HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010-20 Amending Section 185 Schedule A Fees and Charges ORDINANCE NO. 2010-20 THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDINA ORDAINS: Section 1. The following described fees of Schedule A to Code Section 185 are amended to read as follows: SROs 3 A �� 9 § 5. ,v t� �`c-1 -''" ■/. - £ '�� F f9A6^+ _� Y,, z - --3 `` d 225 225.04 Special Events Application Fee $60.00 450 450.27 Subd. 4 Public or Semi-Public Swimming Pool License $320.00 per year for each outdoor pool 625 625.04 Subd. 1 Sprinkler Permit Fees Per Number of Heads: 6 to 12 $85.00 13 - 25 $135.00 26 - 50 $250.00 51 - 75 $330.00 76- 100 $390.00 101 - 125 $430.00 126- 150 $460.00 151 - 175 $500.00 176-200 $530.00 201 plus $610.00 For first 200 + $3.00 for each additional head 625 625.04 Subd. 1 Fire alarm & alternative fire Then amount is: suppression permit. If total valuation of work is: $1 to 500 $30.00 * minimum fee 501 to 2,000 $30.00 *for first $500 721 721.03 Subd 1 Food Establishment $145.00 Base fee 745 745.04 Subd. 2 Body Art Establishment License $300.00 Body Art Establishment Plan Review Fee $300.00 820 820.01 Filing of Application for Vacation of Street, Alley or Easement $450.00 900 900.07 Subd. 1 Liquor License Fees (per $655.00 3.2 Beer License Off or On Sale year) $90.00 Per event-Temporary On-Sale 3.2 Malt Liquor 1040 1040.08 Loudspeaker Permit $22.00 1100 1100.03 Sub. 2 Sewer Service: 1. Single Family Dwellings, $47.36 Per quarter up to and including Townhouses, Two-Family 1600 cubic feet Dwellings, Apartment $2.96 Additional from 1601 cubic feet & buildings with four or less over dwelling units 2. Apartment Buildings with $42.62 Per quarter for each unit over four More Than Four Dwelling $2.96 or per 100 cubic feet of water used Units. during the quarter, Whichever is greater 3. Commercial and $47.36 Per water meter or approved Industrial Buildings, Sewage metering device on including Schools and premises, or Churches $2.96 Per 100 cubic feet of water used During the quarter, whichever is greater 1100 1100.03 Sub. 2 Water Service: 1. Per 100 cubic feet for $1.17 up to 3500 c.f. areas of City, except areas $1.55 3600 to 6500 c.f. described in #4 below: $2.43 over 6500 c.f. 2. Domestic accounts used by commercial and $1.17 Up to 3500 cubic feet industrial buildings, $1.55 Over 3500 cubic feet including schools and churches. 3. Lawn watering accounts used by commercial and $1.55 Up to 3500 cubic feet industrial buildings, $2.43 Over 3500 cubic feet including schools and churches. 4. For Morningside area. $2.34 per 100 c.f. 5. Meter charge $14.22 per quarter for up to% inch meter $19.38 per quarter for 1 inch meter $22.10 per quarter for 1 % inch meter $24.87 per quarter for 1 'h inch meter $40.04 per quarter for 2 inch meter $152.06 per quarter for 3 inch meter $193.55 per quarter for 4 inch meter 1105 1105.01 Subd. Service Availability Charge $2,230.00Per SAC unit x number of SAC 1 (SAC) units computed pursuant to Subsection 1105.01 subd. 1 of this code 1110 1110.03 Storm Water Drainage $19.58 per quarter pursuant to formula in Charge Subsection 1110.03 1230 1230.07 Sidewalk Cafe Permit $650.00 1230.08 Temporary Liquor License Special Permit $320.00 Per event 1235 1235.03 Subd Parking Permit $5.00 Per month pro-rated 2 Refund Parking Permit $5.00 Per monthpro-rated 1341 1341.02 Registration for Massage $18.00 Per therapist for those businesses Therapists exempt from licensure 1341 1341.05 Physical Culture & Health $290.00 Business License Service or Club, Reducing Club or Salon, Sauna Parlor, Massage Parlor or Escort Service License 1350 1350.06 Subd. Commercial Photography $33.00 Manager Permit- Still 1 Photography $128.00 Manager Permit- Motion Photography $360.00 Council Permit Section 2. The effective date of this Ordinance shall be Januar 1, 2011. First Reading: December 7, 2010 I Second Reading: December 21, 2010 c Published: December 30, 2010 Attest: - Debra Mangen-Cit Cle ov and- ayor --- City of Edina attach clipping (Official Publication) (Dec 30,2010)D1 Ord.