Members of the Commission shall serve eight regular members, and two student members, ap- without compensation and may resign voluntarily or be re- STATE OF MINNESOTA pointed by the Mayor with the consent of a majority of the moved by majority vote of the Council or pursuant to Sec- ) Council. The student members of the Commission shall tion 180 of this Code. Commission members who dis- ss. be non-voting members and shall serve for one-year continue legal residency in the City shall be deemed to COUNTY OF HENNEPIN terms. Members of the Commission shall be residents of have resigned from office effective as of the date of such the City,be appointed for a term of three years and serve discontinuance. One member of the Commission shall until a successor shall have been appointed. Upon termi- also be a member of the Energy and Environment Com- Richard Hendrickson, being duly sworn on nation of a member's term,that member's successor shall mission. an oath,states or affirms that he is the Chief be appointed for the remainder of such term. Members of Section 6. Section 1220.03 of the Edina City Code is the Commission shall serve without compensation and amended to read as follows: Financial Officer of the newspaper(s)known may resign voluntarily or be removed by majority vote of 1220.03 Membership.The Park Board shall consist of ten as the Council or pursuant to Subsection 180 of this Code. regular members and two student members,all residents Edina Sun-Current Commission members who discontinue legal residency in of the City. One regular member shall also be a member the City shall be deemed to have resigned from office ef- of the Board of Education of Independent School District fective as of the date of such discontinuance. No.273..The student members of the Board shall be non- Section 2. Section 146.03 of the Edina City Code is voting members. Members shall be appointed by the amended to read as follows: Mayor with the consent of a majority of the Council;pro- and has full knowledge of the facts stated 146.03 Membership.The Commission shall consist of ten vided,however,that the member from the Board of Edu- regular members and two student members appointed by cation shall be appointed by the Board of Education with below: the Mayor with the consent of the majority of the Council. the consent of the majority of the Council.Terms shall be (A)The newspaper has complied with all of • The student members of the Commission shall be non- three years except the Board of Education member and Mem- the requirements constituting UaIlfiCa- voting members.All members of the Commission shall be the student members shall serve one-year terms. Mem- q g q residents of the City and shall be appointed for a term of bers shall serve until a successor has been appointed. tion as a qualified newspaper as provid- three years,except that student members shall be ap- Upon termination of a member's term,that member's suc- ed by Minn. Stat. §331A.02, §331A.07, pointed for a term of one year. Of the ten regular mem- cessor shall be appointed for the remainder of such term. bers,one member shall also be a member of the Planning Members of the Park Board shall serve without compen- and Other applicable laws as amended. Commission. Members shall serve until a successor has sation and may resign voluntarily or be removed by a ma- (B)The printed public notice that is attached been appointed. Upon termination of a member's term, jority vote of the Council or pursuant to Section 180 of this that member's successor shall be appointed for the re- Code. was published in said newspaper(s) mainder of such term. Members of the Commission shall Section 7. Section 1221.03 of the Edina City Code is once each week,for one successive serve without compensation and may resign voluntarily or amended to read as follows: be removed by a majority vote of the Council or pursuant 1221.03 Membership.The Board shall consist of ten reg- week(s);It Was first published on Thurs- to Section 180 of this Code. ular members and two student members appointed by the day,the 21 day of October Section 3. Section 700.03 of the Edina City Code is Mayor with the consent of the majority of the Council..The amended to read as follows: student members of the Board shall be non-voting mem- 2010, and was thereafter printed and 700.03 Community Health Committee. The Community bers. All members of the Board shall be residents of the published on every Thursday to and in- Health Board may establish a community health commit- City except that not more than three members may be tee to advise,consult with and make recommendations on non-residents. Members shall be appointed for a term of cluding Thursday, the day Of matters related to the development, maintenance and three years except the student members shall be ap- ,2010;and printed funding of community health services. The Community pointed for one year terms. Members shall serve until a below is a co Of the lower case alpha- Health Committee shall consist of at least seven(7)reg- successor has been appointed. Upon termination of a copy p ular members, and two student members. The student member's term, that member's