HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-01 Supplement Old Pages Memorandum
Date: April 3, 2007
To: Edina Code of Ordinance Users
From: Deb Mangen,City Clerk
RE: Code Supplement 2007-01
I am sending you the newest update for your Edina City Code book, Supplement No.2007-1. This supplement
contains all ordinances adopted by the City Council through March 20,2007. Please replace the following
pages as noted:
Section 185-Schedule A—Replace pages 8, 9&10,amended by Ord. No.2007-01 and Ord. No.
Section 460—Replace pages 3&4; pages 7&8;and page 17,amended by Ord. No.2007-04
Section 850—Replace pages 17&18;and pages 127&128, amended by Ord. No.2007-03
Feel free to contact me with any questions regarding this supplement or Edina's Code. I would also like to note
that the City's Code can also be found on our web site at www.ci.edina.mn.us.And please be sure to let me
know if you spot an error so it can be corrected with the next supplement. Thanks!
City of Edina General Code Provisions and Administration 185.01- Schedule A
14.44 Per quarter for 1 inch meter
1100 1100.03 Subd. 2 Water Service (Meter Charge)cont. 16.47 Per quarter for 1 1/4 inch meter
18.53 Per quarter for 1 1/2 inch meter
29.84 Per quarter for 2 inch meter
113.31 Per quarter for 3 inch meter
144.23 Per quarter for 4 inch meter
Flat Annual Charges as Follows: 0.00 Park Department for water used for sprinkling and skating rinks
0.00 Street Department for water used for flushing street
1105 1105.01 Subd. 1 Service Availability Charge(SAC) 1,675.00 Per SAC unit X number of SAC units computed pursuant to Subsection
1105.01, Subd, 1 of this code
1105 1105.02 Charge for Connection to City Water or 1,000.00 Minimum or assessment cost of like abutting properties
Sewer System
1110 1110.03 Storm Water Drainage Charge 10.74 Per quarter pursuant to formula in Subsection 1110.03
1205 1205.01 Curb Cut Permit 40.00
1230 1230.07 Sidewalk Cafd Permit 633.00
1230.08 Temporary Liquor License Special Permit 315.00 Per event
1235 1235.03 Subd. 2 Parking Permit 4.00 per month pro-rated
Refund Parking Permit- Sticker Must 4.00 per month pro-rated
Be Returned
1300 1300.02 Subd. 1 Refuse or Recycling Hauler's License 300.00 per year for 1st vehicle
95.00 per year for each additional vehicle
1311 1311.03 Peddler/Solicitor Permit 30.00 per permit-valid for 14 calendar days
1311.04 Subd. 1 Registration for Peddling/Soliciting 50.00 per registration-valid for 90 calendar days
1325 1325.03 Tobacco Sale License 350.00 per location
1341 1341.02 Registration for Massage Therapists 15.00 Per therapist for those businesses exempt from licensure
1341 1341.05 Physical Culture&Health Service or 278.00 Business License
Club, Reducing Club or Salon, Sauna
Parlor, Massage Parlor or Escort Service
1341 1341.05 Investigation Fee-Business License 1,500.00
1345 1345.05 Subd. 1 Sexually-oriented Business License 5,000.00 per year
1345 1345.05 Subd. 2 Business License 1,500.00 At time of original application
1350 1350.06 Subd. 1 Commercial Photography 29.00 Manager Permit- Still Photography
118.00 Manager Permit-Motion Photography
335.00 Council Permit
1400 1400.12 Truck Restrictive Road Permit 60.00
1410 1410.01 Redemption of Impounded Vehicle Fee as posted in Police Department
185-9 (Effective 1/1/07) Supplement 2006-2
City of General Code Provisions and Administration 185. Schedule A
850 850.20 Subd. 10 Certificate of Appropriateness 175.00
900 900.07 Subd. 1 Liquor License Fees (per year) On-Sale Club License
300.00 Under 200 members
500.00 201-500 members
650.00 501-1000 members
850.00 1001-2000 members
1,000.00 2001-4000 members
2,000.00 4001-6000 members
3,000.00 over 6000 members
8,500.00 On-Sale Intoxicating License -Restaurants only
590.00 3.2 Beer License Off or On Sale
2,000.00 Wine On-Sale- Restaurants only
200.00 per event-Temporary On-Sale Intoxicating - Max 3 days by MS
80.00 per event-Temporary On-Sale 3.2 Malt Liquor
200.00 Sunday On-Sale License- Restaurants only