#2010-20 City of Edina newspapers (Official Publication) k ORDINANCE NO.2010-20 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDINA ORDAINS: STATE O F MINNESOTA Section 1.The following described fees of Schedule A to Code Section 185 are amended to read as follows: SECTION SUBSEC` PURPOSE OFFEEICHARGE AMOUNT )ss. 225 225.04 Special Events Application Fee $60.00 COUNTY OF H EN N EP I N ) 450 450.27 Subd.4 Public or Semi-Public Swimming Pool license $320.00 per year for each outdoor Richard Hendrickson, being duly sworn on pool an oath,states or affirms that he is the Chief 625 625.04 Subd.1 Sprinkler Permit Fees Per Number of He ds: Financial Officer of the newspaper(s)known 13-25 $135.00 26-50 $250.00 as Edina Sun-Current 761 100-75 x.00 _ 101-125 $430.00 126-150 $460.00 151-175 $500.00 and has full knowledge of the facts stated 1201 plus $610.0000 For first 200+ below: $3.00 for each A The newspaper has complied with all of additional head ( ) p 625 625.04 Subd.1 Fire alarm&aRernative fire the requirements constituting qualifica- suppression permit. tion as a qualified newspaper as provid- If total valuation$work Then amount nimwn fee ed by Minn. Stat. §331A.02, §331A.07, 501 to 2,000 $30.00 for first$500 and other applicable laws as amended. (B)The printed public notice that is attached 721 721.03 Subd 1 Food Establishment $145.00 Base fee published in said newspaper(s) 745 745.04 Subd. Body Art Establishment License $300.00 was p Body Art Establishment Plan Review Fee $300.00 once each week,for one successive week(s);it was first published on Thurs- 420 820-01 Filing of Application for Vacation of Street, p ley or Easement $450.00 day,the 30 day of December 900Off or On Sale 900.07 Subd.t Liquor License Fees(per year) $655.00 3.2 Beer License 2010, and was thereafter printed and $90.00 Per event-Temporary On. published on every Thursday to and in- Sale 3.2 Man Liquor cludin Thursday, the da of 1040 1040'06 Loudspeaker Permit $22.00 g y 1100 1100.03 Sub.2 Sewer Service: ,2010;and printed 1.Single Family Dwellings, $47.36 Per quarter up to and below is a co of the lower case alpha- Townhouses,Two-Family Dwellings, including 1600 cubic feet copy p Apartment buildings with four or less bet from A to Z, both inclusive, Which IS dwelling units $2.96 Additional from 1601 cubic feet&over hereby acknowledged as being the size 2.Apartment Buildings with More Than $42.62 Per quarter for each unit and kind of type used in the composition Four Dwelling Units. of r fourter $2. during per 1 0 cubicquaefeet and publication of the notice: whichever is greater 3. Commercial and Industrial Buildings, a7nopqrstuvwxyz including Schools and Churches $47.36 Per water meter or approved Sewage metering device on pmises,or $2.re96 Per 100 cubic feet of water used During the quarter,whichever is G greater 1100 1100.03 Sub.2 Water Service: BY: ? r�C 1.Per 100 cubic feet for areas of City, $1.17 up to 3500 c.f. except areas described in#4 below: $1.55 3600 to 6500 c.f. CFO $2.43 over 6500 c.f. 2.Domestic accounts used by commercial $1.17 Up to 3500 cubic feet and industrial buildings,including $1.55 Over 3500 cubic feet schools and churches. 3.Lawn watering accounts used by $1.55 Up to 3500 cubic feet Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed commercial and industrial buildings, $2.43 Over 3500 cubic feet including schools and churches. before me on this 30 day Of December 4.For Morningside area. 2010. 5.Meter charge $2.34 per 100 c.f. $14.22 per quarter for up to 3/4 7 ��y inch meter $19.38 per quarter for 1 inch meter S $22.10 per quarter for 1-1/4 inch meter Notary Public $24.87 per quarter for 1-1/2 inch meter $40.04 per quarter for 2 inch meter $152.06 per quarter for 3 inch meter N E I E I !A S Q N $193.55 per quarter for 4 inch meter f1105 1105.01 Subd.1 Service Availability Charge(SAC) $2,230.00 Per SAC unit x number of L7110 �u uC irir�Esorn SAC units computed pursuant to Sub section 1105.01 subd.1 of this code ,. F x i,rc �, s i.201 s 1110 1110.03 Storm Water Drainage Charge $19.58 per quarter pursuant to for mula in Subsection 1110.03 1230 1230.07 Sidewalk Cafe Permit $650.00 1230.08 Temporary Liquor License Special Permit $320.00 Per event 1235 1235.03 Subd 2 Parking Permit $5.00 Per month pro-rated Refund Parking Permit $5.00 Per month pro-rated 1341 1341.02 Registration for Massage Therapists $18.00 Per therapist for those busi nesses exempt from licensure 1341 1341.05 Physical Culture&Health Service or Club, $290.00 Business License Reducing Club.or Salon,Sauna Parlor,Massage Parlor or Escort Service License 6 Subd.1-Commercial Phora $33.-------._.. �-�- 00 Manager Permit-Still Pho tography $128.00 Manager Permit-Motion Photography $360.00 Council Permit Section 2. The effective date of this Ordinance shall be January 1,2011. First Reading:December 7,2010 Second Reading:December 21,2010 Attest: Debra A Mangan,City Clerk James B.Hovland,Mayor (Dec 30;2010)D Ord.#2010-20