HomeMy WebLinkAbout19451008_REGULAR322 IT FURTmR RZSOLVED, th'c the foregoing schedule 02 correct& J asseasiiieii'cs and the corrections therein specified- are hereby adopted, levied- sild cocfimned 2s the corrected special assessments e@ins% each tract and pircel of land in said District E+E~- +;he Cov.z?'~y AucE-Zor of He~inegin County is liereby zutharizecl to correct and reduce the original assessiiient certified October 27, 1941, as hereinbefore set forth. specid. assessnents EUL~ 40% of the in-kerest thereon for such Sever District Xo. 9 originally cer-iiified do the Co~m-iiy Auditor October 27$ 1941, nhich have heretofore been paid or are herafBer paid- to the Villzge of Edina in the amounts originally EO levied shnll be refunded by the Village from Bunds OB Sener District Re 9 to the persomi law- fully enGPtled. thereta upon filing SPJO~YL proof thereaf by such 9crsons nith the VYllzge Clerk. Xo-kion t-a cdopk the resolution mas seconded. by Villson and on rollcalL there nere five ayes and na nays9 as folloms: Utley, aye; Tillson, ?-ye 5 Vyat t , aye 5 Ham'ch or ne, 8iye 5 Todd. -233 IT FmTm RESOLTXD tht of $he principal of all said I 4, 1945, EINTJTES 03' THB ADJOURKZD SPECIAL N33BTIMG OF THE EDIIVA VILLAGX COUECIL i-IEI;D IR VILLAGF: HALL AT 7:30 P, H. OCTOBER 4, 1945. All merdbers of the council were present. Yroposed budgets for various village departments for the year 1945 . were considered. botion to adjourr, was made by Wyatt, and carried, * XIMITES OB THB R3GULAR BIEETING OF THE EDINA VILLAGB COU3VCIL HELD IN ViLLAGE HALL 4T 8 P. 3?. OCTOBER 8, 1945 All members of the council were present, Xotion to approve and allow the following bills was made by Vyatt, seconded by '#illson and carried: Naa CUI€{ NO, AI UhTT I' General Zund II_ Arthur Peters en 3498 Yred L. Gray Company 3500 Country Club Dist. Serv. 3501 Firestone Stores 3502 American Linen Company . 3503 Phil V. Smith 3504 Xpls. Real Estate Bd. 3499 492.80 39.19 21.85 1.75 5.25 50,OO 25 00 Epls. City Treasurer Fair, City mick Ca. Edina Hardware Lundin Garage Ed. Harris Service Station Zietor Carlson & Sons, Inc. Reinhard Brothers Coo H. A. Rogers Company i'?'. E. Lahr Company Eennepin County Review Village of Hopkins Jay \d. Craig Company Edina Voluri-beer Fire Dept . Linde Air Products Co. Landers-Norblom-Christ ensm Co. Epls. Blue PriEting Co. Gile Let 3er Servic e Lyle Bigns, inc. Phillips Petroleum (20. $asper Jasperson Chas. Olson & Sons, Inc. Bahlberg Bras., Inc. Liar&ato IXg. Go. \Tes tgat e Eot or Sales Alex Creighton Berg and Tarnham Company Oscar Roberts B Company P. T. Smisek ihl. ii. Ziegler Go., Inc. &iller-l>avis Company Northern States Power Company 3505 3506 3507 35 08 3509 35 10 35 11 3512 3 513 3514 3515 3516 3517 3518 3519 3520 3521 3522 3523 3524 3525 3526 3521 3528 3529 3530 3531 3532 3533 3534 3535 218.79 126.90 20.05 69.65 59.66 44.76 7.65 400,OO 16.10 1.28 94.78 82.83 2.35 26.25 14.62 27.90 80 75 19.85 100.00 11075 12.00 6.21 13e07 15.00 1,385.80 43 70 634 56 15090 107.40 7.04 1,136. oa Suburban lienn. Cy. RelMS Bd. 3536 137.46 SOD. #8 TW Vm. K. Ziegler Coo, Inc. 3533 26.45 hoxard R. Clark L. C. Cline Xrs. H. G. Birks Al. H. Peterson 5,366.44 137.46 3537 120.36 3538 14.62 3539 5; 00 S. D. $9 FUND 166.43 3540 125eOO 125.00 SE!'mR RENTAL mTND 2ii 11 er - Dav i s Company 3534 70.00 idorthern States, Power Co . 3535 1.40 71.40 TOTAL BIUS PAID 8 5,866.73 Kotion to approve and allow the follomii-ig payrolls was made by \Tillson, seconded by ;;Jyatt and carried: Adminis traticln Phil 17. Sraith CUIPI NO. 3541 Gretchen Schussler 3542 II "fOeY.) 3543 Sub- t o tal Police Department Eilding Dah1 3544 3545 ;'rfn. S. heydt Clayton Erickson 3546 Glareme Lfnutsson 3547 Doxald helson 3548 ._ Sub-total 8 162.50 87.50 78.22 8 328.22 (5 20.40 13.20 142.10 74.30 66.62 283 . 02 102.50 8.20 94.30 97.50 11 . 10 86.40 87.50 4.90 88-60 87.50 4.90 82.60 65.32 8 440.32 4.50 60.82 8 33-60 $406.72 , - CUEi NO. Street Iiept. (Heguiar men) R. JD Johnson 3549 Y. H. Dahlgreri 3550 S. S. Roberts 3551 Harry Jonas 3552 John Tracy 3553 ifD 5. EIerfeld 3554’ Sub-total Street Dept. (Hourly men) Arthur Jen s en 3555 Chas. Johnson 3556 . Barn EicCready 3557 E. C. Pfeiffer 3558 Sub- t ot a1 Xis cellaneo us Sen Voehler 3559 112.50 95.60 85.00 85.00 95.00 97.50 570.00 85 . 00 72.25 54.40 5Y.50 . 271.15 v. TAX 14.40 10 70 6.50 4.50 1.70 7.00 44.80 1.70 2.00 3.30 98.10 84.SO 88.50 83.30 80.50 Y0,56 525.20 8Y.Ytj 70.25 56 . 