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I Peder IXickeksen appeazed to discuss pe%i%ions previausly filed by him re@.ias%ing ins-ballation of seaer and- mater niains amdl grading of streets
in GouZdsaifihts Addihian and Abercrornbie? s Addition, EickeZsen agreed
ha secure necessary signatures to pravide an easemen% far construction
of seviep on Fifty-senenth street from Beard to France avenues, the
easement %a he dram by %he village attorney. Kokion to direct- the
village' attorney and Tillage eEgineer iia prepare an ardfm.nce crea'cing
a sanitary sever d.istric% i;o seme %&e area bounded by Fifty-seventh
Seaer- District Hoe 15$ mas made by EawthorEe, seeontie6 by Utley and carried.
Kotian to adjawn was made by Hawtho
. and Fifty-eighth streets, and- Ee&d arrd Frame avenues, to be knom its
All members of the aauncil mer-e presea%*
' Elinut'es of the regular council meeking held- August 27, 1945, =ere read
and approved a
€eqer Efickelsen appeared P;Q dfscurszr pending peiiitions far installation
. of xexer and mater mains In GouMsnihh*s Bddikion.
€;o"t;ion %a approve and allow the fo11omirg payralls mas made by 'Jillson,
seconded by Vyat-t and carrfed:
v* TAX
$20 040
$162 50
Gretchen Sehussler 3448 67.50 si;- 9.10
$29 e 58
@ZO 0 ia 50
Police Bepartmen%
Hilding Bahl 3449 I Vn. 8. Heydt 3450
4 090
94 e59
339 e 70
$567 e 50
Clayton %rickson 3451. Clarence Knut son 3452 3.60
27 . 80 ~%ree.i; BepEtptment (Regulars ) R. J. Johnson 3453
Pp H. DahfLgren 3454
$5. J. Roberks 3455
Harry Soras 3456
John Tracy 5457 I!.:.. J, Eerfeld 3458
112e 58
950 06'
10 70
6. 50
84 030
88 50
83 . 30
Skreet Department (XOLIPI.~ Eerm)
Art. Jevlxen 3459 83 . 90
1.70 2,oo
Chas . A . Johns oa 3460
'Jayne Tra~y 3462
Sm KcCreacly 3461
8,. 20
238 030
29 15
246 5'0
s c el I,tane o us
Berm Tloehlep 3463
John BaPich 3464 Gunner Stromes 3465
110 . 08
181 016
45. OQ
195 50
Joan Smith, 3466
Total Payroll o€ 9/18/45 $1 60 9 50 $124.70
Biotion to approve and allow the folloving bills
seconded by 1Vyat-t and carried:
vas made by Utley,
CLA IK 30 0
3446 Don J, ElcClellan
$rthur K* Peteraen
Glacier Sand & Gravel Coo
Phil I?. Smi'ch
Boreyts Shell Service S'cn,
Sd. Harris Std, Service Stn,
City Trmsureer, City of BEpls.
Tharnpson Lmhey Co.
Crane Company
341 7
882. $8
368 89
73 . 53
19 031
( C or,% i nu. e d )
Inkernational Himrester Coo
Jay 7. Craig Corqzny
Fred L. Gray Company
Einneapolis Gas Light Company -
League of ITimesota Eunicipalities
State Treasurer, St&e of Einnesota
Eo A. Rogers @o-pny
Hemepin County Revie17 Commissioner of Taakian, Petr. Div,
Victor Calson 6 S~PS, Inc,
Eieinhard Bros. Co.
XOF thvestern Bell Telephone Co t-, Eo Ziegler Coo lirorthern States Paver Coapany
Berg and Farnhz~iz Company
Oscar Xoberts and Company
Uiller-Davis Doapmy
Petty cash
Wex Creighton
Viola Dotjr
7inifred Ckeighton
Boy &itson
Suburban Hemepin Comity Relief Bdo
Petty Cash
3~. H. Zieglcr eo.
