HomeMy WebLinkAbout19451210_REGULARNINUTES 03' THE SPECIAL T;IEETYITG OB TU EDIuA VILLAGE COUNCIL HXLD IN VILLAGE HALL AT 8:30 P. 11. DZCEIBBR 5, 1545 Kl.1 members of the council were present. iiinutes of regular and special coancil meetings held on September 10 , and 24th and -Q$tbbii;, 1W; -4th;'8t&3an& 22jjdCwere read and, approved . Kotion to adjourn was made by flyat$, seconded *by Hawthorne and carried. All membeEs of the council. were present. One bid vas received in respanse ta advertisement far it police car. The bid was by Dahlbepg Bros., Inca, offering a 2-door Ford coupe at $1,181 and 2-door Ford sedan at $1,142.00. f;o refer the bid to the public safety committee far c~nsiderzttion w8.s made by Hawthorne, seconded by Villson and carried. Eotion to approve and allow $he .klollovti~g payrolls was mad6 by \;KLlson, seconded by Wyatt and awried: Eotiorr I t Payroll - For December1 f;o 15,1945 I'IITKKOLD IKG HOSP. NET AET. _cI_ EABE CLAIX BO. GROSS fiTT* TAX Adminis tra2i on Phil V. SmiLh . 3782 $162.50 $20.40 $142.10 Evelyn Kjas 37 83 671-50 1.20 66.30 Gretchen Schussler 3784 77.50 11.10 66.40 .r.50 $32. 7'0 $274 a80 I Police Department Hild-ing Dah1 3785 Em. S. Heydt; 3786 Clay t o n Zri ck s on 3787 Clarence Knutson 3788. Tirom3.d welson 3789 1O2.50 97.50 87 . 50 87a50 8.20 11.10 4.90 4.90 94 030 86 -40 82.60 82.60 76 . 4.0 G422.30 3.60 $32.70 80aOO $455 00 Street Departmen% (Regular Ken 1 E. 3. Kerfeld 3790 lSilia22 12 . 10 109.12 972.33 84 e38 89 a64 85.74 __ S. 5. Raberts 37 91 106.33 9 000 P. H. Dahlgren 3792 95.00 10 a 70 John Tracy 3.7 95 91.44 1.80 Harm Sanae 3794 91.44 5.70 . Art h"m Jens en 89064 $555.77 3.7 9 5 91.44 1.80 $596.87 . $41.16 Street DeparltEment (Hourly Een) Chas . Johnson 37 96 81.60 30 60 78.00 56.20 134 020 3.30 6.90 3797 59.58 141 18 3iii sc el lane o tta Ben Tioehler 3798 110 . 00 Carl T. Killer . 3799 100 e00 100 010 8f3.10 33 10 16.00 8.00 $245 A0 $1632.3 7 9.90 11090 2 090 -0 - -0- 24.78 $138 ..lo John Balich 3800 36 .ok3 Yklt er Suncrblat 3801. 16 00 38 02 8.00 $270.90 TOTAL PAYROLL 12/3--15,1945 $1'770.47 (Papolls contiaued an next page) Payroll - For December 16 to 31, 1945 GLffIE No GROSS &3o BITJ3Eo TAX . HOSP. 3803 3804 3805 3806 3807 3809 3810 3811 3808 $ 010 .IO -0 - -0- -0- -0 - -0- . 70 (.j 50.00 50 000 35.00 350 00 350 00 30 e08 30 000 75.00 75.00 415.00 Baa er Iiasth o r ne &eo. A. TTillsorm Dr. AIS. Vyatt Harold e. Utley J. .J. Duggan EP.Z~E. Campbell Karl E. Covell taard B. Leyzis 70 1.60 - 74.30 413.40 Acbiniskration Phil V. Smith 3812 I 1.50 140.60 - .75 65.65 5.75 271 05 -1.50 64.80 162 . 50 20040 melyn Kjos 3813 67.50 1.23) Gretchen -Schussler 3814 13.0 14 32. 70 7p1.50 307.50 Police Depar'iment Elding pal 3815 102.50 1.50 1.5%) 1.50 1.50 92.80 . 8g.90 * 81.10 81.10 16-40 416 30 8.20 lIV16 4.90 4.90 3.60 32.70 Vm. S.-Eeydt 3816 97.50 Clayton Erickson 3817 87 o 50 Clarence Iznut son 3818 87.50 Donald I?elson 3819 1.50 6.00 Streeg Department (Regu2.a~ Zen 71 E, J. L'erfelb 3828 112 050 S. 3. RobePi;s 3821 95.00 P. E. Dahlpen 3822 95.00 John Tracy 3823 85.00 Barrv Jonas 38 24 85.00 10.318 6.50 10 070 1.70 4.50 1-50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 100 . 