1020 1020 False Automatic Alarm 110.00 for the 2nd thru 4th response within one calendar year
200.00 for the 5th and subsequent false alarm within one calendar year
1040 1040.08 Loudspeaker Permit 19.00
1045 1045.05 Variance Fee RV's, Boats, etc. Storage 50.00
1100 1100.03 Subd. 2 Sewer Service Charge: Based upon water usage during winter quarter. (November 1 to March 1)
Single Family Dwellings, Townhouses,
Two-Family Dwellings, Apartment
Buildings Containing Four or Less 37.44 Per quarter up to and including 1600 cubic feet
Dwelling Units: 2.34 Additional from 1601 cubic feet and over
Apartment Buildings with More Than 32.13 Per quarter for each unit over four or
Four Dwelling Units: 2.34 per 100 cubic feet of water used during the quarter, whichever is greater
Commercial and Industrial Buildings, 37.44 Per water meter or approved sewage metering device on premises, or
Including Schools and Churches: 2.34 per 100 cubic feet of water used during the quarter, whichever is greater
1100 1100.03 Subd. 3 Industrial User Extra Strength Charges As allocated to City by Metropolitan Waste Control Commission
1100 1100.03 Subd. 4.A Shutting Off or Turning On Curb Water 25.00 For each turn-on and each shut-off.
Stops at Customer's Request or Due to
Non-payment of Bill
1100 1100.04 Subd. 1.0 Issuance of Water Meter Cost of water meter, plus handling charges
1100 1100.03 Subd. 2 Water Service 0.86 1. Per 100 cubic feet for areas of City, except as described in#2 below
2.73 2. Per 100 cubic feet- Morningside area and for east side of Beard
Ave. from West 54th to Fuller St. and both sides of Abbott Pl. from
West 54th St. to Beard Ave.
0.29 3. Per 100 cubic feet for Excessive Use Charge
Meter Charge: 10.60 Per quarter for up to 3/4 inch meter
185-8 (Effective 1/1/07) Supplement 2006-2
City of Edina Buildings, Construction and Signs 460.02
Height. The distance measured from the average ground elevation adjoining
a freestanding sign to the highest point of a freestanding sign.
Illuminated Sign. Any sign which is illuminated by an artificial light source.
Monument. A structure built on grade, not supported by poles, posts or a
pylon, which is constructed of brick, stone or stucco and to which a sign is
Motion Sign. Any sign which revolves, rotates or has any moving parts.
Nameplate Sign. A sign which bears the name or address of the occupants of
the building.
Non-Accessory Sign. A sign other than an accessory sign.
Non-Commercial Opinion Sign. Any sign which is not a commercial sign
and which expresses an opinion which is deemed by the State or federal
courts to have greater protection under the constitution of the United States or
the State than a commercial sign. For purposes of this definition a commercial
sign is any sign which advertises or identifies a product, business, building,
place, service, event or any other matter or thing of a commercial nature, even
though the matter or thing may be related to or involve a non-profit
Non-Conforming Sign. A sign which lawfully existed prior to the adoption
of this Section but does not conform to the requirements of this Section.
Permanent Sign. Any sign which is not a temporary sign.
Portable Sign. A sign so designed as to be movable from one location to
another which is not permanently attached to the ground or any structure.
Projecting Sign. Any sign or any part thereof which extends by more than 12
inches over public property, a street right-of-way, or public sidewalk. Signs
integral to awnings, canopies, or marquees are not projecting signs.
Roof Sign. Any sign erected upon a roof or projecting above the eave line or
a parapet of a building to which it is affixed.
Sign. Any letter, word or symbol, logo, device, banner, pennant, beacon,
searchlight, poster, picture, statuary, reading matter or representation in the
nature of an advertisement, announcement, message, or visual communication
whether painted, posted, printed, affixed or constructed, which is displayed
outdoors for informational or communicative purposes.
