HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014-01 Amending Chapter 10 ORDINANCE NO. 2014-01 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 10 OF THE EDINA CITY CODE CONCERNING RESIDENTIAL REDEVELOPMENT ENFORCEMENT THE CITY OF EDINA ORDAINS: Section 1. Section 10-109 of the Edina City Code is amended to read as follows: Sec. 10-109. Permit applications. The applicant must complete the application forms provided by the city, pay the permit fees in the amount set forth in section 2-724, deposit the cash escrow and furnish all other documents and reports required for the permit. The application must be signed by the property owner or the owner's authorized agent. Section 2. Section 10-1 10 (3) & (5) of the Edina City Code is amended to read as follows: Sec. 10-1 10. Permit requirements. (3) Soils investigation report and shoring plan. Based upon soil types, topography, the location of adjacent structures and other pertinent information, the building official shall determine if a soils investigation report and/or shoring plan is necessary. If the building official determines that a soils report is necessary, the applicant shall have a soil report prepared and signed by a licensed professional soil scientist or licensed professional engineer. If the building official determines a shoring plan is necessary, the applicant The Fepe must provide a detailed plan to ensure that adjacent property will not be damaged by reducing lateral support for driveways, foundations, fences or lawns caused by excavation, demolition or construction activity. The soils report and shoring plan must be approved by the building official. The permit holder must adhere to the approved plan(s). (5) Written notification of demolition. For a demolition permit, at least 15 calendar days before demolition commences, the permit holder must provide written notification to all property owners within 300 feet of the perimeter of the demolition site notifying the property owners of the proposed demolition and building plans, if applicable, and invite them to a neighborhood meeting. The neighborhood meeting must be held at least five days before demolition commences. A sign must also be posted on the demolition site at least five days before demolition commences identifying the nature of the demolition, the permit holder, a contact name and phone number, and the site address. The sign must also provide a city phone number to call with any questions, complaints or concerns. The dimension of the sign must be between five and six square feet. The sign and the content of the sign must be visible from the street. The sign must be kept in place until the completion of demolition. Section 3. Section 10-1 1 1 of the Edina City Code is amended to read as follows: Sec. 10-1 1 I. Permit standards for both demolition permits and building permits. Ordinance No. 2014-01 Page 2 (a) The permit holder must comply with the state building code, state statutes and this Code, including articles III,VI, VII and XVII of this chapter. (b) Deliveries of equipment and material to the site, work crews on site and construction and demolition activity are prohibited except between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, and 9:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. on Saturday. Work is prohibited on Sundays and Holidays. (c) The permit holder must repair any damage to public property, streets, and sidewalks. If damage occurs to the foregoing, it must be repaired within three working days after the damage occurs, unless the permit holder has received written permission from the building official to delay repairs to a later specified date. (d) The permit holder must maintain a 5-foot parking setback from driveways and a 30-foot parking setback from intersections. When parking on a street, a vehicle must be completely located on the street surface, parallel to and within 12 inches of the curb. Vehicles in violation of these requirements may be towed in accordance with Minn. Stat. § 16813.035. On-street parking of equipment other than licensed motor vehicles is prohibited. Stopping, standing or parking a vehicle is prohibited, except when necessary to avoid conflict with other traffic or in compliance with the directions of a police officer or traffic control device, in any of the following places: (1) On a boulevard between the sidewalk and roadway; (2) Within five (5) feet of the intersection of any public or private driveway or alley with any street or highway; (3) Where the vehicle will block a fire escape or the exit from any building; (4) Where temporary signs prohibit parking. Parking is allowed on local streets if a 12-foot wide area is open for the traveled portion of the road. On collector and arterial roadways, a minimum of 22 feet must be open for the traveled portion of the road. Off-street and off-site parking for on-site workers is required to the extent practicable. Police officers, community service officers, parking monitors and the Residential Redevelopment Coordinator of the City shall be responsible for enforcing the parking requirements and parking regulations of this Section. (e) The permit holder must install and maintain a rock entrance pad or its equivalent at each location where vehicles enter or exit the construction site, at locations approved by the building official. (f) The site must be maintained in a neat and