70 87 00 82.80 81.80 79.00. Arthum Jensen 38 25 '83.30 514 068 85.00 557.50 1.70 35.40 7.50 Streefi Departmenk (Eourlg Iden) Chas, Johnson 38 26 72.25 68.75 L 2.00 I. 50 1.50 1.50 * 3827 5.3Q 7.3 0 69 030 141.55 64.06 . 3.3% 75 Eis cellamrea as 3en Voehler 3828 38 29 98.60 186.78 ' 88.1'8' -1 110.00 100008 210 a OQ 11.90 21.80 1.59 20.25 __ - Total Payroll 12/16-12/31 $2086.55 $131.50 FfliEII!EITt S PAYROLL Claim 110. 5688 game Alher'i Anderson - Am0 unt 9 35.50 David Arnold 'Ehillip Bacon Barry Brfghf; Robert Bronn 3689 3690 36 91 3692 3.50 24.59 36.58 19 . 00 51.50 47.00 40.00 37.00 41.58 32.50 26 050 35.50 . 50 18.50 6.00 ,68 . 00 29.00 56.56 - 59.00 * '35.00 38.00 30 060 92.25 63.TI.R. &arlson 3693 Eermn Driks 3694 E. 3. Hallsen 3695 E. @. Elansen 3696 E. C. Eiolter 3697 Albert Huber 3698 Dsnal& Jensen 3699 A. Bo JOhmQP1 3700 Kenneth Johnson 3701 Stanleg Lee 3702 Karl Love 3703 Eat% Eerfeld 3704 Christian ritze3. i 3?05 Ronald Port; 3.706 Joe Rush 3707 Richard Somenberg 3708 Clarenc e Snit zer 5709 E, V. Eiller 3711 Fhilip Bailer 3712 (PayrolLs continued on follo~i~g Page') Earold- Yotm& 573.0 TOTAZ FIREXE3V S PAYROH;[; 108.50 $971.75 . EmCTION PAYROZLS Village Eleeti on of December 4,1945 Us. Rudolph Vesflepberg PZs. Lee Villiams 'Zcs. Robert CT. Wood ' Xlizabeth Vood Vehr Alma. Duus zillian E. Lundquist Agnes E. SsIenson Virginia Beard .Alice E. Bromrr &rim Young Frances Sonnenberg Eilda Holter Bellie Strqte, Louise West erbesg Ethel KcCready Dorothea S. Ubermeyer. Luci Lle F. Snarenberger Xiildred B. Potter Rose.&. Lee Ed. Por-f; TOTAL ElXCTIOB PAYRO3Z CLAIX NO 0 3'213 3714 37.15 3716 371T 373.8 3719 37 20 3721 3722 3723 3724 3725 3726 3727 3728 3'729 3730 3731 3732 ' 3733 p3;iOoNT !$ 6.85 6,85 6.85 6.85 6.85 8.35 8.35 8.35 8.35 8.35 8.35 6.85 6.85 6.85 6.85 6.85 6.85 6.85 6.85 6.85 10.q0 $154.46 Xotion f;o aippravc and allow €he fol1owin-g bills vas mde 'by Vyatt, seconded by Villson and carried: HAKE . Glacier Sand & Gravel Coo _I 0LAm NO. 3 734 Arthur Peterson Rural henn. Co. Letzgue of Xun. St. Peterrs Lutheran Church Ladies Aid Soc. of St.Peter?s Church Gl envo od-fnglemo od cfo . Linde Air Products Co. .Roberts Hamilton go. Firestone Stores Phil 'pb. Smith Grzybar Electric Company Young Fuel Company Kinnehahz Grange #398 Bahlberg Bro s . I Inc . Lyle Signs, Inc. 13nneapolis Real Estate Bd. Hennepin @ounty Review Eiller-Davis @ompny Lorton Salt Company ri. A. Rogers Compny H. IT. Johnston Culvert Coo E. W. Harris Standard Unit Parts Compny Lorell. & Xichols, Im. Ed-ina Hardware Thompson Lumber Company Hennepin Hardvmre Company Zdina Fir emen's Relief Assn. EinneaGolis Gas Light Company Rehhard Brothers Company Borey's Shell Service Xorthwestern Bell Telephone Go. Northern StizGes Po%eP Company l,'&. pi. Ziegler Company Village of hopkins Edina Volunteer Fire Beparkmen% Evelyn Kjas-Ass€. Treasurer * 'H. e. Alden 3735 3736 3737 3738 3739 3740 3741: 3742 3743 3744 3T4 5 3837 3747 3748 3749 3758 37 51 3752 3753 3754 3 755 3756 37 57 3758 3759 3760 3761 3762 3763 3764 3765 3766 3767 3768 3781 3838 3836 485.60 5.00 7.50 2.50 1. 58 L 024 14 . 28 82.98 50 .OO 19.00 24.30 5.00 45.07 24. 65 75.00 32.38 38.15 157 e 79 3.70 229 08 70 . 18 15.6L 216.00 7.86 37.07 8.28 614 56 25.54 28.10 106 . 