successor shall be ap- bet from A to Z, both inclusive, Which Is members of the Committee shall be non-voting members. pointed for the remainder of such term. Members of the hereby acknowledged as being the size Members shall include, if possible, providers and con- Board shall serve without compensation and may resign y g g sumers of health care services.All members shall be res- voluntarily or be removed by a majority vote of the Coun- and kind of type used in the composition idents of the City. Members shall be appointed by the cil or pursuant to Section 180 of this Code. Board mem- and UbIlCatlOn Of the notice: Mayor with the consent of the Council. No member shall bers who discontinue legal residency in the City shall be p serve more than two consecutive three-year terms,except deemed to have resigned from office effective as of the the student members shall be appointed for one-year date of such discontinuance. Imnopgrstuvwxyzterms.The Community Health Committee shall study and Section 8. Section 1225.03 of the Edina City Code is advise the Community Health Board regularly on commu- amended to read as follows: nity health activities designed to protect and promote the 1225.03 Membership. The Commission shall consist of health of the population by emphasizing the prevention of nine regular members and two student members appoint- disease,injury,disability,and preventable death through ed by the Council. The Council shall endeavor to appoint the promotion of effective coordination and use of com- members such that the Commission is reflective of the dif- munity resources and by extending health services into ferent geographic areas of the City. One regular member BY: the community. Members of the Board may resign volun- of the Commission shall also be a member of the Planning tarily or be removed by a majority vote of the City Council Commission. One regular member of the Commission CFO or pursuant to Section 180 of this Code. shall also be a member of the Bike Edina Task Force or any existing similar organization,or shall otherwise have Section 4. Section 801.05 Subd.t of the Edina City Code an expertise or interest in bicycling as a mode of trans- is amended to read as follows: portation.The student members of the Commission shall Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed Subd.1. Members. The Beard shall consist of eight(8) be non-voting members. All members of the Commission before me on this 21 da of regular members and two student members,who shall be shall be residents of the City and shall be appointed for a y legal residents of the City..Regular members shall be ap- term of three years except any student member shall be October 2010, pointed by the Council to three(3)year terms of office and appointed for a term of one year,commencing on a date student members shall be appointed to a one (1) year determined by the Council. Members shall serve until a term office. Members shall have a demonstrated inter- successor has been appointed. Upon termination of a est,knowledge,ability or expertise in heritage pre qualthe member's term, that member's successor shall be ap- tion. If available,at least one(1)member shall be a qual- pointed for the remainder of such term. Members of the ified professional historian,architect,architectural histori- Commission shall serve without compensation and may an,archeologist,planner,or the owner of a heritage land- resign voluntarily or be removed by a majority vote of the Notary Public mark property.One(1)regular member of the Board shall Council or pursuant to Section 180 of this Code. Com- be appointed annually from the Planning Commission.. mission members who discontinue legal residency in the The student members of the Board shall be non-voting City shall be deemed to have resigned from office effec- members.Members of the Board shall serve without com- tive as of the date of such discontinuance. I7=ELIASON pensation and may resign voluntarily or be removed by Section 9. This ordinance is effective immediately upon majority vote of the Council or pursuant to Section 180 of its passage and publication. orthis Code. Members who discontinue legal residency in First Reading: August 8,2010 the City shall be automatically considered to have re- Second Reading: Waived ay Csigned from office effective as of the date of such discon- Published: October 21,2010 tinuance. Upon termination of a voting member's term, Attest Debra A.Mangen,City Clerk that member's successor shall be appointed for the re- James B.Hovland,Mayor mainder of such term. (Oct 21,2010)D1 Ord.#2010-11 Section 5. Section 805.04 of the Edina City Code is amended to read as follows: 805.04 Membership. The Commission shall consist of nine regular members and two student members,all res- idents of the City appointed by the Mayor with the consent of a majority of the members of the Council..The student members of the Commission shall be non-voting mem- bers. Commission members shall be appointed with due regard to their fitness for the efficient dispatch of the func- tions,duties,and responsibilities vested in and imposed upon the Commission. Members shall be appointed for