HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014-02 Amending Fees Charged for Parking Permits in the 50th & France District Schedule A of Section 2-274 and Amending Section 24 ORDINANCE NO. 2014-2
Section I. The following described fees of Schedule A (fees and charges) to Code Section 2-274 are
amended to read as follows:
Article and Chapter Purpose of fee or charges Amount Terms
Division and
Article VIII, 24-397 (b) Parking per— $&--W Per nth
division 5 prerated
returnedRefund parking
r stiekeF must be GG rD Fnenth
Employee Parking12ermit 1$ 0.00 Per month
Overnight business vehicle permit 5$ 0.00 Per month
Section 2. Section 24-395 of the Edina City Code is amended to add the following definition:
Overnight Parking means parking a vehicle in a municipal parking facility during the hours of 1:00 a.m. and 6:00
Section 3. Section 24-396 of the Edina City Code is amended to read as follows:
(a) No person shall park any vehicle in any municipal parking facility duFdng business heurs:
(1) For a period in excess of the designated time limits;eF
(2) In a location designated as "eent-aetep rmit parking only," unless the vehicle displays a parking
stieker ep rmit issued pursuant to this article;
(3) In violation of the parking restrictions provided under Section 24-397: or
(4) Outside of the marked boundaries for each individual parking stall.
(b) Except as otherwise provided, Ppersons may park in any municipal parking facility for any
length of time during nonbusiness hours, except for such times as parking may be prohibited
for snow removal, repairs andlike-emeses:, or by order of the manager. ,
Neo overnight parking shall be allowed unless the vehicle displays a temporary or overnight
parkin permit issued pursuant to Ssections 24-397(d) or (e) and is parked in the designated
temporary or overnight parking location.
Section 4. Section 24-397(b) of the Edina City Code is amended to read as follows:
(b) Issuance of PeFn9its. PeFfflit stickeFS shall be issued by such eity department or eity staff
as the Fnanager shall designate,and s
Ordinance No. 2014-02
Page 2
stie-IEerShall apply en fees-pFeyidedby the manager. BefeF,. peFmit
Yehirde and shall be Yisoble at all tomes when the Yehiele is parked in sueh designated
mu;:e+pmi�aek+ng- el+tlea. �n-z "ebTeie -s-se,is-a�traded-and-arothe,�eh;ird
e s
shall issue seen new-per mit stieker;witleut-eharg ,
as haying been canceled. When a peFSen te whem a permit stieker has been issued
when the peFfflit stikker was issued, the empleyer shall netify the eity of the fact, and
Employee Parking Permits.
Requirement. Individuals employed in that portion of the 50th and France
Commercial Area located in the city must obtain a parking permit to park within
the municipal parking facility during the employee's work hours and must park
within the areas of the municipal parking facility designated for employee parking
by resolution of the city council or by the manager.
U Issuance of Parking_Permits. Permit stickers shall be issued by the manager or
manager's designee and shall be issued only to current employees of the 50th and
France Commercial Area located in the City. Eligible employees who choose to
park in the municipal parking facility shall submit a completed permit application
form. Before receiving a parking permit, the applicant shall pay a fee as set forth in
section 2-724 and furnish an acknowledgement of employment by a business
located within the 50th and France Commercial Area within the City, together with
proof of ownership and a description of the permitted vehicle. Parking permits
shall be valid only for the calendar year in which issued. Parking permit stickers
shall be fastened in the location designated by the manager and shall be visible at
all times when the vehicle is parked in the designated municipal parking facilit .
Replacement Permits. Permittees may obtain a replacement permit for an alternate
vehicle upon completing the appropriate application form accompanied by the
requisite vehicle and ownership information. Upon issuance, the original parking
permit shall be cancelled. The replacement permit shall be valid for the remaining
portion of the calendar year at no additional fee. Permittees may obtain a permit
for one additional household vehicle used by the permittee upon completing the
appropriate application form accompanied by the requisite vehicle and ownership
(4) Parking Permit Cancellation. A permittee who ceases to be employed by a business
in the 50th and France Commercial Area of the City shall notify the city upon
termination of employment and the parking permit shall be cancelled. The city
may cancel a parking permit for any violation of this section or a policy adopted by
the city concerning the use of the municipal parking facility.
(5) Regulations.
Ordinance No. 2014-02
Page 3
(a) The issuance of a parking permit will not guarantee the availability of parking
space at any specific location or time. The unavailability of a parking space
within a designated permit area will not entitle a permittee to any
reimbursement or ability to use any non-permitted parking stall.
(b) Permittees under this section must park the vehicle front-end forward into
any parking stall within the municipal parking facility.
(c) Parking in a municipal parking facility in violation of the provisions of this
section by failing to obtain a permit or park in the designated permit location
is a violation of this section and will be punishable pursuant to subsection (fl.