75 35.08 46.59 640 025 70 091 45.00 67.00 95.23 TOTAL BILLS - CEESERAL PTJ3X.J $ 3,629.64 (Bills continued on fallowing pge) $m-E.EAL Fm C-tsills Approved at Ifeeting 02 December 10) [Formrd) $' 3,629.64- CLAITI NO. m. Suburban Hemepin Comty Relief Bd. IienEepin County Eidland Rational Bank Eidland iqat ioml Bank l;jorthue$tern Xational Bank Nmthwestern Bat ional Bank Xor thm e st ern hat i ona 1 Bank Thn. H. Ziegler Company Firs€ Ea-6.ional Bank Llrs. Laura Dirks Xorthwestern iTationa1 Bank Xorthrzestern Xational Bank First Eational Bank Northvestern Bank Einneapolis City Treasurer POOR FW 3771 $114.87 3772 30 050 8 145.37 3850 3831 31 73 3774 37 75 SOD. jf4 FUID L; 10802.88 S.D, #S E'W $j 1,597.42 -" I SOD. #8 BEtD 3768 28.33 3769 10364 . 85 3 770 5.00 $ 10,398.18 .,i , 3776 3777 V.X.L#I. FUm) 8 549 012 3779 2099.10 3780 1455.93 8 110060.02 SEi:BR mmAL Xinnezpolis City Tpeasur er 3780 $1990.92 Northern States Poner Company 3767 1.28 . $ 1,992.20 Xeon Garrisun appeared tu make applicatian for pennif to move a building into the village from Camp Savage and to remodel the build- ing for a onefamily &telling. Xotion to authorize the building inspector ta grant removal and remodeling permits €0 Leon Garrison, subject to filing of proper plans aad specffications md pos%ing of a $1,000 swety bond ta guarantee comgletion of remodeling mithin six months after moving the buihding nas made by Ha.c.rthorne,seconded by Tyett and carried. ' Verlin Balfanz, 5901 Vooddale Avenue, appwxed to announce his ineentian of filing application for license to operate one or.more taxicab, Kotian to grant application of B. H. Jemeft for- permit to mave a chicken coop Srom 501% Halifax Avenue tio unplaEted property on Interlachen Road 77as made by Havthorne, seconded by Tillson and carrie do . Letter was received from -Kr, and Em. R. G. Palen, 4440 Garri son Lie, requesting garbage collection service. -i;o the village marager for.'discussian with Arthur PeEerson. The mtt-er vas referred The Village attorney reported that the village cannof trade certain lots in P,bercrombiePs addition for other park property because the village holds title to said property onIy for park and playground pUrpwess 111 i , Utley offered the follaning Resolution and moved its adoption: R3SOSUTI01T FROVIDING JKJR THZ 1SSU.B &ID SAKE OF SBJZR XARRAmTS T~BS, the 'Village has by ordi,Yrance duly adopted created SanTtary Sewr DistpZct No. 12; arrd \7HZRZAS, the Village Council has cootracted for the con- struction of tz sewer in said Disfmict under the provisions of Chapter 433 Xinnesota Skatutes; and ';cKF1REAS, in order to provfde money to pay for the cost of NOTt, Ti3XISEFOl33, BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of 1. It is hereby determined that the total cost of the said improvement, it is necessary to issue semer warrants; the Village of Edina, Einnesota, as follows: improvmenf; in Sev'rer District No. 12, including all incidental expenses, mounts to $213350.33. - 2. There is hereby created a special fund to be desigmted t*Fund of Seaer District No. 12," out of szhich shall be paid the cost of the semer improvement in said DistricLI and the principal and inkerest on the warrants hereafter provided to be issued, and inta ivhTch fund shall be paid all of the proceeds of the special assessments 4. levied for Semer DisZrieC Eo. 12, and the moneys received on the sale 'of the varrarrk s as hereinafter provided. 