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i Letter was received from Grsyts Bay-Grovelad Assaciatian advising the Cauacil af actian %&en by the Association fm inproveme-rrk crf Einnehaa
Eetter was received from Edvzfn mafffi, chairman of €he planzing commission, trannrnftting a planning commissirra recmendation that €be
village acquire various pwcels of pmp&y fop pEerb- areas.
sard he would sectme informatiion from Lesgae of Einnesata &micipalftj.es relative do %he right of -&he villsge to expend funds fop parks,
Philip Bailey, chief of the volunteer fire department, appeased ta inquire about various insmanee policies coveriq members of the I
PQssible baundariea of a sanitary sewer distric€ to serve Fifty-fourth,
Fifty-fffth md Pullerr Stseets and adjacent areas east of Frame Avenue
was discussed. The village engineer was directed to proceed with plans for es&ablisbmen% of a seaer district in $ha€ z~reca~
BI~~P Todd '
The matZer REIS referred %a the village a€torney.
Motion Bo adjourn vas made bx Dtley, seconded by Rya%t end carpied.
Trustees TJtLey, V~~~SQKL ad F;Tya,.&% tvere ppeseni;.
Einutes of the meeking held .June 25, 1945 @ere read and i3gpmvede
Alex C&ei&~tan, Village Asakssar, a.ppez-,red. and presei?t ed tax assessmaof,- rolls of the Village for 1945,
Eembezt.s ~f the Eoard inspected the PQZXS, and approved then upon motion
by Villson, seconded by Utley and carriecL,
Upon motion Ghe meeking was adjourned,
Bow mmbers of the Council were present:
and Tod-do l Ut-ley, Villsorz, Hawkharne
Einutes of the regular council meeking held August 13, 1945, 7izePe read and approved, I
Bul Sv~nson, 4261 lTewkoy1 Aaenue Be appeared %a request permit Lo b uild
8 double garage to be nsed 'cenporarily as liviq quarters at Sixty-third atree-is ad Ryau Avenue,
nade 'by Ezmthorne, secoaded bs T7i.llson and- cazrled,
Carl E, Eansen appeared to subni-f; proposed plat of %he XiE& OB the Hi'f-&
Section 19, Town 28, Warrge 24, to he known zs Golf Terrace Eeights0
L%%ion I;o agprove and- accept said plat, subject to checking by the village engineer, mas madie by Wiley, seconded by Hawthorne and- carried,
Carl E. Hartsen and Ben Parks appeared to discuss adjustment of sssess-
mmtG far Sewer Eis-ktict Eoe 9, cent correckion in the arnoun-k of tasseaslaent for Seyjer District iTo. 9
fhlaus redracix to$& assessment to $34a000), to reduce interest charged
on said assessments -&a 3. per cent, to recompufze the assessments aili! to
Pefernd excess assesamenf;s and excess in-bereat md any peazlfiies paid on
srrch assessmenhs vas made by U-iiley, Eeconded by HamLhorrne ai1d cari5ade
Eotion %a d-eny applicztiort %or such pemitms I
Kotian to make a correctian of 24*4 per