HomeMy WebLinkAbout19451022_REGULAR93' .I Kotion €0 refer the bids to Engineer Smith for tabulation and com- parison mas made 'by uiyatt, seconded by Willson and carried. Bids were received and opened for a road patrol arid equipment , Two bidders were represented: . \Tim. H. Ziegler Campany Geoi T. Ryan Gompany Representative of Geoi T. ~ya;tz specifications for the bids could be met by only one manufacturer. ' Letter vas received from Leonard CT. Odell, recommend-ing the council advertise for road patrgls with both four and six cylinder engines, k'otion to readvertise for bids on a road patrol and equipment, specifjring either four or six cylinder engine was made by Wyatt, seconded by Hawthorne and carried. company stated published K. D. Furber, representing Northern States Power Go,, appeared to state that the power company would-be willing to remove all overhead power lines in the business dhtrict at Biftieth street and France averme and.to install underground service at no expense to the village i$ streets in the district should be widened, Burber also presented plans for insballat ion of ornamental "whi te-t"say" street lights in the business district, such installation to be' paid for by benefitted property owners. Several businessmen from the district appeased and expressed approval of %he proposed Pignting installa%ion and discussed proposals for widening E'rqnce Avenue ana Fiftieth street . Eotion to approve plans for installation of ornamental streetlights in the business district, with all cost of installation to be paid by benefitted property owners, mas made by Bauthorne, seconded 'by Zrtley and cawried. Yo'oion to instruct tne village engineer to prepare plans for midening of Iii'iftieth street four feet on each side from X'rance avenue to Halifax averwe and for widening of Pra'nce avenue two feet on the Bciina side from Porty-ninth to Pifty-first streets was made by Itlilwthorne, seconded by VJii.lson and carried. I -eiotion to ciireci; the village attorney to draft an amendimmi to )< the village zoning ordinance establishing a so-called Porty-ninth- and one-half street from France avenue to Halifax avenue, opening Halifax avenue from Pif tieth street to Forty-ninth- and-one-haU street, to re-zone not to exceed 135 feet north of Yorty-ninth- anu-one-half street Trom Halifax to $ranee avenues for commercial use, to rezone 1lU feet vest on Fiftieth street for commercial u8e and to provide for reasonable and Eecessary sefback of buildings on Yorty-ninth-and-one-half street to provide for parking area, % with public hearing. on said amendment to be held at 8 p. m. on Ucfober 29, 1945, was mad-e by Utley, secmded by Hawthorne and carr iPd, &lotion to authorize appraisal of property south of Fifty-sixth street between Park place (extended) and Kinnenaha creek for possible acquisition as a park was maae 'by Villson, seconded Dy Litley and carried. Lotmn to deny-application of Em, Vinkley for permit to build a 20x60 foot shed at Pifty-eighth street and 3airfax averiue was made by '#illson, seconded by titley ana carried. hcotim to adjourn mas mde by Hawthorne, seconded by Utley and carr ie d. I- lEf.ImTES OB THE REGULAR HZETIEG OF THE XDINA VILLAGB COUNCIL ElELD IE VILLAGX HALL ,A%' 8 P. 3L OCTOBER 22, 1945 811 lumbers of the council weze present. Potion to approve and allow the folloving payrolls mas made by i'iillson, seccmded by v6yatt and carried: 94 L Nrn Council Bo mer Hawthor E e Geo. A. Zillson Dr. A. S. Vyatt Harold @m lftley J. J. Duggan Dr. L. i . Campbell Karl H. Cove11 viard B. Lewis - 9. Lo Todd Sub-t ot a1 kdninistrat ion Phil W. Smith Gretchen Schussler Evelyn Ajos ii 'll (0.T.) Sub- t otal Police Department Hilaing Dah1 thn. S.-Iieydt Claston Ericlison Clarence iinutson 3589 3 561 3562 3563 3564 3565 3566 3567 3568 3565 3570 35 71 3572 3573 35 74 3575 35715 50.00 50.00 35.00 35.00 55.00 30.00 75.00 75.00 415.00 30000 162.50 77,50 18.50 61.60 Y20, 50 102. 50 97.50 87.50 t37e50 Donald iiielson 357'1 - 80 . i10 Sub- to tal 455.00 Street Department (Hegular men ) ii, J. Johnson 35 78 112.50 So J. Roberts 3575 95.00 P. H. Dahlgren 3580 95.00 John 'Tracy 35 81 85.00 Lo S. Cerfeld 3582 97 50 harry Jonas 3583 Sub- t o t a1 85.00 570.00 Street Dept. (Hourly men) Art Jensen 3 584 85,0(3 Chas. Tohnson 3585 79.48 Sam EcCready 3586 59.50 E. C. Ffeiffer 3587 Sub-t o t a1 e3 sc ellaneou s Ben moehler 3588 151.20 375.18 110 . 