3s In anticipation of the collection of special assessments the Village shall forthvith issue md sell $21,00Q Serzer District 3f;fs. 12 'l'larrants. The mrrants to be iss~d hereunder &hall be in the denomination of $1000 each, shall be dated January 1, 1946, shall. - bear interest payable January 1, 1947 and semfannually thereafter- on January I and July I in each year, and shall mature serially as ftjlloms: and the 1st day of July in each of the years 29348 to 195Gi, both inclusive, and $2000 OE January I, 1957, said \Tarrants maturing in 1957 beiq subject to redemption ad, prior' payment on any interest payment date. 4. The Village Council shall meet at the Village Hall on Thursday, the 27th day of December, 1945, at 8t00 oyclock P.G for the purpose of receiving bids for the said %arrants, and the Clerk is authorized and directed to cause published notice of the sale of said Warrants bo be given by E%o weeks* publication in the official nemspap er . $LOO0 on July lo 1947, and $1000 on the 1st day of January 5. The notice of sale shall recite that said varrants i-fill be payable solely from said special assessments and all bidders HUS~ submit a bid for such type of' 'Jkrrant. Said notice shall ftxther stste that the Village will furnish printed Tarmnts and the approving opinion of Kessrs. Dsrseyp Cohan, Barker Scot% e: Barberp both with- out cost- to the parchasep and bids shall be unconditional and accompanied by a certified check in the momt of at least $1000. Kotion to adopt the resolution was seconded by 1Tillson and on rollcall %here vere five axes and n3 nays, 8s follo~~s: UTtley, aye; YJillson, aye; Tyatt-, aye; €lanthorne, aye; Todd, aye, and the resolution mas adopted. / ---- a /, Utley offered the fallorring Resolutian and moved its adoption: I~~SO~UTIO~T 3BS2m+UIXaG cI3AL~KZ: DR?I OK- TX2$TZR pL&lN 3EPROVXI.GKT NO. 1, ORIGIE?.#LUY ASSESSED TO X& of $-$- of of E7F* Sec.19-28-24, TO# RE:CDTLY PLAT= GOIZ TERRACE HXICETS S3COpTD ADDITIOE. \mNAS, the Council of the Village of Edina, in proceedings in the matter of TlaZer Xain Improvement ih. 1, by Resolu%ion levied special assessments against the track ai" land in the Tillage of Edina, Hennepin County, hinrresotsc, as follons, to-mi-fi: DT3rnffi TOTAL mAR oxm PROFERTY ASSESS. IXT~WST ASEZSSa PAYAELE Jas. A. *er Sec.19-28-24 $78.30 y28.19 $106.49 1946 IFi of s-$- of 78.30 23.49 101.79 194 7 m* of m* 78.30 18.79 97.09 1948 78e30 14.09 92.40 194 9 78.30 9.40 87.70 19 50 78.30 40 70 83.00 195 1 7EXZAS, said assessments aere %hereafter certified to 'che auditor of Hennepin Counky, Einnesoh, to be spread and collected nith the %axes against said property for the yea;m specified, and ;JIiERZAS, the said assessments for the years specified above ';TEIEREAS, the said tract is included in the plat of GOLF TERRACE a reaain tmpaid, an3 HI2IGHTS SECOXD ADDITION filed in the office of the Register of Deeds of Hennepin County, Uinnesota, in 1945, and the said tracts . are designated on said plat as the lots hereinafter