HomeMy WebLinkAbout19451126_REGULAREotion to authorize and direct the clerk to appoint election judges and clerks for the village election to be held December 4, 1945, mas inade by l?illson, seconded by Vyatt and carried. Gotion to adjourn was made by Wills EllhUTES OF THE SPECIAL P3ETIBG OF THE EDETA VILLAGE COUNCIL HED IN VILLAGZ HALL AT 7:30 P. E. NOVEL23ER 23, 1945. I Fresent: 'tTyatt , '{Tillson, Litley and Todd. This meeting gas called principally for the purpose or^ discussirig with br. Oscar Gaardeg, 12. Sam Thorpe and 6%. James 'i'horpe the exter%ion of vater mains in the Sunnyslope addition by the Country Club ijistrict Service Company. Eessrs. Yhorpe and Lr. Gaarden were in agreement that the title to the mater systen in the Addition vas in the Country Club District Service Coxripany and not in Thorpe 13r3thers. LLessrs. I'horpe stated that since the joint conference with Llr. Perry ;-3me, they had been selling their lots on the basis that tVrater IS availableti rather than "mater is in and paid for." It mas I'urther stated that l'essrs. Fhorpe, in the event the Village muncli. gave a permit to the Service Company to extend and complete the mater mains in Sunnyslope, would reimburse the Village for any engineering services rendered by the Village in supervising and in- specting the extension of the water nains in Sunnyslope. it vas agreed by the Council members present that on the basis of a gartially completed water system in the Sunn; slope Addition the Council shsuld cooperate in permitting the Country Club District Service Company to complete the system i~ithout prejudice to the right of' the Village to assess back against the property owners if and when the vater system is acquired by the Village. Phil Smith and Kr. Gaarden mere authorized to select a site for a nev pump in the vicinity of 54th Street and Prance Avenue ar,d re- port back to the Council. Ere Smith was authorized to advertise for bids for a police ear. The meeting adjourned upon mot dyatt and carried. I'.INmS OB TEE REGTSISiR IIEETTBG OF THE EDIlL4 VILLAGE COUTTCIL HELD E VILLAGE HALL AT 8 P. ti. i:OVEBER 26, 1945 A3.l members of the council were present; Xotion to aprove and allow the following payrolls vJas made by JiIlson, seconded by 'Jyatt and carried: ,0. CLAIii NO. GROSS ht"T.. V. TdX -- iioS9. E Council T. Z. Yoad 3655 d3w er kavthorne S656 - Geo. A. dillson 3657 Barold Go Utley 36bU Br. A, 5. Wyatt 365Y 5. J. Duggan 3660 Dr. L. E. Campbel3. 3661 Karl K. Cove11 3662 itard B. Levis 3663 John 53. Belson 36 64 Sub- t o t a1 50.00 50.00 35 00 35,cJo 35 . vo 30.~0 30.00 75.00 75.00 10.0o 425.00 010 -0- 010 -0- -0- - 0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0, -u- -0- 70. -0- 070 -0- -0- -0- 1.60 -0- -- 49 . 80 45 . 30 35.00 35 . 00 35 . 00 30,00 30 00 74.30 74.30 10.00 423.40 >- 1.0 3 I VA.T.93 . Administrative Phil W. Smith vr. TAX HOSP . 20.40 1.20 36 65 16% . 50 3666 67.50 3667 77*50 3070 50 1.50 1.50 . 75 3*7s %velyn iljos Gretchen Schussler Su’b- tot a1 11.10 32.70 Poiice Dept. liiidmg Dah1 im. ti. Heyd-t Clayton Erickson Clarence mu3son bonald ivelso n Sub-t otal 3668 102.50 3665 97.50 36 7V 87.50 3671 87.50 8.20 11.10 4.YO 4.90 1.50 -0- 1.50 1.50 - 0- 4.5u - 92.80 86.40 t31.lU 8l.lU 72.20 413 . 60 3672 80.00 455.00 7.80 36.YO .. jtreet Dept. (Regular men) Lo J. Kerfeld 36 73 S. J. Roberts 3674 P. H. Dahlgren 3675 harry Jo nas 3677 Arthur Jensen 3678 Sub-t ot a1 john ?racy 36’76 112.50 Y5. 00 Yti.0i.l 85.00 85.00 10.30 6.50 LO . ‘70 1.711 4.50 1.50 1.5u 1.50 1.50 1.50 -0 - 7.50 - 10U.70 82 . 80 81.80 79.00 87.00 54.88 526.78 . 90 34.60 53.38 484 68 atreet Dept. (Hourly men) Chas. Johnsor, 3679 Sam EcCready 3687 John Balich 3680 George Gibson 3681 Gunner Strorner 3682 Sub-to tal 1.50 * -0- -0- -0- -0- 1.50 - 68.75 64.00 51.10 6.00 72-25 69.30 6.00 8.00 214 . 05 58.50 2.00 5.30 7.40 -0- -0- 14 70 $$iscellaneous Ben rioehler 3683 110.00 9.90 1.50 Y8.60 Gar1 T. Killer 3684 lUQ. 00 11.90 - 0- 88.10 Su b-tot a1 210.00 21.80 1.50 186. ‘lU TOTAL PAYROLL $ 2,138.33 $ 142.30 $18.75 3 1,977.28 - I Carl K. Hensen appeared to make oral application for construction of sewer ar,d water mains on Yifty-sixth street and adjacent areas west of dooddale avenue. Eotion to direct the village enginer to pEpare plans and specifications for extension of &atera1 sanitary sewer on Fifty-sixth street from St. Johnss avenue to Concord- avenue and on Cord from Lexington avenue to Tower avenue, subject to filing of a formal petition for such project, mas made by Havtho.En.e,seconded by utley and carried. Lotion to direct the village er,gineer to prepare plans and specifications for extension of water mains on Bifty-sixiih street from bfoodddale avenue to Concord avenue, on Concord froPn Lexington avenue to bouth View laxe and on Tower avenue from Concord to Wooddale, subject to filing of a formal petition for such project, mas made by Eawthorne, secmded $y utley and carried. Carl id. hansen made ora$ application for oiling of roadways ir, an area to be known as Parkwoods. Willson explained the village does not have sur’ficient public works crem and that such work could be undertaken only ’by contract. Todd pointed out the zrea has not beer, plaWed and the roadways have not been dedicated to the village. the application for oiling of roadways il? Parkwoods was made by Villaon, seconded by imvthorne and carried. Eotion to decy I Public hearing mas held on the matter of special assessments for mn- struction of lateral sar,itary sewers in Sever District Eo. 1%. Richard il’. Day, SSI1 W. Fifty-fifth street, and Yaul B. Speer, 3605 W. Yifty- Tifth street, appeared to secure information. No one aFpeared in opposition to the prqposition. . Utley offered the following resglution and moved its adoption: 'iiaHEREAS , pursuant to notice published in the Hennepin County Reviem-on Uoveulber 15, 1545, the Village Council has met and heard aEd passed upon all objections to the proposed assessment for con- struction of Sanitary Lateral Sewer in Lat era1 Semer District Xo. 18, ir, the f'ollowifig streets: 3n Beard Avenue, from Vest 54th street to West 55th Street; In Vest 54th street, from Beard avenue to lran(B: avenue; In dest Yuller street, from Beard avenue to Brance avenue; In Vest 55th Street, from Beard avenue to France avenue I now therefor e , BX IT RZSOLVED by the Village uouncil of the Village of Edina that said proposed assessment-is hebeby affirmed and adopted and shall constitute the special assessment against the lands naned therein, and each lot, piece, or parcel of land included in said assessnent is hereby found to be benefited by said improveaent in tile aro:,ur,t of tne assessment levid against it. IT FbXTHER RESOLVED that such assessments shall be payable in equal annual insta.llments over a period of Ten Years, the first of saia installments to be payable on the first day of January, 1947, and succeeding installments on the first day of January in each year . thereafter until the k'ull amount of said assessmerit is paid. Said special assessment and each installmerit thereof shall bear interest at the rate of five (5) per cent per annum until fully paid, and- interest to be computed rrom the date of this resolution. Said special assessment with the accruing interest thereon shall be a paramount lielz upon the property included therein from the time of the adoption of this resolution and shall remain such lien until fully paid, as authorizea -by Chagiier 312, Laws of PTinnresota, 1Y03, as amended; and BE IT FURTH3R RESOLVE33 that the Clerk of