HomeMy WebLinkAbout19451112_REGULARlandscaped and serve as a ilbufferli between business and residential property. m. b7allace said that he would not consider selling less than half of his total frontage on Fiftieth street for a buffer strip. Lurrd stated he vould sell the village a sfirip 10 feet wide for mhat %he property cost him. The matter mas taken under consideration by the council. Eotion to adjourn was made by Bawthorne, seconded by Utley and carried. I_ a ', % I\ I * --- EINUTES OF THE REGULAR IWTING OF THE EDIXA VILLAGE! COUNCIL HELD IN VILLAGE HALL AT 8 P. E. NOVEXBIB 12, 1945 All members of the council were present. Lotion to approve and allow the following payrolls was made by iTillson, seconded .by {J'yatt ar,d carried; - NW cLAm NO. GROSS AUT. V. TAX NET AT"0UNT Admini stra€ ive Phil rJ. bbith 3636 Evelyn Kjos 36S7 Gr et chea Schus sler 8638 Police Department Hiiding Uahl 3639 &Q. S. Iieydt 3640 Claytm Erickson 3641 Clarence iihutson 3642 Donald Belson 3643 Street Dept. (Regular men) -5. 3. J'ahnson Y644 E. a. Dshlgren 3645 S. S. Woberts 3646 Hmry Jonas 3647 Jdm Tracy 3648 E. J. Uerfeld 3649 Street Dept. (Hourly men] c'fias. S&mson 3650 Sam LicCr eady 3651 Arthur Jensen 3652 E. C. Pfeiffesl 3653 Eiscellaneo us Ben doehler 3654 TOTAL PAYROLL 162.50 67.50 .20.40 142.10 1. E4 66 30 - 7'7.50 907.50 102.50 97.50 81. 50 87.50 80.00 455.00 112.50 95.00 95.00 91.80 104.00 133 21 631 21 1x3 . 90 93.45 . 85.00 91.20 383.55 11 . 10 66.40 32.70 274.80- 8.20 94.30 11.10 86.40 4.90 82.6U 4.90 82.60 '7.80 72.20 36.90 418.10 14.40 98.10 84 . 30 6.50 88.50 5.70 85.80 2.20 101.80 3.0 70 14.60 118.61 54.10 577.11 10.30 103.60 10.30 83 . 15 1.7'0" 83.30 3.. 80 89.40 24.10 359-. 45 Eotion to approve and allow the folloning bills nas made by Utley, seconded *by Billson and married: Nrn Arthur Pet er sen - Lyle Signs Company mproveiaent Bullet in Lorell e3 Hichols, Inc. Xinrmeapolis City Treasurer Bo ZiT. Butts YElliamson Stamp Company Elvin First Aid Supply Company General Truck & Equipment Co. Jay ti. Craig Company Roberts Etanilton Company Landers-Eor blom-Christensen Co . CarTbm Harness Store Lundin's Garage Edina Baraxare flennepin County Reviera Reir,hard i3ros. 2tiiler-Davis Company cum NO. 3594 3595 3596 3597 3598 3599 3600 3601 36 02 3603 3 604 3605 3606 3607 3608 3609 3610 36 11 General Fund AFOUNT 493.85 38.15 41.00 424 . 12 792.00 3.00 19.00 10.12 23.25 52.00 11.22 6.99 8.50 44.55 5.19 18. 70 7.2s 102.75 r Phil rJ. Smith atat6 of Ifinn.-Dept. of Tax. Oscar. Roberts Company RicMield Yard, Inc. d. s. Lahr Company Dahlberg Bros., Inc. Linde Air Products Company Transport Clearnigs Young Puel Company ih. He Olson aorthwestern Bell Tel. Go. Binneapolis Gas Light Co. STinneapolis Blue Print. Coo Ed. Harris Standard Servo Phillips Petroleum Company Prank: Andersjn E. C. Pfeiffer S. J. Roberts John R. Uorey Northern States Power Go0 3612 2x13 3614 3615 . 3616 361'7 3618 3619 3 620 3621 3622 3623 3624 3625 3626 3627 3628 3629 3630 3631 Tot a1 Northern States Power Go. 3631 I General Bund 50.00 14 . 00 15.44 5.98 -19.74 16 80 1.20 1.73 25.80 7.63 90 . 70 2.90 24 . 56 194.37 31 56 95 . 62 100.12 178.06 35000 638069 3 y651 . 58 Sewer Rental Bund 1.40 1.40 Poor E'und Eennepin County 3632 46.00 8ub. Henn. Cy. Relief Bd. S633 74.52 110.52 E. J. Rainey iirs. h. G. Dirks 3 634 123.98 S. D. #8 3635 5.00 128.98 Total - a11 funds $ 3,902.48 Eotion' to accept the prcposal of Eidland National Bank and Trust Company to substitute @50,000 of United 8tates Treasury 2@ bonds 1959/'49 for #50,000 of United States Treasury 1s bonds 1946 as security for village deposits in the bank was made by Utley, seconded by dillson and carried. aids were received, opened and read for a power grader. Bidders were: Kosholt Equipment Coo Borchert-Ingersoll, Tnc. Trm. E. Ziegler Company Geo. T. Ryan Company $ 7,796.45 7,989 . 29 8 081.00 8?