specified; 1J00, THZREFORZ, BE IT RESOEVED by the Village Conncil of the Village of Edina that the assessments above specified agaicst the tract first above described are hereby determined to fie and are spzead md assedsed against and allocated Go the followpng de- scribed hots in said plat in the amounts and fer €he years as set forth on %he follorring pages: DESCRZPT ION OF PROPZRTY Golf Ter. gts. 2nd Addn. ATQrnfi O'xm Carl E. Hansen Carl LT. Hansen Carl I:. hansen Carl E. ksen 1 2 3 4 5 Carl E. Hmsen 6 Carl E=. hnsen 7 Carl E. Haasen 8 BLOCK 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 BSSZSS . $12 . 91 $12.91 91 $12.91 $12. 91 .. $12.91 $12.91 $12.91 ASSZSS. INT. TOTAL PAT. $2.15 fj.78 $2.93 1946 065 2.81 1947 2. 16 2.15 052 2.67 1948 . 2. 15 -39 2.54 1949 20 15 026 2.41 1950 2.15 013 2.28 1951 2.15 078 2.93 1946 2.16 065 2.81 1945' 2.15 052 2.67 1948 2.15 039 2.54 1949 2.15 026 2.41 1950 2 015 013 2.28 1951 2.15 078 2.93 1946 2. 15 e65 2.80 1947 2.16 052 2.68 1948 2. 15 039 2.54 1949 2 015 026 2.41 1950 2.15 e13 2.28 1951 Same as above 2. 15 . 78 2.15 065 2.15 52 20 16 . 39 2.15 . 26 2.15 . 13 Sane as above 2.15 78 2.15 065 2.15 . 52 2.15 . 39 2. 16 . 26 2.15 13 Same as above 2.93 1946 2.80 1947 2.67 1948 2.55 1949 2.41 1950 2.28 1951 2.93 1346 2.80 1947 2.67 1948 2.54 3-949 2.42 1950 2-28 1951. 113 YR. Golf Ter. Ets. 2nd Ad&. ABi3-TJAL TOTKL PAY. ti2.93 3.943 - LOT BLOCK ASSESS. ASrnSS. INT. * Oar1 E. Harrsen 9' 1 $12.91 $2.15 $7 2.15 .65 2.15 052 2.15 039 2.15 26 - 2.16 . 13 2.80 1947 2.67 1948 2.54 1949 . 2.43. 1950 2.29 1951 Carl Z. Bansea 1 2 $12.91 Same as above .rs 2.94 1946 2.16 2.15 e65 2.80 1947 2.15 052 2.67 1948 2.15 039 2.54 1949 2.15 .2G 2.41 1958 I 2.15 013 2.28 1951 $12.91 Cml EL. Hansen 2 2 Carl E. Hmsen 3 2 $12.91 Same as above Carl E. &asen 4 2 Car1 E. l-iansen 5 2 Carl 11. Hansen 6 2 $12.91 Same as above $12.'91 Same 2s above $12.93. 2.15 78 2.15 65 2.15 52 2.16 . 39 2.15 26 2.15 13 $12.91 2.15 78 2.15 . 65 2.15 . 52 2.15 039 2.16 . 26 2.15 13 . 2.93 1946 2.80 1947 2.67 1948 2.55 1949 2.41 1950 2.28 1951 2.93 1946 2.80 194Y 2.67 1948 2.54 1949 2.42 1958 2.28 1951 em1 E. Hansen 7 2 084 3025 1946 2.41 070 3.11 1947 2.41 056 2.91 1948 2.41 .42 2.83 1949 2.41 e28 2.69 1950 20 41 014 2.55 1951 Cz&l E. hansen 1 5 $14 46 2.41 I 2 3 $14.45 2 040 . 84 2.41 70 2.41 . 56 2.41 042 2.41 . 28 2.41 14 3.24 3. 11 2.97 2.83 2.69 2.55 1946 1947 1948 1949 195 0 19 51, $14.45 Same as above Carl E. Haasen Carl K. hansen 3 4 3 3 $16.17 2.70 096 2.70 . 80 2.70 . 64 2.69 48 -2.69 32 2.69 e16 3.66 3.50 3.34 3.17 3.01 2.85 194 6 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 $12.90 203.5 78 2.15 065 2 .I5 05 2 2.15 039 2.15 26 2.15 13 2.93 2.80 2.67 2.54 2.41 2.28 1946 194 7 194 8 1949 1950 1951 1 4 2. 3 4 $12.90 Same as above $12.90 same as above Carl 3:. Hansen 5 4 812.9Q Same its above Carl E. Hansen 6 4 $12'90 Same as above 114 { Golf Ter. Hts. 2nd Adb. A3!IHUAL PR. 1.70 065 2.35 1947 1. 70 052 2.22 1948 1.70 039 2.09 1949 1. 70 026 le96 1950 1.71 03.3 1.84 1951 Carl E. Bansen 1 5 $12.90 2.15 . 