HomeMy WebLinkAbout19451205_REGULARpolice patrol car, with provision for trade-in on one of the present cars ovmed by the village, bids to be received at 8 p.m. December 10, 1945, was made by liawthorne, seconded by itillson and carried, Lotion to authorize and direct the clerk to send notices to all property owners in Sewer District Xo. 12 to notify them of asses- sments for the sewer and rates of interest was made by Utley, secocded by Vyatt and carried. dotion to authorize and direct the clerk to secure supplies for . Eotion to reconsider the motion adopted Bovem'ber 11, 1245, denying application of Country Club District Service Company for permit to extend water mains in Sunnyslope seckim mas made 'by Utley, seconded by Wyatt and carried, ' absentee voters was made by Hawthorne, seconded by Vyatt and carried, Potion to grant permission to Thorpe Bros. , inc: , and Country Club District 5ervice Lfompany to extend mater =ins in the Yunnyslope section on the same basis as existing mains in the Sunnyslope section were constructed was made by Utley, seconded "by Hawthorne, and carried. c Kotian to adjourn was made by Uya carried, All members of the board vere preser,t. Tabulations of election returns in the village election conducted December 4, 1545, were examined and the following were found to be the correct returns: DISTRICT DISTRICT DISTRiCT DISTRICT IJO. 1 HO, 2 No. 3 N0.4 , TOTAL TOT& VOTES CAST 490 858 384 289 20 21 FmsIcIEnT OY COUNCIL C. J. Christo-aher 285 - 458 111 213 1867 Gene Cooper 31 70 ' 124 $1 236 4YO 855 384 288 2U17 Tm Le Todd 174 327 1tlY 64 ' 714 Dr. Alvin \r?yatt 175 318 i8 u 56 7253 12'12 481 8 51 3 79 288 2005 - 3. I,. Zonne 308 533 199 232 'I'Rl3ASURER S. J. Duggan 44 2 77 7 346 270 1835 E;. I,. Zonne 1 1 1 1 James Farker 1 Roy Anderson '1 - I 442 780 34 6 270 3.838 PARK C0UI:TSSIO~ Doli Lea,ry 429 74 0 368 258 1795 B. 3. Christopher 1 1 X* R. 5ilbur' 1 1 Geo Langroorthy 1 1 @2@ 743 368 258 1798 f Cont inued) District Bistrict District Distric$ Total JXO, 1 Eo* 2 RO, 3 No, 4 Les Blackburn 1'7 %In 3. Heydt 4 John Lyan 3 Richard Forrest 10 E. A. ajorkmar, 1 Alex Creigfiton 1 iiilding Dahl 11 GEI. Allison -1 0. Faight 2 dalt er Fink 1 Reman 1 Robert John 1 George Taylor 1 Eerton Bell 1 i7eb ber Gi lk ey i Harry Davis 1 Arnold Chester 1 Clint Erickson 1 John Louis 1 Clifzt'ord Ashley - John Atvood 0 A. H. Bennet - if&. Bone - Roy moVJvl - ;A. L. Burdick - Christopher - Joe Comers - -hi I Lester V. Dahl - Wilbur Eck - &In. 57ve .I idm. Getsch - L. e. Gross - Vie. lrgens I 3. h. Jerrett 9 Lorton Sohnson - Ralph Johnson - mudsol? 9 Geo . Langaorthy 0 liiiding Lundin - Clarence Opsahl I Zugene Quinn A. C. Reinhard, Sr. - Dorance D. Ryerse - . A, P. Sdoglund - Jack Stratton 0 0. E. Thiss - Peidt I iierg 0 Carl dest er berg - Geo . Christopherson - Phil Balley I Txaff I F. VTo KUCkUCk - 1 12 3 1 - 0 23 0 I 0 - I - .. - - - - - 1 -3 .1 1 1 3 1 2 5 2 1 1 -1 1 3 2 1 3 1 2 1 1 1 3 2 1 2 1 0 - I - - 1 1 - I - 1 1 1 1 1 26 3 - 0 - 3 I 1 2 45 20 6 11 . 1. 1 I. 49, . 1 2 4 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 c 4 1 .l 1 3 1 2 5. 2 1 1 1 .1 3 2 1 3.. 1 2 1 1 1' 3 2 1 2 ,1 1 1 1; 1 1 1 2 i'iilliam Hur,t er 0 - 0 1 1 60 88 19 41 20 8 Eotion to accept the election returns as shom in tally 'books of election judges for the village election conducted December 4, 1945, arid to authorize and direct the clerk to transmit notices of election to the persons elected to each office was made by 'ufyatt, seconded by . Litley ar,d carried, Eotion to adjourn vas made by haathorne, seconded by tiillsol? and car r ie d