HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012-15 Franchise Ordinance- Electric- Xcel Energy ORDINANCE NO. 2012-15
(a) Definitions. For the purposes of this Ordinance, the following terms shall have the
following meanings:
(1) City means the City of Edina, County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota.
(2) Company means CenterPoint Energy Minnesota Gas ("CenterPoint Energy'), its
successors and assigns.
(3) Franchise Ordinance means Ordinance No. 2003-2.
(4) Notice means a writing served by any party or parties on any other party or
parties. Notice to Company shall be mailed to CenterPoint Energy, Minnesota Division Vice
President, 800 LaSalle Avenue, Minneapolis, MN 55402. Notice to City shall be mailed to the
City Clerk at 4801 W. 501h Street, Edina, MN 55424.
SECTION 2. PURPOSE. The Edina City Council has determined that it is in the best interest of
the City to impose a franchise fee on those public utility companies that provide natural gas and
electric services within the City. Pursuant to the Franchise Agreement the City has the right to
impose a franchise fee on Company.
SECTION 3. FRANCHISE FEE STATEMENT AND SCHEDULE. A franchise fee is hereby imposed
on Company commencing with the February, 2013 billing month, and in accordance with the
following fee schedule:
Customer Classification Amount per Account per Month ($)
Residential $ 1.45
Firm A $ 2.90
Firm B $ 9.00
Firm C $40.00
Sm Vol, Dual Fuel A (SVDF A) $40.00
Sm Vol, Dual Fuel B (SVDF B) $40.00
Lg Vol, Dual Fuel (LVDF) $40.00
SECTION 4. ACCOUNT FEE. This fee is an account based fee and not a meter-based fee. In the
event that an entity covered by this Ordinance has more than one meter, but only one account,
only one fee shall be assessed to that account. In the event any entities covered by this
Ordinance have more than one account, each account shall be subject to the appropriate fee.
In the event a question arises as to the proper fee amount for any account, the highest possible
fee amount shall apply.
SECTION 5. PAYMENT. Franchise fees are to be collected by the Company and submitted to
the City as follows:
January—March collections due by April 30.
April —June collections due by July 31.
July—September collections due by October 31.
October—December collections due by January 31.
SECTION 6. RECORD SUPPORT FOR PAYMENT. The Company shall make each payment when
due and, if requested by the City, shall provide a statement summarizing how the franchise fee
payment was determined, including information showing any adjustments to the total made to
account for any non-collectible accounts, refunds or error corrections. The Company shall
permit the City, and its representatives, access to the Company's records for the purpose of
verifying such statements.
SECTION 7. PAYMENT ADJUSTMENTS. Payment to the City will be adjusted where the
Company is unable to collect the franchise fee. This includes non-collectible accounts.
SECTION 8. SURCHARGE. The City of Edina recognizes that the Minnesota Public Utilities
Commission may allow the Company to add a surcharge to customer rates of city residents to
reimburse the Company for the cost of the fee.
SECTION 9. DISPUTE RESOLUTION. If either party asserts that the other party is in default in
the performance of any obligation hereunder, the complaining party shall notify the other party
of the default and the desired remedy. The notification shall be written. Representatives of
the parties must promptly meet and attempt in good faith to negotiate a resolution of the
dispute. If the dispute is not resolved within 30 days of the written notice, the parties may
jointly select a mediator to facilitate further discussion. The parties will equally share the fees
and expenses of this mediator. If a mediator is not used or if the parties are unable to resolve
the dispute within 30 days after first meeting with the selected mediator, either party may
commence an action in District Court to interpret and enforce this ordinance or for such other
relief permitted by law.
SECTION 10. EFFECTIVE DATE OF FRANCHISE FEE. The effective date of this Ordinance shall be
after its publication and ninety (90) days after sending written notice enclosing a copy of this
adopted Ordinance to Company by certified mail. Collection of the fee shall commence as
provided above.
SECTION 11. RELATION TO FRANCHISE ORDINANCE. This ordinance is enacted in compliance
with the Franchise Ordinance and shall be interpreted as such.
SECTION 12. PERMIT FEES. The Company will administer the collection and payment of
franchise fees to the City in lieu of permit fees, or other fees that may otherwise be imposed on
the Company in relation to its operations as a public utility in the City so long as the following
requirements are met:
(1) The Company applies for any and all permits, licenses and similar documentation
as though this provision did not exist.
(2) The Company requests the fee to be waived at the time of application.
FIRST READ at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Edina on the 6 day of August,
2012, and finally read and adopted and ordered published in summary form as attached hereto
at a regular meeting of the City Council of said City on the 16th day of October, 2012.
First Reading: A August 6, 2012
Second Reading: October 16, 2012
Published: October 25, 2012
Attest: L%
Debra A. Mangen, Cit Clerk James B. Hovland, Magor
Please publish in the Edina Sun Current on: October 25, 2012
Send two Affidavits of Publication.
Bill to Edina City Clerk
City of Edina The Company shall permit the City,and
www MInnLOCc' I.COm its representatives,access to the Com-
(Official Publication) pany's records for the purpose of verify-
ORDINANCE NO.2012-15 ing such statements.
GAS ENERGY FRANCHISE FEE ON MENTS. Payment to the City will be ad-
CENTERPOINT ENERGY justed where the Company is unable to
MINNESOTA GAS("CENTERPOINT collect the franchise fee. This includes
ENERGY")FOR PROVIDING GAS non-collectible accounts.
EDINA, HENNEPIN COUNTY, MIN- Public Utilities Commission may allow
STATE OF M I N N ESOTA NESOTA ORDAINS: the Company to add a surcharge to cus-
tomer rates of city residents to reimburse
)ss. SECTION 1. DEFINITIONS. the Company for the cost of the fee.
COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) (a)Definitions. For the purposes of this SECTION 9. DISPUTE RESOLUTION.
Ordinance,the following terms shall have If either party asserts that the other party
Richard Hendrickson, being duly sworn on the following meanings: is in default in the performance of any
an oath,states or affirms that he is the Chief (1)City means the Ci of Edina,County obligation hereunder, the complaining
ry ry party shall notify the other parry of the de-
of Hennepin,State of Minnesota. fault and the desired remedy.The notifi-
aS (2)Company means CenterPoint Energy Financial Officer of the newspaper(s)known cation shall be written. Repesentatives
Edina Sun-Current Minnesota Gas("CenterPoint Energy"), of the parties must promptly meet and at-
its successors and assigns. tempt in good faith to negotiate a resolu-
tion of the dispute.If the dispute is not re-
(3) Franchise Ordinance means Ordi- solved within 30 days of the written no-
nance No.2003-2. tice,the parties may jointly select a me-
and has full knowledge of the facts stated (4)Notice means a writing served by any diator to facilitate further discussion.The
party or parties on any other party or par- parties will equally share the fees and ex
below: ties. Notice to Company shall be mailed penses of this mediator. If a mediator is
(A)The newspaper has complied with all of to CenterPoint Energy, Minnesota Divi- not used or if the parties are unable to re-
sion Vice President,800 LaSalle Avenue, solve the dispute within 30 days after first
the requirements constituting qualifica- Minneapolis,MN 55402. Notice to City meeting with the selected mediator,ei-
tion as a qualified newspaper as provid- shall be mailed to the City Clerk at 4801 ther parry may commence an action in
W.50th Street,Edina,MN 55424. District Court to interpret and enforce this
ed by Minn. Stat. §331A.02, §331A.07, ordinance or for such other relief permit-
and other applicable laws as amended. SECTION 2.PURPOSE.The Edina City ted by law.
Council has determined that it is in the
(B)The printed public notice that is attached best interest of the City to impose a fran- FRANCHISE FEE. The effective date SECTION 10. EFFECTIVE DATE OF
was published in said newspaper(s) chest fee those public utility comps- this Ordinance shall be after its ublica-
nies that provide natural gas and electric p
once each week,for One successive services within the City. Pursuant to the tion and ninety(90)days after sending
Franchise Agreement the City has the written notice enclosing a copy of this
week(s);it was first published on Thurs- adoptedordinancetocompanybycerti-
right to impose a franchise fee on Com-
day,the 25 day of October , pany fied mail.Collection of the fee shall com-
2012, and was thereafter printed and SECTION 3. FRANCHISE FEE STATE- mence as provided above.
published On every Thursday to and In- MENTAND SCHEDULE.Afranchisefee SECTION 11. RELATION TO FRAN-
is hereby imposed on Company com- CHISE ORDINANCE. This ordinance is
cluding Thursday, the day of mencing with the February,2013 billing enacted in compliance with the Franchise
,2012;and printed month,and in accordance with the fol- Ordinance and shall be interpreted as
below IS a copy Of the lower Case alpha- lowing fee schedule: such.
bet 12.PERMIT FEES.TheCom-
bet from A to Z, both inclusive, which is Customer Amount per Account
Classificationper Month($1 pany will administer the collection and
hereby acknowledged as being the size Residential......$ 1.45 payment of franchise fees to the City in
and kind of type used in the composition Firm A.........$ 2.90 lieu of permit fees,or other fees that may
Firm B.........$ 9.00 otherwise be imposed on the Company
and publication of the notice: Firm C.........$40.00 in relation to its operations as a public util-
Sm Vol, ity in the City so long as the following re-
abc ijklmnopgrstuvwxyz Dual Fuel A quirements are met:
(SVDF A) .....$40.00 (1)The Company applies for any and all
Sm Vol, permits,licenses and similar documenta-
Dual Fuel B tion as though this provision did not exist.
(SVDF B) .....$40.00
Lg Vol, (2)The Company requests the fee to be
" Dual Fuel waived at the time of application.
BY: (LVDF) .......$40.00 FIRST READ at a regular meeting of the
CFO SECTION 4. ACCOUNT FEE. This fee City Council of the City of Edina on the 6
is an account based fee and not a meter- day of August,2012,and finally read and
based fee.In the event that an entity cov- adopted and ordered published in sum-
ered by this Ordinance has more than mary form as attached hereto at a regu-
one meter, but only one account, only lar meeting of the City Council of said City
Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed one fee shall be assessed to that ac- on the 16th day of October,2012.
before me on this 25 count. In the event any entities covered
da Of First Reading: A August 6,2012
October y by this Ordinance have more than one Second Reaing: October 16,2012
2012. account,each account shall be subject to Published: October 25,2012
the appropriate fee. In the event a ques-
tion arises as to the proper fee amount for Attest:
any account, the highest possible fee Debra A.Man en,Ci Clerk
amount shall apply. g ry
SECTION 5. PAYMENT. Franchise fees James B.Hovland,Mayor
Notary Public are to be collected by the Company and (Oct.25,2012)D1-Ord2012-15
submitted to the City as follows:
January—March collections due by April
VWWW 30.
JULIA I. HELKENN April—June collections due by July 31.
NOTARY PUBLIC-MINNESOTA July—September collections due by Oc-
My Comm.Exp.Jan.31,201tober 31.
October—December collections due by
January 31.
PAYMENT. The Company shall make
each payment when due and,if request-
ed by the City,shall provide a statement
summarizing how the franchise fee pay-
ment was determined,including informa-
tion showing any adjustments to the total
made to account for any non-collectible
accounts, refunds or error corrections.