Villqe af lfaiua - General Fund 1
.- c US. Ha Go Dkks
Petty Cash Xmlhern States Parer GoP-
City Treasurer, City of Epls0
Totzl Bills of 9/10/45
34 22
’ r8.00
833 1 e 0 0
50 048
43 55
634 05
230 11
14 0 20
450 61
435 .OQ
350 .QO
150 08
15,000 e 00
50 00
e 50
19936 046
Arthur RoUnes appemed to natify the counail of inteiztion to establish
it bank in Edirza, tu be an affiliate of First Bank Stock Corp, a& to be
Lmom as First X:dim Stete Banko
Byron Eel1 a2peared La Pequest permissicrn eo use frme insteaa of COD- crete block cons-kruction in ’&e garage at his residence 3% Fifty-second
Sti;Peet and Gorgrzs Avenueo The Council concurred en reconmendation or”
the engineer that such request ’be grentedo
Oscar Roberts and son appeared t’o apply for pemih to buiLd a 70x100
200% ceraent block plant at their gravel pit ak Seventy-third Street .
ad France Avenue. Eo-kion to @P“EF,TTE; such pernit nas =de by Hanthorne, secjnded by 17yai;t and carriedo
Carl E. Hasen aspeered to report his intention of purchasing certa,iE .
snamp property in Block 2, Lit.CSB1 Park, for im-goveraen-ii as a lakeo ft vas st-zted as the sentinen% of the council that iif mnserz. acquires
Block 2, Li”i;el Parkg the council nould vaczte all or part‘ of Lezing-
%on Avenue from St. Johnps to Concord and repla-k the block.
Petition requestriilg installation of sanitary sei?er at %he ~es-k end of
Smyside Avenue vas received. Eotioon to refer said petikion to the village engineer vas mde by Hmthorne, secoirded by Utley 2nd carried,
~otion T;O adopt the following resolution 17as mde by Ut1eY::
(See ~a.1; Resolution)
R33SOLVXB9 by %he Village Council of the Village of Ediufa,
1. That a commercial bank is necessary for the conduct of the affairs of basinesaes and residents located
ia the Village.
2* That it recommends %he establishment of such bank
in Edina.
3, That i-k invi2es %he Pirst Bank Stock Corporation to
organize such bavlk 8s an affiliate in the Village,
Wt it nili extend all Lawful cooperation -t-atPar&
the au~~essf~l sep~ice af such ba& %a %he Villagee
Eoi;iolrr to ad-opt kL-he resold-im IY~S see
there were fiae ayes ayld no nays, as f ‘Jyztt:, aye; Hawthorne, aye; Todd, ay
Russell Land appeared and offered to give the village certain eart-h from “y
excavation for proposed opening ’of 8. 49+ Streef in exchmge far remml
. of earth. The matter 7;ms Peferred to. the village engineero
Eo-kion to gpank permit to Northern States Paxer Co, for erection of ane service pole a,% Pif-Ly-eighth, SLreek ad Xerxes Avenue and. nine sepvice
poloa on Lexing-kon Avenue west of Voodda,le Avenue wzs rmde by 7yatt9 seconded by Tillson axid carried,.
Llotion to emat pernit to Xinneapolis Gas Ligh-k Coo Tor extension of
gas main on Lakeview Drive mas made by Havthorne, seconded by Vyatt
sad carried,
Lo Jo. Higgins appeared to inquire about the s%atus of laGera,l sevtep
construction 5n Sunnyslape and ms advised the pro jcct has been abandoned and EI s sex saen ‘c s r efunded
Engineer Smith reparked on a survey af condition of sidewalks in Country
Club District, noting regairs needed, Xa-kion t-o direct the engineep to proceed with needed repairs of sidet?ralks in Country Club EistE”ict EELS
made by Utley, seconded by T!illson, and- carried.