460-3 Supplement 2001-01
City of Edina Buildings, Construction and Signs 460.03
Sign Area. Sign area shall mean (i) the smallest single rectangle which can be
made to circumscribe the letters, message, symbol, logo, or figure inscribed
into or directly onto a building or a monument and not affixed to a sign panel,
or (ii) the smallest single rectangle which can be made to circumscribe a sign
panel which bears the letters, message, symbol, logo, or figure.
Sign Panel. The display surface upon which the message is painted or
inscribed and which is attached to a building or structure.
Temporary Sign. A sign which is erected or displayed for a limited period of
time. Such temporary signs shall include those listed in Subsection 460.03.
Traffic Directional Sign. A sign which is erected on private property by the
owner of such property for the purpose of guiding vehicular and pedestrian
traffic. Such sign bears no advertising information.
Wall Sign. A sign affixed to the wall of any building including projecting
signs and signs affixed to marquees, awnings, or canopies.
460.03 General Provisions Applicable to all Zoning Districts.
Subd. 1 Construction, Maintenance and Repair. All signs shall be
constructed in such a manner and of such material that they shall be safe and
substantial, and in full compliance with all requirements of this Code. All signs
shall be maintained in a safe, presentable condition and shall be structurally
sound. Defective parts shall be promptly replaced.
Subd. 2 Illuminated Signs. Illuminated signs shall comply with the following
A. No sign shall change in either color or in intensity of light more frequently
than once per hour, except signs giving time, date, temperature or weather
B. All incandescent bulbs or fluorescent tubes, except neon or fiber optic light
sources, shall be shielded with an opaque or translucent material.
C. No sign which is visible from a residential district located within 200 feet
of the sign shall be illuminated between 10:00 P.M. and 7:00 A.M.; provided,
however such signs may be illuminated at any time when the use identified by
the sign is open for business.
D. The Planner may specify additional restrictions regarding the hours of
illumination as a condition to the issuance of a permit.
Subd. 3 Placement. All signs shall comply with the following requirements:
460 -4 Supplement 2001-01
City of Edina Buildings, Construction and Signs 460.03
A. Such signs shall not exceed 16 square feet for non-residential buildings,
residential buildings of ten or more dwelling units, or vacant land. Provided,
however, such signs may be increased to not more than 32 square feet if the lot
or tract abuts a highway with a speed limit of 50 miles per hour or more and
the sign is oriented to such highway. Temporary signs for the purpose of
selling or leasing one vacant lot in the R-1 or R-2 Districts or a residential
building of less than ten dwelling units shall not exceed six square feet.
B. Only one such sign shall be permitted per building or vacant lot or tract. If
the building is one of two or more buildings which together comprise a tract,
then only one sign per tract shall be permitted.
C. Signs for non-residential projects shall be located no closer than 100 feet to
any pre-existing residence.
D. Freestanding signs shall not exceed ten feet in height.
E. All sign surfaces including legs and support members shall be painted and
maintained in a crack free and blister free condition.
Subd. 9 Building Leasing or Rental Signs. The maximum allowed sign area
of a building identification sign or an area identification sign may be increased
by 20 percent or 16 square feet, whichever is less, for the purpose of displaying
information regarding the rental or leasing of space or dwelling units. Such
rental or leasing information shall:
A. Be integral to the building identification or area identification sign.
B. Be constructed of the same materials and colors as the building
identification or area identification sign.
If the building identification sign or area identification sign area is increased in
accordance with this Subdivision, then no temporary sign as permitted by Subd.
8 of this Subsection shall be placed on the property.
Subd. 10 Multi-Faced Signs. The total sign area of any multi-faced sign shall
not exceed twice the permitted area of a single-faced sign. The angle of incidence
between any two faces of a multi-faced sign shall not exceed 60 degrees.
Subd. 11 Traffic Directional Signs. Traffic directional signs shall not exceed
six square feet in area.
