HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013-05 Amending Section 1508 ORDINANCE NO. 2013-5
SECTION 1. Section 1508 of the Edina City Code is amended to read as follows:
Section 1508—Arts and Culture Commission
1508.01 Establishment. The Council, finding that the encouragement and enhancement of the arts in
Edina is vital to the social and cultural well-being of the City and its residents, does hereby establish the
Arts and Culture Commission (the "Commission").
1508.02 Duties. The Commission shall:
A. Strive to build a vibrant community through support of art and culture in Edina.
B. Encourage leadership and advocacy in advancing the role and value of art and culture
activities in the Edina, including but not limited to music, dance, theater, decorative arts,
painting, culinary arts,ceramics, sculpture, literature, media arts and public art.
C. Facilitate communication and collaboration that promotes participation and enhances the
cultural life of the residents of Edina.
D. Strengthen partnerships with artistic and cultural organizations based on mutual respect
and equal responsibility for advancing the cultural climate in Edina.
E. Recommend artistic and cultural initiatives, including a long term plan directed towards
fulfilling the needs and desires.of Edina residents with respect to art and culture. Promote
artistic and cultural initiatives and make recommendations to the City Council and other
boards and commissions.
F. Identify existing and potential new venues for artistic and cultural events throughout Edina.
G. Recommend and facilitate programs at venues throughout the Edina that are responsive to
community desires.
H. Identify potential sources of funding for artistic and cultural initiatives, including grants,
donations, and sponsorships.
I. Represent the Edina at community functions throughout the city.
J. Continue to develop and implement public visual arts programs in Edina.
K. Report to the Council periodically on the foregoing, and perform other duties as may be
directed by Council from time to time.
Ordinance No. 2013-05
Page 2
1508.03 Membership. The Commission shall consist of nine (9) regular and two(2) student members.
1508.04 Committees and Working Groups. The Commission shall establish and appoint members to a
Public Art Committee which shall be charged with implementing a public arts program in the City. The
Public Art Committee shall be chaired by a person who shall be appointed by a majority vote of the Arts
and Culture Commission. The Commission may establish other committees and working groups for the
purpose of carrying out other Commission duties.
SECTION 2. This ordinance is effective immediately upon its passage and publication.
First Reading: April 16, 2013
Second Reading: May 7, 2013
Published: May 15, 2013
Attest --
Debra A. Mangen, ity Cler James B. ovian , Mayor
City of Edina First Reading:April 16,2013
(Official Publication) Second Reading:May 7,2013
ORDINANCE NO.2013-5 Published:June 6,2013
EDINA CITY CODE Debra A.Mangen,City Clerk
M E D 1 A THE CIT`(OFDNOA ORDA`IINS: (Jun.6,2013)D1-Ord2013-5
SECTION 1.Section 1508 of the Edina
AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION City Code is amended to read as fol-
STATE OF MINNESOTA ) Section 1508-Arts and Culture Com-
)SS. mission
COUNTY OF HENNEPIN 1508.01 Establishment. The Council,
finding that the encouragement and
Bradfield, being duly sworn on an to the ecialanment of theartalwell-beingtf
9 Y to the social and cultural well-being of
oath, states or affirms that he is the the City and its residents,does hereby
AdvertisingDirector of the newspaper(s) establish the Arts and Culture mission(the"Commission").
known as 1508.2 Duties. The Commission shall:
Edina Sun-Current A.Strive to build a vibrant community
through support of art and culture in
B.Encourage leadership and advoca-
cy in advancing the role and value of art
and has full knowledge of the facts stated and culture activities in the Edina,in-
below: cluding but not limited to music,dance,
(A The newspaper has com lied with all of theater,decorative arts,painting,Doli-
) P nary arts, ceramics, sculpture, litera-
the requirements constituting qualifica- ture,media arts and public art.
tion as a qualified newspaper as provid- C. Facilitate communication and col-
laboration laboration that promotes participation
d by Minn. Stat. §331A.02, §331A.07,
and enhances the cultural life of the
and other applicable laws as amended. residents of Edina.
(B)The printed public notice that Is at- D.Strengthen partnerships with artistic
tached was published in said newspa- and cultural organizations based on
mutual respect and equal responsibili-
per(s) once each week, for one suc- ty for advancing the cultural climate in
cessive week(s);it was first published on Edina.
Thursday, the _6__ day of E.Recommend artistic and cultural ini-
tiatives,including a long term plan di-
rected towards fulfilling the needs and
after printed and published on every desires of Edina residents with respect
Thursday to and including Thursday, to art and culture.Promote artistic and
Y 9 Y cultural initiatives and make recom-
day of 2013; mendations to the City Council and
and printed below is a copy of the lower other boards and commissions.
case alphabet from A to Z, both Inclu- F. Identify existing and potential new
venues for artistic and cultural events
sive, which is hereby acknowledged as throughout Edina.
being the size and kind of type used in G. Recommend and facilitate pro-
the composition and publication of the grams at venues throughout the Edina
that are responsive to community de-
notice: sires.
abcdefghijklmnopgrstuvwxyz H.Identify potential sources of funding
for artistic and cultural initiatives, in-
cluding grants, donations, and spon-
I. Represent the Edina at community
functions throughout the city.
J'Continue to develop and implement
public visual arts programs in Edina.
K.Report to the Council periodically on
BY: the foregoing,and perform other duties
as may be directed by Council from
bl Advertising Director time to time.
1508.03 Membership. The Commis-
sion shall consist of nine(9)regular and
Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed two(2)student members.
before me on this 6 da of 1508.04 Committees and Working
Y Groups. The Commission shall estab-
June 2013. lish and appoint members to a Public
Art Committee which shall be charged
with implementing a public arts pro-
gram in the City.The Commission shall
by majority vote approve the chair of
L the Public Art Committee.The Com-
mission may establish other commit-
Notary Public tees and working groups for the pur-
pose of carrying out other Commission
SECTION 2.This ordinance is effective
e1? 5q immediately upon its passage and
JULIA I. HCLKENN publication.
S' The Commission shall b majority vote
.4 NOTARY PUBLIC MINNESOTA approve the chair of he Pubic Art
My Comm.Ep.Jan.31,2015 Committee