20 5.90 TOTAL 8 1,719.6’9 $ 141.40 $1,578.29 Eotian that the council consider adoption of an ordinance to establish and operate a municipal off-sale liquor dispensary on and after April 1, 1946, was made by hwthorne, seconded by Gyatt . Chester iiichols, appearing as attorney for Bay & Stemon GO., spoke in opposition to establishing a wmicipal liquor store. kie stated a 1945 h~innesota state law restricts the right of municipalities to engage in the liquor business by requiring a municipality to pur- cham the stock, equipment and other tangible personal property of any privately-operated store which would be put out of business by ‘ a municipal store. Be cited a section of the state liquor law which he said prohibits operation of a municipal liquor dispensary by any municipality with more than 10,1300 population and he predicted population of Edina will exceed 10,000 in the next federal census, He stated operation of a municipal liquor store would-be an inter- ference with private enterprise and stated that he is opposed to goverment’in business. he said four out of five men who vote in . Xdina do not approve of goverment in business. I J. 2. Louis stated he concurs with Hicnols‘ objection to government in business. Grant E. Hiil said his observation had been that the Hay eC Stenson store vas conducted in a manner to be a credit to the village and that he is opposed to a municipal store. . Coord- Roosen, kf. H. Gilkey, Ben Parks, Charles Hay, G. E. Rmisey and H. i’orland also spoke in opposition to establishment of a municipal liquor store. ’Hamsey suggested the question be put to a vote of the people in the village and my pointed out it is not within the province of the council to dond-ucf; such a vote. ido‘tion to refer the proposed municipal liquor dispensary ordinance back to the council for further sibudy was mad-e by Ittley, seconded r>y Hawthorne and carried. Petition vas received from Laurence 1,. and Patricia Re Sargent, requesting abandonment of Gorgas avenue south of Fifty-second street, laio”iron to grant the petition and to direct the village attorney to I draft the necessary papers to convey to Laurence E. and Patricia R. ma.smade by Hawthorne, seconded by riillson and carried. . 5argen-f; the property previously dedicated- by then1 for said avenue Petition for permit to erect tmo ornmental street lights on Arden avenue .between 3iftieth and Pifty-first streets at expense of property svners was received, dillson, seconded by uiyatt aEd carried. Lotion to grant building permit tct Warren H. Posthumus for construction 04’ a residence at 5709 Interlachen road, on condition the applicant file plans for the structure and proof of ability to finance completion or the building was made by diilson, seconded by hawthorne and carried, Xotion to grant said petition vas made by 92 1 Utley offered the folloaing resolution and moved its adoption: rn IT RESOLTIEDs that the tax levy for the Village of Edina for 1946 is: General fund, $Y35,140; Poor fund, $S,5CN; VoLunteer fire de- partment relief association fund, $360, and that the same be certified to the Gounty kudi-bor of Iiennepin County to be spread upon the tax rolls. .. Lotion to adopt the resolution vias seconded by Villson and on roll call there were four ayes and one not vo i7iilson, aye; 'Gyatt , not voting; Hawthor resolution was adopt ed. ATTBST f / 41 erk Ben Parks appeared to discuss installation of water main in Golf Terrace iieights, Birst Addition, and improvement of streets in Golf Terrace deights, The mat-hers were referred to dillson and Engineer Smith Tor inspecti on. Letter was received from howard R. Clark, transmitting a recommendation by the Far% Board that the 1546 budget for parks be set at $5,000, Petition vas received requesting vacation of ao alley between York and Zenith avenues and Pifty-fifth and 3'ifty-sixth streets. refer said petition to Xngineer Smith was made 'by Ha17thorne, secmded by riillson ar,d carried. Petition signed by 19 ouners of affected property, requesting in- ') stailatim of water main on Ealifax avenue from Pifty-second to Fifty- 7 f'gmth streets nas received. Xotion to conduct public hearing on said petition at 8 p. M. October 22, 1945, and to notify all affected ztroperty omers of such hearing was made by Hawthorne, seconded by ifillson and carried. Ba-athorne offered the followir,g resolution and moved its adoption: BE IT RESOLVED, that assessment rolls for the following special im- provement projects be approved and that the village clerk be authorized and directed to certify said assessment rolls to the Cour,ty Auditor - nY HeRnmin GnilntV tn he Anread linon the tax rolls, - - Eotion to r ? d I Teed ?,Toning Sem er Rental Siderralks Street Oiling $505.00 250.80 383.34 401.55 Correction on Indianela 57.24 Tot a1 8 1,597.93 Sanitary Sever . __ ...... . . . Ali members of the council mere present. $ids vere received and opened for construction of lateral sewers in Sewer gistrict &o. 12. Five biders mere represented: Lametti and Leametti Orfei and Eariani De Graff Wolff Phelps-Erake Go. S. 5. GPoves S;: Sons $19,75 0 3 2 19,838.50 22 I 725 , 64 20,628.75 37 226.70