Subd. 12 Projecting Signs. Projecting signs shall be permitted only in the
Planned Commercial District, subject to the following restrictions:
A. The maximum sign area shall be 20 square feet per facing.
460- 7 Supplement 2001-01
City of Edina Buildings, Construction and Signs 460.03
B. Not less than eight feet of clearance shall be provided between the
sidewalk elevation and the lowest point of the projecting sign.
C. Signs shall project from the face of the building no more than the lesser of
(i) one-third of the sidewalk width, or (ii) six feet. Sidewalk width shall be
measured perpendicular to the face of the building at the proposed sign
D. The maximum sign area of wall signs located on the same building of the
projecting sign shall not exceed five percent of the wall area.
E. Proof of insurance and indemnification shall be provided in accordance
with Subd. 5 of Subsection 460.06.
Subd. 13 Awnings, Canopies, or Marquees.
A. Awnings, canopies or marquees shall be considered as part of the wall area
and thus shall not warrant additional sign area.
B. Awnings, canopies or marquees constructed of transparent or translucent
material shall be deemed to be a sign panel for purposes of determining sign
Subd. 14 Address Signs. One address sign shall be required per building in all
Subd. 15 Bench Signs. Bench signs shall be permitted only at bus stops and
shall not be permitted in residential districts.
Subd. 16 Church Directional Signs. Church directional signs shall be
permitted in all districts provided the total area of such signs shall not exceed
four square feet per facing.
Subd. 17 Signs Located on Interiors of Buildings. Signs which are located on
the interior of a building and are not visible from outside of said building shall
be exempt from the provisions of this Section and shall not require permits or
payment of fees.
Subd. 18 Temporary Subdivision and Rezoning Signs. Temporary
subdivision and rezoning signs, as required by Sections 810 and 850 of this Code,
shall be exempt from the provisions of this Section and shall not require permits
or payment of fees.
Subd. 19 Temporary Garage and Estate Sale Signs. Signs promoting
occasional sales in residential areas, as permitted in Subsection 850.07, Subd. 12
of this Code, may be placed on the lot where the sale is taking place provided:
460 -8 Supplement 2001-01
City of Edina Buildings, Construction and Signs 460.07
C. That the strict application of this Section would constitute undue hardship
as defined in Section 850 of this Code, and
D. That the granting of the variance would not be materially detrimental to
the public welfare or injurious to the property or improvements in the vicinity
or zoning district in which the property is located.
460.07 Non-Conforming Signs.
Subd. 1 Non-Conforming Temporary Signs. Any non-conforming temporary
sign lawfully existing at the time of adoption of this Section shall be made to comply
with the requirements set forth herein or shall be removed within 90 days after the
adoption of this Section.
Subd. 2 Non-Conforming Permanent Signs. Non-conforming permanent signs
shall be allowed to continue in use, but shall not be rebuilt, altered other than to
change the message, or relocated without being brought into compliance with the
requirements of this Section. After a non-conforming sign has been removed, it shall
not be replaced by another non-conforming sign.
Subd. 3 Non-Conforming Temporary Signs - South Edina Development
Addition. Temporary construction and real estate signs located on Outlot E and Lot
1, Block 4, South Edina Development Addition, may continue to exist subject to the
A. The signs may not be increased in sign area or number of signs.
B. The signs may not be relocated.
C. The signs must be removed or brought into conformance with this Section
when either of the following occur:
1. A building is constructed on the lot or outlot occupied by the sign; or
2. A building is constructed on the lot or outlot adjacent to the lot or
outlot occupied by the sign.
Subd. 4 Discontinued Non-Conforming Signs. Whenever use of a non-
conforming sign has been discontinued for a period of 90 days, such use shall not
thereafter be resumed unless in conformance with the provisions of this Section.
History: Ord 451 codified 1970, amended by Ord 451-A1 6-10-71, Ord 451-A2 10-24-74, Ord
451-A3 9-11-75, Ord 451-A4 9-8-76, Ord 451-A5 12-10-86, Ord 451-A6 10-25-89, Ord 451-
A7 3-28-90, Ord 1993-8 6-7-93, Ord 1994-7 7-27-94, Ord 1995-6 8-17-95; Ord 1998-4, 5-4-98;
Ord 2000-3; 2-1-00, Ord 2001-0710-3-01
Reference:M.S. Chapter 429, M.S. 211B.045
Cross Reference: Sections 185, 810, 850, 1045, Subsections 100.09, 850.04, 850.07
460 - 17 Supplement 2001-01
City of Edina Land Use, Platting and Zoning 850.04
if reasonable use for the petitioner's property exists under the terms of this Section.
