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1 Utley offered the folloaing resolution and moved its adoption:
rn IT RESOLTIEDs that the tax levy for the Village of Edina for 1946 is: General fund, $Y35,140; Poor fund, $S,5CN; VoLunteer fire de-
partment relief association fund, $360, and that the same be certified
to the Gounty kudi-bor of Iiennepin County to be spread upon the tax
rolls. ..
Lotion to adopt the resolution vias seconded by Villson and on roll
call there were four ayes and one not vo
i7iilson, aye; 'Gyatt , not voting; Hawthor resolution was adopt ed.
41 erk
Ben Parks appeared to discuss installation of water main in Golf
Terrace iieights, Birst Addition, and improvement of streets in Golf
Terrace deights, The mat-hers were referred to dillson and Engineer
Smith Tor inspecti on.
Letter was received from howard R. Clark, transmitting a recommendation
by the Far% Board that the 1546 budget for parks be set at $5,000,
Petition vas received requesting vacation of ao alley between York and Zenith avenues and Pifty-fifth and 3'ifty-sixth streets. refer said petition to Xngineer Smith was made 'by Ha17thorne, secmded
by riillson ar,d carried.
Petition signed by 19 ouners of affected property, requesting in-
') stailatim of water main on Ealifax avenue from Pifty-second to Fifty- 7 f'gmth streets nas received. Xotion to conduct public hearing on
said petition at 8 p. M. October 22, 1945, and to notify all affected ztroperty omers of such hearing was made by Hawthorne, seconded by ifillson and carried.
Ba-athorne offered the followir,g resolution and moved its adoption:
BE IT RESOLVED, that assessment rolls for the following special im- provement projects be approved and that the village clerk be authorized
and directed to certify said assessment rolls to the Cour,ty Auditor
- nY HeRnmin GnilntV tn he Anread linon the tax rolls, - -
Eotion to
Teed ?,Toning Sem er Rental
Street Oiling
Correction on Indianela 57.24
Tot a1 8 1,597.93
Sanitary Sever
. __ ......
. .
Ali members of the council mere present.
$ids vere received and opened for construction of lateral sewers in
Sewer gistrict &o. 12. Five biders mere represented:
Lametti and Leametti Orfei and Eariani De Graff Wolff
Phelps-Erake Go.
S. 5. GPoves S;: Sons
$19,75 0 3 2
22 I 725 , 64
37 226.70
.I Kotion €0 refer the bids to Engineer Smith for tabulation and com-
parison mas made 'by uiyatt, seconded by Willson and carried.
Bids were received and opened for a road patrol arid equipment ,
Two bidders were represented: .
\Tim. H. Ziegler Campany
Geoi T. Ryan Gompany
Representative of Geoi T. ~ya;tz
specifications for the bids could be met by only one manufacturer.
' Letter vas received from Leonard CT. Odell, recommend-ing the council advertise for road patrgls with both four and six cylinder engines, k'otion to readvertise for bids on a road patrol and equipment,
specifjring either four or six cylinder engine was made by Wyatt, seconded by Hawthorne and carried.
company stated published
K. D. Furber, representing Northern States Power Go,, appeared to
state that the power company would-be willing to remove all overhead
power lines in the business dhtrict at Biftieth street and France averme and.to install underground service at no expense to the village i$ streets in the district should be widened, Burber
also presented plans for insballat ion of ornamental "whi te-t"say"
street lights in the business district, such installation to be'
paid for by benefitted property owners. Several businessmen from
the district appeased and expressed approval of %he proposed
Pignting installa%ion and discussed proposals for widening E'rqnce
Avenue ana Fiftieth street .
Eotion to approve plans for installation of ornamental streetlights in the business district, with all cost of installation to be paid
by benefitted property owners, mas made by Bauthorne, seconded 'by
Zrtley and cawried.
Yo'oion to instruct tne village engineer to prepare plans for
midening of Iii'iftieth street four feet on each side from X'rance
avenue to Halifax averwe and for widening of Pra'nce avenue two feet on the Bciina side from Porty-ninth to Pifty-first streets
was made by Itlilwthorne, seconded by VJii.lson and carried. I
-eiotion to ciireci; the village attorney to draft an amendimmi to )< the village zoning ordinance establishing a so-called Porty-ninth-
and one-half street from France avenue to Halifax avenue, opening
Halifax avenue from Pif tieth street to Forty-ninth- and-one-haU
street, to re-zone not to exceed 135 feet north of Yorty-ninth- anu-one-half street Trom Halifax to $ranee avenues for commercial use, to rezone 1lU feet vest on Fiftieth street for commercial u8e and to provide for reasonable and Eecessary sefback of buildings on Yorty-ninth-and-one-half street to provide for parking area,
% with public hearing. on said amendment to be held at 8 p. m. on
Ucfober 29, 1945, was mad-e by Utley, secmded by Hawthorne and
carr iPd,
&lotion to authorize appraisal of property south of Fifty-sixth street between Park place (extended) and Kinnenaha creek for
possible acquisition as a park was maae 'by Villson, seconded Dy
Litley and carried.
Lotmn to deny-application of Em, Vinkley for permit to build a
20x60 foot shed at Pifty-eighth street and 3airfax averiue was
made by '#illson, seconded by titley ana carried.
hcotim to adjourn mas mde by Hawthorne, seconded by Utley and
carr ie d.
HALL ,A%' 8 P. 3L OCTOBER 22, 1945
811 lumbers of the council weze present.
Potion to approve and allow the folloving payrolls mas made by
i'iillson, seccmded by v6yatt and carried: