HomeMy WebLinkAbout19450813_REGULARor specifications this per&€ may be revoked witbout notice by €he Building Inspector of the Village of Edim ar 28s Village Council.# - Ervin Plain appeared €a present appXLica%ion fop permit to build a house on the narthwest corner of Fifty-Foarlh StEeet and Kellogg Avaue. The matter vas referred %a %Be viillage manager and village attorney for interpretation of set-back and rem ywd pmvisions of the zoning m-dimme. E. 2, Kallberg, 5228 BreE Avenue S. , XinneapolSs, appeared on behlf of bimaelf and others to make informal application fop an an-sale liquop license. Ilallberg said all of the prospective agplicants are ve$;eraxs of %-Id R'&P II and that they proposed to operate a nigh€ clab somevhere on Eighn~ 169, IcalIberg ms informed hhe village eourmcil is ncrt disposed to grant any on-sale liquor licenses. I Ben Parks appeared Eo discuss adjustment of sssessments fur Seorer DistPlcP Xa. 9, Eof;ioE to grant applicatian of Xinneapolis Gas Light Co. far per- mission to install a gas main an Oak Drive, west of ITooddale Avenue and soa3ih of Fifty-Fifth Street, subject to appscovail. af the village engineep, maw made by Hawthorne, seconded by matt and carried. engineer was authorized eo infom the Gas Company that the section to be served by the proposed gas main is not platted and until it; plat is filed the village does not om the proposed street, Irrot&n to grant application of Einrreapolis $as Light Co, for pep- nissZon to install gas &in on VoadBill Boad %as made by Uyatt, seconded by Havthcrme and carriede me Eotion ta adjourn vas made by Ham%harne, seconded by Wyatt and carriedc / All naunbem of the cauncil aere present. ElEinlxeea of %he mee%ings held Sune 25, July gSS July 23, and August; 6, 1945, =ere read and approvedc Dr. Carl Srzendseen appeared to reqneEte canncil approval of clhssi- fication of Lo€ 19, Block 3.4$ Coun€xy Club District, Brorrn Sectken, as non-conservation and fop sale to pemit h& ko purchase the lot from the state, Conaty %ha% the Tillage Council mill have no objection to sale of Lot 19, Block 14, Countrg Club Diskpict, Brovn Section, at such time ais "the Eo% nay be designated by the Eennepin County Board of Commission- ers as non-conservation;?ypd for saleo subject to filing of easements for sanitary and Btorrn serLers running through s&d lot, 1.a~ made by H%m%horne, aeconaed by Utley and carried. C.. %. Jensen appeared to discuss his applicatian far vacation of a ponrkion of Spruce Road, read, Road WE~B made by &w&horne9 seconded by UpZt and osrried, notian to aotTfy &e county auditor of Hennepin I Letter from Jensen dated August 6S 1945, vas Hotion €0 deny application for vacatian of a portion of Spruce Xoeion €a approve and alloa the follovinng payrolls naa made by TillScrrt, seconded by Wmtt and carried: 7 3. GROSS &3.?!!'0 Ti. TAX, NET A3E. Administrati on , Phil V. Smi%h , 3352 $162. 50 $20.40 $142.10 Evelyn Kjos 3353 67.561 1.20 66030 Gretchen Schussler 3354 Sub -t 0 t a1 Police Department Hilding DahL 3355 Wm. S.-Heyd€ 3356 Clarence &ut sori 3358 Claztorm Erickson 3357 Sub-t 0 t a1 Stmeti DepaP€men€ (regular men) Ro Jo Johsrson 3359 9, E, DahlgPeE 3360 S. J. Roberts 3 363. HWP~ sonas 3362 John Tracy 3363; E. J. Eerfeld 3 364 Sub-taka1 67056 *- Street Depaj?fmen€ (hourly men) Cha so Johnson 3365 110.92 80 20 11 0 10 4,90 30 60 27e8Q 71 os 44 80 9.90 980 10 84.20 88.50 80 e50 830 30 90.58 525.20 101 02 Sam &kcready 3366 89.25 9.50 79 75 James Homing 3367 81055 12. 00 69.55 James Cfogrrfrr 3 368 82*95 12.4Q 70.55 E, Ce Pfeiffer 3330 74.40 1.40 73.00 Tkyk Tracy 3369 83.30 12.40 YOo9O 3373 50 88,m Ni SQ ellane 0 us Ben Yoehler 3372 165000 21.30 143 . 