00 TOTAL PAYROLL 2,245 . 68 .lQ e 10 -0- -8- -0- -0- -0- 0 70 . 70 1.60 20.40 11.10 -0- 1000 320 50 8.20 11.10 4.90 4.90 7.80 36,YO 14.40 6.50 10.70 1.70 7.00 4.50 44.80 1070 3.20 '3.30 14.60 22*80 9.50 - HOSP. - -0- - 0- -U- -0- - 0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- - 1.50 . 75 1.50 3.75 - 1.50 -0- 1.50 I. 5u -0- 4.5u - 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 10 50 1.50 Y.00 - - 0- 1.50 - a- -0- 1.50 - 1.50 49.90 49.90 35.00 35.00 35.00 30. uo 30.00 '74 . 30 74.30 * 413.40 140.60 I 65.65 18.90 59 0 10 284 . 25 92.80 86.40 81.10 81.10 72.20 413.60 96.60 87.00 82.80 81 . 86 89.00 75.00 516.20 56 20 136.60 350.88 Approval of following bills made by Wyatt , seconded by 'Ellson and Eiscellaneous Bills carried E'. C. Pfeiffer 3590 1?50 50 braa Anderson 3591 191.25 Public hearing x7as called on the matter of constructing lateral severs in Sever District Ro. 12. Engineer Smith presented tabulation of bids for such construction, as follows: Lametti and Lametti; $19,750.32; Orfi and fzriani, $19,838.50; DeGraff Volff, 20,628.75; Phelps-Drake Company, $22, '795.64; S. J. Groves and Sons, $37,226.70. Smith reported the lon bid price amounted to about $3.60 per front foot for property in the district. Property owners rrho appeared ta urge cmstruction of the proposed sewers included 5. F. halleen, George Zipoy, Bank Dudak, M. Nelson, E. 2. Peterson, T. E. Ahrens, T. 5. T?al&2h, Roy A. Broberg, H. t;J. Waste, V. J. Jenson, G. E. fiodere, Benry Tm Feterson, Andrew Lindberg, A. h. Yfilson and E, &. Soberg. Appeming in opposition to undertaking the project at the preseEt time vere J. E. Stinson, Richard E. Day, A. E. Iverson, H. B. Strachauer, 33. B. Egear, Joseph Danen and i'f. iT. Feidt. Persons appezring in behalf of the project cited unsatisfactory service of cesspools; those in opposition expressed belief the work could be doiie for smaller cost at some future time. 3xtj.m to adopt plans for construction of lateral sewers in Sewr District HO. 12 as necessary for the public interest mas made by b-kley, seconded by dillson and carried, 95 I Public hearing was held or, the matter of installing ma.ter main on Eialifax avenue from Pifty-second to Pif ty-fourth streets. Appearing ifalter A. Dickinson and 8. S. Shaver. ilo one appeared in opposition. 'in support of the proposed project were the folloaing affected . property owners: Joseph I\jeisor,, 5. 5'. Xiorton, H. if. Rogers, Zotion to extend water main on Halifax avenue from Fifity-second to Fifty-fourth streets as a necessary and expedient project and to direct the clerk and engineer to prepare plans and to advertise for bids for such project was made by Hawthorne, seconded by kiillson and carried. Iienry Carlson, 2. E. Sixand, Xrs. J. &.io Cutler and D. IT. Bolt . appeared to inquire whether the council was considering issuance of a 'building permit for a proposed building to be used as a nursery school cm Lots 1 and 2, Edina Court. The delegation mas informed no application for such permit has been filed and that the council mould look with disfavor on such construction. I 8en Priedman, E. A. Campbell and A. L. Stanchfield appeared to exgress opposition to widening E'if tieth street in the business district if such widening would reduce width of sidewalks. Jfriednan said redaction of sidemalk midth 170Uld work a severe hardship on him because he would be required to make expensive alterations of the marquee of Edina theater. Xotion to accept the lorn bid of Lametti and Lametti in the amount 02' $19,750.32 for construction of lateral severs in Sewer District 140, 12 mas made by Hawthorne, seconded 'by Kyatt and carried. rliilson offered the following resolution and moved its adoption2 RESOLUTION FOR SEWR CONTRACT tPHERElAS pursuant to advertisementi for bids published in the - klennepin County Heviex and Improvement Bulletin once each Week for three successive weeks, bids have been received for con- struction of sanitary sewer in Beard Avenue, from b'fest Fifty- fourth street to tfest Bifty-fifth street; in West 54th Street, from Beard Avenue to Prance Aveme; in