HomeMy WebLinkAbout1952-164 Resolution Changing the Name of Certain Specified Streets in the Village of Edina A RESOLUTION CHANGING THE NAME OF CERTAIN
BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina, Hennepin
County, Minnesota, as follows:
1. That the name of WESSEX AVENUE, between W. 56th Street and Windsor
Avenue, be changed to "CODE AVENUE".
2. That the name of WILLSON DRIVE be changed to "EDENMOOR STREET" .
3. That the name of WOODHILL ROAD, between Wooddale Avenue and Lakeview
Drive, be changed to "LAKEVIEW DRIVE" .
4. That the name of CRESCENT DRIVE, between Lakeview Drive and Golf
Terrace, be changed to "LAKEVIEW DRIVE" .
5. That the name of FULTON AVENUE, between Motor Street and the North
Boundary Line of "BEVERLY HILLS" Addition, be changed to "OXFORD AVENUE" .
6. That the name of W. 46TH STREET, between Rutledge Avenue and the
East Boundary Line of "BEVERLY HILLS" Addition, be changed to "HOLLYWOOD
7. That the name of DEARBORN STREET, between Valley View Road and
Holborn Avenue, be changed to "WEST 64TH STREET".
8. That the name of OLINGER ROAD, between Tracy Avenue and Olinger
Road, be changed to "TRACY AVENUE".
9. That the name of that portion of OLINGER ROAD running East and West
from the present North-and-South Olinger Road to Holborn Avenue be changed to
10. That the name of WESSEX AVENUE, between Windsor Avenue and the South
Boundary Line of "Richmond Hills" Addition, be changed to "RICHMOND DRIVE" .
11. That the name of WESTCHESTER AVENUE, between Hansen Road and the
present Wessex Avenue, be changed to "WINDSOR AVENUE" .
ATTEST: President of the Village Council
Village Clerk
Resolution adopted on September 26, 1949.
Block 1,Brucewood,and the some extended said Lot Twenty-seven (27) a distance of of said North-South alley to the Northwest
to the South line of Wee 52nd Streets Sixty-nine (69)feet to the Southwest corner corner of Lot Nine(9),Block Two(2),South
thence East to the Northwest corner of of said Lot Twenty-seven (27); thence North Harriet Park Second Additions thence East
Lot 1, Block 2, South Harriet Park 2nd on the West line of said Lot Twenty-seven along the North lot line of said Lot Nine
Additions thence Southerly along the East- (27) a distance of Seven (7) feet to the (9), Block Two (2), to the Southwest corner
erly line of the alley in said Block 2, South Southeast (SE) corner of Lot Twenty-eight of Lot Thirty-two (32), Block One (1),South
Harriet Park 2nd Addition to the North (28), Auditor's Subdivision No. 172; thence Harriet Park Second Additions thence North
line of West 54th Streets thence East to the West on the North line of West 50th Street along the West line of said Lot Thirty-two
Southeast corner of lot 19, Block 1, South a distance of Six Hundred and Forty-two (32),Block One (1)to the Northwest corner
Harriet Park 2nd Additions thence Northerly Hundredths (600.42) feet more or less; of said lot;thence East along the North lot
along the North and South center line of thence North a distance of Four Hundred line of said Lot Thirtytwo (32), Block One
Block 1, South Harriet Park 2nd Addition Fifty-seven and Five4enths (457.5) feet; (1), to the Southwest corner of Lot Seven
to the Southwest corner of Lot 2, Block 1, thence East on a line parallel to and distant (7), Block One (1), South Harriet Pork
South Harriet Park 2nd Additions thence One Hundred Thirty-five (135) feet North Second Additions thence North along the
East to the Southeast comer of said Lot 2; from the North line of the Street now known West lot line of said Lot Seven (7), Block
thence North along the West line of France as West 49% Street a distance of Six Hun. One (1); thence East along the North lot
Avenue to the Northeast corner of Lot 46, dred Sixty-nine and Forty-two Hundredths line of said point of beginning.
Auditors Subdivision No. 172; thence West (699.42) feet more or less to Its point of
along the North line of said Lot 46 a dis- intersection with the West line of France No. 164
tante of 135 feels thence North parallel Avenues thence South on the West line of
to France Avenue to the North line of Lot France Avenue a distance of Four Hundred AN ORDINANCE NAMING AND
56, Auditors Subdivision No. 172; thence Sixty-four and Five-tenths (465.5)feet more RENAMING CERTAIN ROADS,STREETS
West to the Southeast corner of Lot 54, or leas to the point of beginning.
Auditors Subdivision No. 172;thence North AND AVENUES IN THE VILLAGE OF EDINA
parallel to Halifax Avenue to the South line Stone Sewer District No. 13. The real 1. Old County Road No. 2, running
of 50th Streets thence West along the South property In the Village bounded by a line southwesterly from West 50th Street to
line of 50th Street to the point of beginning. drawn as follows is hereby created and es- Highway No. 169 (Eden Prairie Road) re-
Reference is hereby made to the plats of tablished as Storm Sewer-District No. Q. named"Eden Avenue."