orderly condition. Prior to leaving the construction site at the end of each day, the permit holder must remove empty cans, paper, plastic and other material that is not needed for construction from the site or deposit them in a dumpster. The permit holder must keep streets, sidewalks, boulevard areas and adjacent properties clean from waste, materials or refuse resulting from operations on the site. Inoperable equipment and equipment not being used on the site must be removed within 24 hours after it becomes inoperable or is no longer in use. Where work on any project lies within areas of pedestrian traffic or vehicular traffic, the project area must be cleaned and swept and all materials related to the project must be Ordinance No. 2014-01 Page 3 stockpiled in appropriate areas. Debris must be contained on the project site. No material may be deposited or stockpiled on the public streets, boulevards, sidewalks or adjacent property. At the end of each working day, the permit holder must remove any soil, trash or debris that washed or was deposited on any public sidewalk or street and must remove any trash or debris that washed or was deposited on any adjacent property. (g) Dust control is the responsibility of the permit holder. As weather permits, materials subject to demolition shall be thoroughly dampened with water so as to prevent dust. The permit holder must eliminate dust problems immediately upon receiving notice from the building official that there is a dust problem. (h) No building material, temporary sanitary facilities, dumpster or equipment may be placed within street right-of-way, or on a sidewalk. Motor vehicles may not be parked or stopped on a sidewalk. Public sidewalks must be left open and unobstructed at all times. (i) Prior to commencing demolition, protective fencing approved by the building official must be installed around boulevard trees and trees that will not be removed. Section 4. This ordinance is effective immediately upon its passage and publication. First Reading: February 3, 2014 Second Reading: Waived Published: February 13, 2014 i Attest Debra A. angen, ty k ov and, Ma or Please publish in the Edina Sun Current on February 13, 2014 Send two affidavits of publication Bill to Edina City Clerk AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION City of Edina (a)The permit holder must com- from operations on the site. Inop- STATE QF MINNESOTA (Official Publication) ply with the state building code, erable equipment and equipment ss ORDINANCE NO.2014-01 state statutes and this Code,includ- not being used on the site must COUN7`Y OF H ENNEPIN ) AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ing articles III,VI,VII and XVII of this be removed within 24 hours after it CHAPTER 10 OF THE chapter. becomes inoperable or is no longer Charlene Vold being duly sworn on an oath, EDINA CITY CODE (b) Deliveries of equipment and in use. Where work on any project CONCERNING RESIDENTIAL material to the site,work crews on lies within areas of pedestrian traffic states or affirms that they are the Authorized REDEVELOPMENT ENFORCEMENT site and construction and demoli- or vehicular traffic, the project area Agent of the newspaper(s)known as: THE CITY OF EDINA ORDAINS: tion activity are prohibited except must be cleaned and swept and Section 1.Section 10-109 of the between the hours of 7:00 a.m.and all materials related to the project SC Edina Edina City Code is amended to read 7:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, must be stockpiled in appropriate as follows: and 9:00 a.m.and 6:00 p.m.on Sat- areas.Debris must be contained on Sec.10-109.Permit applications. unsay. Work is prohibited on Sun- the project site.No material may be and has full knowledge of the facts stated The applicant must complete days and Holidays. deposited or stockpiled(c) The on the pub- the application forms provided by Permit holder must re- lic streets, boulevards, sidewalks below: the city, pay the permit fees in the pair any damage to public property, or adjacent property. At the end of (A)The newspaper has complied with all of amount set forth in section 2-724, streets, and sidewalks. If damage each working day,the permit holder the requirements constituting qualifica- deposit the cash escrow and furnish occurs to the foregoing, it must be must remove any soil, trash or de- tion a s a qualified newspaper as provial[other documents and reports re- repaired within three working days bris that washed or was deposited ded quired for the permit.The applica- after the damage occurs,unless the on any public sidewalk or street and by Minn. Stat. §331A.02, §331A.07, and tion must be signed by the property permit holder has received written must remove any trash or debris other applicable laws as amended. owner or the owner's authorized permission from the building official that washed or was deposited on (B)This Public Notice was printed and pub- agent. to delay repairs to a later specified any adjacent property. lished in said newspaper(s) for 1 suCces- Section i Section 10-110 en& of the permit is the As weather(5)of the Edina City Code is amend- (�The permit holder must main- sty of the permit holder.As weather sive issues; the first insertion being on ed to read as follows: tain a 5-foot parking setback from permits,materials subject to demo- 02/13/2014 and the last insertion being on Sec. 10-110. Permit require- driveways and a 30-foot parking lition shall be thoroughly dampened 02/13/2014. ments. setback from intersections. When with water so as to prevent dust. (3)Soils investigation report and parking on a street,a vehicle must The permit holder must eliminate shoring plan.Based upon soil types, be completely located on the street dust problems immediately upon topography,the location of adjacent surface, parallel to and within 12 receiving notice from the building structures and other pertinent infor- inches of the curb.Vehicles in vio- official that there is a dust problem. (1� mation,the building official shall de- lation of these requirements may (h) No building material, tempo- By: Y�^p-I gyp..V yjv/ terrine if a soils investigation report be towed in accordance with Minn. rary sanitary facilities, dumpster or and/or shoring plan is necessary. If Stat.§1688.035. On-street parking equipment may be placed within Authorized Agent the building official determines that of equipment other than licensed street right-of-way, or on a side- a soils report is necessary,the ap- motor vehicles is prohibited. Stop- walk. Motor vehicles may not be Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed before plicant shall have a soil report pre- Ping' standing or parking a vehicle parked or stopped on a sidewalk. me on 02/13/2014. pared and signed by a licensed pro- is prohibited, except when neces- Public sidewalks must be left open fessional soil scientist or licensed sary to avoid conflict with other and unobstructed at all times. professional engineer.If the building traffic or in compliance with the di- (i) Prior to commencing demoli- official determines a shoring plan is eons of a police officer or traffic tion, protective fencing approved necessary,the applicant The report control device,in any of the follow- by the building official must be in- must provide a detailed plan to en- ing places: stalled around boulevard trees and sure that adjacent property will not (1)On a boulevard between the trees that will not be removed. Notary Public be damaged by reducing lateral sidewalk and roadway; Section 4. This ordinance is ef- support for driveways,foundations, (2)Within five(5)feet of the in- fective immediately upon its pas- tersection of any public or private sage and publication. fences or lawns caused by excava- tion,demolition or construction ac- driveway or alley with any street or First Reading:February 3,2014 DARLENE MARIE MACPHERSON tivity. The soils report and shoring highway; Second Reading:Waived plan must be approved by the build- (3) Where the vehicle will block Published:February 13,2014 Notary PublIC-Minnesota ing official.The permit holder must a fire escape or the exit from any Attest Expires Jan 31,2019 building; Debra A.Mangen,City Clerk My COmmIsslOn Exd adhere to the approved plan(s). 9' (S (4) Where temporary signs pro- James B.Hovland,Mayor )Written notification of demoli- hibit parking. tion.For a demolition permit,at least parking is allowed on local 2/13/14,3SC1,Ordinance 15 calendar days before demoli- tion commences,the permit holder streets if a 12-foot wide area is open 2014-1,174308 must provide written notification to for the traveled portion of the road. all property owners within 300 feet On collector and arterial roadways, of the perimeter of the demolition a minimum of 22 feet must be open site notifying the property owners of for the traveled portion of the road. the proposed demolition and build- Off-street and off-site parking for ing plans, if applicable, and invite on-site workers is required to the them to a neighborhood meeting. extent practicable. The neighborhood meeting must be Police officers, community ser- held at least five days before demo- vice officers, parking monitors and lition commences.A sign must also the Residential Redevelopment be posted on the demolition site at Coordinator of the City shall be re- least five days before demolition sponsible for enforcing the parking commences identifying the nature tionsrequio this and parking regula- of the demolition,the permit holder, tions of this Section. a contact name and phone number, (e)The permit holder must install and the site address.The sign must and maintain a rock entrance pad ror e also provide a city phone number to its vehicles me at each location where call with any questions,complaints vehicles enter a exit the roved by concerns. The dimension of the tion site, at locations approved by sign must be between five and six the building official. Rate Information: square feet. The sign and the con- (Q The site must be maintained in (1)Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users tent of the sign must be visible from a neat and orderly condition.Prior to the street.The sign must be kept in leaving the construction site at the for comparable space: place until the completion of demo- end of each day,the permit holder $34.45 per column inch lition. must remove empty cans, paper, Section 3.Section 10-111 of the plastic and other material that is Edina City Code is amended to read not needed for construction from as follows: the site or deposit them in a dump- Sec. 10-111. Permit standards star. The permit holder must keep for both demolition permits and streets, sidewalks, boulevard areas Ad ID 174308 building permits. and adjacent properties clean from waste,materials or refuse resulting