HomeMy WebLinkAbout19451004_ADJOURNED322 IT FURTmR RZSOLVED, th'c the foregoing schedule 02 correct& J asseasiiieii'cs and the corrections therein specified- are hereby adopted, levied- sild cocfimned 2s the corrected special assessments e@ins% each tract and pircel of land in said District E+E~- +;he Cov.z?'~y AucE-Zor of He~inegin County is liereby zutharizecl to correct and reduce the original assessiiient certified October 27, 1941, as hereinbefore set forth. specid. assessnents EUL~ 40% of the in-kerest thereon for such Sever District Xo. 9 originally cer-iiified do the Co~m-iiy Auditor October 27$ 1941, nhich have heretofore been paid or are herafBer paid- to the Villzge of Edina in the amounts originally EO levied shnll be refunded by the Village from Bunds OB Sener District Re 9 to the persomi law- fully enGPtled. thereta upon filing SPJO~YL proof thereaf by such 9crsons nith the VYllzge Clerk. Xo-kion t-a cdopk the resolution mas seconded. by Villson and on rollcalL there nere five ayes and na nays9 as folloms: Utley, aye; Tillson, ?-ye 5 Vyat t , aye 5 Ham'ch or ne, 8iye 5 Todd. -233 IT FmTm RESOLTXD tht of $he principal of all said I 4, 1945, EINTJTES 03' THB ADJOURKZD SPECIAL N33BTIMG OF THE EDIIVA VILLAGX COUECIL i-IEI;D IR VILLAGF: HALL AT 7:30 P, H. OCTOBER 4, 1945. All merdbers of the council were present. Yroposed budgets for various village departments for the year 1945 . were considered. botion to adjourr, was made by Wyatt, and carried, * XIMITES OB THB R3GULAR BIEETING OF THE EDINA VILLAGB COU3VCIL HELD IN ViLLAGE HALL 4T 8 P. 3?. OCTOBER 8, 1945 All members of the council were present, Xotion to approve and allow the following bills was made by Vyatt, seconded by '#illson and carried: Naa CUIā‚¬{ NO, AI UhTT I' General Zund II_ Arthur Peters en 3498 Yred L. Gray Company 3500 Country Club Dist. Serv. 3501 Firestone Stores 3502 American Linen Company . 3503 Phil V. Smith 3504 Xpls. Real Estate Bd. 3499 492.80 39.19 21.85 1.75 5.25 50,OO 25 00