70 'John ich 33% 20.00 20.00 Eotion to apprave and allom the fo1loEing bills was made by Vjatt, - -- seconded by-%illson and carried: General Fund CLAIIE NO. Arthur Petersen 3315 $zEmii American Printing Coo Glacier Sand & Grawel (To. Morel1 & Nichols, Inc, Acme Anning Company Citg Treasurer, City of Epls. Oscm Roberts & Company Public Administrafiion Service Jay 0. Craig Coo Aagard Sign Ca. . Eennepin Com€y Rev2ev EilLes-Davi8 Compmy Ed. Earris Std.. $emice Stn. Phillips Petroleum Coo ' Paul Blake Tr ansp ore C le zrings Bell Telephone go6 Ztipla, Blue Printing Co. gaspar Zaspers on E, A, Rogers Go. I?. E. I;EtEtr Company Vwner Hardmse Gilbert E. &re Phil WI Smith Borey Shell SZ;rt€ian 3T6rthukastern Terminal Co. Edina Eardm&re nor them States Power Co . State of 'Minn, Dept. of Tax. Don J. McClellan lrbrlkato mg. coo Dahlberg Bros. , I~c. Ben Hardvrare Do $0 Vtoll 3316 331% 3318 3319 3320 33 21 3322 3323 3324 3325 3326 3327 3328 3329 3 3.30 3331 3332 3333 3334 3335 3336 3331 3338 3339 334a 3341 . 3342 3343 3360 33T5 33:76 3377 3578 15.40 305.96 596.62 6.00 I, 10 88.68 1358.00 30 75 2.50 3.60 me45 219 22 40.34 50 00 3063 45a62 25.00 32.00 7.20 3.48 8. 75 18*3Q 300.00 50 .oo '76 . 94 2.09 7.47 636.63 12.61 95.00 100.00 8.30 11.71 $4,6 06 . 99 Bills paid &gust; Hemepin Caunty Suburban Hennepin 3344 39 50 County Relief 3345 99 22 CZ€y Treasurer, Ci-ky of Epls. 3346 Vat. H. Zieghr Company 3347 48.01 BonLer Electric Go. 3348 6.07 John Cornelius 3351 191.57 llfrs. H. G. Dirks 3349 5.00 Northern States POIT~P Co, 3543 Tot= Bills PzPd Augus€ 13, 1945 Poor Fund 8 138,72 8 250.65 I Sewer Went. 8 1.28 6,453.57' V~1lie.m Eel1 appeared to inquke abouP; possibility of constructing sarri€ary semer on Foftq-Ninth Street nest crf France Avenue. He siiated a petition vas filed a.bou% 1940. The village engineer R~S directed €a deternine disposition of the petitiacn. Bjld me Peceived from Willim ZiegXer Co. €0 provide crowd shovel, eqaipment in accordance with advertisement published in Hennepin Ooun%y Revierx. Eotian to accept *he b5d of VifLiam Ziegler Co. %o proyide crovd shovel equipment as specifjed at cost; of $1128&.00 was made by Villson, seconded by Vystt and carried. S. S. Thorpe, ;Tru appeared €0 inqufre whether the council rrouXt3 approye operatiion of a public eating place in the Country Club cltibhause arrd rrhether the council aould permft serving of liquor fn such eating place. p9r. Thorpe Q~S advised the council would not approne serving of liquor on any basis o.ther -khan operatian of a prZmte club. PresLZ~dd offered the f olloning resolutian and moved its adoption: RESOL m ION Re: Lot 3.1* Bl. 15, Country Club Dist. Fairmy Sectian VHEREIzS9 the Village Council of the Village of Edim, Eennepin County, Ehnesota, has received from the L&d Ctommissiorier of Hennepin CGunty, a list of land in said Tillage of Edina rlhich has become the absolutk -property of the State of Effinneso.I?a under the pmvisions of lavs declsring the forfeiture of lands ta the Stake for taxesB nhich lands have been classified by the CounP;y Board of said Hennepin County as non-conmmratian and for sale , pursuazt to the Ia~m of Kinnnesota for 1935, Chapter 386, Section 1, as amended, which liafi ~f land is designated as List 144 Wt, July 23rd, 1945 and, Y$HEREASb this Board has made EE complete examhatian of all facts and circumstances relating $0 such parcels, XOTl THEREPOEE:, ac-king pursumii $0 said Sectian I, Chapter 386, as mended, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Village Counci1 sf the Vilkge of Edina approve the classificatfan of the said County BoaEd of said lands as no#-conservatian and for sale. The question uas an the adopticrn of the resolutian, and the rail being called there were fiive ayes and no nays as follonsr UtXey, aye; Gillson, aye; qyatt, age; H&wtharne, aye; Todd, =ye; Rays, None. n And so the,resolution ims ad