78 2.15 0.6 5 2.15 52 2.15 39 2.15 26 20 15 13 2.93 2.80 2.67 2.54 2.41 2.28 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 (Tar1 U. Bansen 2 Carl K. hnsen 3 Carl E. hansen 4 Carl E. -sen 5 Carl E. Barisen 6 $12.90 5 5 5 5 5 Stme as above $12.90 $12.90 $12.90 Same as above Same as above , ,2.15, -t-.;TP 2.15 -64 20 15 51 20 15 . 39 2.15 26 2.15 . 13 2.92 2.79 2.66 2. 54 2.41 2.28 1945 194 7 1948 . 1949 1950 . 1951 $12.9 Carl E. Haxisen 6 $12.99 5 2.15 .72 20 15. e60 20 15 . 48 2.15 e36 20 15 24 2.15 a 12 2087 2.75 2.63 2.53. 2.39 2.21 1946 194 7 1948 1949 1950 1951 Carl E. liarisen 7 5 $12.90 Same 8s above Carl E. Haasen 8 5 $12.90 Same as above Cml E. Ransen 9 5 $12.90 Same as above arathorized and directed $0 spread such special assessment in conformity ul%h this Resolution. AXXI B3 IT F;URTHER RESOLTED that the County Auditor 5s .hereby Zotion to adopt the Resolution vas seconded by Willson, alld.on roIlcaI.1- there uere fine ayes and no nays as follo~s: Vyatt, aye; Villson9 aye; Ukley, aye; Hanthorne, aye; Todd3 aye; and the Resolution vas adopted, Utley offered the folloxing BesoXution and moved its sdoptiant RXSOLUTION RESPWDING BUB(IG DUE ON LATER& SElIER DISTRICT NO. 7, ORIGfEALLY ASaSSED TO uE. 217 ft, of H 1/2 of S 1/2 af la 1/4 af lW 1/4 Sec. 19-28-24t*, TO REC-ENTLY PUTTD 'LGOI,I? TERRACE HEIGHTS SECOND ADDIT IOE" 4 VHEREAS, the Coullcil of the Village of Edina, in proceedings in the matter of Zateral Sewer District No. 7, by Resolution levied specfa assesments against the tracts of land in the Village of Edina, Hennzpin County, Einnesota as fallows to-nit: Alrnffi TOTAL YEPR - 0'F;JMEEE: DESCRIPTIOH OF FROFERTY ASSESS IN'XREST ASSZSSo PAYAEE Jas. AZayer Sec. 19-28 -24 837 b 50 ti9 a3 8 4j46.38 1946 E.217 ft. of N 112 37.50 7.50 45.00 194 7 of 5.1/2 of 1lE 114 37.50 5.63 43.13 1948 of IW 1/4 37 050 3.75 41.25 1949 37.50 1.88 39 038 1950 and 115 '4HEFEAS, said assesments were thereafter certified to the auditor of Helinephi Com-fiy, Kinnesota, to be spread and collected with the taxes agairrst said property CQ~ the years specified, and 'i;lxRZAS, the said assessments for the years specified above remain . unpaid, and YJHBRZAS, the said €races are included in the plat of GOLF TERRACE HBIGHTS SECODD ADDITIOH filed in $he office of the RegisEer of Deeds of Rennepin County, Ninnesota, in 1945, and the said traces are designa%eed as the lots hereinafter specified; iKW, TH3REPOREY BE IT RZSOLVED by the Ellage Council of the . Village of Edilra that the assessments above specified agai-nst the tracts f'irst above described s~pe hereby determined to be and are spread and assessed agwiiist and a1locaf;ed to the folloming described lots in said pla€ in €he amounts and for the years 8s set forth on the following I pages: DESCW.OF PROPERTY Golf Ter. Eta. 2nd Add=. m. 1.03 020 1.23 1947 1 e03 015 1.18 1948 1.03 010 1.13 1949 1.03 005 1.08 1950 Carl E. Hansen 2 1 $5,15 Same as Above Carl E. haxisen 3 1 $5.15 fiarae as Above Carl N. hansen , 4 1 $5.15 Same as Above Carl E. Wansen 5 1 $5.15 Same as Above Cap1 iii. iiansen 6 1 $5.15 Same 8s Above Gar1 %I. Hansen 7 1 $5.15 Same as Above Carl& Hmsea 8 1 $5.15 Same as Above Carl E. Basen 9 1 $5.15 Same as Above Carl U. Hansen a 2 $5.15 Same as Above Carl L;. Eansen 2 2 $5.15 Same as Above Carl L Harrsen 3 2 $5.15 Same as Above I Carl N. Haisen 4 2 $35.15 Same as Abo& Carl FL Hansen 5 2 $5.15 Same 8s Above Carl E. 