West Buller Street, from Beard Avenue to Prance Avenue; in West Fifty-fifth Street, from aeard Avenue to &'ranee Avenue, and the same have been duly opened and considered and the responsibility of the respedtive bidders has 'been duly investigaged, nom therefore, BE IT Rl3SOLVE1D by the Village Council of the Tillage of Edina %hat the bid of Lametti and Lametti is hereby determined to be the bid of $he lowest responsible bidder, and the President and Recorder of the Village are hereby authorized anU directed to enter into a contract with said Lametti and Lametti in the name of' the Village for the construction of said semer according to the plans and specifications therefor which have been heretofore approved by the Village Council and filed in the office of the Viilage Clerk at a total contr.qct price of $19,75U.S2, as speci- ried in said bid, said price to Be composed of the following items of said bid which shall be included in the work to be done under said contract : SIZE XATXRIAL OF CUT IN FZXT PXR FOOT 'I'OTdL I DEPTH Q,U&TTIPY UEJIT PRICE - 9" Tit Clay Pipe 6-8' 4 65 1.93 897.45 tl ti rl 8-10 1830 2.29 4,290.70 tI It it 10-122 1545 3.00 4,635.00 it iL It 12-14 ' 520 4.45 2,314 .OO I ;:: 9 3' 9 *I 6 6" Stack encasea in 14-16' 40 6.18 247.20 Gurb Line 2091 1.76 3,680.16 a it It It 11 11 8'Deep at concrete As per plans 30 1.57 59 10 13 Emholes ---As per plan Lump sm 1,755.00 Concrete in Place 20 Cer.Yds 15.00 300. GO 50 $1 ti 3. 00 150.00 Per Cue Yard 9+*xxBtt Wyes in ,Place Per Each ' 121 8.76 I y 05% 96 96 .- I 6'@ l/a Bends in Place Per Each 121 . 1.25 151.25 Banhole tap connections OH Tanhole tap connections to manhole at 55th & Beard Jive. as per drop manhole plan 2 138.00 276.06 f 54th Street . 5 6.90 34.50 a Total BIDS ON FOLLOVINGo Zanholes, EIiL Wall Per Uertical Foot 9.00. Sheathing left in Trehcn Per &I (f.b.m.) 60.00 Piling in Flace Per lineal foot 2.00 Xktra Vork, Cost plus 15 per cent. If' Village of Edina furnishes clay pipe f.0.b. job site, the con tractor shall pay to the Villageas follows: gtt Vitrified Clay Fipe Per Boot d q! at iz 11 Per Boot 9% x6" Vyes . Per Each 6! l,& Bends Per Each 0.37. 0.21 1.80 0.85 If Village of Edina furnishes Sheathing and Timber f.o.b. site, the- con4iractor shall pay to the Village as follows: 2& x 8" Sheathing Per E (f.b.m.f 50.00 Timbers for Struts and stringers ;I tl iI 60.00 13E IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to return forthiqith to all bidders the deposits made with their bids, except Ghat the deposit essful bidder - and the next lorrest bidder shall e contract has been signed. - -I * - Eotion to adopt the resolution IQaS seconded by 'Gyakt and on rollcall. there were five ayes and no nays9 as follows: Utley, zye; Zilison, aye; Uyatt, aye; Iiawthorne, aye; Todd, aye, an& the resolution was adopted. i;otior, to direct the village manager to prepare assessment rjlis for spreading costs of construction of lateral severs in Sewer District ho. 12 was made by titley, seconded by hawthorne and carried. Zotion to make contract for construction of lateral sewers in Sewer District No. 12 subject to sale of warrants to finame the project vas made by Vyatt, secmded by Utley and lost. Letter Bas received from Ashley Brooks inquiring if the council line in the village. Utley reported Hemy B. baupt had complained to him about taxi service. The matter mas referred to the public safety committee. Lotion to reset public hearing on menbent of the zoning or- * , mould approve an application by him for permit to operate a bus F I /+ -. ~ ?g dinance pertaining to Halifax avenue and Forth-ninth-and-one- ' &>P half street to 8 p. m. November 5, 1945, was made by Hawthorne, \ ' 5" .! i? ' - ,,- !.,seconded by llillsm and carried. Utley requested that the village attorney investigate possibility of levying special assessment for garbage collection. Letter vas received from Ralph Jomson, tendering his resignation as forenan of the public vorks crew effective iwvenber 15, 1945. Xotign to accept the resignation of Ralph Johnson as foreman of the public works crew effective November 35, with regrets, and to instruct the clerk to write a letter of appreciation to Johnson foz his yeas of service was made 'by ilillson, seconded 'by Utley