Section S. Section 24-397 of the Edina City Code is amended to add new subsections (e) and (f) to
read as follows:
u Business Overnight Parking Permit. Businesses within the 50th and France Commercial
Area of the city may be issued by the manager or the manager's designee an overnight parking
permit for a business vehicle. An eligible business shall submit an application for an overnight
parking permit accompanied by the fee set forth in section 2-724 of the city code together
with a description of the vehicle. The permitted vehicle may park in excess of the time limits
during business hours and may park between the hours of 1:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m., but only in
locations in the municipal parking facility designated by the manager. The overnight vehicle
parking permit shall be displayed in a manner prescribed by the manager.
(f) Violations. It is unlawful to park a motor vehicle contrary to the provisions of this
section. A violation of this section is a petty misdemeanor. Vehicles parked in violation of
these requirements for a minimum of 4 hours may be towed in accordance with Minn. Stat. b
168B.035 and .04. Altering or falsifying a parking permit shall be considered a violation of this
section. Police officers, community service officers, and parking_monitors shall be responsible
for enforcing the parking requirements and regulations of this section pursuant to the
provisions of Section 26-167.
Section 6. Section 24-398 of the Edina City Code is amended to read as follows:
The manager shall post an all munie0pal parking faeffili-tier, the time limits and employee par! i
by this ..Ftiel=, the time limits and designated permit parking areas established by this article in all municipal
parking facilities.
Section 7. This ordinance is effective April I, 2014.
First Reading: February 18, 2014
Second Reading: March 4, 2014
Published: March 13, 2014
ebra A. Mangen, City Cle es . H nd, Mayor
Please publish in the Edina Sun Current on: March 13, 2104
Send two affidavits of publication
Bill to Edina City Clerk
Ss (Official Publication)
states or affirms that they are the Authorized THE CITY OF EDINA ORDAINS:
Agent of the newspaper(s)known as: ;tion J.The following described fees of Schedule A(fees and charges)to Code Section 2-274 are amended
to read as follows:
SC Edina Article and Division Chapter and Section Purpose of fee or charges Amount Terrhs
&Adicle.VK division 5. ,24-397(b) P - &9 Per-nenih P1018 d
and has full knowledge of the facts stated Refund g 4 '"fir"" Pia
below: Employee Parkins ermit $10.00
(A)The newspaper has complied with all of month
overnight business $50.00 Per
the requirements constituting qualifica- vehicleppermit Pe month
tion as a qualified newspaper as provided Section 2.Section 24-395 of the Edina City Code is amended to add the following definition:
by Minn. Stat. §331A.02, §331A.07, and Overnight Parkin means parkin a vehicle in a—municipal parking f ility during the hours of 1:00 a m and
other applicable laws as amended. 6:00 a.m.
(B)This Public Notice was printed and pub- Section 3.Section 24-396 of the Edina City Code is amended to read as follows:
(a)No person shall park any vehicle in any municipal parking facility
lished in said newspaper(S) for 1 susses- duiclicig business hat".
(1)For a period in excess of the designated time limits;or
sive issues; the first insertion being on (2)In a location designated as"eentreetpermjt parking only,"unless the vehicle displays a parking etiekerpg-
03/13/2014 and the last insertion being on mit issued pursuant to this article;
03/13/2014. (3)ki violation of the parking restrictions nr9yided under Srr• 24-397-
(4)Outside of the marked boundaries for eaghindividual parking stall.
(b)Except as otherwise provided.Ppersons may park in any municipal parking facility for any length of time
during non-business hours,except for such times as parking may be prohibited for snow removal,repairs end
like ptirpeses.,or by order of the manap Jyno overnight parking shall be allowed unless
the vehicle displays a temporary or overnight parking permit issued pursuant to$section 24-397(d)or(,g)and is
parked in the designated tem ora or overnight rl ing location.
BY Section 4.Section 24-397(b)of the Edina City Code is amended to read as follows:
Authorized Agent (b)
she"designate,and shall be Issued only to In& Mrt,_!..of the Well.
Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed beforeyear fe the 59th FraieeGei nere4a'Ama shall beset by resolution efthe-ea�em'.
me on 03/13/2014.
seefien 2 724 and furnish the a is of the reempie it% is'!pay a Fee as set forth In
r� f� btirmper of the veh'e'e and shall be visible at tened,te,-�&p
Notary Public
QAR1 �iEAi?IE�iACPi;EFSuwhen the pencrift at
ty ef the feet,and the .
ty 91 tify the
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regi (1)Reauirement.Individuals employed in that portion of the 0th nd Fr n r•nmm l Area tm the
My Cotnmisslon Expims Jan 31,2019 o ated city must obtain a parking permit to park within the mmrn ioal parking fa iii during t
and must park within the areas of the m mi ipal parkin fa li d y�—g��m�y�s work hours s
The city council or by the m n aer if' dna for employga parking�y resolution of
(2)Issuance of Parkina Permits Pe rmit atick s shall~ issued by the1
manager or managers designee and
shall be issued only to current emplovPes of the 50th and Fran P QQMMer ' i e . d in the ty�Eligible,
@N4t4Y wh4_Choose to park In the municipal narking facility ensu s„bmit a ggmpleted ^39011 application
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