A favorable vote by the Board shall be deemed to include a favorable finding on
each of the foregoing matters even if not specifically set out in the approval
resolution or the minutes of the Board meeting.
G. Appeals from Decisions of the Board.
1. The following individuals may appeal a decision of the Board:
a. any petitioner for a variance;
b. any owner to whom notice of the variance hearing is required to be
mailed pursuant to this Section;
c. the appellant in the case of an appeal of an administrative decision;
d. any person who deems to be aggrieved by the Board's decision on
the appeal of an administrative decision; and
e. any administrative officer of the City.
2. An appeal from a decision of the Board shall be filed with the Clerk no
later than ten days after the decision by the Board. If not so filed, the right of
appeal shall be deemed waived, and the decision of the Board shall be final.
H. Hearing and Decision by Council. The Council shall hear and decide all appeals
from the decisions of the Board. The appeal shall be heard not later than 60 days
after the date the appeal is filed. The Council shall follow the same procedures as to
notices, hearings, findings for variances and decisions that the Board is required to
follow relative to the subject matter of the appeal pursuant to this Section. A
favorable vote by the Council shall be deemed to include a favorable finding on
each of the required findings even if not specifically set out in the approval
resolution or the minutes of the Council meeting.
I. Conditions on Variance Approvals. In granting a variance, the Board, or the
Council on appeal, may impose conditions to ensure compliance with the purpose
and intent of this Code and to protect adjacent properties.
J. Form of Action Taken and Record. The Board, or the Council on appeal, shall
maintain a record of its proceedings which shall include the minutes of its meetings
and final order concerning the variance petition or appeal of administrative
decision. If a variance is granted, the petitioner, at the petitioner's expense, shall
duly record the final order in the proper office to give constructive notice. A
verified copy of such order, with the recording data, shall be delivered to the
Planner. The Board, or the Council on appeal, may require such order to be
recorded and such verified copy to be delivered to the Planner before the variance
shall be effective.
K. Lapse of Variance By Non-User, Extension of Time.
1. If, within one year after the date of the meeting of the Board, or the
Council on appeal, at which the variance was granted, the owner or occupant
850-17 Supplement 2006-02
City of Edina Land Use, Platting and Zoning 850.04
of the affected land shall not have obtained a building permit, if one is
required, and commenced the work or improvement described in such petition,
the variance shall become null and void unless a petition for extension of time
in which to commence the proposed work or improvement has been granted.
2. A petition for extension shall be in writing and filed with the Clerk within
such one year period. The petition for extension shall state facts showing a
good faith attempt to use the variance and shall state the additional time
requested to begin the proposed work or improvement. The petition shall be
presented to the Board for hearing, findings and decision in the same manner
as then required by this Section 850 for an original petition for variance. The
Board may grant an extension of the variance for up to one year upon finding
that a good faith attempt to use the variance has been made, that there is a
reasonable expectation that the variance will be used during the extension, that
speculation will thereby not be fostered, and that the facts and circumstances
under which the original variance was granted are not materially changed.
Subd. 2 Rezoning.
A. Initiation of Rezoning Process.
1. A petition for rezoning may be initiated by the owner of land proposed for
transfer to another district or subdistrict, the Council or the Commission.
2. A petition by an owner shall be on forms provided by the Planner, shall be
submitted with plans, data and information required by this Section, and such
other information that the Planner believes necessary for evaluation of the
petition. The petition shall be accompanied by the fee set forth in Section 185
of this Code.