Encineer Smith reparted need for 316 street signs in the villz.geo
ehgineer was authorized to proceed with installez-lion of such signs over
a t-rro-year period.
fFi;ley- presented a regapt on financial status af Se-aelt District Na. 8,
Letter was received from gilliarn KOPP, ouklining plans to establish a
gmie farm and 850 on proper-ky BdjQining hi&tva;y Ea. 169e The Clerk oas
authorized tt(l mite %a lEro Kgpp, advising him Ghe council could not
collsidar such proposal mithouG further izi€or.ation,
Ee-lition reques-king opening of Go~gas Avenue narth of Fifty-secould
Street- tvas rmeived. Eo-kion to conduct p~blEa hesriw at 8 P0Ee
September 2.1 on proposed opening of Gorgas Avenue mas made by Tillson,
seconded by Yyatt and Carrie&*
‘Todd reported ’&ha% an August‘ 319 1945, Utley, Ea-rrkhorne, Todd and
engineer Smit-h met witkt Perry Eoore to discuss proposed pla-kting of
Golf Terrace Heights, Second Add-ition, and Ezr, Koore recommended that
the corzncil accepk %he proposed -plat nith certain Correetiomo Todd
subsequently polled members of the cotrncil on the mtfier and the
president ad clerk were authorized to sign the proposed plat,
Eo%ioa %o reseine a nation adopted w‘G the meeting af August 279 1945,
‘$0 accept and apprave the propased plat af Golf Terrace Reights, Second-
Addition, an condition tht Carl Eo Hansen and Helen Eo Haiisen file a;
phofioatatic ca~y crf the propased plat and comply with vwious other conditions stas made by Uthey, seconded by Tillson and carriedb
Todd furthm repor6ed that
Golf Terrace Eeights, Second Addition, to the village :7ifihout cost'
md tha-b Perry Coore had stated conveyance should not be accepted until-
construction ai' sei-iers is completed. Todd Reported that if stater
mains in Golf Terrace Heights, Second Addi-biorr, vere not ded-icated to
the village, '&e Village aould retain the rich% to assess cost of the
mains agaiiist beneficed property if arrd nhen the villege shauld acquire
Carl, Himsen lxid azreed -bo convey sewerg in 80
- omership of the Eater system in the Villagee -
I T@ykgg The Vilkge. Council of the Village of Edina, in Hemep,n Com,y,
Eicnesotit, 60 ordain as follons:
cczr-pwate limits of the said Pillage of Odina is hereby created ana
established as Sener District XTO. 12 a~d shall consist of and include
the Gerrf-tory and real estat-e lying aithin said Villxe of Edina,
described as fallons, to-nit :
Section Is That certaiiz real estate and 'territory t.Iithin the
Cornacing at the point af intersection af the center line or"
Frznce Avenue and '61. 54th St,; thence running Zast alonz the
centel+ line of \To 54th St. (Wiici? is also the division line
betrieen the Tillage of Edina and the City of Llinneapolis) t-o
;z point one hundred sixty-four and nine-tenths feet (164,9')
Zast of the center line of Beard Avenue; thence South along
the ~ast line 02 LO~S 7 to 11 inclusive, lock 1, ifilite 111-
Vestment COIL~ELL'L~~~ Midden Vzlley, 60 the center line of Abbote
Place; Giieirce in a Xarthuesterly direction along the center line of Abbott Place to the center line af Beard Avenue; thence
SOuth alonz the center line of Eeasd Avenue to the point of intersection nith the South line of Blocks 7 nnd E, 3T~odb~g
€'a& :Tear L&e Harriet, extended-; thence in a Soutbzesterly
direct-ion ~lmg the South liue of said Blocks 7 and 8, to the
center line of Drcu Avenue; thence ITwGh alone the ceiiCer line
of Drez Avenue t~ the point of intersectim aith the South lim af Elocks 5 end 69 J3odbury €ark ISecr Z-A-e Harrie
extended; tkeizce Jest alms the South line of said Blocks 5
and 6, to the center line of Brmce Avenue; thence ITorth along
Lfie ceilter line of Frmce Avenue Go the point of beginningo
Reference is hereby made to plats 01 czEd additions and aub-
divisions on file and of record in the oPfice of the RezisteP
of Deeds in mid UP said Hemepin County.
