HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014-24 Amending Chapter 18, Subdivision 6 Concerning the Revision of PUD-3 ORDINANCE NO. 2014-24 AN ORDINANCE AMENDMENT REVISING PUD-3, EDINA MEDICAL BUILDING INTO PUD-3,AURORA ON FRANCE A SENIOR HOUSING AND CARE SUITE FACILITY AT 6500 FRANCE AVENUE THE CITY COUNCIL OF EDINA ORDAINS: Section 1. Subsection 36-490 of the Edina City Code. Planned Unit Development District—3, (PUD- 3), Edina Medical Building is amended as follows: Sec.36-490. Planned Unit Development District-3 (PUD-3),Aurora on France. (a) Legal description. (1) All of Lot 4 and the easterly 56.44 feet of Lot 3, Block 2, Southdale Office Park Second Addition, Hennepin County, Minnesota; and (2) Lot 3, Block 2, except the easterly 56.44 feet thereof,Southdale Office Park Second Addition, Hennepin County, Minnesota. (b) Approved plans. Incorporated herein by reference are the 6500 France Aurora on France plans received by the city on October 15 &27, 2014 except as amended by city council Resolution No. 2014-152, on file in the office of the planning department under file number 2012.003.14a. (c) Principal uses. (1) All principal uses allowed in the Regional Medical District (RMD)Zoning District, except drive-through uses. (2) Senior Independent,Assisted Living/Nursing Home,Transitional Care Suites and Memory Care Suites as proposed in the Approved Plans above. (d) Accessory uses. The following are the accessory uses allowed in the Regional Medical District (RMD): (1) Off-street parking facilities. (2) Produce stands, pursuant to permit issued by the city manager. (3) Signs allowed per the Regional Medical District. (e) Conditional uses. There are no conditional uses for Planned Unit Development District-3 (PUD-3). Ord No. 2014-24 Page 2 (f) Development standards. Development standards per the RMD zoning district, except the following: (1) Building setbacks. a. Front. 1. France Avenue: 25 feet. 2. 65th Street: 25 feet. b. Side—West:43 feet. c. Rear—South: 20&30 feet. (2) PaFI(i g Famp setbacks a. t. 7 G5%th C+re e+. 25 fee+ Gide—We +• 1 C feet. . vnzc—rr�.�crxTccz. e_ Rear—ce..+I,: 20 feet. (3) Building height:five stories or 62 feet. (4) Maximum floor area ratio: 220 percent. (5) Chiller/mechanical equipment setbacks. If the footprint is larger than 36 square feet in area or six feet in height, utility and/or mechanical equipment shall be required to meet the front setback requirements in subsection (f)(1)of this section.The side and rear setback requirements shall be six feet. Mechanical equipment must also meet the following conditions: a. All mechanical equipment accessory to any building shall be screened from all lot lines and streets in accordance with section 36-1459. b. Noise from mechanical equipment shall be subject to the city's noise regulations in accordance with article II, division 5 of chapter 16. (6) Signage per article XIII, division 5 section 36-1715 (Regional Medical District). Section 2. This ordinance is effective immediately upon its passage. First Reading: December 2, 2014 Second Reading: Waived Published: December 11, 2014 l / Attest _ffGL , ebra A. Mangen, City Clerk oLdKa-y- 2 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION City of Edina lowing conditions: (Official Publication) a. All mechanical equipment STATE OF MINNESOTA )ss ORDINANCE NO.2014-24 accessory to any building shall COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) AN ORDINANCE AMENDMENT be screened from all lot lines and REVISING PUD-3,EDINA streets in accordance with section MEDICAL BUILDING 36-1459. Charlene Vold being duly sworn on an oath, INTO PUD-3,AURORA ON b.Noise from mechanical equip- states or affirms that they are the Authorized FRANCE A SENIOR HOUSING ment shall be subject to the city's Agent of the newspaper(s) known as: AND CARE SUITE FACILITY noise regulations in accordance AT 6500 FRANCE AVENUE with article II,division 5 of chapter THE CITY COUNCIL OF EDINA 16. SC Edina ORDAINS: (6)Signage per article All, divi- Section 1.Subsection 36-490 of sion 5 section 36-1715 (Regional the Edina City Code. Planned Unit Medical District). and has full knowledge of the facts stated Development District-3, (PUD-3), Section 2. This ordinance is ef- below: Edina Medical Building is amended festive immediately upon its pas- sage. as follows: (A)The newspaper has complied with all of First Reading:December 2,2014 the requirements constituting qualifica- Sec.36-490.Planned Unit Devel- Second Reading:Waived oPublished:December 11,2014 pment District-3 (PUD-3), Aurora tion as a qualified newspaper as provided on France. by Minn. Stat. §331A.02, §331A.07, and (a)Legal description. James B.Hovland,Mayor Attest other applicable laws as amended. (1)All of Lot 4 and the easterly 56.44 feet of Lot 3,Block 2,South- Debra A.Mangan,City Clerk (B)This Public Notice was printed and pub- dale office Park second Addition, lished in said newspaper(s) for 1 susses- Hennepin County,Minnesota;and 12/11/14,3SC1, sive issues; the first insertion being on (2) Lot 3, Block 2, except the Ordinance 2014-24,322410 12/11/2014 and the last insertion being on easterly 56.44 feet thereof, South- 12/11/2014. dale Office Park Second Addition, Hennepin County,Minnesota. (b)Approved plans.Incorporated herein by reference are the 6500 France Aurora on France plans re- ceived by the city on October 15 &27,2014 except as amended by By: city council Resolution No. 2014- Authorized Agent 152,on file in the office of the plan- ning department under file number Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed before 2012.003.14x. me on 12/11/20]4. (c)Principal uses. (1) All principal uses allowed in the Regional Medical District (RMD)Zoning District,except drive- ^\ through uses. (2)Senior Independent,Assisted "1v Living/Nursing Home, Transitional Notary Public Care Suites and Memory Care Suites as proposed in the Approved Plans above. (d)Accessory uses.The following ,zvv vvvv.vv'w �vpv`^r���v�^�VvV�N�1pINp�M are the accessory uses allowed in MARIE t�PY�rs1'IGi1r�1w the Regional Medical District(RMD): Pu&0'M (1)Off-street parking facilities. NOWCarmY �� ' (2) Produce stands, pursuant to my permit issued by the city manager. (3)Signs allowed per the Region- al Medical District. (e) Conditional uses. There are no conditional uses for Planned Unit Development District-3(PUD-3). (f) Development standards. De- velopment standards per the RMD zoning district,except the following: (1)Building setbacks. a.Front. 1.France Avenue:25 feet. 2.65th Street:25 feet. b.Side—West:43 feet. c.Rear—South:20&30 feet. (2)Parking a ip setbeeks. e-Frenk 2.651h 61 eet. za-foes b..sr'de We3t!i 6 neer. c.Rear Satill.20 feet. (3)Building height:five stories or 62 feet. (4)Maximum floor area ratio:220 Rate Information: percent. (5)Chiller/mechanical equipment (1)Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users setbacks. If the footprint is larger for comparable space: than 36 square feet in area or six $34.45 per column inch feet in height,utility and/or mechan- ical equipment shall be required to meet the front setback requirements in subsection (f)(1) of this section. The side and rear setback require- ments shall be six feet.Mechanical Ad I D 322410 equipment must also meet the fol-