B. Sign. The petitioner for rezoning shall erect, or cause to be erected, at least one
sign per street frontage on the land described in the petition. The sign or signs shall
be of a design approved by the Planner, shall be 36 inches by 60 inches in size,
shall have letters at least four inches high using Helvetica medium typeface or other
letter style approved by the Planner, shall be constructed of sturdy material, shall be
neatly lettered, and shall be easily viewable from, and readable by persons on, the
adjoining street. The sign or signs shall contain the following information:
"This property proposed for rezoning by:
(Name of Petitioner or Applicant)
(Telephone of Petitioner or Applicant)
For information contact Edina Planning Department:
Telephone No. 927-8861"
The petition shall not be deemed filed and the Commission shall not be required to
hold any hearings on the petition until the sign has been erected as required and for
at least ten days preceding the hearing. The sign shall be kept in good repair and
shall be maintained in place until a final decision on the petition has been made by
the Council, and shall be removed by the petitioner within five days after the final
decision. The failure of any petitioner to comply fully with the provisions of this
850-18 Supplement 2006-02
City of Edina Land Use, Platting and Zoning 850.21
apply depending upon whether the use or structure is in the Floodway
District, Flood Fringe District or General Flood Plain District,
6. If a substantial improvement occurs from any combination of a
building addition to the outside dimensions of the existing building or a
rehabilitation, reconstruction, alteration, or other improvement to the
inside dimensions of an existing nonconforming building, then the
building addition (as required by subparagraph 2 above) and the existing
nonconforming building must meet the requirements of Subd. 5 and 6 of
this Subsection 850.21 for new structures, depending upon whether the
structure is in the Floodway or Flood Fringe District, respectively.
Subd. 13 Penalties For Violation
A. The provisions, penalties and remedies set out in Subsection 850.04 shall
apply to any violation of the provisions of this Subsection 850.21.
B. Nothing herein contained shall prevent the City from taking such other
lawful action as is necessary to prevent or remedy any violation. Such actions
may include but are not limited to:
1. In responding to a suspected violation of this Subsection 850.21, the
Planner and City may utilize the full array of enforcement actions
available to it including but not limited to prosecution and fines,
injunctions, after-the-fact permits, orders for corrective measures or a
request to the National Flood Insurance Program for denial of flood
insurance availability to the guilty party. The City must act in good faith
to enforce these official controls and to correct violations of this
Subsection 850.21 to the extent possible so as not to jeopardize its
eligibility in the National Flood Insurance Program.
2. When a violation of this Subsection 850.21 is either discovered by or
brought to the attention of the Planner, the Planner shall immediately
investigate the situation and document the nature and extent of the
violation of the official control. As soon as is reasonably possible, this
information will be submitted to the appropriate Department of Natural
Resources' and Federal Emergency Management Agency Regional
Office along with the City's plan of action to correct the violation to the
degree possible.
3. The Planner shall notify the suspected parry of the requirements of
this Subsection 850.21 and all other official controls and the nature and
extent of the suspected violation of these controls. If the structure and/or
use is under construction or development, the Planner may order the
construction or development immediately halted until a proper permit or
approval is granted by the City. If the construction or development is
already completed, then the Planner may either: (1) issue an order
identifying the corrective actions that must be made within a specified
time period to bring the use or structure into compliance with the official
850-127 Supplement 2006-02
City of Edina Land Use, Platting and Zoning 850.21
controls; or (2) notify the responsible parry to apply for an after-the-fact
permit/development approval within a specified period of time not to
exceed 30-days.
4. If the responsible party does not appropriately respond to the Planner
within the specified period of time, each additional day that lapses shall
constitute an additional violation of this Subsection and shall be
prosecuted accordingly. The Planner shall also upon the lapse of the
specified response period notify the landowner to restore the land to the
condition which existed prior to the violation of this Subsection.
Subd. 14 Amendments
A. The flood plain designation on the Map shall not be removed from flood
plain areas unless it can be shown that the designation is in error or that the area
has been filled to or above the elevation of the regulatory flood protection
elevation and is contiguous to lands outside the flood plain. Special exceptions j
to this rule may be permitted by the Commissioner of Natural Resources if he
determines that, through other measures, lands are adequately protected for the
intended use.