~205.00 Motion to refer the bids to the village engineer for study was made 'by Tillson, secQnded by Vyatt and carried. lizrs. Braun, operator of Bdina Auto Livery, and her two sons-in-law appeared to notify the council of their intention to start it package delivery and pickup service and to inquire whether village permits or licenses would be required for such activity. They were in4'9rmad no permits or licenses are required. Todd requested that adequate public liability and property damage insurance be carried on trucks. Carl E. Hansen &ppeared to request the council to check accuracy of special assessments levied against the plot recently plated as Golf Terrace iieights, Second Addition. iiansen also presented oral re- quest for oiling of Oak Drive and Cjncord Avenue in 1946, stating /' property owners would pay for the project at the time it is under- taken rather than requiring spread of assessments. sewer and mater service in the vicinity of Fifty-seventh street and Beard avenue. Dotion to authgrize and direct Engineer Smith to employ engineering services of '2b%txy King and Day as necessary, on a per diem fee basis in accordance with a fee schedule established by the ainnesota society of Professimal Engineers and outlined Bn a letter dated iuovember 9 , 1945, was made by Hkwthorne, secmded 'by utley and cmri ed. Peder Eickelsen appeared to discuss his pending petitions for I ?gotion to direct Engineer Smith to prepare plans and specifications for extension of water main from Fifty-fourth street and hhlifax averme to Fifty-seventh street and Beard avenue and for extension of sanitary semers into the area south of 'Ilinnehaha creek in the vicinity of' Beard avenue vas made by Hawthorne, seconded by Utley and caried. it. 3, I'ully appeared to inquire whether the village would accept a deed for a 25 foot strip of property for future opening of Sixtieth si;reet east of Uormandale road, TuiLly was requested to confer with oviners of adjoining property and to arrange for opening 03 a full street at such time as the property might be platted. J, D. Jansen, 6036 Yrance avenue, appeared to apply for permit to operate ~VO gasoline pumps on Lots 11 and 12, Bloc, 22, E'airfax addition. study .%he application to determine triat requirements of ordinances are met mas made by Villson, seconded by FFyatt and carried. . Xotion to accept quit claim deed offered by Era and Ers, Simen Strand for a parcel of property to permit aidening of \%oddale avenue near ?alley View road was made by Villson, seconded by Utley and carried. Petition signed by 21 property owners requestiny the village fo con- tract for installation of two ornamental street lights on &?den avenue between Biftieth and Pifty-f irst streets mas received. Sibtion to authorize and direct Akgineer Smith to proceed with installation of tvio ornamef:tal street lights in accordance with the petiticni ar,d to bill each affected property owner for his proportionate share of% the cost vas made by nawthorne, seconded by Billson and carried. Eotion to direct Ecgineer Smith and Bire Chief Bailey to utley offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: EESOLUT IOB APPROVlMG PROPOSED ASSESSYEXT BOR SE;';(ER - VmREAS the engineer selected by the Village Council has cal- culated the proper amount to be speciall:; assessed for seweF con- structed-in the folloning streets in Lateral Sewer Bistrict Eo. 12s In Beard Avenue, from \"lest 54th Skreet to \'/est 55th Street; In dest 54th Street, from Beard Avenue to Prance Avenue; In dest Puller Street, from beard Avmue to Prance Avenue In ;lest 55th Street, from Beard Avenue to France Avenue; and has calculated the amount to be specially assessed against each lot, piece or parcel of land abutting upon said portion of said streets and a tabulatim thereof has been duly prepared and filed with the Clerk in duplicate as a proposed assessment, and has been laid be- fore the Village Council at this present meeting, held not more than %en days after the filing thereof, nom therefore, , BE IT RESOLVXD by the Village Council of the Village of Edina timt the l;otal cost of said sewer is hereby determined to be $23,275.76. I33 