'Earisen 6 2 $5.15 Same as Above Carl I'd. Hansen Carl E. Hansen Carl N. Hansen Carl E. Hansen 7 2 $5.45 81.09 G.30 1.09 24 1.09 18 1.09 . 12 1.09 -06 1 3 $5.70 1-14 035 1.14 28 1, 14 . 21 1.14 14 1 Ls4 .07 $1.39 1946 1.33 1947 1.27 1948 1.21 1949 1.15 1950 1.49 1946 1.42 1947' 1.35 1948 1.28 1949 1.21 1950 2 3 $5.70 Saine as Above 3 ,3 $5.70 Sane as Above 4 '3 4$6.40 1.28 . 35 1. 28 . 28 1.28 . 21 1.28 . 14 1.28 007 1.63 1946 1.56 1947 1.49 1948 1.42 1949 1.35 1950 Golf Ter. €Its. 2nd Addn, DWAL Owner Lot Block ASSZSS. ASrnSS. 1m. Carl ?E. &ansen -i- 4 $5.15 31eQ3 $025 1.03 .20 1.03 015 1.03 010 1.03 005 1.23 1.18 1.13 1-08 PAY 194G 194V 1948 1948 1950 @el X. Hwserr 2 4 $5.15 Same as Above Carl E. Hmsen 3 4 $5.15 Same as Above Carl XI. Hansen 4 4 $5.15 Sane as Above Carl E. Hansen 5 4 $5.15 Same as Above Carl IT. ItIarrsen 6 4 $5.15 Same as Above Carl Ea Bansen 7 4 $4.05 $ .81 0.20 81 16 81 012 81 .08 81 004 Carl XI. -sen 1 5 $5.15 1.03 25 1*03 . 20 1.03 015. 1.03 .10 1.03 005 . Car1 E. basen 2 5 $5.15 -Same its Above Carl E. Hansen 3 5 $5.15 Same as Above $1 e 01 097 . 93 089 85 1.2% 1.23 1.18 1.13 1.08 C~PL'E. -sen 4 5 $5.15 Same as Above Car.3. X. Bansen 5 5 $5.15 Same as Above Carl E. liarisen 6 5 $5.15 Same as Above 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 I f Carl E. Elansen 7 5 $5.15 Same as Above Carl E. iiansen 8 5 $5.15 Same ax Above car1 E. Harisen 9 5 $5.15 Same as Above &D BE IT P'URTHl3R E3SOLVED that the County Auditor is hereby - azltkzoriaed and directed to spread such special assessments in confomity vith %his Resolution. Eo%iuyr to adopt the Resolution was seconded by Billson, and on rollcal there mere five ayes and no nays, as fo1lot7s: Vyatt, aye; '~~illson, .we; UtLey, aye: Hawthorne , aye; Todd, aye; and the Resolution vas adopted. PresidenE of the Council Utleg offered the fo11oning Resolution and moved its adoption: VHZFUXS, the Council of the Village of Edina, in proceedings in the matter of Joint SexTer District moo 1, by Resolution, levied special assessments against the tract of land in Ghe Village of Edinra, Hennepin Conn'cy, Ninnesota , as follons, to-wit : 3 AXTNuAL TOTAL p%AR OVEi3R DESCRIFTION OB PROPERTY ASSESS. ISEErnST kSrnSS PAY. Jas. A. Eayer Sec.19-28-24 $50.00 88.00 6i58.00 1946 I 50 00 6.00 56.00 1947 50 *oo 4.00 54.00 1948 50.00 2.00 52.00 1949 117- and WH.l3REAS, said assessments were thereafter certified to the auditar of Hennepin Counfiy, Ximesota, to be spread and collected with the taxes against said property for the years specified, and reimin unpaid, and V/HER3AS, the said assessments far the years specified above GHEREAS, the said Crae-k .i~~~~c~~~e~~-~n;~~~~~~~ of TBRRBCE €EIGHTS SZCORD ADDITIOX, filed in the office of the Register of-Deeds of Hennepin County, Kinnesota, in 19453 and the said trsecf; is designate3 on said plat a$ the 1oLs hereinafter specified; NOW9 THZRXFORE, f3E IT RBSOLVXD by the Village Council of the Tillage of Edim that %he assessnen-T;s above specified against the tracts -first abane described are hereby determined to be and are spread and assessed against and allocated t;'o the folloming described lots in said plat fn the