B. All amendments to this Subsection, including amendments to the Map, must
be submitted to and approved by the Commissioner of Natural Resources prior
to adoption. Changes in the Map must meet the Federal Emergency
Management Agency's (FEMA) Technical Conditions and Criteria and must
receive prior FEMA approval before adoption. The Commissioner of Natural
Resources must be given 10-days written notice of all hearings to consider an
amendment to this Subsection and said notice shall include a draft of the
amendment to this Subsection 850.21 or technical study under consideration.
History: Ord. 825 adopted 3-07-84 and repealed Ord. 811 and 816; 825-AI not published;
amended by 825-A2 1-02-85, 825-A3 7-03-85, 825-A4 7-03-85, 825-A5 12-24-86, 825-A612-24-
86, 825-A7 5-28-86, 825-A8 2-19-86, 825-A9 5-28-86; 825-A10 not granted; 825-A11 9-2-87,
825-Al2 12-24-86; 825-A13 referred to staff--Council minutes 1-16-87; amended by 825-A14 12-
24-86, 825-A15 2-11-87, 825-A16 2-11-87; 825-A17 not developed; 825-A18 9-2-87, 825-A19 5-
27-87, 825-A20 4-29-89; 825-A21 not developed; 825-A22 3-23-88; 825-23 referred to Planning
Commission 6-06-88; 825-A24 withdrawn; 825-A25 5-03-89, 825-A26 8-24-88; 825-A27 10-30-
91; amended by 825-A28 5-03-89, 825-A29 5-03-89, 825-A30 12-13-89, 825-A31 10-25-89, 825-
A32 12-20-89, 825-A33 1-31-90, 825-A34 8-29-90, 825-A35 8-29-90, 825-A36 8-29-90; 825-A37
reconsidered; 825-A3811-28-90. Amended by Ord. 850-AI 3-3-93; Ord 850-A2 6-30-93;Ord 850-
A3 8-2-93; Ord. 1993-10 8-16-93; Ord 850-A4 8-15-94; Ord 850-A5 9-19-94; Ord. 1995-6 8-7-
95; Ord. 1995-10 12-04-95; Ord 1995-9 2-5-96; Ord 850-A7 5-20-96; Ord 1996-2 9-16-96,-Ord
850-A8, 12-16-9; Ord 1997-2 2-18-97; Ord 850-A9, 4-21-97; Ord 850-A10, 4-21-97; Ord 850-
A11, 7-7-97; Ord 850-Al2, 9-15-97; Ord 1997-11 11-5-97; Ord 850-A13, 2-17-98; Ord 850-A14,
5-18-98; Ord 850-A15, 9-22-98; Ord 1999-I1, 11-16-99; Ord 850-A16, 2-15-00; Ord 2000-4, 2-
15-00; Ord 850-A17 4-18-00; Ord 850-A18 7-5-00; Ord 2000-7 7-5-00,-Ord 850-A19 16-00; Ord
850-A20 6-19-01; Ord 850-A21 6-19-01; Ord 2001-03, 6-19-01; Ord 2001-7 10-3-01; Ord No.
850-A22 3-19-02; Ord No. 2002-03, 6-18-02; Ord 2002-06 9-27-02; 2003-03 2-4-03; Ord 2003-
06, 6-3-03; Ord 2003-12 12-16-03; Ord 2004-7, 5-18-04; Ord. 2004-11, 8-17-04; Ord 2005-03
5-3-05; Ord 2005-06 6-21-05; Ord 2006-01, 03-06-06; Ord 2006-02, 03-06-06
850-128 Supplement 2006-02
City of Edina Land Use, Platting and Zoning 850.21
Reference: M.S. 103F, 429, 462, 469.001 to 469.047
Cross-Reference: Sections 185, 445, 705, 801, 805, 810, 815, 1045, 1310, 1345, 1405
Note: The Federal Emergency Management Agency ("FEMA") has established criteria for removing the
special flood hazard area designation for certain structures properly elevated on fill above the 100 year
,flood elevation. FEMA's requirements incorporate specific fill compaction and side slope protection
standards for multi-structure or multi-lot developments. These standards should be investigated prior to
initiation of site preparation if a change of special flood hazard area designation will be requested.
850-129 Supplement 2006-02