said additions on file and of record In the Beginning at the Northeast corner of Lot 2. Unnamed roads running north from
office of the Register of Deeds in and for Nineteen (19), Block One (1), Brucewood Interlachen Boulevard north to the Minna
said Hennepin County. Additions thence South along the West line apoils-St. Paul Suburban Railway right of
of Bruce Avenue to the Northeast corner of way through Cooper property, renamed
Stone Sower Village No. ed The real Lot Eight (8) of sold blocks thence South "Cooper Circle East and Coo
property in the Village bounded by a line along the East line of said lot to Minnehaho VV�p Per Circle
drown as follows is hereby created and es- Creek; thence in a Westerly and Northerly 3. Main Street, running south from Min.
tablished as Storm Sewer District No. 11: direction upstream along Minnehoho Creek neopolis-St. Paul Suburban Railway thence
Beginning at the Southeast corner of Lot to the Northwest corner of Lot Nineteen southwester m vicinity of Mirror lake and
Five (5), Block One (1), Stevens First Ad- (19) of said blocks thence East along the along the south shore and
oof Mirror Lo
dition, thence West on the South line of North line of said Lot Nineteen (19) to the thence south-so-called f Road La re,
said Lot Five (5) across Indianola Avenue point of beginning. named "Bloke Road."
tended to the Southeast comer of Lot Six on this South line of said Lot Five (5) ex- Storm Sewer District No. 14. The real 4. Unnamed road, extension of Inter.
(6), Block Two (2), Stevens First Addition, property in the Village bounded by a line lachen Boulevard, running weal approxi.
thence West on the South line of Lots Five drawn as follows is hereby created and es- mately one-half mile from Blake Road, re-
(5) and Six (6), Block Two(2), Stevens First toblished as Storm Sewer District No. 14: named "Interlachen Boulevard."
Addition and across Juanita Avenue on Beginning at the Southeast(SE)corner of S. County Road 39,from corner of West
this line extended to the West line of Jay Lot 49, Auditor's Subdivision No. 172; 62nd Street and State Highway 100 and
Places thence North on this West line of thence West on the South line of said lot running southwesterly to Poor Form Road
Jay Places thence to the South line of 49 a distance of 300.75' to the Southwest on the west Village limits,renamed Walley
West 50th St., thence West on the South (SW) corner of Lot 49,thence North along View Road."
line of West 50th St., to the center line of East line of Loh 55, 53, $2, 51 and 41 6. Road often referred to as the Gleason
Arden Avenue, thence North on the center a distance of 264' to the Northeast (NEI Road running from Valley View Road to
line of Arden Avenue to its point of Inter- corner of Lot 41,Auditor's Subdivision No. State Highway 169,to be known henceforth
section with the center line of West 50th St.; 172; thence West on the South line of as"Gleason Road."
thence East on the center line of West 50th Lot 43,Auditor's Subdivision No. 172 a dis- 7. Unnamed road running south from
St. to Its point of intersection with the tance of 155's thence North on a line poral- West 70th Street, Cahill Sctooi Corner,
East line of Lot Two (2), Block One (1), lel to and distant 155' West from the East south to Highway No. 5, named "Cahill
Stevem First Addition extendeds thence line of said Lot 43 a distance of 356' to Road."
South on this East line of said Lot Two (2) the South line of W. 50th Streets thence 8. Extension of West 70th Street, west
extended to the Southeast corner of said East on the South line of W. 50th Street of Cahill Road Intersection at Cahill School,
Lot Two (2); thence West on the South line a distance of 455' more or less to the extending 6-distance of approsamately one.
of Lot Two (2), Block One(1), Stevens First Northeast (NE) comer of Lot 47, Auditor's half mile,named "West 70th Street."
Addition a distance of Twenty-five and Subdivision No. 172; thence South on the 9, So-called Olinger Road running south
Sixty-nine One Hundredths Feet (25.691 to East fine of Lots 47, 45 and 49, Auditor's and west from Highway 169 to Valley View
its point of Intersection with East line of Subdivision No. 172 a distance of 620' Road,to be known henceforth as "Olinger
Lot Four (4), Block One (1), Stevens first more or less to the point of beginning. Road."
Addition extended North,thence South on Storm Sewer District No. 15. The real 10. So-called Hansen Road running south
this East line of Lot Four (4), extended to ro In the Village bounded from State Highway
the Southeast corner of said Lot Four (4); property g by n line ll way w a and when ex-
drawn as follows is hereby created and as• tended to Valley View Rood) shall hence-
thence South on the East line of Lot Five(5), tablished as Storm Sewer District No. 15: forth be known as"Hansen Road"
Block One(1),Stevens First Addition to the
point of beginning. Beginning at the Northeast corner of 11. Josephine Lane, extending-between
Lot Seven (7), Block One(1),South Harriet West 48th Street and West 49th Street,
Stone Sewer District No. 12. The real Park Second Addition, thence South along renamed "Westbrook Lane."
property in the Village bounded by a line the West line of France Avenue to the North 12. Market Street, extending between
drawn as follows is hereby created and es- line of W. 54th Street; thence West along France Avenue and Halifax Avenue, re-
toblielmd as Storm Sewer District No. 12: North line of W. 54th Street to the East named"West 49%Street"
Beginning at the Southeast(SE)corner of line of the North-South alley in Block Two 13. Unity Avenue, lying between Lake.
Lot Twenty-seven (27) Audttoes Subdivision (2), South Harriet Park Second Additions view Drive and Southview Lane, renamed
No. 172;thence West on the South line of thence Northeasterly along the East line "Sherwood Avenue."
History: 10/30/52 Codification