amounts and for the years as set forth on %he folloving pages , to -wit : I DESCR. OF PROPXRTY Golf Ter. Hts. 2nd Addrr, 1.38 03.5 1.53 1941 1.38 010 1.48 1948 1.38 005 1.43 1949 Carl E. Bansen 2 1 $5.52 Same its Above Carl E. Hansen 3 1 $5.52 Same as Above Carl E. Hansen 4 1 $5.52 Sane as Above car1 ET. Hans& 5 1 $5.52 Sane as Above 0 Carl N. Hansen 6- 1 85.52 Same as Above Carl E. Hansen 7 1 $5.52 Same its Above Carl 51. Eansen 8 I 1 $5.52 Same as Above $5.52 Same its Above 1 Gar1 E. Hansen 1 2 $5.52 Same as Above Carl L'. Hansen 2 2 $5.52 Same its Above Carl Xi. Hansen 3- 2 $5.52 Same GS Above Carl Xf. Hansen a, 2 $5.52 Same as Above Carl K. Hansen 5 Carl X. Eansen 6 Carl E. Hasen 7 Carl E. Iiansen 1 Carl L. Hansen 2 Carl E. Eansen 3 2 ' $5.52 Sme as Above 2 $5.52 Same as Above 2 $5.68 $1.42 g.20 1.42 15 1.48 .LO 1.42 005 3 $6.00 1.50 24 1-50 -18 1.50 . 12 1.59 006 3 $6.00 Same as Above 3 $6.00 Same as Above $1.62 1.57 1.52 1.4'7 1 r74 1.68 1.62 1.56 1946 1947 1948 1949 1946 194 7 1948 1949 Carl E. Haulsen 4 3 $6.68 1.67 024 1.91 1946 c 1.67 018 1.85 1947 1.G7 . 012 1.79 1948 t 1.67 006 1.73 1949 1 Carl E. Hansen Caxl E. Bansen Carl E. Bansen Carl E. Bansen Carl X. Hansen Carl ET. Hansen Carl E. Hansen Carl 319. Hansen Carl E. Bansen Carl E. Hansen Car1 E. Hanserm Carl E. Hansen Carl E. Hansen Carl E. &sen Carl E. Eansen 2 9 4 5 6 7 3. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 1.38 018 1.56 1947 1038 e12 ' 1.50 1948 1.39 006 1.44 1949 c $5.52 Same as Above $5.52 Same as Above A* - $5052 Sme its Above $5.52 Same as Above $5.52 1.38 24 1.38 e 18 1 c38 . 12 1.38 006 $5.52 Same as Above $5.52 Same as Above $5.48 $1.37 G.24 1037 018 1-35' . 12 1.37 0 06 ($5.48 Same 8s Above $5.48 Same 8s Above $5.48 Same 8s Above $5.48 Sane as Above $5.48 Same as Above $1.31 1.25 1.19 1.13 1.62 1056 11.58 1.44 $1 . 61 1.55 1.49 1.43 1946 I 1947 1948 1949 1946 1947 1948 1949 1946 1947 1948 1949 =r 1 c 1- AI%D BX IT FURTHER Rl3SOLEiD that the County Auditor is hereby authorized and directed to spread such special assessments in confor=- ftiy mith this Resolutiono Eotion to adopt the Resolufiion 17as secorrded by Tillson, and on roll- call there were five ayes and no nay.s2 as follorrs: Vyatt, aye; Ellson, aye; Utley, rzye; Haivthurne, we; Todd, aye; and the Resolution vas adopted. Presidene of the Council Letter vas received from Phil-ip Bailey, Bhief of the Volunteer Fire Department, reporting loose .cou-$lii?g connections on fire hydrants. Lotion to refer the matter to the Village Engineer for investigation ms made by Utley, seconded by :7illson and carried. ;7illson reported that he, the Village Engineer and village equipmen'c operators bad examined road patrols offered by Allis-Ohalmers and Adslins Lanufactwing Go. ar?d that the operators recommended purchase or" anather Ca'cerpillar patrol. Eotion to accept the bid of Billiam E. Ziegler Co. to furnish it Caterpillar road patrol at price of $8,081.00 in accordance vith published specifications vas made by Tillson, seconded by Eawthorne and carried. Xotiarm to permit a Boy Scout troop sponsored by Edina American Legion post to meet in the Village Ea11 on Thursday nights vas made by rJyatt, seconded by Zillson and carried. I