lT FUBTHER RESOLVED that said proposed assessment is hereby approved and the Clerk is directed to cause notice to be published . in the liennepin County Review on November 15, 1945, that the Village Council mill pass upon said proposed assessment at its next regular session to be held at the Village Hall November 26, 1945 at 8:OO olelock F, E. rollcall there were five ayes and no nays as \Tillson, aye; Vyatt aye; Havthorne resolution vas adopted. AT Tz hotion to adopt the resolution was seconded by Villson, and on 1 &$4&2 / Cle_rk Application of Country Club District Service company for permit to extend water mains in Sunnyslope section was received. Eotion to deny the application and to notify Country Club District Service Cornpany that all future extensions of water mains in the village vi11 be constructed by the village and assessed against benefitted property and to invite Oscar Gaarden to meet vith the council at 7t30 p. m. Rovember 19 to discuss policy regarding water service in village-owned mains vas made by Hawthorne, seconded by Willson and carried, '. -- nl-otion -to grant permits to Northern States Power Company for erection of one service pole between Abbott and Beard avenues south of Yifty- eighth street and one pole on Sixty-third street between Raleigh and Ryan avenues was made by ffillson, seconded by YTyatf; and carried. Lotion to grant permit to Minneapolis Gas Light Oompmy for exten- sion of gas main 23U feet north on Laura avenue from Cascade lane vias made by V"Jillson, seconded 'by LJyatt and carried. Pillson offered the following amendment to the zoning ordinance and moved its adoption:: AX IRDDmTCE fl.B>DING ZC?I!TI3lG ORDIlTNK?E VILLAGE OP EDINA, ESINNESOTA The Tillage Council of the Village of Bdina does I Bection 1. That Section fV of "The Zoning Ordinance of Edina", as amended is nereby amended by adding thereto the following section to be known as Section (b-5) to wit: -------- -__ **-(b-3). The tract of land lying between the Iqorth line of 50th Street and a line 137.5 feet . South of and parallel to the South line of 49th * Street, and lying between the Vest line of France Avenue and a line 630.0 feet parallel to the West line of France I Section 2. This Ordinance shall be in from and after its publication according to Passed this 12th day of Movember, West of and Avenue . It . full force and effect law kotion to adopt the ordinance amendment was secmded by Utley and on rollcall there were four ayes and one nay, as follows: Utley, aye; Ylillson, aye; YJyatt, nay; hawthorne, aye; Todd, aye, and the amer,d- ment was adopted. - i iiotion to authorize and direct the village attorney to negotiate for ,' acquisition of a 10-foot strip of property at the west side of a pro- ' posed extentim of Halifax avenue north of Fiftieth street for a buf'i'er strip was made by btley, seconded by Willson and carried. r. Application of Eerrill But chinson requesting thzt thevillage take 3ver maintenance of three street lights in Rolling Green was received. &iotion to refer the matte? to Engineer smith with power to act was made by iltley, seconded by Qillson and carried. Blotion to authorize and direct the village manager and chief of the fire department to surrender all civilian defense equipment to ap- propriate federal government representatives on demand was made by liatvthome, seconded by Utley and carried. Letter was received from Richard R. Price, secretary of Einnesota Society of Professional Engineers, inquiring abst services being performed for the village by Karl Schmidt and pointing out that Schmidt is not a licensed engineer in Ninnesota. The matter mas re- ferred to Utley for discussion with Perry R. Eoore. Uotion to establish a 40-hour work-meek for employes of the village public mo~ks department was made by 'Jaillsor,, seconded by Vyatt and carried. Letter 57as received from A. G. Bemnels requesting information about tax assessments in the Billdale section. The letter was referred to Todd for discussion with Br. Bemmels.