the Village is hereby directec! to make up and file in the office of the County Auditor a certified statemeEt of %he amount of such unpaid assessments and the amount ol" interest whichsill be due thereon; and BE IT FURlCHER RESOLVED that all moneys collected on any such special assessments shall constitute a fund for the payment of the cost 09" said improvemer,t for the district for which such assessment $vas made, and the same shall be credited to the proper sever district fund under the designation: Fund of Lateral Sewer District no. 12. Lotior, to ad3pt the resolution VJ there were five ayes aod no nays aye; dyatt I aye; Yavthorne, aye; ~ adopted. as ,a To seconded by dyatt and on rollcall s folloms: dd, Todd reported he had 'been invited to attend meetings of Greater Einneapolis Association, a group being sponsored by the :'inneapolis Star-Journal and Tribune to promote development of Tinneap3lis. Fotion to designate the presicent as a committee of one to attend meetings of Greater Zimeaplis Association was made by iiillson, seconded by Gyatt and carriea. Eotion to authorize and direct the vialage engineer to obtain an appraisal of a strip of lar,d 30 Yeet Nide for extension of the east one-half of Fark Place from Bifty-fifth to B'ifty-sixth streets was Eade by ;/illson, seconded by iiavdinorne and carried. Letter was received YroD Sanford Berberg of Fire Underwriters Inspection Bureau, recommending acquisition of a 750-1,UOO gallon pumper. to augment equipment of the fire depmtmer,t. The village engineer was directed to irform I@. herberg that the fire department is studying specirications for additional equipment ace that such eqtiipnent will'be purchased as soon as possible. Lotion to authorize and direcit the clerk and ecgineer to advertise xor bias for a 1946 model trm-door five-passenger automobile for a police patrol car, with provision for trade-in on one of the present cars ovmed by the village, bids to be received at 8 p.m. December 10, 1945, was made by liawthorne, seconded by itillson and carried, Lotion to authorize and direct the clerk to send notices to all property owners in Sewer District Xo. 12 to notify them of asses- sments for the sewer and rates of interest was made by Utley, secocded by Vyatt and carried. dotion to authorize and direct the clerk to secure supplies for . Eotion to reconsider the motion adopted Bovem'ber 11, 1245, denying application of Country Club District Service Company for permit to extend water mains in Sunnyslope seckim mas made 'by Utley, seconded by Wyatt and carried, ' absentee voters was made by Hawthorne, seconded by Vyatt and carried, Potion to grant permission to Thorpe Bros. , inc: , and Country Club District 5ervice Lfompany to extend mater =ins in the Yunnyslope section on the same basis as existing mains in the Sunnyslope section were constructed was made by Utley, seconded "by Hawthorne, and carried. c Kotian to adjourn was made by Uya carried, All members of the board vere preser,t. Tabulations of election returns in the village election conducted December 4, 1545, were examined and the following were found to be the correct returns: DISTRICT DISTRICT DISTRiCT DISTRICT IJO. 1 HO, 2 No. 3 N0.4 , TOTAL TOT& VOTES CAST 490 858 384 289 20 21 FmsIcIEnT OY COUNCIL C. J. Christo-aher 285 - 458 111 213 1867 Gene Cooper 31 70 ' 124 $1 236 4YO 855 384 288 2U17 Tm Le Todd 174 327 1tlY 64 ' 714 Dr. Alvin \r?yatt 175 318 i8 u 56 7253 12'12 481 8 51 3 79 288 2005 - 3. I,. Zonne 308 533 199 232 'I'Rl3ASURER S. J. Duggan 44 2 77 7 346 270 1835 E;. I,. Zonne 1 1 1 1 James Farker 1 Roy Anderson '1 - I 442 780 34 6 270 3.838 PARK C0UI:TSSIO~ Doli Lea,ry 429 74 0 368 258 1795 B. 3. Christopher 1 1 X* R. 5ilbur' 1 1 Geo Langroorthy 1 1 @2@ 743 368 258 1798 f Cont inued)