HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014-15 Amending Chapter 10 ORDINANCE NO. 2014-15 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 10 OF THE EDINA CITY CODE CONCERNING TAXICABS AND TAXICAB DRIVERS The City of Edina ordains: Section 1. Chapter 12 Article VII of the Edina City Code is amended to read: Sec. 12-315. Definitions. The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this article, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning: Charitable Nonprofit Transportation Vehicle means any vehicle for hire or other public motor vehicle that is being used by or on behalf of a non-profit charitable organization as defined by Section 501(c)(3) United States Internal Revenue Code, Non-Profit Organizations, whether owned and driven by a volunteer driver or an employee of the non-profit charitable organization who is not directly paid by riders. Street means any street, alley, avenue, court, bridge, lane or public place or highway in the city. Taxicab. (1) The term "taxicab" means any motor vehicle, as defined in Minn. Stats. § 169.011, having a seating capacity of seven (7) or fewer persons including the driver and engaged in carrying of persons for hire, whether over a fixed route or not, and whether the motor vehicle is operated from a street stand, or subject to calls from a garage, or otherwise operated for hire. (2) The term "taxicab" does not include limousines, charitable non-profit transportation vehicles vehicles used for transportation network service, motor vehicles subject to control and regulation by the Metropolitan Council , motor vehicles regularly used by morticians in carrying on their business, or motor vehicles hired on an hourly basis. Taxicab driver means any person who drives a taxicab. Transportation network company_(TNQ means a person or entity that provides transportation network service. Transportation network service means a prearranged transportation service offered or provided for compensation using an internet-enabled application or digital platform to connect potential passengers with transportation network drivers The term transportation network service does not include a ridesharing arrangement as that term is defined in Minnesota Statute Chapter 169.011 subd.65. 178047v1 • Ord 2014-15 Page 2 Sec. 12-316. Vehicle License required. No person shall operate a taxicab within the city without displaying a valid taxicab license decal duly issued by another political subdivision in this state th --;- of Blee.,.,ingten, the City of c. Leugs Park or the Metropolitan Airports Commission. Sec. 12-317. Driver's license required. No person shall drive a taxicab within the city without possessing a valid taxicab driver's license duly issued by another political subdivision in this state the City ef Bleefflingten, or the Metropolitan Airports Commission. Sec. 12-318. Designation signs posted and visible on the exterior vehicle. Each taxicab required to be licensed by this article shall bear signs identifying the vehicle as a taxicab. Such signs shall be on the exterior of the vehicle and shall be visible from each side of the vehicle. Sec. 12-319. Exemption. city where licensed te any place er- point within the eity and may fr-eely tr-ayel upen the streets witheut being licensed On aeeer-dance with this article, preyided that the taxicab dFiYer- shall no be per-mitted te seleeit business er- piek up passengers within the city unless the taxicab and the taxicab dr-eyer- are licensed aS Fequired by this article. A Charitable Non-profit Transportation Vehicle is exempt from the regulations set forth in this ordinance upon presentation to the City Clerk documentation establishing the Section 501(c)(3) status of the entity. Section 2. This ordinance is effective immediately upon its passage and publication. First Reading: September 16, 2014 Second Reading: Waived Published: October 23, 2014 Attest Debra A. Mangen, it erk aures Hovland, Mayor 178047v1 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION City of Edina within the city without possessing (Official Publication) a valid taxicab driver's license duly issued by another political subdivi- STATE OF MINNESOTA ss ORDINANCE NO.2014-15 sion in this state the Gity of Bleem- COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 10 OF THE Louis or the Metropolitan Air- EDINA CITY CODE orts Commission. Charlene Vold being duly sworn on an oath, CONCERNING TAXICABS p states or affirms that they are the Authorized AND TAXICAB DRIVERS Sec. 12-318. Designation signs The Ci of Edina ordains: Agent of the newspaper(s)known as: posted and visible on the exterior vehicle. Section 1.Chapter 12 Article VII Each taxicab required to be li- of the Edina City Code is amended censed b t y his article shall bear SC Edina to read: Sec.12-315.Definitions. signs identifying the vehicle n t e The following words, terms and taxicab.Such signs shall be on the and has full knowledge of the facts stated exterior of the vehicle and shall be g phrases, when used in this article, visible from each side of the vehicle. below: shall have the meanings ascribed to Sec.12-319.Exemption. (A)The newspaper has complied with all of them in this section,except where Any taxicab or taxicab drive&, the requirements constituting qualifica- the context cleadyindicates adiffereensed to operate in another-ity - ent meaning: tion as a qualified newspaper as providedCharitable Non-profit TranspQr eity where licensed to eny place or by Minn. Stat. §331A.02, §331A.07, and tation Vehicle means any vehicle for point within the eity-and-nwT4m* other applicable laws as amended. hire or other public motor vehicle travel upon the streets without be (B)This Public Notice was printed and pub- that is being used by or on behalf ing licensed in accordance with this lished in said newspaperof a non-profit charitable oraanizaartiele, provided that the taxieeb - s) for 1 succes- tion as defined by Section 501(c) driver she"not be permitted to so- sive issues; the first insertion being on Q. United States Internal Revenue 10/23/2014 and the last insertion being on Code Non-Profit Organizations. tss the tax0eab 10/23/2014. whether owned and driven by a vol- unteer driver or an employee of the as requ red by this article. non-profit charitable organization A Charitable Non-profit Trans- who is not directly paid by riders porta ion Vehicle is exempt from Street means any street, alley, the regulations set forth in this ordi- avenue,court,bridge,lane or public nance upon presentation to the City By. Taxicab. place or highway in the city. Clerk documentation establishing Authorized Agent (1)The term"taxicab"means any the Section 501 Up status of the nti motor vehicle, as defined in Minn. Section 2. This ordinance is ef- Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed before Ix Stats. § 169.011, having r fseat-ewer festive immediately upon its pas- me capacity of seven (7) or fewer sage and publication. me on 10/23/2014. persons including the driver and g engaged in carrying of persons for First Reading: September 16, 2014 hire, whether over a fixed route or not,and whether the motor vehicle Second Reading:Waived J 1p is operated from a street stand,or Published:October ,M James B.Hovland,M 0 YEA subject to calls from a garage, or Mayor Attest Notary Public otherwise operated for hire. (2)The term "taxicab" does not Debra A.Mangen,City Clerk include limousines. charitable non- ' �cy�w�;� profit transportation vehicles vehi- 1014-14,Taxicabs, Ordinance rw1fYC mR11r17�` cles used for transportation network 2014-15 Taxicabs,296761 NOWY ROWQkwoeft service, motor vehicles subject to control and regulation by the Metro- '� politan Council eammis 4on, motor vehicles regu- larly used by morticians in carrying on their business,or motor vehicles hired on an hourly basis. Taxicab driver means any person who drives a taxicab. Transportation network company (TNC)means a person or entity that provides transportation network service. Transportation network service means a prearranged transportation service offered or provided for com- pensation using an intemet-enabled application or digital platform to connect potential passengers with transportation network drivers.The term transportation network service does not include a ridesharing ar- rangement as that term is defined in Minnesota Statute Chapter 169.011 subd.65. Sec. 12-316.Vehicle License re- quired. Rate Information: No person shall operate a taxi- cab within the city without display- (1)Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users ing a valid taxicab license decal for comparable space: duly issued by another political $34.45 per column inch subdivision in this state the-Gity-of Bloomington, the Gity of St. Louis Park or the Metropolitan Airports Commission. Sec. 12-317. Driver's license re- quired. Ad ID 296761 No person shall drive a taxicab