Sectian ZP Y~zt a211 ordinances and resolutions and parts of ordinauces .md resolutions inconsistent uith the 7jrovisiDns of this - ordinance be ad the same hereby ne resealed.
Section 3, Tbt this ordinance be in full fwce nnd effect from
and after its gassese and publicstiono
Es-kion ta aCiopt the ordinance vas s on rollcall
there wre five cyes and no na e; :7illson, %-'e;
Tya%t, aye; Hztnti~ori?e, aJre; To e T'I~S adopted.
Kotian to adopt the Polloaiiy resolution vas made by Utley:
In Beard I?IPC~LUB, from Vest 54kh Street to Vest 55th Street;
In 3est 54th Street, from Beard Avenue 30 France Avenue;
In 'Jest Fuller Street, fron i3er-d Avenue t-o France Avenue;
In ;?est- 55th S-I;reeti, from Beard Avenue to France Avenue
# 81
~~wiie eta .be ?: &,%era1 %ev:eE, nohT therefare,
miii bay 1c;teral sewers be constrncted in the abave' mmed streetB e
en&eer nho shall drav plans and specificzkions ad prepare and
tabulate an estimated cos% of %he construction of such sever and
report the sane kh the Village Councilo
Kotirlcrn %a ;zdopL the resolutian JIBS see on rollcall
there were five ayes and no nays Tillson, aye;
c7y~tt I- ye 9" HEtwtkorne, aye; Todd, mas ad-opt ed
. I32 TT RXSOLT@D by the Villsge Council af %he Tillage af %bins %ha%
E3 IT F-R REXOZVBB that; PhiZig N, Srnihh he d-esigna;%ed as
In Beard Avenue, from Vest 54th Street to Vest 55th S%reet; Jn'Zeat 54th Streek, from Beard Avenue to France Avenue;
In ?fes% Puller Street, from Beard Avenue to Brarrce Avenue; In Test 55th S"t;eet, from Beard Avenue to Prance Anelme;
and?l?as kabulrtted the results of his estimte QT the cost thereof, all
af vhich has been reported to "che Village Council, nom therefore,
said plans and specifica'cionx be hereby accepted md be filed- si-i-11 khe
Clerk, where they shalLremain on file open to inspection of all persons
until after it coneracfi for the vork shall be let.
BE ZT RGSOEYED by the Villzge Council of the Villa,ge of Xdina thha,-k I
EX3 IT F'LktTHEZ? F33S6LVBIl hkmt %he Clerk be directed to advertise for
bids far proposals for doing the work described in said plans and- speci-
fic3,tions in the Eennepin Coranky Reviem, Hopkim ITinnesota, and- in The Improucment Eulle%in, Kinneapolis , Xinnesota, said- publications %o be at lezst- once in each meek $02 three xhczqessive weekss said. bids t-a be
opned October 15, 1945, at at00 €)*ITe
Eokion %o adopt the resolution vas seconded by Efyatt, and- on rollcall
there were five ayes an.% no nays, as fall aye; Vyai%t3 'aye;
Ha~thoime, zye: Todd, aye; U-kley, 8y n was adopt-ell,
13o'cion %o see a public hearing on the proposed Sewer Dist-rZct Woe 22
projcct, for 8 porno October 22, 1945, VEXS made by 3sTaht, Seconded by
32 llaon aiid carried,
ixkim *iio fix sal- of Clwence Enutson, policemn, at 31-75 per nor-iii~~,
ei'%ective September 15, 1945, mt~s made by Xaathorne, seconded by Jyatt and- carri ed.
;mR%AS9 gmsuanl; Go resolutian ~f the Village Council adopted
Hiay 28, 1945, constrnctiom of sidewalk has been corfipleted with thirty
bays Friar hereta an the Zast side of t%oddale ABenue, from TI, 50th